
热门关键字: 传感器制造 噪声系数 载波信号 智能网络 



主题:ST 的 CPE ADSL 调制解调器是你的最佳选择
[问:zhanwei3525] 我做过ADSL线路检测算法的研究,请问检测设备中如果采用贵公司的内核是否能与大量采用的阿尔卡特芯片及其他芯片兼容?谢谢 
[答:Helen] 是  [2003-8-19 10:38:43]
[问:pub@] 请问ST的ADSL芯片是否可以用于做ADSL测试仪?能够测试线缆的情况、DMT测试及完成ATU-R仿真? 
[答:Helen] 是, 已有很多类似客户!  [2003-8-19 10:39:44]
[问:zhanwei3525] ADSL虽然作为最后一公里问题的解决很有前景,但它的性能从未达到它的理论值,不知是否是原理上的缺陷;贵公司的产品是否对此有了很好的改进 
[答:LeeKL] ADSL is able to reach connection rate of 8Mbps up to over 8kft. For ethernet for the first mile where the throughput requirement is higher, VDSL is the solution. ST have the VDSL solution based on DMT, ready to be in the market soon.  [2003-8-19 10:40:25]
[问:lxl9726] 请问,ST的CPE ADSL调制解调器,它是否能用电力线来传输信号,并且它的传输速率是多少?谢谢! 
[答:Gaozhihong] ADSL can not go through the Power Line. It"s another Power Line modem using FSK in ST. It"s only about 2-4k bits depanded on the line situation.  [2003-8-19 10:40:50]
[问:daminghu] ADSL终端都是作为接入使用的,如果在终端中加入某些应用而不仅仅是一个通道,贵公司的产品是否有支持的方法。 
[答:Helen] 请说明是何种应用?  [2003-8-19 10:41:33]
[问:greatbear] 请问你们ADSL芯片组采用的什么体系架构,采用什么样的DSP或者CPU?你们的ADSL芯片组支持G992.3和G992.5协议吗?你们的局端单套ADSL芯片组支持多少路用户?你们的ADSL芯片组采用的是哪种特征尺寸的工艺?你们的ADSL芯片组每个芯片的规模多大呢?你们的ADSL芯片组和其他主流厂商的芯片组相比有何特色? 
[答:LeeKL] CPU is Arm9, DSP used is a dedicated hardwired DSP.Support for G.992.3 (ADSL2) is coming, Q4 2003Support for G.992.5 (ADSL+), Q4 2003.ADSL CO chipset current support 8 channel.  12 channale CO chipset is coming on Nov 2003.ST solution has the best PHY performance and best IOP solution among all the ADSL chipset.  [2003-8-19 10:45:27]
[问:renguangjie] 请问ADSL的最高接入带宽是多少??它是否能实现固定IP。如何实现?? 
[答:Gaozhihong] The 8M bits downsteam is the standard. But using same CO and CPE of ST, we can reach about 12M bits downstream. ST CPE can support the static IP. Anyway, it is depended on the ISP.  [2003-8-19 10:45:36]
[问:willam_gann1] ST 的 CPE ADSL 调制解调器芯片组与其他公司的芯片组相比有何特点,其集成度方面,性能方面,价格方面方面,技术支持及长期的供货有何特色。 
[答:Helen] 因时间问题,请直接与我们的办事处联系!  [2003-8-19 10:45:45]
[问:lfp5558] 它可用于电力线上吗? 
[答:Gaozhihong] It"s impossible, as so much noise on the power line.  [2003-8-19 10:47:23]
[问:jon] 该设置有那些功能和给用户带来方便? 
[答:Helen] 请说明问题!  [2003-8-19 10:47:54]
[问:siller] ST的方案是否有单芯片方案,如果我作为ADSL ROUTER或ADSL AP使用其内部的CPU资源是否足够,谢谢! 
