
热门关键字: 电磁兼容 工业控制系统 固态继电器 串行外设接口 



[问:14153] CROSSCORE开发平台能否支持ADI公司的adsp2101、2181处理器,同样能否使用C语言还是汇编语言进行开发。另外,贵公司军品dsp除2101外,还有没有其它型号。
[答:David] Yes, it could support 2101 & 2181, and you could using C & ASM language to develop.We provide Industry level chips, which temp range is -40~+105 [2003-9-11 10:50:48]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 两片ADSP21161,通过LINK口相连,其中一片(DSP1)由FLASH boot,  另一片(DSP2)由DSP1通过LINK口boot,这种方法可以吗? 系统上电后boot 的具体过程是怎样的? 是把所有的程序代码都load到DSP1中,然后DSP1再把DSP2的  代码通过 LINK口boot写到DSP2中吗? 谢谢!!!
[答:Aseem] Yes it is possible. The first DSP will be booted from the PROM and then the first DSP would boot the second DSP through the link port. You will have to configure the Boot configuration pins of the DSPs. Please note that you have appropriately select the boot kernels supplied with VDSP. [2003-9-11 10:50:55]
[问:bjwwj] 我买了VisualDSP2.0的开发套件,申请了ADSP21系列的效验码,现在想开发TS101系统,请问如何升级?谢谢! 
[答:Amy] ADSP21系列和TS101的效验码不同,因此您需要重新购买TS101系统的开发套件。  [2003-9-11 10:51:18]
[问:cjdong] TI有类似产品或软件?请比较一下 
[答:David] You could find such compare from some neutral companies, such as BDTI, etc  [2003-9-11 10:51:45]
[问:robin] 在visual dsp++开发环境里,怎么查看程序运行的绝对时间呀? 
[答:Craig] 可以查看程序运行的Cycle,然后通过你的时钟频率就可以转换成绝对时间。程序运行的Cycle可以再VisualDSP的状态栏中看到,如果你用的是Blackfin系列DSP,那么DSP内部有专用的Cycle寄存器可以看DSP运行的Cycle。  [2003-9-11 10:52:58]
[问:wq_luo] where can I get some ADI free arithmetics? 
[答:Amy] 你可以从ADI的网站上下载您所需要的算法。  [2003-9-11 10:53:27]
[问:baixia] 目前有针对JPEG的系统文件吗?怎么联系?费用如何? 
[答:Jack] Yes. We have JPEG Algorithm. You can contact ADI call center. 800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 10:54:00]
[问:ljp] 如何依照统计结果进行程序优化? 
[答:David] 根据统计结果,你可以知道那个函数或那部分语句占用最多资源,对此函数或语句进行优化,就可以得到比较好的优化结果。他能使你的优化更有针对性!  [2003-9-11 10:54:40]
[问:cguodong] C中调用汇编,开发环境好像可以自动生成进栈出栈的汇编语句,请问如何利用这个功能? 
[答:Paul] The push and pop stack operations are not generally automatically generated when calling an assembly function from C  [2003-9-11 10:54:43]
[问:Dale Li] 评估板仿真和仿真器仿真有何区别? 
[答:Craig] 评估板仿真时只能使用ADI的评估板,而仿真器可以使用在你自己的目标板上,在调试您自己的系统时只能使用仿真器。功能上来讲,两种仿真实现的功能相同。  [2003-9-11 10:55:34]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 通过spi接口和spi解口的dac相连,如果dac是clk的上升沿接收数据,那么dsp发送是应该采用上升沿发送还是下降沿?为什么感觉应该用上升沿,因为同步,你上升沿发送我上升沿接收,不知道是不是这个道理?又想会不会又传输的延时呢?看了一本书上说dsp用下降沿发送,没做过试验,不是很明白,希望给点提示,多谢了!
[答:Jack] Transmit data is synchronizd on the risng edge.Receive data is synchronized on the down edge. [2003-9-11 10:55:54]
[问:spade7cn] 请问贵公司有没有面向新一代无线局域网标准ieee802.11的PAD和手机的专用芯片呢?例如像ti公司的omap1510和omap5910微处理芯片。 
[答:Jack] No. Blackin is a RISC CPU, which integrates CPU and DSP.  [2003-9-11 10:57:09]
[问:samire] 如何处理TigerSHARC多处理器系统中的总线共享问题? 
[答:Gerry] TigerSHARC处理器有内建的多处理器控制器,你只需要将各个DSP的IP号设定,通过总线连接多个DSP,就可以共享总线。通过Bus Request信号请求总线,可以让某一个DSP占用总线。  [2003-9-11 10:57:13]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 请问,visualDSP++里面Deassembly如何保存下来? 
[答:Amy] 您可以在Deassembly里右击鼠标,选择DUMP并选择相应的文件格式,将所需要的数据保存到一个文本文件中。  [2003-9-11 10:59:09]
[问:foxtan] crosscore 包含算法设计吗?他需要何种硬件条件支持?有demo版吗? 
[答:Craig] 大部分的算法都是由ADI的第三方提供的,VisualDSP++本身提供一些基本的算法,如FFT,FIR等。开发工具只要普通的IBM兼容PC机就可以了开发工具中包含demo板,称为EZ-Kit板  [2003-9-11 10:59:41]
[问:robin] C/C++ 我不太熟悉,有没有支持 delphi 或 Pascal 等高级语言? 
[答:Amy] 很抱歉,目前ADSP不支持delphi 或 Pascal 高级语言。  [2003-9-11 10:59:59]
[问:robin] visual dsp++中的库函数rfft_fr16,输入为16位时结果好像不对,输入为14位时结果正确!请问输入只能是14位吗,如果要处理16位数据该怎么办? 
[答:Jack] ADI DSP is 16Bit DSP. So process 14bit is same as 16bit. If 16bit is not good result, it must have a bug. [2003-9-11 11:00:06]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 在DSP片内有BOOTLOADER程序,它实现把用户程序装入程序存储器,如是8位并行装载模式,引导表在外部FLASH里,那么我的BOOTLOADER 代码要写些什么,开机后整个程序引导的过程是怎样的,请指点一二,谢谢! 
