
热门关键字: 信号处理 工业控制 电容 Avnet 



[问:kulama] 请问,ABS系统解决方案中电子模块的主要作用是什么 
[答:PeterK] 电子模块就是指通常的控制单元。控制制动系统。 [2003-8-20 10:48:36]
[问:yunzhongy] 请问自动刹车系统,轮胎压力监测系统如何实现? 
[答:HelenLu] Current TPMS is not deisgned for ABS system, but normal monitoring tyre pressure.  [2003-8-20 10:55:54]
[问:yunzhongy] 16位单片机能用高级语言编程吗? 
[答:PeterK] 能,我们有CodeWarrior C 开发平台。  [2003-8-20 10:56:01]
[问:qin] 整个汽车电子控制系统采用多个控制器(8位和16位的),它们的接口如何解决?CAN和LIN兼容吗? 
[答:PeterK] 用CAN和LIN,不兼容,但可一起使用组成网络。  [2003-8-20 10:57:08]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 请问专家Motorola在柴油机电喷控制中,可用什么处理器? 
[答:PeterK] 中低档用9S12,高档用MPC5xx  [2003-8-20 10:58:05]
[问:wanghao_519] 您好,我现在做TPMS,我可否申请到相关样片,如能,如何申请?谢谢! 
[答:PeterK] 请与我们的代理商联系。010-51921680。  [2003-8-20 10:59:02]
[问:huangxq26] 对于汽车电子ECU单元之间的通讯,各大厂商在控制通讯的用户层是否有一致的规范,比如CANopen?请简单介绍一下! 
[答:PeterK] CAN和LIN是国际标准。  [2003-8-20 11:02:31]
[问:2123063] TPMS系统装在轮胎内,肯定要安装电池,请问TPMS采用什么电压?更换是否方便? 
[答:HelenLu] Yes. there is battery. Motorola TPMS chip set solution operating voltage is 3V. How to install battery depend on our customer, system designer how to design it. Most customers request not changing battery.  [2003-8-20 11:02:34]
[问:2123063] 摩托罗拉是如何解决单片机死机问题的? 
[答:Kenny] Watch Dog feature can help to reset the MCU if it"s hanging up.   [2003-8-20 11:03:03]
[问:xzxuestc] 控制总线你们都是采用的CAN么?今后控制总线得发展趋势是什么。 
[答:PeterK] CAN  [2003-8-20 11:03:07]
[问:wangjingqi] 在自动变速控制方面,motorola器件有那些已有的应用?在此方面的前景又如何? 
[答:PeterK] 9S12DG128,MC33385, MC33289等。很多可以用。  [2003-8-20 11:05:25]
[问:yjinter] 摩托罗拉单片机在汽车中抗干扰能力如何?是否要加隔离电源? 
[答:Kenny] In s12 MCU family: Clock gating on peripheral level for each module can help to improve EMC/EMI.Dual Power Supplies can also isolates Core & Reduces Core noise,  [2003-8-20 11:06:43]
[问:ljp] 有无可能用LED来代替现有的灯泡?Motorola有这方面的LED产品吗? 
[答:PeterK] 可以,但我们无这样的产品。  [2003-8-20 11:07:28]
[问:jianew] 想知道ABS的主单片机、辅助单片机的资料 
[答:PeterK] 9S12DG128,908很多MCU均可作为辅助。  [2003-8-20 11:09:02]
[问:samire] 请介绍高端功率开关的防浪涌或尖峰能力.如何提高这一特性? 
[答:YTNg] Self protection switch have overcurrent and overvoltage protection built in.  [2003-8-20 11:09:24]
[问:jianglee] 请问摩托罗拉在汽车防盗器方面有无相关器件和解决方案? 
[答:PeterK] 我们有RKE全套解决方案  [2003-8-20 11:09:44]
[问:2123063] 摩托罗拉的芯片最高电压基本都是5V,为什么不提高电压?干扰如何解决? 