[答:Helen] ST 50150单芯片解决方案可以!  [2003-8-19 10:49:37]
[问:puzhang] 1. cpe的主芯片组是单芯片还是多芯片?2。主mcu接口是否集成ethernet PHY?3. wlan应用中是否提供pcmcia接口?或者只有utopia接口?4。现有firmware的api是否对oem客户全部开放?还是只开放GUI?5. 现有封装是否BGA?对生产线要求有多高? 
[答:LeeKL] 1. Our ADSL ETNA MTC50150 chipset is a single chip solution (build in CPU + DMT), with external AFE (build in Tx driver and Rx Amp)2. Ethernet PHY is external, ST100E from ST.3. Current chipset support ISA interface.4. GUI, only for customisation.5. ETNA MTC50150 chipset is a BGA208 package, 1mm pitch.  [2003-8-19 10:50:43]
[问:zhanwei] ST 的CPE ADSL 用的主要芯片,芯片组及其价格该ADSL产品的主要技术指标。 
[答:Helen] 价格请洽ST销售!  [2003-8-19 10:52:11]
[问:swind] 请问CPE ADSL调帛解调器支持端口映射服务吗? 
[答:Gaozhihong] Yes.  [2003-8-19 10:52:52]
[问:sunllw] 我的实验室里有四十台计算机,请问用ST的CPE ADSL速度怎样? 
[答:Danny] 我们没有做过实际的测试,但是我们的芯片硬件支持64个MAC address.我们的Firmware中的DHCP能分配超过40个ip地址。理论上支持40个用户是没有问题的。但是具体的速度除了我们的modem外,ISP提供多大的带宽给你们也是一个因素。我们的下一代产品50180中除了支持ADSL+2外(下行到16M,上行达到2M),嵌入的ARM CPU 有更快的速度,将可以支持更多的用户。  [2003-8-19 10:53:01]
[问:jackbj] Do you offer total solution 
[答:Helen] YES  [2003-8-19 10:53:32]
[问:lfp5558] 请介绍该器件的应用和具体应用电路及注意事项。 
[答:LeeKL] Line interface:- Capacitor type (film type) for some critical   components.- Line transformer.Layout- Good analog ground separation.Others- Power supply noise on 3V3 and 5V analog supply  must be clean.  [2003-8-19 10:54:20]
[问:pier.fyf] 这种调制解调器和其他同类产品相比有什么特别之处和优点?我们为什么要选择ST公司的产品? 
[答:Helen] 请参考我们的产品介绍!  [2003-8-19 10:54:50]
[问:szyul] ST 的 CPE ADSL 与普通的ADSL有何不同? 
[答:Helen] 高稳定性,高兼容性以及高性价比!  [2003-8-19 10:58:00]
[问:fzm111] 整体成本比一般用ADSL有多少优势! 
[答:Helen] 请洽ST办事处!  [2003-8-19 10:58:55]
[问:bj_zhenglei] ST50150芯片方案的ADSL ROUTER,配置内置PPPOE方式时,是否必须输入服务器名称? 
[答:Danny] 不用。当然,现在的PPPoE的服务器有很多种。有些服务器不一定是完全符合协议的,这时候我们有可能需要手工输入一些参数。但是我们的Firmware不断的更新,与国内用现在的DHCP服务器都已经没有这样的问题。如果您发现了这方面任何案例,请与我们联系,我们会尽快解决。谢谢。  [2003-8-19 10:59:10]
[问:xystudio.lin] 请问﹐modem在播号过程中波型是怎样变化的?无播号音但可以成功连接是什么回事?谢谢﹗ 
[答:LeeKL] ST ADSL uses DMT (discrete multi tone) technology.  When power up, CPE modem will send the activation tone to the line.  When CO (Central Office) modem detects the activation tone, both CPE and CO modem will start the initialisation (line adaptation training) to decide the optimum connection rate.  [2003-8-19 10:59:11]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 今天介绍的ADSL Modem 产品与ST70134,ST70135是否兼容? 
