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主题:BlueStreak 微控制器/片上系统
[问:asaa] 现在SOC型芯片很多,特别是各FPGA厂家,也介入如ALTERA的Excalibur器件,您们的芯片较适合手持设备,请问该类型产品的优势如何?在TV机顶盒上的应用可以吗,另外她的开发工具及支持如何,谢谢 
[答:TJFang] Can. ARM core is 90% or more of market share, low power and cheap price. Many many tool, we support most of them.  [2003-9-9 10:33:29]
[问:Zhang Zhongping] 四个MCU/SoC是如何连接和协调工作的?是并行还是串行处理? 
[答:TJFang] Parallel.  [2003-9-9 10:35:28]
[问:le-xf] 该控制器的开发手段如何,是否与其他SOC有不同? 
[答:TJFang] JTAG development. No emulator or simulator, full speed.  [2003-9-9 10:37:22]
[问:tanyong0965] 1、BlueStreak 微控制器/片上系统的优势有哪些?主要用于那些产品设计?2、LH7A400 和LH7A404等mcu可以申请免费样片吗?3、你们的代理商有哪些,如何方便的得到技术支持? 
[答:TJFang] ARM structure, low power and cheap price. PDA, set top box.We can provide free sample.Sharp ShangHai office, Hong kong/Roxy office. Free technical support in China and U.S.  [2003-9-9 10:38:36]
[问:maxxujun5] 请问LH7A400 和LH7A404有没有支持10/100Mbps以太网的模块?如果没有的话,是否有扩展以太网口的方案? 
[答:TJFang] We have 10/100M ethernet controller on LH7A404. LH7A400 use external ISA interface ethernet controller.  [2003-9-9 10:39:30]
[问:bbslin] BlueStreak微控制器/片上系统与目前其他流行SOC比较,在内部硬件结构上和外部电气特性上,有什么独特指出? 在编程控制上,是一种什么样的编程控制思想? 
[答:TJFang] ARM structure, low power and cheap price. Compiler in C usually.   [2003-9-9 10:40:57]
[问:sammysu28] BlueStreak 微控制器是怎么样处理的? 
[答:TJFang] RISC structure, which using ARM core.  [2003-9-9 10:42:12]
[问:yy_tseng] 目前在台灣的代理商是哪一間公司? 該與誰聯絡? 
[答:TJFang] Sharp Taiwan office.  [2003-9-9 10:42:41]
[问:dhjie] 您好,贵公司产品的性能价格比是否在同类产品中具备竞争上的优势?数据交换的接口和IO口是否能满足复杂的系统的要求? 
[答:Junli] Very cheap compare to the other company. There are probably very few competitors. Feature can support very complicated system, good to be used in PDA and setop box and smart toy.  [2003-9-9 10:43:22]
[问:wdhe] 请问是否有车载GPS自主导航方面的解决方案?能否提供技术支持? 
[答:Junli] We are chip vendor, we work with design house in China to supply the plan - one like WaterTech.  [2003-9-9 10:44:39]
[问:qin] 夏普能否提供该处理器用于手机的解决方案?能否用于彩屏手机? 
[答:TJFang] We have to work with the third party to find a whole solution. Sharp MCU can be used for PDA.  [2003-9-9 10:46:20]
[问:sammysu28] BlueStreak 微控制器可以与单片机一起用吗? 
[答:TJFang] Yes.  [2003-9-9 10:46:49]
[问:truelygo] 最小系统以及面向应用的硬件剪裁(随时插接增删),如何实现?包含性能良好的SHARP液晶彩屏的片上系统成本怎样做的更低?SHARP79520的工业各种性能指标?
[答:Junli] Minimum system can be MCU+Flash, externally we provided many type of interface in different chips. There are LCD controller on all our chips for SHARP LCD panel. Please visit for datasheet on industry.  [2003-9-9 10:47:16]
[问:sammysu28] bluestreak 微控制器可以用在功放机上面吗? 
[答:Junli] Depends on the application.  [2003-9-9 10:47:37]
[问:qin] 该MCU的USB接口和以太网的数据传输速率能达到多高? 
[答:TJFang] LH7A404 can reach USB V2.0 and Ethernet can reach 10/100M.  [2003-9-9 10:48:13]
[问:hesjie] 希望了解Bluestreak在仪器仪表领域的典型成功应用,在中国石化内有无用户。                hesjie 
[答:Junli] No user so far in China oil industry.  [2003-9-9 10:48:23]
[问:lihongxi] 我以前下载过 linux bsp for Lh79520,Lh75A40,但是在装载的时候不好用,请问如何和你们的技术支持联系?