[答:Kenny] Most of automotive semiconductor are using 5v supply. The leading car manf will use external booster to higher up the voltage  [2003-8-20 11:10:25]
[问:lhlbitev] 我来自北京理工大学电动车辆工程技术中心;从资料上看,有关摩托罗拉半导体在燃油汽车上的应用很多,但是好像应用到电动汽车上的实例不是很多。我们知道在电动汽车中,有很多的ECU单元,如电机控制器、电池组管理单元、整车综合控制单元等,能不能介绍一下摩托罗拉半导体在电动汽车中的应用情况,有那些芯片比较适合于电动车辆的电池组管理应用,谢谢! 
[答:PeterK] MPC5xx可用于上层管理。9S12可用于其它控制。另还有很多的智能模拟器件。  [2003-8-20 11:11:36]
[问:shangjf] 能否介绍一下你们的TPMS系统吗? 
[答:HelenLu] It"s big question. Could you please approach Motorola local sales office to get brief inf of Moto TPMS solution. Then you may have question more specific.In general, today, we offer a solution:Sensors Daytona MPXY8020A & MPXY8040AMCUs & Transmitters MCU + RF: MC68HC908RF2, MC68HC908QF4 Stand alone RF: Tango3 MC33493 RF Receiver Romeo2 MC33594  [2003-8-20 11:12:48]
[问:szawang] 对于汽车上的电磁干扰、电源波动是如何有效处理的?CAN BUS 的抗干扰、误码率实际如何? 
[答:Kenny] Differential voltage in CAN bus physical layer can help to improve the immunity in the line noise. The CRC code can also help in data integrity.  [2003-8-20 11:12:49]
[问:hzyfuture] 摩托罗接MCU是比较有名的,而目前使用在车载音响中尚不多见,请问如果使用在车用音响(VCD,DVD)中有无优势,抗干忧以及EMC是否可靠?目前一般使用的是8/16位,16KROM。 
[答:PeterK] 我们的DSP可用于呈用音响中。  [2003-8-20 11:13:33]
[问:孙晓东] 1。怎样减弱汽车电路中的噪声及干扰:2.加速度传感器(adxl105)中的噪声为白噪声,当3阶滤波器输出信号带宽选为100hz时,其(rms)为1mv,且为低频噪声。请问怎样进一步减弱噪声? 
[答:HelenLu] Reducing noise in auto application is a big topic. Please approach Moto SPS local office to have more specific discussion.  [2003-8-20 11:14:30]
[问:p6564171] MOTOROLA公司有无专门供ABS系统使用的单片机芯片和电磁阀、电机、ABS灯等一体化驱动芯片,要带有自诊断功能,与单片机通讯方便,如I2C,SPI等接口!单片机芯片最好有开发片(带窗口EPROM,或FLASH ROM)。谢谢! 
[答:PeterK] 9S12加我们的很可能功率器件如:MC33385,MC33289等。  [2003-8-20 11:14:45]
[问:seabird2005] 请谈一下基于单板机的系统抗电磁干扰的技术概况.谢谢. 
[答:Kenny] In general, clock gating on peripheral level for each module and Dual Power Supplies: +5V for I/Os & +2.5V for Core can help EMC/EMI.  [2003-8-20 11:15:07]
[问:liu110023wei] 请回答关于汽车黑匣子的问题 
[答:PeterK] 可用我们的MCU,传感器等。  [2003-8-20 11:15:23]
[问:samire] 为了保证汽车电子产品的可靠性,一般的指标富余度要留有多少才合适? 
[答:PeterK] 30%至50%。  [2003-8-20 11:16:17]
[问:eastman] Lin总线的应用似乎不如CAN多,从成本上考虑才提出这么一个协议? 
[答:PeterK] LIN的成本较低,应用少是因为推出晚。  [2003-8-20 11:17:10]
[问:zdcjiu] 请问在驾驶员信息系统方面,摩托罗拉有哪些领先技术 
[答:PeterK] 我们的MPC5000 32位MCU加上9S12MCU可很好实现DIS。  [2003-8-20 11:18:05]
[问:qin] 汽车电子器件的可靠性如何保证?靠生产上的特殊工艺还是靠留有更大的指标富余量?请举例说明. 
