
热门关键字: IP网关 直流无刷电机控制 Modem 电源管理系统 



主题:如何构建采用Intel IXP/4XX的企业级公共接入和住宅区网关接入设备
[问:杨_64J7U] 目前IXA/4XX 系列的网络处理器产品化应用有哪些? 
[答:Andrew] Enterprise WlanAP, SoHO RG, SME gateway, VPN security GW, embedded netwroking for industrial control, Telecomm control processor, mini-dslam processor  [2003-7-30 10:46:59]
[问:treebs] 我公司拟将几台机器连成无线网,但机器分散在办公楼的不同楼层和房间,我想请问ixp425的信号能否达到网络流畅。 
[答:Dennis] WLAN connectivity depends on the WLAN MAC and standard used. For 802.11b/g, you should be able to achieve acceptable throughput, but it will depends on the actual location and your office environment.  [2003-7-30 10:47:19]
[问:paololiu] 在425中有一个以太网MAC集成了DES加密功能,数据加密可以通过NPE处理而不需要占用X-scale的资源,是不是通过这个网口的数据是加密的,而另外一个网口转发的数据是没有加密的? 
[答:Andrew] DES Ipsec is a co-processor function and it can support both 2 Mac (not only one MAC)  [2003-7-30 10:48:30]
[问:ljp] IXP425能同时支持多少个高速串行通道(HSS)? 
[答:Andrew] IXP425有两个HSS通道,每个支持4个HDLC通道  [2003-7-30 10:51:43]
[问:yuanhenglzh] 怎样构建最少路由层数适用多远程点局域网 
[答:Hawk] 这个问题太广泛了,425不适用于路由或交换设备。  [2003-7-30 10:52:09]
[问:sunlifen] vxWorks和嵌入式的linux有什么不同? 
[答:Andrew] Vxowrk is an individual embedded OS sw vendor for service charge and Linux is a open source embedded OS. You can dwn load the Linux open source from web. all the sw architecture, dvelopment tool are different.  [2003-7-30 10:53:45]
[问:qin] IXP425支持PCMCIA吗?支持多宽的数据? 
[答:Andrew] IXP425没有接口直接支持PCMCIA,它只用通过PCI方式接入其他外围设备,比如说网络接口,IDE接口等  [2003-7-30 10:54:37]
[问:wy123] 我们有tornado2.2开发平台,准备采用第三方的ixp425硬件品台,还需要从intel另购其他软件包? 
[答:Dennis] You will need to download the IXP425 Common software release (CSR) 1.2.2 from Intel web site.This is the driver for the IXP425 NPEs. This software is free.Please also check if you have a Tornado 2.2 for Xscale and obtain the BSP from your board vendor.  [2003-7-30 10:56:47]
[问:wirnce] iXP1200 和 425 板如何连接? 
[答:Jon] Dragon公司有CPCI形式的ixp1200和ixp425的PCB板, 两种板可以通过PCI连接  [2003-7-30 10:57:45]
[问:xavier] 目前金龙的FIDS425可以支持的操作系统是哪个?如果我们有特殊的需求,可否定制? 
[答:Andrew] 支持Linux和Vxworks。可以定制。  [2003-7-30 10:58:22]
[问:rdev] Intel何时公开IXP425 3个NPE的Microcode 
[答:Andrew] No plan so far and it is for dedicate customer w/ special join porject  [2003-7-30 10:59:07]
[问:zhh9543] 你好,IXP/4XX做住宅网关是针对小区级的,还是住户级的。 
[答:Andrew] SOHO级,介于小区和住户级。  [2003-7-30 10:59:37]
[问:wy123] 关于IXP2400的微引擎编程,micro C和微代码哪一个好用? 
[答:Horace] IXP2400 Micro Engine program, Micro C is better than MicroCode.But the Micro C may be not more efficent and flexible than MicroCode.  [2003-7-30 11:02:04]
[问:kindpoison] 请问,和以前的INTEL IXP1200/2400相比,4XX有什么优势? 
[答:Jason] IXP4XX针对百兆应用,IXP1200针对千兆,IXP2400针对2.5G  [2003-7-30 11:02:30]
[问:sunlifen] np一般采用vxWorks操作系统,请问,vxWorks和嵌入式的linux,在性能上有什么不一样?对于np来讲,这两个操作系统在支持和实现上是不是有什么不同? 