[答:TJFang] Send a email to us at  [2003-9-9 10:50:02]
[问:ZHAO ZHENHUAN] 对于使用linux操作系统进行开发,是否不许付任何费用,即可得到源码,进行开发,具体联系方法 
[答:Junli] Yes, linux is free. Source code link is on our web Or you can visit Metrowork/Lineo web page.  [2003-9-9 10:51:46]
[问:armmcu] A404有10/100M ethernet controller 吗? 好像没有吧 
[答:Junli] Yes, there is 10/100M controller on A404.  [2003-9-9 10:52:24]
[问:qin] 听介绍,该产品主要是LCD控制功能及相应接口,是这样吗?此外,它还有什么功能? 
[答:TJFang] UART, Ethernet, SSP, CAN, IrAD, USB, etc. It will depend what MCU you use.  [2003-9-9 10:52:26]
[问:ljp] 在工业控制中,MCU的噪音防卫性能如何?需采取什么特别措施?I/O端口的数据安全性如何?是否需要光隔离器? 
[答:Junli] Refer to basic industry noise control method. It"s better to opto isolate.  [2003-9-9 10:53:50]
[问:armmcu] 我们正准备使用A400,请告诉我A400技术支持的联系方式 
[答:TJFang] We will station in Hong Kong and SHanghai.  [2003-9-9 10:54:44]
[问:mlwang] 我们计划开发一个产品,需要具备以下功能:1, 上网浏览、播放和下载音乐;2。 有USB HOST/DEVICE;3。 支持6“以上LCD屏;请问:有没有比较合适的SOC?sharp的哪一款最适合?  
[答:Junli] LH7A404 is a good choice because it support host and device. 7A400 only supports device.  [2003-9-9 10:55:22]
[问:samire] 请介绍BlueStreak程序库的具体内容或目录?购买MCU时能否免费提供? 
[答:TJFang] Free Linux source code and free WinCE source fro both BSP.  Please visit to download these free BSP"s.  [2003-9-9 10:56:35]
[问:willam_gann1] 我现在用了一套SHARP LH7A400 EVB的在开发,但是我现在的串口不够用我想在它上面扩展串口。如何实现,请指教。 
[答:Junli] You can use ISA interface UART chips or SPI interface UART chips.  [2003-9-9 10:58:13]
[问:deyun] BlueStreak 微控制器的开发工具是否丰富?支持C编译器吗? 
[答:TJFang] Yes. There are many.  [2003-9-9 10:58:39]
[问:ywda] 该系列MCU/SOC集成度相对较高,那么它主要针对哪些应用,软件库支持有何独到之处? 
[答:Junli] Mainly used in PDA, setop box, GPS... software visit  [2003-9-9 10:59:13]
[问:caorx01] 彩色7"LCD支持接口方案 
[答:Junli] LCD controller on our chip support all serious of SHARP panel, panels from other company are the same.  [2003-9-9 10:59:59]
[问:yuxp9] BlueStreat处理器是否有象Microchip处理器一样的页处理方式? 
[答:Junli] No such. Linear address from 0x00000000 to 0xffffffff  [2003-9-9 11:00:35]
[问:samire] 评估板上使用的是什么语言?从评估板到客户软件的转移通过什么途径?需要什么系统和配置? 
[答:TJFang] "C", "C++" and assembly. There is no tranfer unless the hardware is different. You can use Linux, WinCE, which depends what MCU you will use.  [2003-9-9 11:00:57]
[问:ljp] 系统时钟突然停止时,看门狗还能检测到异常情况吗? 
[答:Junli] Watchdog timer is based on HCLK, if HCLK stops, watchdog is not working.  [2003-9-9 11:01:23]
[问:nihaohong] What is the different between 32-bit mcu & 32-bit dsp ?Where can I download the datasheet of SHARP"s MCU? 
[答:DougJones] Generally speaking, 32-bit MCU will not have dsp capability such as Multiply-Accumulate (MACC), Saturation, etc.  DSP"s are better for signal processing algorthims such as voice/video encoding & decoding and some motor control applications.  However, if the performance exists, some 32-bit MCU"s can handle some lower-end DSP functions.  [2003-9-9 11:01:55]
[问:ljp] MCU是否有LCD驱动器?能否和LCD模块无缝连接?适合那几种类型的LCD? 