[答:Kenny] All Motorola automotive parts complied to Automotive Engineering Council (AEC) standard.  [2003-8-20 11:18:57]
[问:大陆] 摩托罗拉半导体器件在汽车开关方面应用如何,如“危急报警灯开关”和“仪表盘照明调节开关”。 
[答:PeterK] 我们有大量的智能功率器件可用于开关监测和灯驱动等。  [2003-8-20 11:19:01]
[问:ljp] 9S12中有无GPS功能?或能嵌入GPS功能? 
[答:Kenny] NO.  [2003-8-20 11:19:08]
[问:LU1BOBO] 现在的汽车中肯定有不少控制用的微机,为他们提供稳定、干净的电源,是保证这些计算机正常工作的重要手段。请问摩托罗拉是否有这样的半导体器件?他们怎样工作的? 
[答:YTNg] Motorola has the products for MCU power protection, main products is the Basic System Chip with CAN communication module.  Basic system chip MC33989, 33889 keep watching the MCU operation and if MCU would have problem, power supply will shut down and retry again after certain period for MCU to rest. Usually for Engine control, there is a hardware circuit working side by side with the MCU for best operation.  Even the MCU interrupt for a moment, the whole operation will not interrupt.  [2003-8-20 11:20:07]
[问:sdliaochengzl] 我们正在使用MPC500系列的芯片,在网上哪儿可以找到关于该系列芯片的一些例程? 
[答:PeterK] 可以查一下我们网上的MPC555/MPC565等Web Page。应该有一些例程,如Application Note.  [2003-8-20 11:20:23]
[问:jianew] 想了解一下贵公司ABS方面的情况 
[答:PeterK] ABS可用我们的9S12MCU加很可能功率器件,如MC33385,MC33289等。  [2003-8-20 11:21:05]
[问:qin] 汽车中的电磁干扰很大,汽车电子如何解决这一问题? 
[答:YTNg] Good power supply, shielding, software consideration , retry after interrupt, good PCB layout, good protection from high voltage signalling, power radiation,  modular design,  [2003-8-20 11:22:17]
[问:hh-ding] 问题:1 汽车轮胎气压监测装置系统的解决方案;2、该装置专用芯片供应商的联系方式以及芯片的开发工具;3、气压和温度的检测方法、 
[答:HelenLu] Please contact Motorola SPS local office to obtain detailed materials of Moto TPMS solution. or you can also visit web side to search TPMS and application note AN1951. We have detail explaination in this application notes. Our reference design demo and development tool ready to order. Our sensor MPXY8020A is integrated pressure sensor and Tenmp sensor on chip. Please see datasheet MPXY8020/D and AN1951.  [2003-8-20 11:23:11]
[问:2123063] 采用CAN控制后,终端驱动是如何实现的?采用继电器还是功率输出 
[答:PeterK] 都可以。  [2003-8-20 11:23:26]
[问:hongmao] RF2 是不是 主频的32倍频发射,还是软件可选择发射频率? 
[答:Kenny] Based on the fixed external crystal frequency. Software cannot alter the frequency.  [2003-8-20 11:23:26]
[问:fxf] Normally, how many ROM size that used for car controller system? Say, 8-bit core MCU. 
[答:Kenny] Normally 32K, Max 64K  [2003-8-20 11:24:07]
[问:willam_gann1] 压力监测系统现在有一套完整的解决方案吗? 
[答:HelenLu] YES. Please go to visit our web side to search for TPMS or AN1951 which is application note for reference design of Moto TPMS solution.  [2003-8-20 11:24:40]
[问:seabird2005] 请问motorola的智能airbag在那些方面具有智能。 
[答:PeterK] MCU智能功率器件智能占位检测智能加速度传感器分布式控制等  [2003-8-20 11:25:12]
[问:samire] 汽车电子中的开关电源的开关频率一般是多少合适?它的波纹系数要求多少合适? 
[答:YTNg] There is no particular requirement of the switching freqyency, usually in the range of 100KHz to 1MHz.  subjected to power rating. the higher the switching power, the higher lost, but less space and small form factor. and the higher the sw. frweq, the higher the EMC, if there is no space , or room constraint, the lower the switching freq, the better.  [2003-8-20 11:26:07]
[问:willam_gann1] 我想知道更多的关于轮胎压力监测系统方面的更多资料可以和谁联系?谢谢! 