[答:Helen] 这是ST新一代解决方案!  [2003-8-19 11:00:35]
[问:wqiang] Intel公司目前正在推广的Ixp425网络处理器,可以提供基于Utopia的ADSL CPE,以太网和基于PCI的WLAN解决方案。请问贵公司的解决方案与其相比有什么优势。 
[答:Helen] INTEL只提供网络处理器, 而ST提供的高性能ADSL UTOPIA解决方案可以和INTEL网络处理器组成TOTAL SOLUTION.  [2003-8-19 11:04:43]
[问:qin] ST的CPE ADSL MODEM能转输的距离有多远?上下行的数据速率有多高? 
[答:Gaozhihong] In 18kft with white noise, ST ETNA modem can reach 512K downstream and 384k upstream.  [2003-8-19 11:05:24]
[问:qin] 我家有两台计算机,有时需要同时上网,能否用一个ADSL MODEM加一个HUB来解决?此时会出现什么问题? 
[答:Danny] 你可以这么这样使用,只要将MODEM的路由功能打开就可以了,不会有任何问题。具体到如何正确打开路由功能,不同厂家的产品都有不同的方式。  [2003-8-19 11:06:30]
[问:zhangjianfu31] 请问CPE ADSL 调制解调器在数字有线电视机顶盒应用方面有否应用案例,能否提供相关的资料 
[答:Helen] 是, 请洽ST办事处!  [2003-8-19 11:07:02]
[问:samire] ST的网关在家庭中能连接多少设备?其速率能达到多少?出口带宽有多宽? 
[答:Gaozhihong] It should be conneted up to 128 PCs. The totally speed is 8M bits downstream, and 800k upstream. So, the link speed of the PC is depanded how many PCs send the data at same time.  [2003-8-19 11:08:49]
[问:ljp] ADSL 无线连接是否仅限于蓝牙连接? 
[答:LeeKL] WLAN (802.11b and 802.11g) is another option.  [2003-8-19 11:10:31]
[问:walter99] 如何在实验室环境中模拟实际现场的线路情况来测试adsl,使用什么设备或方法? 
[答:Danny] 你可以用Line Simulater来模拟线路,至于局端设备,则必须找厂家去买了。具体的测试方法,你可以参考国标,里面有详细地说明。要注意的是,不同的局端测试出来的结果往往是不同的。  [2003-8-19 11:11:09]
[问:ljp] ADSL 802.11b 无线上网的另一端需要安装什的配套设备? 
[答:Helen] 请说明另一端是局端还是用户側?  [2003-8-19 11:13:50]
[问:xufeng5581] 对于需要同时接入5~10路的产品来说,ST的50550可以实现吗 
[答:Gaozhihong] Yes, ST 50150 can support it.  [2003-8-19 11:15:09]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 目前ADSL的方案非常多,ST的方案主要优势在哪? 
[答:Helen] 高稳定性, 高互通性以及高性价比!  [2003-8-19 11:16:09]
[问:puzhang] 1。贵公司的全方案成本与其他厂家比较是否占优势?2。贵公司的最新方案是否支持adsl-II?3. demo board的总功耗有多高?与贵公司的前期产品比较是否下降?4。router模式是否能够做到voip包透传?5。line driver内置于AFE中还是外置? 
[答:Rogier] 1. ST solution was most widely adopted in the market in 2002.Most stable and interoperable solution in the market.2. ADSL2 will be supported from Q3 20033. We have various demo boards for different ADSL chipsets. Power consumption typically less than 3.5Watt.4. A special ALG is supported for various VoIP protocols such as H.3235.Line driver is integrated in the AFE chip. NO external line driver needed.  [2003-8-19 11:16:20]
[问:jlsywxd] 其他家公司新推出的产品把chipset和afe继承在一起,您认为贵公司的产品相比之下有什么优势。 
[答:Helen] ST is the leader of mix-signal, so we keep AFE alone in our soln, to have better advantage.  [2003-8-19 11:18:18]
[问:emore] 我使用20156TQ-C1做ADSL测试仪仿真ATU-C时,发现上电有时不能正常复位,要上电后按一下复位键,请问如何解决? 