[答:David] The LDR file include the BootLoader. VisualDSP++ could automaticly add the BootLoader partion into the LDR file, you do not need write it by yourself.When power on, the boot mode pin configuration decide how to boot, the process depend on the chips, please contact our hotline at 800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 11:00:23]
[问:Bruce Wu] If there is something wrong with the Emulator I used, that it could not work anymore, what should I do ,may  get rid of the problem? 
[答:Paul] The best thing to do is to contact dsp tools technical support at and detail the type of emulator you are using, and the problem you are expierencing.  [2003-9-11 11:01:07]
[问:luox] adi的专家,你好。我在使用VISUAL DSP3.0++时遇到一个问题,就是在连接到目标板调试时,使用查看寄存器的窗口查看时有些32位寄存器只能看到低16位,而在使用软件仿真时就不会这样。请问这是什么问题呢? 
[答:Gerry] 你使用的是哪一款DSP?用的是EZ-KIT还是你自己的目标板?如果是EZ-KIT,可以把这个问题报告给  [2003-9-11 11:01:26]
[问:Lian feng_li] DM203的开发软件“VisualDSP”如何得到?另外BF533或者DM203的一些Demo代码如何得到? 
[答:Tom] It can be found under the Blackfin version of VisualDSP, part number VDSP-BLKFN-PC-FULL.  VisualDSP++ ships with a complete library of demo software available for evaluation and development.  [2003-9-11 11:01:29]
[问:missi ssippi] 请问adi dsp和TI DSP 的主要异同? 
[答:Jack] ADI DSP is a RISC DSP.TI 54xx is CISC DSP. But in high level DSP, they are all RISC DSP. [2003-9-11 11:01:56]
[问:panfeng] 请问ADI,DSP的仿真器的保修期是多少。 
[答:Chuan] one year! [2003-9-11 11:02:03]
[问:08478] CROSSCORE开发工具相比以前的开发工具到底有哪些优点?能否详细告知?谢谢!!! 
[答:David] 更友好的开发界面,更高效的开发效率,更稳定的开发环境。 [2003-9-11 11:02:32]
[问:panfeng] 现在ADI仿真器维修的时间太长,能否有好的办法缩短维修时间 
[答:Jack] We will make progress in this area.  [2003-9-11 11:02:35]
[问:王建斌] 在那儿有开发范例? 
[答:Amy] 你有两种方法:1。在EZ-KIT的安装目录.2。ADI的网站上,  [2003-9-11 11:02:46]
[问:steven chan] can i debug the application not use jtag? what different between debuging by usb port debuging by jtag when i use blackfin 533 EZ-lite board? thanks. 
[答:Paul] The USB port built into the BF533 EZ-Kit is a small embedded JTAG debugger dedicated to the BF533.  You can use the EZ-KIT via USB to load, run and debug any program, but will you will have enhanced performance when using a full JTAG debugger such as an HPPCI-ICE.  [2003-9-11 11:02:56]
[问:40376] 我想在blackfin 上运行micro cos的RTOS 可以吗? 
[答:Craig] 可以,但您要自己修改和CPU相关的那几个文件。Uc/OS本身自带的时支持X86的系统,不能直接用于Blackfin系统  [2003-9-11 11:03:40]
[问:ygloo] 我想用贵公司的blackfin系列的DSP作一个网络摄像机类似的东西(用在监控上),请提供一款能做MPEG4压缩算法的芯片,具体能达到多高的指标,如VGA模式的图象的处理速度,能不能有处理更大尺寸的图象而保证其连续性(20F/S以上).谢谢! 
[答:Chuan] we have the chips such as BF532 and BF533 etc that can implement web camera very easily. for detail, please contact with me through my mail or contact with 800-810-1742 to leave your info.  [2003-9-11 11:04:08]
[问:robin] 我是个DSP新手,请问各位高手,ADI的Visual DSP++里的C语言库函数cfft_fr16怎么用呀?谢谢赐教!!! 
[答:Aseem] There is a set of FFT header files. The header files define the signature of the function.You just need to call this fucntion by passing approprite parameters.You will have to include libdsp.dlb library file in the LDF file for linking.Please refer to VDSP C runtime library reference manual.  [2003-9-11 11:05:16]
[问:robin] 要编写语音处理DSP,有相应库/模块支持吗? 
[答:David] What type speech process do you want to complete? We have a lot of algorithm, but need you states more details, please contact 800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 11:05:30]
[问:hrgwang] CROSSCORE开发工具相比较TI的DSP开发工具的优势? 
[答:Tom] There are several benifits to ADI"s Crosscore tools over TI"s offfering:  Our HPPCI ICE is much faster than TI"s XDS-560 as we offer code download speed of up to 2.2Megabytes per second.  Our VDSP software offers statistical profiling which helps you find bottlenecks and problems with your code very quickly.  We also offer free software upgrades and phone support for our VDSP++ software.  [2003-9-11 11:05:52]
[问:fa91] 请问能否介绍一下贵开发工具在设备的相互移植性方面的性能 
[答:Amy] ADI的开发环境支持C和C++,因此可以在很多设备上移植很方便。 [2003-9-11 11:06:03]
[问:baixia] 我在贵公司看到有JPEG2000的有关代码?可用吗? 
[答:Chuan] it is only part of JPEG200 and of course it can be used. for detail, you can contact with our support center through 800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 11:06:16]
[问:whairclear] 219x的仿真器是否可用于浮点DSP,如果可用,软件如何操作
[答:David] ice 是一样的,软件不一样。  [2003-9-11 11:06:18]
[问:bjwwj] Visual++2.0与Visual++3.1有什么不同? 