[答:PeterK] 请与我们的代理商联系,如你没有联系过,可联系010-51921680  [2003-8-20 11:26:27]
[问:jackylxm] MOT在MCU TOOL等工具支持上有无什么新的方式?比如通用性等方面。 
[答:Kenny] Background Debug Mode (BDM) in S12 is the new design for in-circuit real-time debugging. Metrowerks also provides Window based interface for software development.  [2003-8-20 11:26:40]
[问:shangjf] 发射模块放入轮胎内,会影响发射距离,请问您如何解决这个问题? 
[答:HelenLu] Use Motorola MCU + RF chip: MC68HC908RF2. It is sufficient for this application.  [2003-8-20 11:27:07]
[问:ljp] 要增加远程信息处理业务,如何解决? 
[答:PeterK] 用DIS。  [2003-8-20 11:27:26]
[问:bbb] 目前,汽车上通常用CAN线而不是LIN线,如何解释?只因为高速? 
[答:Kenny] Speed is a major factor, but there are different topology. In general speaking, CAN is multi-casting protocol. LIN is master-slave protocol.  [2003-8-20 11:28:40]
[问:shangjf] 发射模块的功耗问题如何解决? 
[答:PeterK] 用硬件电路和软件均可调节。  [2003-8-20 11:28:55]
[问:willam_gann1] 请问贵公司的器件在汽车中的应用都采用了哪些防干扰措施?在汽车的实际运行中效果如何? 
[答:YTNg] EMC arise from the wtiching of the power, to control the EMC, means control the switching rise time.  Moto products usually fit to have the best switching rise time of the power transistor.  QUESTION IS do not switch the power transistors , there are many.. in one time , or same time, dealy the switching one by one, in system consideration.,  [2003-8-20 11:29:00]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] Motorola在车载GPS应用有无解决方案? 
[答:PeterK] 无,建议用我们另一个部门(汽车电子部)的GPS模块。  [2003-8-20 11:29:33]
[问:xjq] 演讲中介绍的仪表板系统中的单片机MC9S12Hx价格? 
[答:Kenny] Very competitive. Please contact local distributor for detail.  [2003-8-20 11:30:19]
[问:wxcqh] 有无CODEWARRIOR C详细的中文资料及MPC555或MPC56X的事例 
[答:PeterK] 现无中文资料。事例可上我们网查一下有关的Application Note.  [2003-8-20 11:30:45]
[问:leave123] 如何降底/控制電源的干擾? 
[答:YTNg] Deliever the best optium power to the load at lowest switching speed, given the ripple and rise time and load variation are met with the spec. Shielding would be a good practice, and avoid high voltage spike .  [2003-8-20 11:31:15]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] RF2 I集成遥控解决方案中有多少组码?会不会资源冲突重码? 
[答:HelenLu] We have rolling code - billions of combination. It is unlikely to have conflict.  [2003-8-20 11:33:12]
[问:hua9xing] MOTOROLA器件中哪些可以用于汽车速度检测? 
[答:PeterK] 只有加速度传感器。  [2003-8-20 11:34:53]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 请问专家,汽车级处理器与工业级处理器有何不同,是否对EMC EMI有更高的要求? 
[答:YTNg] MCU in auto and industrial application is the same, we have products in different operating temperature, industrial and auto is from -40 deg C to + 125 deg C, but would sell higher price. Operating temperature is the main concern. EMC / EMI is also a design consideration in this application. All Motorola MCU in Auto has to pass the EMI standard before qualification.  [2003-8-20 11:35:24]
[问:xzxuestc] 33394的详细资料在哪里可以找到 
[答:YTNg] motorola web site.  [2003-8-20 11:35:52]
[问:gong_ds] 摩托罗拉的MCU类型很多,是否有通用的仿真器? 
[答:PeterK] 08有两种,EVS分各子型号(母板通用)12/S12,全系列通用  [2003-8-20 11:36:18]
[问:zhanwei3525] 汽车电子要求的数字信号处理方面的计算正在提高,MOTOROLA是否打算为汽车电子优化和设计专有DSP?TI已有集成了CAN总线的系列 
[答:PeterK] 我们也有,DSP56F8xx  [2003-8-20 11:37:15]
[问:hongmao] 请问目前推荐的胎压监测功耗多少?电压,电流?除电池外,是否还有其他可选供电方案? 
