
热门关键字: 电磁兼容 工业控制系统 固态继电器 串行外设接口 



主题:RF 小信号分立器件
[问:hong01] 我是从事将GPS oem模块集成到PDA上,组成手持设备的开发研究工作,其中关键是接收GPS信号的天线放大器的元器如何选择。希望专家给与指点。 
[答:BennettHua] 你可使用BGA2001或BFG410  [2003-9-26 14:29:07]
[问:lizhx] 用晶体管直接产生900mhz的震荡信号是否可行,如果可行在设计时应该注意啥? 
[答:BennettHua] 是的。可是太复杂了。请您留下详细资料,我们再与您联络。  [2003-9-26 14:41:28]
[问:gaoyh] 具体设计中,需要注意哪些问题?能否举一个宽带推挽电路的设计示例? 
[答:BennettHua] 请您留下详细的联络方式,我们会尽快与您联络。谢谢!  [2003-9-26 14:43:36]
[问:lizhx] 在利用RF 小信号分立器件进行排版布线时应该主要注意哪些问题? 
[答:BennettHua] 地线要尽量短,电源的去耦合也很重要。  [2003-9-26 14:45:07]
[问:lxl9726] 请问在设计RF小信号放大时应注意些什么要素?并且用晶体管进行方法处理时用反馈和非反馈的区别在那里?谢谢! 
[答:BennettHua] 设计RF小信号放大最主要是要选对元件,一般来讲,选用元件截止频率大约为工作频率的10倍.增益和噪声需要互相平衡.  [2003-9-26 14:49:14]
[问:star_fx] rf小信号的设计结果可否用在大信号的设计设计上,两者的主要区别在哪里? 
[答:BennettHua] 小信号的设计不可用在大信号的设计上.一般的小信号是使用S参数,但大信号是使用SPICE参数.因为大信号主要是非线性运用.  [2003-9-26 14:53:33]
[问:hb2002kof] 我单位的光电感烟探测器改进想采用贵公司的RF分立器件作为小信号放大用,频率4MHZ,请推荐一种产品 
[答:BennettHua] 本公司有相当多元器件,可否与您联络后,提供适当元件.  [2003-9-26 14:56:41]
[问:ljp] 在ISM频段,MMIC的输出功率能做到多大? 
[答:BennettHua] MMIC的输出功率大约在20DBM.  [2003-9-26 14:58:17]
[问:chengwei] 请问:BGA2031的价格。 
[答:BennettHua] 大約0.4usd  [2003-9-26 15:02:54]
[问:58868] philips RF分离器件做的低燥声放大器,3阶和5阶交调有多大?有没有抑制的经验?比如说在3.5GHz.----赖心游 
[答:BennettHua] 本公司有文件叙述您的问题,稍后奉上.  [2003-9-26 15:04:27]
[问:ljp] 为了降低寄生参数的影响,微波晶体管在封装上有什么特别的考虑?一般采用什么材料为最好? 
[答:BennettHua] 新的封装技术采用平脚或没有Bonding Wire的封装,可有效降低寄生参数,一般都采用塑胶封装.  [2003-9-26 15:09:30]
[问:sgxing] philips用于CATV的模块是用什么芯片做的?有用GaAs、锗硅或MMIC做的吗? 
[答:BennettHua] 飞利浦的CATV模块是用硅和GaAs做的.  [2003-9-26 15:12:23]
[问:ljp] 微波放大器设计有什么好的仿真软件?其模拟的精确性如何? 
[答:BennettHua] 仿真软件有很多,比如:Agilent的ADS,或其它厂家,如:Eagleware, Microoffice.精确性不可能100%,但可大幅缩减开发时间.  [2003-9-26 15:19:21]
[问:samire] 请介绍MMIC中的过载保护问题.是内置还是外接? 
[答:BennettHua] MMIC的过载保护一般是外接,但有内置的静电保护.  [2003-9-26 15:21:49]
[问:willam_gann1] 除了给定的器件资料外,是不是还有别的模式,如仿真软件或者仿真模型供设计员参考! 
[答:JohanJanssen] For most PIN diodes and Wideband Transistors we have simulation models available.But please be more specific in the type numbers of which the model is required.  [2003-9-26 15:23:11]
[问:marximzbg] 利用RF小信号分立期间是否应该考虑电磁兼容问题? 