[答:Jack] Visual++3.1 support BF53x, TS, and other features,like Expert Link, and Compiler Simulator,which runs more faster than previous simulation environment. [2003-9-11 11:06:20]
[问:liufeng] 如何实现由matalab simulink 到DSP软件代码? 
[答:Aseem] VDSP supports MS ActiveX interface. Using this interface Matlab was integrated with VDSP. One of our 3rd parties SDLC has done this integration with VDSP. Using this you can use Matlab simulink model your system  and map the DSP software on to the VDSP system.  [2003-9-11 11:06:51]
[问:ar-chang] 我们想用贵公司的DSP开发电力仪表产品,实现三相电压,电流,有无功输出,要求能测量到30次谐波,能否推荐一款合适的DSP? 
[答:Amy] 我推荐用BLACKFIN工业级芯片。  [2003-9-11 11:07:11]
[问:panfeng] 在保修期内出现质量问题,是否可以帮助修理,或更换。 
[答:Tom] Yes, our hardware tools (emulators and EZ-KIT Lites) carry a one year warranty period.  We replace or repair faulty products at no charge during this period.  We also offer free of charge upgrades and phone support with our VisualDSP++ software.  Our support group can be reached at  [2003-9-11 11:07:42]
[问:samire] 如何和ADI的FAE进行联系?ADI能提供什么样的技术支持?Design in 行吗? 
[答:David] You could contact ADI DSP FAE through local ADI office, or call 800-810-1742.We have good technical support in China, and will help develop you system.  [2003-9-11 11:08:00]
[问:spade7cn] 请问贵公司有没有类似ti公司的面向无线局域网的802.11的微处理器---omap1510和omap5910?谢谢! 
[答:Aseem] Yes. Our wireless group has a processor being developed with Blackfin and an ARM processor. This is targettted for Wireless GSM handphones. We are also working on 802.11 solutions.For lowend applications, Blackfin standalone will be able to offer some microcontroller functionality  [2003-9-11 11:08:00]
[问:luox] 请问在哪里可以下载到BF DSP各个部件的使用例程,如timer、dma、串口等 
[答:Craig] 在VisualDSP中自带一些例子,同时如果您安装了EZ-Kit支持,会有一些用于EZ-Kit评估板的例子,这些例子都是和硬件相关的,如DMA等  [2003-9-11 11:08:15]
[问:spade7cn] 请问贵公司的数字信号处理芯片和ti公司的有什么显著的区别和优势呢? 
[答:Gerry] ADI的DSP与TI的DSP相比,浮点DSP的性能比TI的优越;定点DSP中,Blackfin比TI的C55系列高速和低功耗.TigerSHARC作为基站的应用,也有很大的优势.  [2003-9-11 11:09:05]
[问:ljp] C语言和汇编语言如何混合使用?语句如何编写?请举例说明. 
[答:Jack] VC++ support C call ASM, and ASM call c. If you need reference program, write email to  [2003-9-11 11:09:09]
[问:gulin] 请推荐一个适合实施图像编解码的芯片,H.263,MEPG4等。 
[答:Chuan] for MPEG4, CIF, PAL 25 Fps, you can use our ADSP-BF532, it is a $10 chip. for other size and H.263 you can contact with our support center 800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 11:09:37]
[问:gbsh1] vdk功能如何? 
[答:Aseem] VDK is a kernel that has the capabilities to create threads, stacks, queues, shared memory and semaphores. VDK is free is available on all platforms except 218x DSP processor. User can also do kernel aware debugging using VDK. VDK has the same API irrespective of SHARC, 219x, Blackfin or TigerSHARC processor and hence it will support seamless integration across different platforms. Users code can be C or assembly  [2003-9-11 11:09:49]
[问:14153] 该开发平台对于2101需要购买什么样的软件和硬件,其价格是多少。 
[答:Tom] The parts you need are ADDS-2101-EZ-ICE which sells for $1795.00 and for software you will need ADDS-21XX-SW-1 which sells for $1295.00.  [2003-9-11 11:10:08]
[问:tancy] 该开发工具是否为嵌入式系统DSP开发工具? 
[答:David] yes  [2003-9-11 11:10:31]
[问:qin] 用评估板EZ-KIT如何在21XX上实现软件数据Overlay?我要用它实现音频播放.请举例说明或介绍有那些资料可参考. 
[答:David] We have code examples of Overlay implement, and you could also refer to following ADI application notes: EE66/EE67/EE100 etc.  [2003-9-11 11:10:37]
[问:ljp] 请介绍VisualDSP++的硬件配置和系统要求. 
[答:Paul] Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XPPentium 166 or faster200 Mb disk space64 Mb RamCD-ROMInternet explorer.Various other components may need additional hardware such as a USB based EZ-Kit will require a USB 1.1 compatible port, and will not function under Windows NT  [2003-9-11 11:11:19]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 我的MP3解码程序(用C编写的)在CCS 仿真下运行时间较长,.out文件也很大 , 想进行手工优化,以前没做过这方面的工作,请问专家,优化时一般从哪些地方考虑,主要是在改汇编和C程序方面?
[答:Amy] ADI的DSP开发环境有很多便于优化的调试窗口,如,PIPELINE VIEWER,PROFILE等,您可以借助于这些调试窗口,找出需要优化的地方。同时对于算法部分,最好用汇编实现。控制部分用C语言。  [2003-9-11 11:11:45]
[问:bjwwj] 请问由Visual++2.0到Visual++3.1能免费升级吗?如何升级? 
[答:Gerry] 免费升级.到网上去download,然后安装.  [2003-9-11 11:11:52]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] VisualDSP3.1++能不能将浮点运算转换成定点运算? 
[答:Aseem] Yes. This is a default operation needed in a C compiler - basic type and VDSP supports it. However, dependig on the processor being used, the efficiency changes. For example in SHARC which is a floating pt processor, there is a native instruction that can be used for this conversion for efficiency.For Blackfin etc., that are 16-bit DSPs, floating point is emulated and hence more cycles.Neverthless, it can be done. No problems at all.  [2003-9-11 11:11:58]
[问:bjwwj] 我买的开发套件中,ADSP21161的评估板按默认状态设置,但始终通信不正常,不知什么原因,望赐教! 