[答:Dennis] vxWorks and embedded Linux are common RTOS nowadays, because of different implementations the code size, memory size, performance are all differences. Intel IXP425 software supports both vxWorks and Linux and the features supported are the same.  [2003-7-30 11:03:06]
[问:wqiang] ixp425有大规模应用吗?如有,能否列举一下。 
[答:Jason] 有,如DLink已经在市场上推出WLAN AP。  [2003-7-30 11:03:35]
[问:dfbb] 是否有公开的开发例程可供参考? 
[答:Dennis] 有,在第一篇演讲中提到.We have demo codelets (in C source code) in Intel CSR software.  [2003-7-30 11:04:06]
[问:soarer] 现在有些企业提出了“与有线一样安全可用”的宣传语,你怎么看这个问题?现在真的达到这个水平了吗? 
[答:Andrew] IXP4xx can provide Ethernet wirespeed performance and Xscale core can performance up to 533Mhz and future is > 1GMhz in"05 that can provide good processor head room to Qos processing. It can help QoS quality a lot  [2003-7-30 11:04:13]
[问:wang luocaizi] 超频对计算机有没有损害?如果有,损害有多大? 
[答:Andrew] Yes, it hurt processor life cycle  [2003-7-30 11:05:06]
[问:kyzhou] 一个PCI槽中只有一个PCI_IDSEL信号,现在FIDS427中同时使用两块FIDS425,这两片IXP425和相应的82559是否将共享cPCI槽的PCI_IDSEL信号,它们会产生冲突吗?如果会,将如何解决? 
[答:Hawk] 支持两片FIDS425的载板是FIDS426,在这种情况下,将产生设备冲突。 所以目前在实际使用中 FIDS4226上有一块FIDS425 是没有82559的  [2003-7-30 11:05:21]
[问:choujs] 能否说一下 FIDS42X 的 BOM 价格? 
[答:Jason] 取决于FLASH和SDRAM配置及采购数量,从3000-5000RMB。  [2003-7-30 11:05:25]
[问:kyzhou] 请问假如用IXP425的HSS0、HSS1和Utopia接收多路E1和E3信号,IXP425/533MHz的处理能力可以达到多少路? 
[答:Xiaobo] 1) On each HSS, IXP425 can support upto 128 timeslots at 8192Kbps - That"s total 4 E1.The capability about IXP425 handling multi-E1, will also depend on what application running on XScale and the QoS needed, just for TS switching or need to process the payload of the TSs.We have customer use HSS for T1/E1 access.2) IXP425 supports 8bit UTOPIA2 interface running at 33MHz. It can achieve >200Mbps for large size package. The performance will also depend on the applications, i.e, the number of PHYs and VCs connected to the UTOPIA bus.  [2003-7-30 11:05:26]
[问:wqiang] PCI接口的转发性能最高可以达到多少? 
[答:Jason] 在层3转发可以到40Mbps。对42x而言,最好多利用NPE做网络接口和转发。  [2003-7-30 11:07:28]
[问:kind poison] 请问,和以前的INTEL IXP1200/2400相比,4XX有什么优势? 
[答:Dennis] IXP1200 & IXP2400 are target at high performance Network processors application. They are multi-chips solution and the software is high complex.IXP425 is target at SME performance. It is a high integrated solution with simple programming model. Basically, you just need to add SDRAM, Flash, and 100BaseT phys, and you have a SME router/gateway. In addition, IXP425 also support VoIP by using software running in IXP425.  [2003-7-30 11:08:05]
[问:samire] IXP4xx是否兼容XDSL与ISDN? 
[答:Xiaobo] IXP4xx supports UTOPIA2 interface which can support the most ADSL PHYs.IXP425 don"t support IDL/GCI bus now, so it"s hard to directly support ISDN.  [2003-7-30 11:08:10]
[问:ljp] HSS端口支持TDM信号吗? 
[答:Xiaobo] Yes, support TDM bus, up to 128 TSs  [2003-7-30 11:08:56]
[问:sunds99] 请介绍可实现8个100M Ethernet(可以为1个1000M Ethernet)接口到Utopia的解决方案。谢谢。 
[答:Jason] 最好利用IXP1200,我们有现成的参考设计。具体您可以写信到ixasupport@dragonhk.com询问。  [2003-7-30 11:09:07]
[问:ljp] NPE能支持什么样的加密标准? 