[答:TJFang] Sharp MCU had LCD controller inside of chip. It supports SNT, TFT, HR-TFT.  [2003-9-9 11:02:38]
[问:truelygo] 75系列灰度、彩色LCD控制器较其他同类产品的使用容易程度以及优势?谢谢 
[答:Junli] LCD controller supports 64k color, easy to use and intergrated in MCU. DMA transfer highest priority.  [2003-9-9 11:02:45]
[问:mlwang] 有没有包含MP3 codec的芯片?是哪一款? 
[答:TJFang] No, we don"t have yet.  [2003-9-9 11:03:44]
[问:mlwang] 要建立一套开发环境 都需要哪些东西?包括硬件、软件 
[答:Junli] 1. MCU2. Compiler - ARM, GHS, IAR, GNU3. JTAG debugging box  [2003-9-9 11:03:45]
[问:qin] 请告知该MCU的具体功耗和工作电压以及降功耗的功能. 
[答:Junli] Visit for data sheet.  [2003-9-9 11:04:57]
[问:lz_sun] 在DVD中可以使用bluestreak吗? 
[答:TJFang] It will depend on the application.  [2003-9-9 11:05:09]
[问:ZHAO ZHENHUAN] 功耗具体能到多少,可否针对其他公司参品进行对照介绍 
[答:TJFang] Please check our web side at  [2003-9-9 11:05:56]
[问:samire] 请问评估板的价格.该评估板是否能对MCU几种产品通用? 
[答:Junli] We supply EVB at u.S.$299.99. One EVB target at one MCU.  [2003-9-9 11:06:03]
[问:lihongxi] i am a staff of a dalian company,now my company is doing embedded arm application on industrial.would you like supply samples such as lh754XX,lhh75a40. 
[答:DougJones] We can provide samples free of charge.  It is best to contact the Sharp sales office in Shanghai.  [2003-9-9 11:06:58]
[问:supreme] 我以前是学51系列的!请问这两者中间有相通的吗? 
[答:Junli] ARM is much advanced than 51, but developing is similar  [2003-9-9 11:07:44]
[问:ZHAO ZHENHUAN] 请问国内技术支持的联系方法 
[答:TJFang] Sharp Shaghai Office at:+86 21 5854-7710.  [2003-9-9 11:08:13]
[问:qin] 请介绍这几种产品的应用范围.有没有解决方案或更详细的资料? 
[答:Junli] We are chip vender. We supply chip and software library/drivers. visit  [2003-9-9 11:08:28]
[问:熊勇] SHARP是否准备或者已经有带有FLASH的ARM芯片? 
[答:TJFang] No, we don"t have it.  [2003-9-9 11:09:06]
[问:ljp] 该MCU的外接存储器有那几种类型?容量有多大? 
[答:Junli] External memory can be flash and SDRAM, SDRAM can up to 256M bytes, flash can be 128M bytes.  [2003-9-9 11:09:27]
[问:qin] 所介绍的评估板是否对这几种产品都能用?或者只针对某一种产品?即是说,一种产品需配备一块评估板? 
[答:Junli] One EVB target at one MCU  [2003-9-9 11:09:44]
[问:armmcu] 我需要你们A400 FAE 的email address,thanks 
[答:TJFang] Please call Sharp Shanghai/Beijing office at:+86 21 5854 7710 or +86 10 6466 7543.  [2003-9-9 11:10:29]
[问:samire] IDK中的显示器是专用得人心吗? 
[答:Junli] Not sure. High end product for high end user.  [2003-9-9 11:10:39]
[问:Doni] As you know there many many cheap development tooling regarding Samsung ARM mcu product,dose Sharp "s ARM mcu how to compete with Samsung? ths. 
[答:DougJones] Development kits from LogicPD ( are available for Sharp MCU and start at $299 US for ARM7 and $349 US for ARM9.There are other low-cost development kits currently in development and will be announced shortly.  [2003-9-9 11:11:40]
[问:qin] 能否介绍与之合作的工具开发商? 
[答:TJFang] Please call Sharp Shanghai/Beijing office at +86 21 5854 7710 or +86 10 6466 7543.  [2003-9-9 11:11:47]
[问:robinswan] BlueStreak is right for POS (point of sale) Client machine? 