[答:Paul] More than likely, it is the power up sequence.  This sequence is detailed in the manual.  [2003-9-11 11:13:18]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] ADSP2181的BYTE MODE,请教在该模式下,有22位地址线,但d0-d7是映射到A0-A7 or A14-A21? 
[答:Craig] 对不起,D0..D7是数据总线,不会映射到地址总线上,是不是笔误  [2003-9-11 11:13:32]
[问:yan gouyang] 我想知道有没有模糊控制或者神经网络控制类库供使用? 
[答:David] It depend on your application. but VisualDSP++ have a interface with MatLab, that"s means you could easily convert matlab library to DSP.  [2003-9-11 11:13:46]
[问:qin] SHARC和TigerSHARC的主要区别是什么?包括性能和开发工具. 
[答:Aseem] The main difference is cost / performance ratio. SHARC offers low cost consumer applications, but TigerSHARC is for high performance high end applications. SHARC offers upto 400 MMACS today, while TigerSHARC offers upto 1200 MMACS today. TigerSHARC is used for 3G base station, defence, medical imaging etc. SHARC is used for audio, PHS base band modems etc. TigerSHARC is available any where for 35US$, while SHARC is available from around US$10.Development tools interface is similar for SHARC and TigerSHARC but customer has to buy them separately as 2 packages  [2003-9-11 11:13:50]
[问:samire] 请举例EPROM如何Overlay? 
[答:Jack] It is software program OVERLAY. You can see the VDSP Compiler Document. It has example. [2003-9-11 11:13:51]
[问:yang li_amax] 开发工具是否提供一些应用程序库函数,如:语音的压缩解压G。723等,TCP/IP  协议栈,H。323 协议栈 等库函数? 
[答:Jack] No. It is provided by ADI, and third party. [2003-9-11 11:14:37]
[问:samire] 请详细介绍Overlay管理器的功能和运到作 
[答:Aseem] Overlay is a technique that is used to store memory in external memory but execute in internal memory. This is called SW overlay. This will enhance the performance of the application, but the overlay manager will take care of getting trhe code ffrom external to internal memory on demand.  Our tools support overlay and we suppoly a overlay manager and an overlay example with our tools examples  [2003-9-11 11:15:01]
[问:sun jianhong] 请问哪里可以获得crosscore开发工具的软件演示版,及相关帮助 
[答:Amy] 您可以与ADI或代理商联系。Website:www.analog.com或 list  [2003-9-11 11:15:43]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] Matlab 程序能否用VisulDSP++直接转换和优化? 
[答:Gerry] 可以将Matlab的程序转化为Blackfin,TigerSHARC,SHARC可以接受的语言(中目前不支持Matlab语言的直接编译.  [2003-9-11 11:15:53]
[问:millionliu] 请问spor转RS232过程中,时序是如何配置的。 
[答:Aseem] RS232 is an asynchronous interace while SPORT is a syncrhonous interface. So, timings have to be taken care of. Please refer to our application notes where one of them has the example for such conversion.If you need more details, please contact us at and we will get back to you with further details.  [2003-9-11 11:16:08]
[问:hustkid] 在使用CROSSCORE开发平台进行的嵌入编程(c嵌入汇编或汇编嵌入c)如何根据设计需要来选择c嵌入汇编或汇编嵌入c? 
[答:Jack] You program all your code in C at the begining. Then you run the VDSP statistic profile, to get the map of your algoritm time cost. So you can focus the most time cost program, then translate it to ASM code. [2003-9-11 11:17:21]
[问:hrgwang] 如何能够快速掌握CROSSCORE开发工具,国内有第三代理商吗? 
[答:David] About crosscore ,ADI and distbutors may help you to study  and help online in crosscore.IN China,GE and chinatronic will help you as ADI partner.  [2003-9-11 11:17:25]
[问:cguodong] 在定义fract 数据类型时,它的范围只是[-1,1)吗?是否可以支持更多,如Q14-Q0? 如何定义他们?还是只能移位实现? 
[答:Craig] 数据类型的范围取决于您系统中数据的表示方式,在纯小数(也就是1.15格式下)范围如您所说,但在整数方式下,就表示-2的N次方到2的N次方减一. 关于数字的格式可以参考DSP的使用手册,如果还有问题的话可以在结束后电话联系021-63917700*210  [2003-9-11 11:17:26]
[问:gexinhua] BF531的开发套件多少钱?何处购买? 
[答:David] BF531 develop tools set include visualDSP++, HPPCI-ICE, BF533-EZKit-Lite, it"s $1200.00, you could get it from ADI"s Disti: GEHK, ChinaTronic, Future, Arrow, WPG  [2003-9-11 11:18:10]
[问:64427] BF目前在中国的应用情况如何?主要是哪方面的公司? 
[答:Jack] BF apllication is in VIdeo surveillance, Finger Print, Bar Code Scanner, Video Phone and Baseband controller, etc.  [2003-9-11 11:18:27]
[问:2638 6580] 请问一套开发平台需要多少钱,能否支持ASIC开发,如可以提供ASIC的DSP软核及环境.
[答:Craig] 开发平台目前是1200美金一套,不支持ASIC开发.ADI并不开放DSP核心的IP (ADSP-218x除外)  [2003-9-11 11:18:46]
[问:qin] 开发工具中有没有应用案例?在网上什么地方能找到应用案和参考设计? 
[答:Amy] 开发工具的应用例程主要在开发工具的开发包里,安装目录里有一些例程。同时你可以在ADI网站上找到  [2003-9-11 11:18:59]
[问:cguo dong] build-in函数可以在编译时嵌入到代码中,但是我选择enable buildin的选项,生成的汇编代码仍然是调用该函数(call xxx;),这是怎么回事? 