[答:Andrew] AES, DES, 3DES, MD5, hashing  [2003-7-30 11:10:11]
[问:sunlifen] vxWorks2.0和vxWorks2.1 2.2有什么不同?支持2.2的系统设计如果选择使用2.0会怎样? 
[答:Xiaobo] We only support Tornado2.2 now for IXP425.Please consult WindRiver for more detail.  [2003-7-30 11:10:21]
[问:sunlifen] 之前用过Intel的IXP1200,其中包括ARM和Ueng,请问这样的结构和单独的CPU与NP有什么不同,优点是什么? 
[答:Jason] 十分类似,但是NPE将微代码固化了,这样用户仅仅需要开发XScale的程序。在IXP1200/2400,用户需要开发ARM/Xscale和uE上的程序。  [2003-7-30 11:11:31]
[问:jiang0928] DES加密功能如何实现的? 
[答:Andrew] IXP4xx integrate IPsec co-processor that we implement Ipsec HW acceleator w/ microcode inside  [2003-7-30 11:13:05]
[问:sxbh] IXA/AXX的低段产品有什么特点?使用中应注意那些问题? 
[答:Dennis] IXP42x is a highly integrated solution & high performance NP for SME. It has a Xscale code (266/400/533Mhz) and 3 133Mhz NPE.  [2003-7-30 11:13:28]
[问:qin] 无线网关的连接标准有那些?可以和IrDA兼容吗? 
[答:Jon] 无线连接, 采用802.11X系列标准. 常用的有802.11b,g,a. WLAN标准不兼容IrDA. IrDA采用UART标准  [2003-7-30 11:13:47]
[问:samire] IXP4XX与ARM7等相比有何特点? 
[答:Andrew] IXP4xx is better than ARM10 (not ARM7) performance level on lower power, MIPs performance, high integration w/ 2 Ethernet MAC, VoIP function, Wan for 3 NPE performance w/ Xscale processor  [2003-7-30 11:16:31]
[问:wirnce] 最多可以接几路的Voip? 
[答:Jason] 2-6 路G.729或G.711  [2003-7-30 11:18:46]
[问:jiang0928] 425最多支持多少个PC无线接入? 
[答:Andrew] IXP425 can support 4 PCI bus w/ 4 Wlan AP mini-PCI modules w/ 802.11 a/b/g tri-mode input  [2003-7-30 11:18:55]
[问:kyzhou] 在“IXP4XX_IXC1100_HW_Design_Guide_252817.pdf”Page22的Figure5, SDM_DQM[0:1]同时接到Bank0的Data[15:0]和Data[31:16],而SDM_DQM2:3]同时接到Bank1的Data[15:0]和Data[31:16],是否有错? 
[答:Xiaobo] Yes, it"s not correct.Should be:SDM_DQM[1:0] for Data[15:0] on both Bank0 and Bank1.SDM_DQM[3:2] for Data[31:16] on both Bank0 and Bank1.Please reference Intel IXDP425 EVB design.  [2003-7-30 11:19:16]
[问:sunlifen] 采用vxWorks和采用linux嵌入式,在系统性能上,会有什么不同? 
[答:Dennis] We have seen that Linux has a better throughput than vxWorks 5.5 for Layer 3 routing.  [2003-7-30 11:20:37]
[问:hujingli] 42x处理4~7层数据包的性能是多少? 
[答:Andrew] 420-422有233M主频,但425有533兆主频。533M 425做2-4层能力在40M,内容处理性能目前没有测试指标  [2003-7-30 11:21:10]
[问:samire] 如选用IXP425设计VOIP,可选用什么样的SLIC? 
[答:Xiaobo] Most of standard Codec/Slic will be OK, because IXP425 provide standard 64Kb TDM bus interface for Codec chip.  [2003-7-30 11:21:12]
[问:liufeng1968] 你们提供的修改的linux kernel包含硬件加密的VPN吗? 
[答:Andrew] Intel"s ecosystem partners can provide VPN solutions, Vendors include Intoto, Jungo , HSS, Ashley Laurence  [2003-7-30 11:21:26]
[问:rdev] IXP425何时公开NPE的微码 
[答:Andrew] No plan to open NPE microcode. This is for dedicate customer only  [2003-7-30 11:23:01]
[问:larkw] Can IXP425 be used as addon/extension card in an PC system? if it can, how to do intercommunication between this addon/extension and PC system? 