[答:LeeKL] Do contact the local technical support.  It is probably related to power-on reset sequence.  Usually we need to release the reset signal of the AFE chip, then release the reset signal of the DMT chip.  [2003-8-19 11:18:45]
[问:emore] 请问50150能否适用于单路ATU-C和ATU-R作为ADSL测试仪用?片上是否提供网口和PING功能?全套解决方案价格如何? 
[答:Gaozhihong] ST50150 is for ATU-R only. And it provide Mii port on it. With our driver, we support the Ethernet port and ping function. For the price, it is quite good and many big copmanies in China have chosen it already.  [2003-8-19 11:19:54]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] ADSL联结速度号称,下行十几兆,上行达兆,可是目前实际应用多只有几百K,为什么? 
[答:Helen] This is the limitation from your service provider.  [2003-8-19 11:20:36]
[问:kv_wang] What kind of DSP and Eth Interface in 50150? 
[答:Rogier] The 50150 contains an MII interface to which an Ethernet PHY can be connected.It contains a hardwired DSP block.This solution provides the theoretically maximum possible FTP throughput, given the physical connect rate of the ADSL connection.  [2003-8-19 11:20:50]
[问:ljp] ADSL 802.11b 无线上网的价格大约是多少钱? 
[答:Helen] Contact ST sales Office pls.  [2003-8-19 11:21:07]
[问:samire] 请介绍ADSL路由器在家庭或SOHO中的应用. 
[答:Danny] 使用我们的产品支持SOHOU应用:1,将我们产品中的路由功能打开,配置好DHCP服务器。2,将交换机或HUB的上联端口与我们产品的以太网口连接上,所有电脑配置为通过DHCP获取IP参数。3,配置好MODEM的拨号参数(例如PPPoE的VPI,VCI,用户名,密码,等)让MODEM自己拨号上网。具体的操作随具体的MODEM厂家而不同,你可以参考说明书。  [2003-8-19 11:22:31]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] ADSL Mondem 接口需不需要SLIC? 
[答:Helen] If you use as a VoIP GW application, then you need SLIC.  [2003-8-19 11:23:07]
[问:emore] 请问今天介绍的解决方案与20150方案相比有何优势? 
[答:Helen] 50150 is a single chip soln, integrate line driver and etc. low cost turnkey soln.  [2003-8-19 11:24:49]
[问:zst_neil] 如何在linux上使用 
[答:Harikumar] ST will provide the modem object code and guidelines for developing the bsp,csp and rAPI. The rAPI is an interface between Modem library and OS. Customer has to develop the rAPI for linux based on the examples and guidelines. Similarly, the bsp (board support package) and CSP (chip support package) also need to modify to suit for linux OS.  [2003-8-19 11:24:56]
[问:qin] ST的ADSL芯片组主要包括有那些?请举出AFE,电源,线路驱动器/接收器和处理器等型号和主要性能. 
[答:LeeKL] ST ETNA solution:MTC50150 - DMT + Arm9 CPU;          - supply 3.3V (I/O) , 1.8V (core)MTC20174 - AFE (build in Tx line driver and            Rx amplifier);         - supply 3.3V (I/O) and 5V (line driver)  [2003-8-19 11:26:32]
[问:qin] 有没有可能像现有的模拟MODEM那样,把ADSL内置装在PC内,要用时申请一帐户就行了? 
[答:Danny] 可以,我们有这方面的产品。20174+70137是我们PCI ADSL MODEM 的解决方案。我们的这类产品很快就会出现在市场上,但因为各地的ISP有不同的选择,所以具体到哪儿有卖就很难说了。  [2003-8-19 11:27:02]
[问:melonpy] 可以介绍一下贵产品的内部构架吗?包括内部的总线等等。 
[答:Rogier] The 50150 contains a hardwired DSP core, which takes care of the DMT functions. A high performant embedded network processor ensures data throughputs according to the theoretical maximum given the ADSL line physical data rate. The external interface blocks include MII(Ethernet), RS232(Bluetooth), ISA/PCMCIA(WLAN).Setup and management can be done completely in band over the Ethernet interface.  [2003-8-19 11:27:21]
[问:samire] MTK50150参考设计包括那些内容?有没有电路图?价格如何? 