[答:HelenLu] Battery is the only solution today. How much is the system power consumption is very much depend on how the system design. For example, sampling rate and RF transmitting rate, if system put stand by mode when car not moving....  [2003-8-20 11:37:20]
[问:chengcao1115] 1。贵公司的微控制器在汽车电子器领域主要用于哪些方面?如:ECU,CAN总线通讯等等。2。有那些汽车厂家采用了贵公司的那种类型的微控制器产品? 
[答:PeterK] 几乎所有的汽车控制系统,几乎所有的汽车电子生产厂均使用我们的半导体器件。  [2003-8-20 11:38:14]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 执行器采用半桥驱动有何好处? 
[答:YTNg] Actuator , if only one direction, a High side or Low side power switch,  if both direction, need a full bridge.  [2003-8-20 11:39:01]
[问:yunzhongy] 设计时如何考虑芯片的使用寿命和提前失效问题? 
[答:HelenLu] Semiconductor chip life time will not be issue in this application, but battery.  [2003-8-20 11:39:11]
[问:wanghao_519] 在EPS系统中,如果应用DSP作控制器芯片,选用哪种合适?DSP56F803可以吗? 
[答:PeterK] 可以。可能56F801或08MCU就可以。  [2003-8-20 11:40:31]
[问:ljp] 请介绍汽车的告警系统和防盗系统.采用那类传感器和MCU来完成? 
[答:PeterK] 8位MCU,RF编/解码芯片等。  [2003-8-20 11:41:29]
[问:weiguo.zhan] 请问高端与低端的分类标准是什么? 
[答:PeterK] 高端指负载一端接地,用高打开低端指负载一端接电瓶,用低打开。  [2003-8-20 11:42:50]
[问:qin] RF2和压力传感器的接口如何解决EMI问题?其中的RF信号是数字还是模拟信号? 
[答:HelenLu] We do not experience any EMI issue within the RF2. Pls give us more details if you expereince any issue. The RF signal is digital.  [2003-8-20 11:43:18]
[问:houxp] 来自Motorola的专家,你们好!我还是想请教一下:1. 汽车的应用环境对半导体器件提出了哪些具体的、特殊的要求?2. 不同的半导体厂商,包括你们的竞争对手,在这方面有何应对策略?3. 与你们的对手相比,Motorola产品的性能优势在何处?谢谢! 
[答:YTNg] - 40 deg C to + 125 deg.C operating temperature and High voltage 40 Volts is the main requirement for Auto SPS products.Moto provide better system design experience, and over 50 years auto industrial experience is the key to our success. for example, New BMW 7 series 735L, 745L used over 50 units of Moto MCU.  [2003-8-20 11:43:24]
[问:helena] we are trying to use mpc500,where can we get more information? 
[答:PeterK], Search MPC555 or MPC565, ...  [2003-8-20 11:43:52]
[问:dwenzhao] 有种类似RFID方式的Tyre Pressure Monitor,请问MOT是否有这种方案。 
[答:HelenLu] Such solution will be introduced in 2004.  [2003-8-20 11:44:17]
[问:samire] 汽车电子中的开关电源的效率一般能达到多少? 
[答:YTNg] around 90 %  [2003-8-20 11:44:24]
[问:samire] 通过MCU控制电压或电流波形能降低EMI,那种波形的EMI最低? 
[答:YTNg] By control the rise time of the power switching would help in the EMI,  Don"t switch every thing at the same time.  [2003-8-20 11:45:31]
[问:ljp] 在低电压或息火时,如何保证9S12停止工作? 
[答:PeterK] 低电压复位。无电压时当然停止工作。  [2003-8-20 11:45:32]
[问:huangxq26] 对于汽车电子ECU单元之间的通讯,各大厂商在控制通讯的用户层是否有一致的规范,比如CANopen?请简单介绍一下! 