[答:Andrew] No proble for intercomm through PCI bus, issue is what kind of apps for this IXP425 OS since it is a ARM-like processor architecture  [2003-7-30 11:24:41]
[问:hljx] 技术支持的力度?开发软件,开发工具,开发周期以及供货周期? 
[答:Hawk] FIDS425 系列产品软件包提供LINUX编译连接工具,2.4.18 版本的内核源码,LSP源码,等。基于FIDS425、LINUX的项目开发同您的设计需求相关,从目前FIDS425的市场使用来看,有从2周到2个月不等供货周期为4-6周  [2003-7-30 11:25:07]
[问:sunlifen] np与上层cpu之间的接口,采用什么方式? 
[答:Andrew] There is DMA type internal bus between NPE and Xscale processor w/ 133Mhz  [2003-7-30 11:26:47]
[问:wkxfive] 我正在接手一个智能小区的单子,是否可以给我MAIL一些相关资料及比较典型的方案 
[答:Horace] DRAGON没有系统集成,组网相关业务,所以我们没哟类似相关资料。请上网查找,应该比较多  [2003-7-30 11:27:17]
[问:rdev] IXP425与IXC1100在计算性能上有何区别 
[答:Andrew] same performance on Ethernet, but IXP425 has Wan /VoIP integrated function  [2003-7-30 11:28:14]
[问:ljp] IAD代表什么? 
[答:Dennis] Integrated Access Device.This is a CPE that combines various features into a small box. The common features are Firewall, NAPT, WLAN AP, VoIP, ADSL uplink, file sharing, etc.  [2003-7-30 11:30:07]
[问:xavier] 目前intel能否提供802。11。abg的wireless transceiver同IXP42x 配合 使用?如果没有目前推荐用那一家的可以达到好的性价比? 
[答:Andrew] Intel can offer 802.11 b and g for later this year.  IXP42x can work w/ Intersil, Atheros and BRCM  [2003-7-30 11:30:27]
[问:llx_12_2_231] 如何挂接PCI接口设备 
[答:Jon] IXP425 has standard PCI interface, it can connect PCI peripharal devices directly. IXP425 can be PCI master or slave  [2003-7-30 11:30:28]
[问:lilixin] 1.住宅区网关接入设备的多种接入方式如何处理?2.如何挂接PCI设备3.资源调度? 
[答:Jason] 1. 425支持DSL, FE的接入方式2. 425通过PCI总线可接入PCI设备。3. 425 NP固化模块,因此它只有XSCALE一个可编程的处理单元,其调度同普通XSCALE/OS架构下的原理没有区别  [2003-7-30 11:33:02]
[问:samire] IXP4xx是否支持GPRS? 
[答:Andrew] We can support exyernal GPRS silicon through PCI bus, PCMCIA or Card bus I/F  [2003-7-30 11:33:26]
[问:choujs] intel 是否提供 802.11 协议软件模块? 
[答:Andrew] Intel ecosystem can provide it or Wlan module vendors  [2003-7-30 11:34:04]
[问:ljp] IXP425的开发平台83多少种外接的存储器?同步闪存行吗? 
[答:Dennis] IXP425 can support common Flahs (e.g., Intel Flash J3, AMD, ST) for storage.  [2003-7-30 11:34:32]
[问:wy123] 用ixp425开发百兆网的IDS,处理能力如何? 
[答:Jason] 各设备商IDS 功能定义不同。请描述您所说的IDS功能,并同IXASUPPORT@DRAGONHK.COM联系  [2003-7-30 11:34:40]
[问:qin] IXP425用在VoIP,支持那几种语音压缩标准? 
[答:Andrew] 711729  [2003-7-30 11:35:14]
[问:wqiang] ixp425有大规模应用吗?如有,能否列举一下。 
[答:Andrew] Wlan AP, SoHo RG, Mini-DSLAM, embedded networking industrial ocntrol, VPN gateway, telecom control processor, 3G STB/RNC control processor  [2003-7-30 11:37:52]
[问:qin] IXP425网络处理器的主要性能特点是什么?能提供多少种外设接口? 