[答:BennettHua] 当然是.但是这个问题一般和接地,滤波较有关系.  [2003-9-26 15:24:47]
[问:wangyy] 能够更详细的解释一下RF小信号分立器件(与RF集成电路相比)的优点。 
[答:BennettHua] 使用RF小信号分立器件有以下优点:1.低成本;2.特性可随需要调整,集成电路无法依据您的需要调整.  [2003-9-26 15:28:07]
[问:samire] 放大器的非线性失真和那些因素有关?如何选择晶体管和工作点? 
[答:BennettHua] 所有的元件都会产生非线性失真.如果需要处理非线性失真,需要选择P1DB或IP3较高的元件.  [2003-9-26 15:30:26]
[问:ljp] 设计高频功率放大器时,需要注意那些方面以降低PCB寄生参数的影响?如何布局? 
[答:JohanJanssen] This is a tricky one, distributed parameters I assume you mean losses of the PCB you"ve used.They are determined by the PCB parameters such as relative permittivity(dielectric constant) and thickness.With these parameters and the formulas (which can be found in the different technical books) concerning microstrip design you can calculate the parameters for the PCB layout.  [2003-9-26 15:32:06]
[问:strennor] 如何得到Philips的RF手册?How can I get RF Manual of Philips? 
[答:BennettHua] You can download from Philips" web site, if you need printed copy, please send me your address.  [2003-9-26 15:34:27]
[问:58868] 介绍一下用于低燥放大的mmic好吗?谢谢,赖心游 
[答:BennettHua] 您可使用BGA2001,BGA2003或BGU2003.  [2003-9-26 15:36:11]
[问:58868] 用做衰减器的pin最高频率能到多少? 
[答:BennettHua] 3GHz左右.  [2003-9-26 15:36:46]
[问:samire] MMIC对电源的要求,包括波纹和稳压程度. 
[答:BennettHua] MMIC已经包含稳压回路,您只需要处理去耦合.  [2003-9-26 15:39:22]
[问:ljp] 由于分布参数的影响,高频放大器的调整很困难,Philips公司在这方面有何良策? 
[答:JohanJanssen] Yes it is very difficult, but you are very close to the solution. And now the RF experience is needed for the final solution. But this is depending on the right equipment.  [2003-9-26 15:40:18]
[问:fl999] 我公司需工作频率为60MHz,NF〈4dB,Gain〉60dB,带宽〉20MHz,请问用一片放大器能否解决,若解决不了,请问需几片可解决,贵公司是否可提供解决方案? 
[答:BennettHua] 请留下电话,我会去电联络.  [2003-9-26 15:42:47]
[问:姚卫] 请问该公司有哪些型号的RF小信号分离器件,用于低相噪的OCXO产品,提供型号、性能、价格及样品。 
[答:BennettHua] 请留下您的电话,我们会去电联络.  [2003-9-26 15:45:05]
[问:yunliu] 能否用你们提供的RF分立器件设计一0-1000MHz的宽带放大器?如何设计?请举例,谢谢! 
[答:BennettHua] 您可直接使用本公司的GAIN Block,如:BGA2712,BGA2709系列.  [2003-9-26 15:47:35]
[问:samire] MMIC中有没有有采用D类放大器? 
[答:BennettHua] 没有.  [2003-9-26 15:48:33]
[问:58868] 用做衰减器的pin最高频率能到多少? 
[答:BennettHua] 3GHz  [2003-9-26 15:49:02]
[问:chengwei] 有没有振荡频率为1000-1900MHz的VCO 
[答:BennettHua] 本公司正在研发,尚未上市.  [2003-9-26 15:49:54]
[问:hrgwang] 利用分立器件进行设计时,电路匹配上应注意哪些问题? 