[答:PeterK] CAN,J1850等,均是国际标准。但一致性目前各大厂商之间并不十分好。  [2003-8-20 11:47:03]
[问:qin] 智能功率器件的具体含义是什么?它的智能体现在那里?靠MCU来控制它? 
[答:YTNg] over voltage control  over current control, under voltage monitoring, MCU status reporting, temperature monitoring, over temperature protection, EMI control.  [2003-8-20 11:47:04]
[问:xzxuestc] 有没有与Internet相连的汽车电子解决方案 
[答:PeterK] DIS  [2003-8-20 11:47:16]
[问:shangjf] 请问您的TPMS发射模块的低功耗问题有那些解决方法? 
[答:HelenLu] You may considering put module into stand by mode when car parking and select suitable RF transmitting rate.  [2003-8-20 11:47:18]
[问:shangjf] Mr Peterk,能否回答一下发射模块功耗问题在硬件和软件调整的具体几点方法吗?谢谢! 
[答:PeterK] 硬件调整很复杂,需用性能较高的仪器调整。软件可调整发射间隔等。  [2003-8-20 11:50:52]
[问:qin] 如何确保功率器件不会出现误动作? 
[答:YTNg] Feedback signalling, double protection system would be a good choice.  There is no 100% sure, but decrease the possibility of error at vital part in system design.  [2003-8-20 11:51:13]
[问:ytian37] 请问备用控制器的选型应考虑哪些因素? 
[答:PeterK] 简单,够用就可以。低成本。  [2003-8-20 11:52:16]
[问:samire] 汽车电子中使用的MCU是否对电源要求更严格? 
[答:PeterK] 无。  [2003-8-20 11:52:31]
[问:samire] ABS的响应速度有多快?MCU工作速度有多高? 
[答:PeterK] 几百K,MCU完全可以满足。  [2003-8-20 11:54:27]
[问:shangjf] 能否推荐一款可以测汽车车速的加速度传感器? 
[答:PeterK] 车速要用车速传感器。  [2003-8-20 11:55:09]
[问:hh-ding] 请问关于TPMS系统中,由于汽车车体对电磁波的屏蔽作用,车内信号接收器如何接收轮胎发射器的发射信号 
[答:HelenLu] The operating frequency is in 400 Mhz range & 800 Mhz range. Similar to cellphone. It will not be affected.  [2003-8-20 11:55:20]
[问:tingleliu] 单纯利用加速度传感器,可以检测速度的准确度能到多少。比如连续行使20小时以前,误差在多少范围之内 
[答:PeterK] 加速度传感器不能检测速度。  [2003-8-20 11:55:40]
[问:13308406303] 请问你们的加速度传感器,对震动反映如何? 
[答:PeterK] 低g值传感器可检测大一点的震动  [2003-8-20 11:56:30]
[问:fxf] As you mentioned all MOT MCU have to pass EMI standard, what EMI standard level that have to pass? Would you tell us more about this? Thanks. 
[答:YTNg] Please give me your email address. thanks  [2003-8-20 11:56:41]
[问] 控制关断油电路选用哪款模拟器件比较好?控制门锁选用哪款功率模拟器件比较好?发生劫车、盗车的选用的器件又有哪些? 
[答:PeterK] 喷油器控制MC33385门锁MC33186均需用MCU等控制,防盗要复杂一些。  [2003-8-20 11:58:36]
[问:dwenzhao] 在TMPS系统中,使用编码区别不同轮胎,接受方怎样通过编码识别是哪个轮胎的压力并让用户知道。 
[答:HelenLu] Please refer to Motorola application note AN1951.  [2003-8-20 11:59:34]
[问:qin] 请介绍高端功率开关的防浪涌或尖峰能力.如何提高这一特性? 
[答:YTNg] optium the ripple, coil sizing, coil resistance, temperature dissipation, storage capacitor, switching speed, would give the best efficiency.Fast supression zener and phase delay would be nice to have.  [2003-8-20 12:00:46]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 轮胎中的传感器和发射模块均由内嵌的电池供电,一旦电池失效有无应急措施? 
[答:HelenLu] You may considering add voltage detection in the system. Battery can be changed before it goes to too low.  [2003-8-20 12:01:03]