[答:Aseem] Basically builtin functions are used for optimizations. The compiler replaces this function with a native assembly instruction.However you might be facing this problem because you may have not enabled optimization with compiler. Please use -01 optimization and check if it works fine. If still you have a problem, please mail us with the processor family you are using to  [2003-9-11 11:19:04]
[问:ljp] 如何进行仿真器的升级? 
[答:Paul] Depending on the type of emulator, software updates are posted on the ADI web site at: designResources/crosscore/index.html  [2003-9-11 11:19:12]
[问:bing jinglan] 我想在TigerSHARC上做基带信号处理,不知道有没有这方面的方案或资料可以提供? 
[答:Gerry] 有,不知道你想用在什莫系统中:GSM,3G还是你自己定义的系统?请联系ADI办事处索取资料.  [2003-9-11 11:19:15]
[问:samire] 在Blackfin处理器中如何处理MP3中SRC(取样速率转换)问题?是否需要外接芯片? 
[答:Aseem] There are multiple ways of doing SRC. First is a software mechanism where you implement sample rate conversion by using the SW algorithms. This is fine if you have MIPS and want to save cost.The other options is to use external chips. But take care of the timing issues when you interface with SPORTS.  [2003-9-11 11:20:00]
[问:gulin] 一个新手,熟悉贵公司的DSP的开发需求多少时间? 
[答:Craig] 如果您对硬件系统可以很快理解的话那三个月左右就可以了.  [2003-9-11 11:20:27]
[问:and rew_lee] 請問一套CROSSCORE可否同時支援Blackfin,SHARC及TS. 
[答:Amy] 不可以,不同的处理器用不同的开发系统,尽管他们的调试界面相似。  [2003-9-11 11:20:47]
[问:pauldrew] 有没有solaris下的 仿真工具? 
[答:Paul] Currently, UNIX and LINUX tools are not supported.  However, this may change as the market drives what OS our customers prefer using.  If support for UNIX is important, you should contact and inquire about UNIX development tools.  [2003-9-11 11:20:50]
[问:robin] visual dsp++编程入门需要了解什么? 怎么入门比较快? 
[答:Aseem] The best way to start with VDSP is to go through our help files. We also have  a VDSP tutorial guide and a demo available on the web. The followup with using the examples to build the sw using VDSP. Use C language first and get familiarity ith tools. Followup with assembly.  [2003-9-11 11:20:52]
[问:guo69] 请问第三方对你们的系统多吗? 
[答:David] We have several 3rd parties over the world, and also we have some 3rd parties in China.  [2003-9-11 11:20:58]
[问:xjsailor] 该系统开发的dsp code 都适合于器件?ti的dsp可以用吗? 
[答:Tom] VisualDSP++ is one of the core componets of the Crosscore tools offering.  You can develop your code in VDSP with assembly, C or C++.  Certainly the higher level languages like C++ allow you to develop code to be used across various hardware platforms including TI DSP"s.  However, It is unlikely that you could develop all your code in C++ causing you to have to change some of it to fit in a TI DSP if you changed platforms.  [2003-9-11 11:21:09]
[问:millionliu] 你们有相关的软件参考吗? 
[答:Craig] VisualDSP++软件环境中带有例子程序,不知您需要什么类型的参考  [2003-9-11 11:21:09]
[问:baixia] 能否告诉北京应用技术中心的邮件地址? 
[答:Tonny] china.dsp@analog.comTel:800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 11:21:24]
[问:robin] 免费试用版本可以下载吗? 
[答:Amy] 完全可以。您可以到ADI的网站上或FTP上下载  [2003-9-11 11:21:52]
[问:jianglee] 那么使用C语言开发平台是否根本不用考虑硬件环境,和PC软件开发一样? 
[答:Aseem] Yes. The development is similar to that of a PC. But please note that DSPs are going into embedded workd  and hence using file operations and printf / scanf does not make sense. instead u have to use peripheral IO.You can also develop in C language, but when you have some time critical functions, please use them with a combination of C and assembly . Our tools will allow for them vdery well.  [2003-9-11 11:22:26]
[问:xialt] 有专门针对pwm技术的芯片吗?能否介绍一下,类似于ti"s 240系列 
[答:Chuan] yes, we have. we have ADMCF32x series and ADMC331, ADMC401 etc, these are same level with TI"s  240 series. we also have next generation which is more powerful than the product I mentioned above, it is ADSP-2199x. you can download the datasheet from our website or contact with our support center for help. 800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 11:22:32]
[问:fatapple] CROSSCORE开发工具与其他开发工具比较有何优点? 
[答:Tom] Crosscore tools are made up of emulators, VisualDSP++ and EZ-Kit Lites.  Our VisualDSP++ software has a feature called statistical profiling which allows the user to identify bottlnecks and problems in their code very quickly.  Our Higher Performance PCI emulator has code download speed of up to 2.2Megabytes per second, far faster than TI.  We also offer free tools upgrades and phone support, TI does not.  [2003-9-11 11:23:50]
[问:qin] TigerSHARC开发工具1200美元都包括什么硬件和软件和配置? 
[答:David] Include 3 parts:1. Formal version VisualDSP++3.0 for TigerSHARC / VisualDSP++ manuals2. HPPCI-ICE emulator3. TigerSHARC evaluation board  [2003-9-11 11:23:52]
[问:hrgwang] 我是dsp的初学者,请问你们有没有关于此类器件相关的配套教材(市面上可以买到的) 
[答:Amy] 有的。您可以到书店去购买一些中文书籍。如:《ADSP系列数字处理器原理》 电子工业出版社《定点DSP的原理,开发和应用》 清华大学出版社等  [2003-9-11 11:24:18]
[问:ljp] 开发工具能否向下或向上进行兼容?我的意思是我现在买了Blackfin的开发工具,如果ADI有新产品推出,是否要更新开发工具? 