[答:DougJones] Depending upon the type of POS terminal, BlueStreak products could be an excellent choice for this type of application.  [2003-9-9 11:12:58]
[问:samire] 如何使用中断控制器? 
[答:TJFang] Please check  [2003-9-9 11:12:58]
[问:jms321] 针对简单的应用,不用操作系统,能提供简易的IDE集成开发环境吗?最好是支持C语言,自己做内核? 
[答:TJFang] Yes.  [2003-9-9 11:13:18]
[问:szawang] 我关心的是开发器的成本,以及芯片的与同类ARM的性价比。另外,我是苏州大学的教师,请问SHARP公司有没有类似国外其他大公司,在中国大学赞助建立自己产品的实验室。我们对此类合作很有兴趣。联系方式 
[答:Junli] We plan to sponsor the project in the college. We will keep you intouched.Our ARM is cheaper and better than other"s  [2003-9-9 11:14:30]
[问:yaoqianyy] 有过方案的资料,和芯片的报价,怎样向那里索取?怎样才能拿到样片?。 
[答:TJFang] Please call Sharp Shanghai/Beijing office at+86 21 5854 7710 or +86 10 6466 7543.  [2003-9-9 11:14:36]
[问:armmcu] A404仔细看过datasheet,并没看到内置的10/100M以太网接口,难道从你们的网站下的A404 datasheet过时了? 
[答:DougJones] The LH7A404 does not have an 10/100 Ethernet MAC.  Ethernet MAC function will be added to future BlueStreak MCU"s starting with the LH79524 and LH79525.  [2003-9-9 11:14:37]
[问:mlwang] 可以支持MP3 编解码吗? 
[答:TJFang] Yes.  [2003-9-9 11:15:04]
[问:lz_sun] MITSUMI 有没有在用sharp 的类似产品 
[答:Junli] Not yet.  [2003-9-9 11:15:49]
[问:fengxh920] 你好!你们会提供免费的样口吗?我们公司想对你们的厂家芯片了作一个了解,更想人你们提供免费的样口和技术支持. 
[答:TJFang] Please call Sharp Shanghai/Beijing office at+86 21 5854 7710 or +86 10 6466 7543.  [2003-9-9 11:16:13]
[问:qinlei216] 请问该如何测定片上系统的控制实时性 
[答:Junli] The speed of the chip can guarentee it"s realtime. Also, you can write software to verify.  [2003-9-9 11:17:37]
[问:ljp] MCU是否支持外接线性地址?能处理多大容量? 
[答:TJFang] We support 26 address lines.  [2003-9-9 11:18:48]
[问:qin] 这几种MCU的引脚是否兼容? 
[答:Junli] No.  [2003-9-9 11:19:15]
[问:deyun] 怎样获得详细的技术资料和样片? 
[答:TJFang] Please look at  [2003-9-9 11:19:15]
[问:wdhe] 请问 该产品能接硬盘吗?  
[答:Junli] Any kind of MCU with external interface can connect to IDE harddisk.  [2003-9-9 11:19:48]
[问:mlwang] LH7A404有没有批量供货?价格是多少? 
[答:RaedSabha] The 7A404 will be in mass production in February, 2004.  The 10ku price is under $16.  [2003-9-9 11:20:11]
[问:rtmain] LH7A404 5k 的数量大概价格 
[答:RaedSabha] Around $16  [2003-9-9 11:20:56]
[问:samire] 用作MP3时,能外接多大的闪存或U盘? 
[答:Junli] Nand flash can be as big as you want to connect.  [2003-9-9 11:23:01]
[问:mlwang] 可以详细解释支持AC"97的含义吗? 
[答:Junli] Please check the web for this meaning. AC97 and I2S are two most common standard for Audio.  [2003-9-9 11:23:41]
[问:jiafei558] 产品应用前景如何?/ 
[答:TJFang] Very good. We plan next trade show will hold in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen next March.  [2003-9-9 11:26:37]
[问:张明祥] “BlueStreak微控制器/片上系统”的性能怎样? 
[答:TJFang] Powfull and low cost.  [2003-9-9 11:27:40]
[问:robin] Sharp有哪些第三方合作伙伴? 
[答:Junli] We have many - detail check with BeiJing office (010)6466-7543. ShangHai office (21)5854-7710  [2003-9-9 11:29:42]
[问:ljp] 夏普能否提供参考设计的详细资料如MP3播放器? 