[答:HansKartman] I assume that this is a question concerning varicaps in tuned circuits.Special attention should be paid to the matching of the varicaps. Each varicap in every tuned circuit should have the same capacitance ratio and capacitance level Therefore we "match" the varicaps. Also the losses of the circuits (bandwith) are very important. Especially at UHF the seriesresistance of the varicap is very important. Lower seriesresistance means better selectivity. Better selectivity is also important for the intermodulation performance of the total circuit. "Linearity" (shape of the C/V curve) is also very important.  [2003-9-26 15:50:55]
[问:朱以南] 蓝牙应用中有哪些分立器件 
[答:BennettHua] 蓝牙应用中会用到的分立器件有:PIN Diode及功放.  [2003-9-26 15:53:00]
[问:Philips] 小信号与大信号的主要区别是什么?   
[答:HansKartman] In general we can say:Small signal amplifiers are amplifiers for linear amplification (class A amplifiers). Large signal amplifiers are a.o. power amplifiersoscillators etc.  [2003-9-26 15:55:09]
[问:samire] 降低放大器的噪音主要有那几种法? 
[答:BennettHua] 设计放大器时噪声和增益是鱼与熊掌.一般来说:如果设计在最大增益时,噪声就会较差,必须降低增益,以换取噪声.  [2003-9-26 15:55:51]
[问:star_fx] 如果是乙类或丙类放大器是否能用小信号的设计方法设计? 
[答:JohanJanssen] In principle not, there is some sinergy but it needs special scils to design a class B or C amplifier.  [2003-9-26 15:56:46]
[问:Asuraguo] bga2001 在工作和静态时的功耗多少? 
[答:BennettHua] 几个毫安.  [2003-9-26 15:56:55]
[问:ymafeng] 在制作印刷电路板时,关于微弱信号及小信号分立器件的布置和布线都有些什么要求? 
[答:HansKartman] For very week signals the most important parameter is noise figure. For the design of the PCB one shoul "match" for optimum noise and not for optimum gain.Matching for optimum noise and optimum gain might ask for different circuit lay outs.  [2003-9-26 16:01:43]
[问:fl999] 我公司需一种放大器工作频率为60MHz,NF〈4dB,Gain为60dB,频带为20MHz,请问贵公司是否有此产品,请推荐。 
[答:BennettHua] 目前敝公司没有Gain为60dB的产品.您可以考虑多级放大.  [2003-9-26 16:03:13]
[问:qin] MMIC宽带放大器的带宽能做到多宽? 
[答:BennettHua] 每个型号的带宽都不一样,最大的带宽可到3.6GHz.  [2003-9-26 16:04:11]
[问:ljp] 请介绍微波晶体管S参数的测量及评估. 
[答:JohanJanssen] S parameters of all our products are measured with the use of a Network analyser, in terms of incedent and reflected power.S_parameter theory can be found in the different text books.During measurements the system is calibrated in such a way that the figures show the parameters of the device only.  [2003-9-26 16:04:53]
[问:ljp] 为了可靠地工作,晶体管的输出功率与耗散功率的关系如何确定? 
[答:BennettHua] 晶体管本身有一参数为dissipation power,此参数为输出功率和耗散功率的总和.  [2003-9-26 16:06:42]
[问:58868] mmic的去耦合有没有什么实际经验,介绍? 
[答:BennettHua] 去耦合一般会与实际频率相关.本公司的规格书会提供不同频率的去耦合电容之数值.  [2003-9-26 16:10:10]
[问:romanteck] RF小信号地与后面的大信号地在进行PCB排版设计时需要隔离吗?怎么隔离? 
[答:HansKartman] This depends on the application and the requirements. E.G. in a TV tuner you have to isolate the oscillator signal from the input stage. Only very small oscillator signal may appear at the antenna terminal. Therefor normallythe oscillator is put in a seperate screened compartment. Furthermore: "Ground" is very difficult to define in RF. Each part of ground is a coil. And you should take care that the ground of the Large signal has as small as possible coupling to the small signal part.Even in a more stage amplifier you can have oscillations of you have an inductive coupling from the output to the input of the amplifier.  [2003-9-26 16:10:50]
[问:zzmm] PIN是什么 
[答:BennettHua] PIN并没有特别的意义,它只是一般的二极管(PN界面)中间再加一层I材质,顺着念就是PIN.一般用来当RF开关或RF信号衰减.  [2003-9-26 16:14:46]
[问:fl999] RF有无波段划分,如何划分。 
[答:BennettHua] 本公司备有RF手册,内有详细说明.请告知地址或联络方式.  [2003-9-26 16:16:13]

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