[答:Helen] Pls refer to the presentation. About the price, pls contact ST sales office.  [2003-8-19 11:29:18]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] VDSL的速度更快,那么ADSL的前景如何,是否会被VDSL取代? 
[答:Helen] VDSL is only for short distance application, less 1km.  [2003-8-19 11:30:53]
[问:qin] ST的那些解决方案能在铜双绞线上传输视频信号?能开发成可视电话吗?速度有多快?帧 
[答:LeeKL] Vidoe phone is one of the possible application for ADSL.  The throughput provided by the Telecom Operator determines the video quality that can be achieved.  Typical data rate package provided could be 512kbps, 1Mbps, 2Mbps etc.  [2003-8-19 11:31:13]
[问:samire] 请告诉如何在ST网站上查找ADSL的性能和解决方案的资料? 
[答:Helen], for more info, pls contact ST sales office.  [2003-8-19 11:32:01]
[问:qin] ST有没有用在CO中DSLAM卡的芯片?端口密度有几路的? 
[答:Helen] Yes, we have four channel, eight channel and 12 channel chipset for CO.  [2003-8-19 11:32:56]
[问:samire] 请问在ADSL MODEM的PCB设计中要注意的主要问题是什么? 
[答:LeeKL] Analog power supply noise (especially from DC-DC converter), good analog grounding separation, no ground plane on PCB area before the line transformer (for safety requirement against lightning), good selection of line interface component (capacitors, line transformer, inductor), differential signals tracks to be laid in parallel.  [2003-8-19 11:34:16]
[问:puzhang] 贵公司的sulotion对国内的各大DSLAM厂家的局端兼容性如何?是否有相关的测试说明或者报告? 
[答:Helen] ST CPE solns have the best IOP vs various DSLAM, we can offer the test report if needed, pls contact us!  [2003-8-19 11:34:50]
[问:qin] ST的那些解决方案能在铜双绞线上传输视频信号?能开发成可视电话吗?速度有多快?帧传输速率是多少?距离有多远? 
[答:LeeKL] Video phone is one of the possible application on VDSL. The speed depends on the package provided by the telecom operator.  Typical rate provided could be 512kbps, supporting above 16kft length.  [2003-8-19 11:36:05]
[问:xufeng5581] ST有无结合IP分享,频宽管理等功能的ADSL芯片 
[答:Rogier] These functions depend on the network SW stacks running on the integrated network processor.ST has a standard turnkey solution which supports various flavours of NAT/PAT, NAT+bridge,..(for IP sharing).Various ATM Qos levels are supported.Furthermore, the whole solution is easily customizable to various degrees, and allows full implementation of policing functions, with programmable actions.  [2003-8-19 11:36:08]
[问:greatbear] 请问你们的ADSL中有OBC接口吗,我指是i960.另外你们外接SDRAM的容量多大啊,是16Mbit吗? 
[答:Gaozhihong] Which prouction do you mean? CO or CPE?In CPE, we suppurt 64M bits, it depands which function do you want, Router or Bridge. Besides, in our chipset, we have the OBC port which can link with Motorola or intel contollor.   [2003-8-19 11:36:37]
[问:yuanbing] 请问:   你对未来几年内ADSL市场的发展前景是如何看待的?你认为阻碍用户量增长的主要因素是那几方面?   你认为中国现阶段国内的ADSL调制解调器生产厂家存在那些不足?急需解决的问题是什么?应该怎样改进?   谢谢! 