[答:DougJones] Sharp is currently working with a 3rd party for a software MP3 decode algorthim on the LH79520.  We expect this software to be available for demonstration at the end of this month.  This is based on the LogicPD SDK-LH79520 reference design.  Once the MP3 decode alogorithm is complete, you will be able to license this software from the 3rd party.  Also, once ported to LH79520, it should be easy to implement on other BlueStreak ARM microcontroller.Please contact your Sharp sales office to arrange a demo.  [2003-9-9 11:31:02]
[问:comm_6] 线程控制能力如何? 
[答:TJFang] You can use Linux or WinCE os to handle it on our MCU.  [2003-9-9 11:31:33]
[问:ywda] 有一定的PIC的MCU基础,如何快速夏普MCU(学习型系统)? 
[答:Junli] First you need to go to to understand developing tool and ARM structure. It is not difficult.  [2003-9-9 11:33:14]
[问:yunjian] 请问bluestreak在可视电话上是否有成功案例? 
[答:DougJones] We have customers currently designing "smart phones", but they do not involve video.  [2003-9-9 11:33:21]
[问:x030909] 如何来判断MCU的快与慢仅仅是时钟频率吗?  
[答:TJFang] No, you have to look at MCU structure, data bus, address bus.  [2003-9-9 11:35:56]
[问:armmcu] A400上能否完成mpeg4解码 
[答:DougJones] It should be possible to do MPEG4 decode, but MPEG4 encode will very be difficult with out additional acceleration capabilities off-chip.  [2003-9-9 11:36:35]
[问:robin] 设计MP3中,能否应用到贵公司的MCU ?有没有相应的 demo board ? 
[答:TJFang] Yes, you can use Sharp MCU and Sharp EVB to run the demo.  [2003-9-9 11:37:55]
[问:x030909] MCU有没有上电顺序解决了吗?上电顺序还有特殊要求吗? 
[答:TJFang] No, there is not.  [2003-9-9 11:38:20]
[问:comm_6] 电源配置有什么要求? 
[答:TJFang] 3.3v and 5.0v.  [2003-9-9 11:38:47]
[问:yunjian] 是否支持MPEG 4 OR JPEG?硬件编解码? 
[答:TJFang] We do have one MCU has MPEG4 inside. Please call Sharp Shanghai/Beijing office at:+86 21 5854 7710 or +86 10 6466 7543.  [2003-9-9 11:40:55]
[问:robinswan] which type of bluestreak is best for POS terminal, which OS suport bluestreak? winCE or Linux?  
[答:DougJones] Depending upon requirements for POS terminal, all BlueStreak MCU"s would be good for POS terminal.BlueStreak MCU"s are supported by many OS, including WinCE, Linux, ThreadX, Nucleus+, VxWorks, uC/OS II, SMX.  [2003-9-9 11:41:35]
[问:comm_6] 省电功能如何灵活应用? 
[答:Junli] Different power down mode can put chip in different level of power mode. For detail specification visit  [2003-9-9 11:42:20]
[问:yunjian] 我公司目前正在准备搭建新的ARM平台,请问BlueStreak在这方面的支持如何?包括方案、OS、技术支持、价格方面, 
[答:TJFang] We provide Linux and WinCE, uc/OS, etc. I will be Shanghai Sept 18th and 19th. You call me at +86 21 5854 7710. We do open a training on Sept. 18th.  [2003-9-9 11:43:49]
[问:comm_6] 硬件设计上对什么通信协议支持能力最强? 
[答:Junli] Different MCUs have different speed and DMA speed, it is up to the user to decide which communciation protocal they want to use. For minimum, 10M ehternet can be used on all our MCU. 100M can be supported on our ARM9 MCU  [2003-9-9 11:43:57]
[问:qin] MCU能否用在3G手机内?能处理多媒体图像吗?  
[答:TJFang] Yes.  [2003-9-9 11:45:25]
[问:samire] MCU能否直接外接闪存?容量有多大? 
[答:TJFang] Yes, you can use 128m for flash memory.  [2003-9-9 11:46:18]
[问:Doni] What is the major customer cerrent for Bluestreak MCU?ths. 
[答:DougJones] We have many customers currently designing with Sharp BlueStreak MCU"s.  Applications range from smart toys, digital set-top box, digital picture frames, smart phones, PDA, GPS, fish finders, etc.  [2003-9-9 11:46:25]
[问:m7609] MCU是否具有电源管理模块,能否作为嵌入式平台应用? 