[答:Craig] 在ADI的开发工具中,仿真器是通用的,也就是说仿真器可以用于所有ADI的DSP的仿真(218x除外).但是DSP的开发软件是分类的,共有四类(21xx,SHARC,TigerSHARC,Blackfin),不同系列的软件之间不通用.即如果您只是用Blackfin系列的DSP,那软件是向下兼容的,新的Blackfin芯片可以通过软件升级(免费)获得支持.目前没有软件是向上兼容的  [2003-9-11 11:24:49]
[问:nari-lgw] 哪里可以得到CROSSCORE的DEMO版 
[答:David] You could buy / borrow it from ADI"s disti, it"s about $300 for most demo board.  [2003-9-11 11:25:15]
[问:ljp] 我买了一套21XX的开发工具,需要增加什么资源可升级到Blackfin系列?或者要重新购买Blackfin的开发工具? 
[答:Amy] 由于两套开发工具不同,因此您需要重新购买Blackfin的开发工具。  [2003-9-11 11:25:22]
[问:spade7cn] 请问贵公司的信号处理芯片和ti公司的显著区别和优势是什么? 
[答:Gerry] 请看前面的回答。  [2003-9-11 11:25:29]
[问:王建斌] 使用CROSSCORE开发工具和AD公司的开发工具有何差别? 
[答:Craig] CrossCore是ADI开发工具的品牌,是同一个东西  [2003-9-11 11:25:30]
[问:reins] 您好,我想请问一下这个开发工具对其他公司的芯片可用吗 
[答:Craig] 绝对不可以  [2003-9-11 11:26:06]
[问:姜普选] 能不能告诉我数字电路和单片机在设计时应该注意那些问题?谢谢专家!! 
[答:Jack] Pay attention to the time clock, time sequence, Data stream, Interrupt, and external bus.  [2003-9-11 11:26:30]
[问:samire] EZ-KIT评估板是否支持TDM和串行接口模式?如何和多通道CODEC如AD1836连接? 
[答:Jack] Yes. SPORTs supports TDM to 32 channels Codec.  [2003-9-11 11:27:48]
[问:jianglee] CROSSCORE开发工具是否提供试用版? 
[答:Amy] CROSSCORE开发工具的软件VISUAL提供试用板,但是仿真器和EZ-KIT不提供试用板  [2003-9-11 11:27:58]
[问:lxc1229] CROSSCORE就数字处理方面在哪些方面优于其他开发工具。 
[答:Aseem] Cross core development tools are much better than other tools  ecause they are modelled in  a user friendly environment like that of VC++. All the possible tools are available,We have debugger that has statistical profiling that greatly helps in debugging in actual system. We have VDK that is free. We have ACtiveX interface that enables users to plugin in theri custom application.,VDSP user interface is same for all processor families. Hence users can migrate from one family to other easily  [2003-9-11 11:28:00]
[问:gexinhua] 适合中国情况的开发平台应该在4000元人民币! 
[答:Jack] Yes. I agree. But ADI tools is made in USA. Not like TI, made in China.  [2003-9-11 11:29:26]
[问:40376] may rtos used in blackfin series ? where can I find references ? 
[答:Chuan] yes, many OS can be used in Blackfin, such as VSPworks, Nuclear and Linux. you can contact with our suppport center for detail. [2003-9-11 11:30:26]
[问:engi neer-x] 我想使用DSP++,做专业的电视传播系统,想采用MPEG-2的标准进行压缩和解压,使用它,方便吗? 
[答:Jack] Yes. BF supports video instruction, video interface to satisfy the MPEG2 application.  [2003-9-11 11:30:31]
[问:engi neer-x] DSP为什么要初始化?
[答:Craig] DSP复位后有些寄存器的值处于不定状态,运行模式也不一定是您需要的,所以一定要初始化. 具体参考芯片硬件手册  [2003-9-11 11:31:28]
[问:qin] 请详细介绍存储器Overlay的方法和程序. 
[答:Jack] Pls call 800-810-1742 to discuss your questions detailed.  [2003-9-11 11:31:34]
[问:robin] 所有的 ADSP-21xx 处理器是不是源代码兼容的? 
[答:David] ADSP-21xx processors are all code compatible, include 218x, 219x, 2199x and old parts  [2003-9-11 11:32:12]
[问:engi neer-x] 想设计以太网络接口的IP电话机,希望专家推荐方案.
[答:Jack] You can use BF531 and a MAC to realize your system ddesign. If you want further consult, pls write e-mail to  [2003-9-11 11:32:44]
[问:robin] 仿真程序支持 USB 吗? 
[答:David] We provide USB interface ICE, but it"s not include the promotion tools set currently.  [2003-9-11 11:33:17]
[问:gexinhua] 告诉我们一些中国的第3方! 
[答:Chuan] there are some in different area, so which field are you looking for? please contact with our support center for detail. 800-810-1742 [2003-9-11 11:33:38]
[问:gulin] 请问刚才你说的VXPworks是什么操作系统?
[答:David] VSPWorks is Windriver"s RTOS based on DSP. you could find more detail from Windriver website.  [2003-9-11 11:34:02]
[问:robin] 这个工具支持工作组工作模式吗?组内成员可以共享库/代码吗? 
[答:Paul] By workgroup, I assume you mean integrated source code control.  Currently, our product does not have integrated source code control.  Naturally VisualDSP is compatable with stand alone source code control packages such as CVS, Visual Source Safe, etc.  A future release of VisualDSP which supports integrated source code control is planned.  [2003-9-11 11:34:05]
[问:engi neer-x] DAI方案能处理图像吗?或者ADI有没有视频电话的解决方案?  
[答:Jack] Yes. ADI and third party have. You can call 800-810-1742 to get more information about this.  [2003-9-11 11:34:30]
[问:40376] which rtos fit blackfin best ? 
[答:Chuan] no one is "best" it depends on the cost you get it, your application etc, you can contact with our support center for more detail. 800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 11:34:54]
[问:robin] 我想先了解一下这套工具,想下载免费版本试用,可是你们有提供软仿真吗? 