[答:Helen] There is only less than 60M lines ADSL worldwide, but the total telephone lines worldwide is 1 billion, in china there is 204 M. Local modem manufactures improve a lot, in performace and quality in last one year.  [2003-8-19 11:38:18]
[问:qin] ST公司的ADSL 线路驱动器和TI,ADI的相比有何优缺点? 
[答:Rogier] ST solution is the most widely deployed in the market in 2002, and is the most stable one in terms of phy layer performance, stability and interoperability.  [2003-8-19 11:39:49]
[问:puzhang] 贵公司的CPE demo board与国内几家DSLAM厂家的局端兼容性如何?有无测试报告或说明? 
[答:Helen] ST has the best IOP vs various DSLAM, and we can offer test report, pls contact sales office.  [2003-8-19 11:40:11]
[问:qin] 目前ST的ADSL MODEM最远能传输到多长距离?将来计划呢? 
[答:Gaozhihong] In ADSL now, we can reach 18kft at more than 500k downsteam and 350k upstream. By the end of this year, our modem will support ADSL2 which will reach much high speed and long distance.  [2003-8-19 11:40:31]
[问:comm_6] 这个芯片设计中对线路均衡是如何实现的,效果如何,对传输速率的影响如何? 
[答:LeeKL] Signals on the line interface are differential.Line transformer provides good longitudanal balance.  [2003-8-19 11:40:52]
[问:ljp] ST公司对ADSL的前途如何估计?是否会是过度产品?能存活几年?会被FTTH所代替? 
[答:Helen] ADSL is the best soln on the existing infrastructure, it"s different application vs FTTH.  [2003-8-19 11:42:23]
[问:nui100] ADSL 设备对于VPN 支持吗?如何实现? 
[答:Rogier] St"s solution supports full VPN pass through in its standard turnkey package.  [2003-8-19 11:43:09]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 为什么在ADSL Modem 前端并电话机就无法连接? 
[答:Helen] The phone must connect after the splitter.  [2003-8-19 11:44:46]
[问:zsc] 抛开技术不说,你们的产品在价格上有什么优势? 
[答:Helen] Pls contact us directly.  [2003-8-19 11:45:10]
[问:wang] 现要求上网速度越来越快,不知未来的几年中ADSL,下行,上行速率各能达多少? 
[答:Gaozhihong] It"s several standards discussing now. As ADSL+, the ADSL+ speed can reach more than double speed in short distance comparing the ADSL now.  [2003-8-19 11:45:25]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 请问专家ADSL与VDSL的区别与联系。 
[答:Danny] VDSL 是从ADSL发展过来的一种技术。它们在理论上有很多相同和相似的地方。两者最大的不同在于频率的分配方案和功率的控制等。ST既有ADSL的方案也有VDSL的方案。具体的VDSL标准现在还没有完全确定。ST的方案都是基于DMT方式的,可以与现有的ADSL系统有很好的兼容性。  [2003-8-19 11:45:37]
[问:kwqiang_2000] 目前无线上网的速率有多高! 
[答:Helen] It depends on the service provider.  [2003-8-19 11:47:44]
[问:ljp] ADSL AFE的接口有那些? 
[答:LeeKL] - data interface (digital) with the DMT.- control interface with DMT- analog interface to the line interface (Tx/Rx)- GPIO for driving LED- Crytal interface (build in capacitor bank)  for VCXO application  [2003-8-19 11:48:35]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 请问CPE ADSL Modem 应用到Cable Monden时速度是不时瓶颈? 
[答:Gaozhihong] ADSL uses the telephone wire, and Cable modem uses the TV cable. They use different technology.  [2003-8-19 11:48:54]
[问:puzhang] 除主芯片外,总体方案所用外围器件数量及大致成本与globe span vikin-ii或conexant 82310比较是否有优势? 
[答:Helen] Pls contact ST marketing for detailed information.  [2003-8-19 11:50:01]
[问:greatbear] 现在BWA开始兴起,请问ADSL的生命周期还有多久啊? 