[答:TJFang] yes.  [2003-9-9 11:46:33]
[问:ljp] 我们也想知道你们产品劣于对手的方面,请叙述一下。 
[答:TJFang] Please check  [2003-9-9 11:47:02]
[问:truelygo] 可否公开几个片上系统在消费类电子产品过程中的成功案例?针对LH79520使用LINUX操作系统的源代码在那里可以找到? 
[答:Junli] Consumer electronics application successfully in setop box, smart toys, PDA, GPS... Source code web link can be found on or Metrowork/Lineo web page.  [2003-9-9 11:47:10]
[问:yunjian] 如果我想把BlueStreak用于可视电话,请问有哪些同类ARM芯片所没有的优点? 
[答:Junli] LCD controller in the chip supports 64K color. ARM9 speed with USB/ethernet/audio controller in the MCU  [2003-9-9 11:48:15]
[问:mlwang] If $349 is the total price of: EVB, compiler and JTAG debugger? 
[答:DougJones] LogicPD ARM9 eval board is priced at US$349 and includes EVB, GNU compiler, Cygwin, bootloader.  Bootloader will allow user to program flash.  JTAG debugger IS NOT included.  Software designed to run on this board is freely available at  [2003-9-9 11:48:42]
[问:qin] I/O带宽最大能做到多少? 
[答:TJFang] I am not sure your question. Do you want to ask GPIO ports?  [2003-9-9 11:48:59]
[问:qin] 我想进行图象处理的运算,需要大量的存储空间,这款芯片最大支持的存储量是多少? 
[答:Junli] SDRAM can up to 256 M bytes, flash up to 128M bytes. Nand flash- no limit.  [2003-9-9 11:49:00]
[问:samire] 请问,目前能支持该MCU的RTOS有哪些? 
[答:TJFang] Linux, WinCE, uC/OS, Threadex, etc. Please check our web at:  [2003-9-9 11:50:18]
[问:x030909] 微处理器的结构和特点,能否提供灵活的人机界面设计(键盘接口、640×480以上图形显示),存储器的管理能力如何?  
[答:Junli] Refer to ARM structure book. LCD can support man machine interface up to 1024*768, depends on the chip minimum can be 640x480. SRAM, SDRAM, Flash can be interfaced to the MCU.  [2003-9-9 11:50:40]
[问:lxl9726] 在电源上有没有3.3V以下的? 
[答:TJFang] There is one 1.8v, but you can use internal generate instead.  [2003-9-9 11:51:00]
[问:m7609] 1、该器件的使用特点;2、该器件编程特点;3、该期间在图象边缘检测中的应用  
[答:Junli] Please refer to data sheet on www.sharpsma.comNot clear about mentioned application, please consult Sharp Beijing and Shanghai office.  [2003-9-9 11:52:02]
[问:ZHAO ZHENHUAN] sharp的mcu是否已经在一些PDA中得到应用,能否简单介绍。目前市场占有率是多少 
[答:RaedSabha] Sharp"s BlueStreak MCU line is less than 3 years old.  We have won several PDA applications in China and South East Asia.  As for market share, it is very small at this point.  However, we are focusing our efforts on China market and expect to get a good share of the market by 2006.  [2003-9-9 11:53:18]
[问:lxl9726] 请问I/O的最大传输速率是多大? 
[答:TJFang] up to 50MHz on the ARM7.  [2003-9-9 11:53:47]
[问:robin] 工业上应用一般环境恶劣,请问你们的产品中如何解决噪音问题? 
[答:Junli] We provide the chip, it is up to the system designer to do noise reduction.  [2003-9-9 11:54:00]
[问:robin] 夏普蓝牙卡,这次好像没有多介绍?请问此卡性能参数介绍地址是什么? 
[答:TJFang] We do not support BlueTooth.  [2003-9-9 11:54:29]
[问:m7609] 请问:我们如果选用了该MCU/SOC产品,Sharp公司的技术支持能够提供哪些支持与服务,在我们开发过程中,是否能实时提供服务,谢谢!  
[答:TJFang] Yes, we will station in Hong Kong and Shanghai for supporting.  [2003-9-9 11:55:15]
[问:lxl9726] 我现在的研究项目是图象通讯,请问对这个项目有没有什么帮助? 
[答:TJFang] I will be in Shanghai on Sept 18th. You can call me at +86 21 5854 7710.  [2003-9-9 11:57:18]