[答:Amy] 可以,SDI的DSP提供软仿真,您可以到ADI网站上下载免费版本试用并且申请一个序列号。ADI网站:www.analog.com序列号申请 /visualDSPTestDrive.asp  [2003-9-11 11:35:52]
[问:steven chan] what compiler can i use when i use linux for blackfin?
[答:David] For any blackfin DSP development, you need using "VisualDSP++ for Blackfin" compiler which include in the software.  [2003-9-11 11:36:01]
[问:kxiao] 为什么我的summit——ICE送到美国维修以经九个月了都还没修好? 
[答:Tom] The repair process is very quick for tools, 1 to 2 weeks.  You should contact our DSP tools support team to determine the status of your return.  They can be reached at  You may also want to check with customs to see if there is a problem, perhaps it is there.  [2003-9-11 11:36:08]
[问:zh_l] 我发现2161的仿真器信号线极易损坏,是本身设计问题吗? 
[答:Paul] Do you mean ADSP-2161 or ADSP-21161?  We are not aware of a problem with any of the emulation signals on the ADSP-21161 emulator.  [2003-9-11 11:36:14]
[问:steven chan] what i considerate that when imake the PCB for BF532? is it EMC OK with four layer PCB? why so many layers in BF533 EZ-lite? 
[答:Jack] BF532 need 6 layers.  [2003-9-11 11:36:15]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 用DMA方式完成与外部的数据读写,因为DMA和CPU是并行处理的,CPU运行要用到寄存器,而DMA方式进行中断的时候也要用到寄存器,这样的话,会不会有冲突?  
[答:Gerry] 在你的中断服务程序中,保证每一个用到的寄存器都被保存和返回。可以避免冲突。  [2003-9-11 11:37:38]
[问:gexinhua] BF531数量为1K的价格? 
[答:Amy] 目前BF531的10K价格是$5。1K的价格请联系ADI或代理商。 list  [2003-9-11 11:37:56]
[问:luox] 请问在哪里可以下载到BF DSP各个部件的使用例程,如timer、dma、串口等 
[答:Aseem] You can find this along with the VDSP installation.These exaple code will be a vailable under folder /program files/Analog Devices/Visual DSP/Blackfin/ Examples.If you need more information and more exaple code you may please contact , please see our web site for application notes.  [2003-9-11 11:38:31]
[问:pauldrew] ADI有没有支持Solaris系统的开发器。 
[答:David] Currently we could only provide develop tools for Windows platform, still no support for Solaris.  [2003-9-11 11:39:06]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 线性汇编是什么意思?普通用的汇编算不算? 
[答:Jack] I think your question has some ambiguous meaning. So pls call 800-810-1742 to discuss detailed.  [2003-9-11 11:39:24]
[问:ljp] 开发工具支持27C512这样的EPROM吗?它能支持何种类型的存储器? 
[答:Paul] The VisualDSP package is for DSP code development and debugging.  It does not support EPROMs.  VisualDSP does ship with a "plug-in" module which allows programming of various flash devcies.  The plug-in allows the user to write custom flash programming algorithms for virtually any device on their board.  [2003-9-11 11:39:38]
[问:gulin] BF芯片的价格是多少? 
[答:Chuan] at 10K quantityBF531 $4.95BF532 $9.95BF533 $16.95BF535 about $25for detail info, please ask the distributor, if you do not know the distributor from ADI, please contact our support center 800-810-1742  [2003-9-11 11:40:18]
[问:panfeng] 请问blackfin适用在那些场合。 
[答:Jack] BF is suitable to Video Aplliaction.  [2003-9-11 11:40:41]
[问:ancle-x] DSP同嵌入CPU相比的特点?  
[答:Jack] DSP is harvard architecutre. But CPU is not. DSP is more faster than CPU, and it has faster DMA as its coprocessor.  [2003-9-11 11:41:48]
[问:szkang] 请介绍CROSSCORE开发工具的主要功能特点;用于普通平台的好处。谢谢!TEL:0755-81058930  康锡滨
[答:Aseem] Cross core tools would be used to program a DSP using C language as well as in the assemly code of the DSP.The Cross core tools are also used for performing statistical profiling and we also have Active X control to develop custom applications.The Crosscore tools also come with expert linker so that this helps to generate LDF files for single and multiprocessor applications seamlessly.This also includes FLASH memory programmer utility.This couls be use to Program flash memory on the board / ISP of memory. [2003-9-11 11:41:50]
[问:gexinhua] ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite 多少钱? 
[答:Tom] The ADDS-BF533-EZLITE sells for $295.00USD  [2003-9-11 11:42:07]
[问:reins] 想开发一套控制激光功率输出的板卡,除底层的程序外还需要开发与上位机的接口驱动程序,您那个VXPWorks也就是一种驱动程序开发包吗?
[答:David] VSPWorks is RTOS(Real Time Operating System), which provide by WindRiver.For interface driver, we provide example code, you could easily port to your application through little modify.  [2003-9-11 11:42:29]
[问:gulin] 我司想使用ADSST-VC-7000开发产品,有没有其详细的技术资料,芯片的价格是多少? 
[答:Tonny] Please contact ADI China Support Center for more  [2003-9-11 11:42:55]
[问:ancle-x] 我们已经设计了以太网接口的家庭网关,含Mpeg2播放功能(硬件解压)。下一步想开发同时具有Mpeg2播放和IP电话功能,能用DSP++做些什么工作?
[答:Jack] YEs. SDP can do more than ASIC. Pls give me a mail: We can share more knowledge about it.  [2003-9-11 11:43:24]
[问:ancle-x] 我想个人建立一个开发环境,最少需要投入多少?
[答:Amy] 个人建立一个ADI的DSP开发环境,至少投入$1200购买一套开发套件。 [2003-9-11 11:43:30]
[问:samire] 请详细说明如何用EL来建立SHARC多处理器的LDF文件 
[答:Aseem] Yes you can do this.Expert linker could be used to generate LDF file for multiprocessor application.Click on the Expert linker option and select the multiprocessor ID. For more information please contact  [2003-9-11 11:44:17]
[问:ancle-x] 建立一个基本的开发环境,需要多少投资?