[答:Jason] 在TORNADO2.2环境下,533M 425MIPS》590M其次3个NPE提供了高吞吐的网络接口再就是同时提供了多个协处理单元,比如加密模块等目前有HSS,FE,USB等接口,同时可以通过PCI接入其它设备  [2003-7-30 11:38:30]
[问:soarer] 怎样有效的防止数据传输过程中由于电波泄露被侦听? 
[答:Andrew] Pls implement VPN security feature  [2003-7-30 11:39:45]
[问:zhh9543] 能不能大概估算一下有wlan,eth,VoIP接口的一块板子的价格。 
[答:Horace] 同SDRAM, FLASH, 以及CPU主频等相关,估计价格在4000-7000之间  [2003-7-30 11:39:48]
[问:wqiang] 如果在HSSI上开发WAN接口V.35,如何实现? 
[答:Xiaobo] We have no example on implementing V.35 on HSS.The possible way is:The user application program aggregates Nx64K TS from HSS bus for Frame mode, and aggregates 30x64K TS for non-Frame mode. They all need user program to handle the V.35 data structure.Also we have no dedicate handshake signals, like CTS/DTR on IXP425 for V.35. May be we can use GPIO to emulate.  [2003-7-30 11:40:35]
[问:qin] IXP425用在工业控制时,如何和传感器连接对接口电平有何要求? 
[答:Jason] 请MAIL 至IXASUPPORT@DRAGONHK.COM  [2003-7-30 11:41:05]
[问:kyzhou] Intel是否有支持多路E1(通过HSS0、HSS1接口)和E3/J3(通过Utopia接口)收发的参考设计? 
[答:Xiaobo] No we don"t have such reference designs from Intel.  [2003-7-30 11:41:34]
[问:jiang0928] 425与PDA手机中的微处理器是如何连接的? 
[答:Andrew] Intel offer another processor PXA255 to support PDA apps  [2003-7-30 11:41:44]
[问:qin] 网关的无线连接距离有多远?数据传输的速率有多快? 
[答:Jason] 请查找802.1A/B/G协议,具体数据记不清楚  [2003-7-30 11:41:55]
[问:samire] IXP4xx内核1.3V电源是由芯片内部变换,还是外加DC-DC? 
[答:Xiaobo] Need external 1.3V power supply.  [2003-7-30 11:42:04]
[问:ljp] NPE中有没有DMA接入层? 
[答:Xiaobo] No.(I"m not quite sure about your question)  [2003-7-30 11:42:44]
[问:luzhanfang] 现在我们这里(小区以及办公网络)均采用宽带局域网,现在采用能否为用户带来实质的效果(性能、价格等)? 
[答:Jason] 采用FIDS425构建新的百兆接入设备的优势是,价格有一定下降,性能可部分提高,设备稳定性将由于FIDS425的简单结构,有本质提高  [2003-7-30 11:44:18]
[问:qin] IXP4xx与IXP2xxx是否兼容,IXP4xx比IXP2xxx有何新的特点? 
[答:Jon] IXP4xx与IXP2xxx具有相同的Xscale处理器核心. 在CPU Core上是兼容的. 但是两者的网络处理引擎不同. (ixp4xx:NPE ixp2xxx:ME). Ixp4xx适合低端百兆级应用, 它的NPE客户不可编程, ipx4xx价格要便宜得多. ipx2xxx适合2.5G级应用  [2003-7-30 11:44:49]
[问:lijiansz] 基于IXP425的IPsec实现中,有无VxWorks下的成功案例 
[答:Andrew] Dlink and Linksys have product release  [2003-7-30 11:45:17]
[问:bika_qiu] 对于Intel IXP/4XX的企业级的技术发展空间,贵公司有何发展计划? 
[答:Jason] DRAGON 将围绕IXP4XX系列CPU推出应用与SOHO,百兆防火墙,控制CPU扳的已经平台,进一步信息请联系IXASUPPORT@DRAGONHK.COM  [2003-7-30 11:46:06]
[问:hstaii] IXP425在DSLAM中能支持多少路ADSL? 
[答:Dennis] We can support 24 ADSL ports in one IXP425.  [2003-7-30 11:46:14]
[问:jiang0928] 适合住宅小区网关接入设备有哪些?价格是多少? 
[答:Horace] DRAGON 只提供供二次开发的硬件平台,不提供成品设备。您所需要的信息,可以从各设备代理商或网络上获得,谢谢  [2003-7-30 11:47:29]
[问:ljp] Intel 能提供IXP425的参考设计或设计指南?免费的吗? 
[答:Hawk] INTEL网站可以DOWNLOAD 驱动,内核补丁,以及使用指南REDHAT网站上可以DOWNLOAD REDBOOT源码以及编译器,安装指南  [2003-7-30 11:49:21]
[问:hstaii] 在HSS interface中所有数据口是否必须加上拉电阻或下拉电阻? 
[答:Hawk] 请同DRAGON的硬件专家联系,联系方式IXASUPPORT@DRAGONHK.COM  [2003-7-30 11:49:59]
[问:wqiang] HSSI0 is entirely same as HSSI1? 
[答:Jon] Yes, they are same.  [2003-7-30 11:50:13]
[问:samire] IXP4XX可支持512M的SDRAM,它可支持多大的FLASH,速度是多少? 
[答:Xiaobo] Tipically we use the Expansion Bus for FLASH.The Expansion Bus Controller occupies 256 Mbytes of address space in the Intel? IXP4XXProduct Line of Network Processors’ memory map. Eight chip selects are supported to allow up toeight independent external devices to be connected. The address space for each chip select is up to16 Mbytes.  [2003-7-30 11:50:31]
[问:larkw] Can IXP425 be used as addon/extension card in an PC system? if it can, how to do intercommunication between this addon/extension and PC system? 
[答:Dennis] You need to use PCI to interface with the PC system. In your bootup code, you will need to set the PCI in IXP425 into slave mode. The PC will be able to discover the code via PNP (if you configured it correctly). After than you can use shared memory, doorbell, etc for communication between IXP425 and PC system.  [2003-7-30 11:51:11]
[问:dhguang] FIDS425的Flash只有8M,如果空间不够能否扩展? 
[答:Hawk] 扩展需要软件支持,如果您需要更大的FLASH,请 同DRAGON联系,他们可以提供更大的单片FLASH为FIDS425  [2003-7-30 11:51:23]
[问:zhang yao518] 开发环境价格和最终产品价格 
[答:Jason] 基于LINUX的FIDS425提供开发环境。产品价格同SDRAM,FLASH,等配置以及定货量相关,具体信息请联系IXASUPPORT@DRAGONHK.COM  [2003-7-30 11:52:52]
[问:samire] 在考虑EMI时,IXP4XX的USB口的PCB布线应注意些什么? 
[答:Xiaobo] In order to meet the voltage drop and EMI requirements in the USB specification 1.1 the followingguidelines must be considered:? Use separate ground and power planes if possible.? The impedance is 90 ?s between the differential pair USB_DPOS and USB_DNEG to matchthe 90 ? twisted pair cable impedance. Note that the twisted pair characteristics impedance of90 ? is the series impedance of both wires, resulting in an individual wire presenting a 45 ?impedance. The trace impedance can be controlled by carefully selecting the trace width, tracedistance from power or ground planes, and physical proximity of nearby traces? Route the signals close to each other as parallel traces on the PCB? Match the trace length as closely as possible (within +/- 0.5 inches)  [2003-7-30 11:53:08]
[问:lilixin] IXP425构造一台FIREWALL,估计成本多少? 
[答:Hawk] FIDS425价格同订货量、配置相关,例如主频,接口数目,SDRAM,FLASH配置等,价格在3000-5000范围内  [2003-7-30 11:55:01]
[问:wirnce] 有那么多的TDM(64Kbps)口线用来接2~6路的VOIP吗?  
[答:Xiaobo] Yes.We have 2 HSS, each of them is a TDM bus can support 32 64Kb timeslots at 2048MHz. For VoIP, we only use 2~4 timeslot as you mentioned.  [2003-7-30 11:55:20]
[问:hstaii] IXP425的AHB能达到多高的带宽? 
[答:Xiaobo] 133MHz x 32bit  [2003-7-30 11:56:55]
[问:hstaii] 采用IXP425,Intel能提供什么样的支持和服务? 
[答:Xiaobo] Please contact Intel local sales office for more detail.  [2003-7-30 11:58:16]
[问:cyj622] 请简单介绍一下此技术的核心原理 
[答:Jason] IXP425采用了NP的技术,通过特定的结构,指令集,多并行的方法提供高性能的网络数据处理能力。进一步信息可MAIL至IXASUPPORT@DRAGONHK.COM索取关于425的详细介绍  [2003-7-30 11:58:53]