[答:Helen] What"s the meaning for BWA?  [2003-8-19 11:50:38]
[问:puzhang] 贵公司的ADSL方案是否有扩充为DMT VDSL的能力? 
[答:Helen] ST will have soln which support ADSL, VDSL in one chip.  [2003-8-19 11:52:11]
[问:yaking] 目前国内国外市场上的ADSL设备很多,那么ST的CPE ADSL有什么自己的优点呢?谢谢 
[答:Helen] Best stability, best IOP and high performance vs cost.  [2003-8-19 11:53:07]
[问:ljp] ADSL和WLAN连接是否还会保持有线上网的功能? 
[答:LeeKL] For ADSL products supporting WLAN, do we still keep the wired ethernet port?  [2003-8-19 11:53:14]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] ST 的WLAN ROUTER注册完成后,是否能自动拨号? 
[答:Harikumar] If the auto-reconnect is enabled, the modem will login once it reach showtime. It can also login if the user try to access the internet if it is already logged out  [2003-8-19 11:54:06]
[问:samire] ADSL 802.11b无线上网的距离和数据速率有多大?数据能不能安全加密? 
[答:LeeKL] This is related to 802.11b, not so much on ADSL.  [2003-8-19 11:54:34]
[问:ljp] 演示中所说的ADSL上的视频,具体含义是什么?帧速度有多快? 
[答:Rogier] The actual speed depends on the video coding,depending on which flavor of ADSL we are talking about, various video codings could be supported.ADSL+ could support anything from MPEG4 to HDTV, which is up to about 16Mbit/s.  [2003-8-19 11:55:21]
[问:lfp5558] 可以用于电能表的数据传输吗,如何应用? 
[答:LeeKL] The power supply metering application typically do not need high speed of ADSL.  Power line modem is the right application, not ADSL.  [2003-8-19 11:56:27]
[问:kwqiang_2000] 设计过程中,整个ADSL路由器的电源总功率是多少? 
[答:LeeKL] ETNA solution: 9VDC, about 380mA (total <3.5W)  [2003-8-19 11:57:27]
[问:samire] 请详细介绍WL802.11b参考设计及全套的芯片(包括无线收发部分). 
[答:Rogier] Our current solution support 802.11b/802.11g.For reference designs please contact your nearest ST sales office.  [2003-8-19 11:57:52]
[问:kv_wang] what the meaning of "in band" in "setup and management can be done in band...."?thanks 
[答:Harikumar] You can do the setup and management over ethernet interface on which the data flows at the same time  [2003-8-19 11:59:29]
[问:lfp5558] 它与原有的ST7536?载波芯片有哪些优点? 
[答:LeeKL] With multiple carrier, DMT solution is more robust against interference.  Note that ST7536 is power line modem, not ADSL.  [2003-8-19 11:59:46]
[问:bj_zhenglei] 使否有4口CO端CHIPSETS的完整参考设计(上连口:ETHERNET接口,4个ADSL口,支持单PVC桥) 
[答:Rogier] This is a configuration which can be supported without any problems. For refernce designs, please contact the nearest ST sales office.  [2003-8-19 12:00:15]
[问:comm_6] 这个新片中采用多少点FFT实现多子带传输? 
[答:LeeKL] Modem manufacturers do not need to understand such details.  [2003-8-19 12:03:34]
[问:chenghj] ST 的 CPE ADSL 调制解调器的工作温度是否和其他ADSL调制解调器一样很高? 
[答:LeeKL] No special requirement on operating temparature.  [2003-8-19 12:03:58]
[问:bj_zhenglei] ST50150 WLAN方案对WLAN NIC是否有特殊要求?目前支持的WLAN卡有哪些?VODSL和VoIP方案是否已成熟,可以演示吗?有实际的应用吗? 
[答:Rogier] The current 50150 solution comes with reference designs for 802.11b/802.11g support.Interfaces are standard and multivendor WLAN cards/modules are supported.VoDSL and VoIP can currently be supported using ST"s family of standalone ADSL products.  [2003-8-19 12:08:43]