[答:David] For the first step, you could only using Evaluate board to evaluation & software develop, which need about $300 for most EZ-KIT Lite.But if you want to set up the whole develop environment, you need buy tool set, which is $1200.00 for Software, ICE, EZ-KIT  [2003-9-11 11:44:29]
[问:steven yang] 有没有比较适合ADSP的第三方嵌入式操作系统?好像vdk功能不太好,资料也特别少 
[答:David] You could select Neclues, VSPWorks, DSPOS, etc.VDK is only RTOS core, not full function RTOS.  [2003-9-11 11:45:42]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 怎么用DSP设计过零相移滤波器?低通。 
[答:Aseem] This can be done.You will have to implement the algorithm for the specific DSP that you select.I woudl suggest you refer Scientists and Engineers guide which is available on our web site.This manual discusses a great deal of signal processing applications.  [2003-9-11 11:45:49]
[问:whairclear] 2191在50片左右定购时价钱多少 
[答:Craig] 只有一个参考价格,在1000片时参考价为16美元,具体价格请联系ADI  [2003-9-11 11:50:49]
[问:qin] 什么是BSO模式?如何运作? 
[答:Aseem] BSO stands for Boot select Override.If you would like to access the PROM interfaced on the externalport.Atthe time of the boot up the ~BMS pin gets activated.Later if the PROM needs to be accessed, the Software has to set BSO bit in the syscon register so that ~BMS gets activated for external m emory accesse.The packing mode isautomatically selected to "8-48" bit packing.  [2003-9-11 11:52:17]
[问:steven yang] adi有没有考虑在国内让第三方做仿真器这类开发工具,以降低ADSP的开发成本,推广ADSP,象ti的那样 
[答:Jack] You know that ADI Made in USA tools have more better quality.  [2003-9-11 11:55:22]
[问:zmeng] CROSSCORE开发平台好像刚听说,以前ADI用什么软件开发平台?
[答:Chuan] the CROSSCORE is the Trade mark of the Visual DSP.we use Visual DSP before and use Visual DSP++ now.  [2003-9-11 11:57:22]
[问:whairclear] 219xDSP,内存是否可以当作双端口存储器使用(同多主机端口)
[答:Craig] 9x的内存是为了处理器核心和外设可以同时访问而设计的,多个外设不能同时访问内存,芯片内部由总线仲裁决定那个外设活得访问权  [2003-9-11 11:57:58]
[问:] 请详细介绍其应用特点
[答:] 我们的开发工具最大的特点是易于掌握和方便使用
[问:] 请问,ADI哪种DSP能支持USB?
[答:] ADSP-BF535 has USB and PCI interface. It support USB 1.1.
[问:] CROSSCORE开发工具与VisualDSP++有什么不同?
[答:] CROSSCORE是ADI的DSP开发工具的trademark,VisualDSP++是CROSSCORE开发工具中的软件集成环境。CROSSCORE开发工具还包括EZ-KIT(仿真器)和EZ-KIT(评估板)
[问:] 2191,内存是否可以当作双端口存储器使用(通过主机端口)
[答:] ADSP-2191 does not have a dual port memory.
[问:] 在成都是否有分公司?
[答:] 目前ADI在成都没有办事处,成都客户可以联系我们当地代理商--世健公司,电话:(028)86527611-5。
[问:] 请介绍下crosscore开发工具的应用,谢谢
[答:] CROSSCORE开发工具包括三个单元,VisualDSP++为集成的软件开发环境,可用于软件开发和软件仿真;EZ-ICE是用于硬件调试的仿真器;EZ-KIT则是我们针对相应处理器提供的评估板,既可用于软件的测试,也可以将该板的原理图作为硬件设计的参考。详细内容请访问: designResource/crosscore/index.html
[问:] CROSSCORE开发工具有什么特殊的优点?
[答:] There are various advantages of crosscore development. 1. Firstly you can get statistical (linear profiling in the case of simulator) profiling with the tool. This helps to determine how much time is spent by the DSP processor on the various regions of the code.Statistical profiling samples the target processor’s program counter (PC) and memory accesses. Linear profiling counts every execution of the program counter (PC) and every memory access.You sample/collect data while the DSP program is running and present a graphical display of the resulting samples. The display shows where the DSP program is spending its time. 2. There is feature that one can use in order to simulate the loader file. This could be the host boot file or the PROM boot file. Once the loader file is generated the user can use the simulator simulate the loader file. This helps the user a great deal in replicating the actual system and debugging any boot load issues faster. 3. We also have a flash programing utility in our tools. This helps to program the flash on the EZ-KIT and hence helps in ISP of the system. Hence one need not remove the flash on KIT and program it else where speeding up the development activity. 4. We provide a feature called as expert linker. This helps a lot to generate LDF (Linker description file) with automation.Specially it helps to generate LDF file in multiprocessor applications with more than a single DSP. 5. Our tools provide Active - X. This helps a lot in developing own application using VC++ etc. 6. The VDK support helps in scheduling multiple threads in an application. These are some of the advantages of Crosscore development tools. There are various other features which facilitate in target debug and system debug which speed up development activity helping faster time to market.
[问:] If there is something wrong with the Emulator I used, that it could not work anymore, what should I do ,may  get rid of the problem?
[答:] Please contact your local distributor from who you bought the Emulator and make certain if it's damaged. If so, it could be return back to ADI for repair. We'll charge for the repair if your warranty has expired.
  关于Analog Devices  
Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI)在现代数字经济的中心发挥重要作用,凭借其种类丰富的模拟与混合信号、电源管理、RF、数字与传感技术,将现实世界的现象转化成有行动意义的洞察。ADI服务于全球12.5万家客户,在工业、通信、汽车与消费市场提供超过7.5万种产品。公司总部位于马萨诸塞州威明顿市。更多信息请访问: