
热门关键字: for 管理器 灵敏度 电子技术 



[问:science Mode] 提高电视的清晰度的关键技术应该在显像管方面和卫星方面,那么这些方面的关键技术和产品是什么? 
[答:Jimmy] CRT is only a part of all available displayer, there are many new technology is been used for the HDTV displayer. such as LCD, DLP, LCOS, ...Except satellite, digital cable and terrestrial transmission can also transport digital HDTV signal.  [2003-7-29 10:48:42]
[问:jenkin. zeng] 請問:1. 数字电视(DTV),高清晰度电视(HDTV)和傳統的電視在性能上有多大的   差异,以及各自解决方案有哪些?2. 数字电视(DTV),高清晰度电视(HDTV)的發展趨勢會是什么樣的?3. ST可提供哪些有關开发数字电视机顶盒電源的解决方案
[答:Jimmy] 1. Digital HDTV can provide more than 4 times resolution than traditional TV, Digital TV will bring a different concept to viewer2. More multimedia application will run on HDTV 3. Contact with our marketing engineer for the latest chip for your power supply design  [2003-7-29 10:51:06]
[问:support _prosystems] 请问ST的高性能存储器的页面编程模式和字节编程模式的主要区别是哪些?谢谢 
[答:Jimmy] The major differenc is multiple access or single access to SDRAM  [2003-7-29 10:52:02]
[问:hetiejun] 我想做一个MPEG2视频传输设备,对贵公司的5518比较感兴趣,我想问一下:1.5518的解码延时大概是多少?2.我怎样才能得到相应的解决方案、评估板和技术支持?3.能否介绍一下5518解码的大致流程 
[答:Jimmy] Our team is focusing on HDTV STB development, you can contact our marketing engineer for the detailed information about your questions  [2003-7-29 10:54:17]
[问:zhang yu_swpi] 目前清晰度电视的除了ST的解决方案,还有什么方案?ST具有什么优势? 
[答:Jimmy] ST solution is the best one, one of the advantage by using ST solution is that ST can provide full range of ICs used for the STB product.  [2003-7-29 10:58:30]
[问:王艺钦] 1。中国的数字机顶盒市场主要遵循哪种标准?DVB-S -C -T 三种当中哪种市场较大? 2。欧美市场及其他一些主要机顶盒市场主要使用哪种标准的机顶盒?我们能否开发?3。由我们自己的芯片切换到ST的芯片,是否能提供全线技术支持(包括硬件和软件)?切换估计需要多长时间? 
[答:Rebecca] 1)DVB-S, DVB-C, and DVB-T.  According to my understanding, in China DVB-C will have the highest market share , and DVB-T will follow. 2) DVB-MHP, MediaHighway, and NDS...    It depends on the capabilities of your engineers, the financial resources, and so on.3) Please contact with our market engineers for the further support allocation.    It is difficult to estimate the time. It depends on the capabilities of your team and the communication experiences, and so on.  [2003-7-29 10:59:49]
[问:9058339] 高清晰度电视的普及是否意味着各地的编录设备和播放设备也必须更新? 
[答:Jimmy] Yes  [2003-7-29 10:59:54]
[问] 1。中国的数字电视(DTV)和高清晰度电视(HDTV)的现在和未来市场如何?2。目前何种用户是最大群体?3。意法半导体公司的数字电视(DTV)和高清晰度电视(HDTV)解决方案中组成为何? 
[答:Jimmy] There are broadcasts in trial run in many cities. current analog TV will be switched off after Year 2015 according to China government plan, in future there is no analog TV. this is a very big market. [2003-7-29 11:05:11]
[问:yxue_bj] 在减少辐射的方面,DTV较传统电视是否有很大改善,表现在那里 
[答:Jimmy] I assume you are talking about CRT radiation, from my understanding, HDTV displayer will use many high resolution displayer with different technology such as LCD, DLP, LCOS. CRT is only a part of the them. [2003-7-29 11:06:45]
[问:sunners] 意法有哪几个方案?其方案与其它公司推荐的方案相比有哪些有缺点? 
[答:Jimmy] We have different solutions for DTV (SDTV & HDTV) application for different markets.ST has many experiences in this field and can provides best cost/performance in total solution.  [2003-7-29 11:10:14]
[问:charlijun] 据我所知中国高清晰度电视标准还没有定下来,有没有可能以后采用的方案和ST的方案不一样,导致方向性的错误? 
[答:Jimmy] ST has many partners in China including manufacturers and research institutes, they contribute to China standard development. ST will continue to develop low cost, high performance HDTV chipset which can be used worldwise including China.  [2003-7-29 11:11:34]
[问:tian chaoyong] 1.请问贵公司HDTV后端解决方案是否可以接收并显示各种高清电视信号,包括中国高清1080i@50Hz?2.请问贵公司HDTV后端解决方案有否采用多行频扫描的,可以提供相关资料吗? 
[答:Jimmy] 1. Yes2. Yes, refer to datasheet  [2003-7-29 11:12:59]
[问:weiguo.zhan] 各位专家,你们好。就高清晰度电视问题,能否给其做一个具体的分类,可以按技术的先进程度。现在好多家电厂商故意炒作某些概念,使消费者走进了高清晰度电视的误区。谢谢。 
[答:Jimmy] Here we talking about STB for HDTV application, as for TV itselt is not in the topics, sorry.  [2003-7-29 11:19:36]
[问:lawyercy] 您好!不久的将来,网络通信是无所不在的。我想建议意法半导体在开发的时候是否可以将TCP/IP的协议模组组合在一块,以便可以通过电视机实现可视电话。不知现在的解决方案中是否有体现呢?谢谢! 
[答:Jimmy] We will investigate the requirement.There is commercial TCP/IP sw stack working on ST solution available from third party  [2003-7-29 11:21:17]
[问:shenww] 据我所知,国家高清电视的标准要明年才出来,是不是?广东已经在试播高清电视,你知道它用的什么标准? 
[答:Jimmy] It is in trial run, as far as I know, it is DVB-T, you may find out by yourself. HDTV uses digital technology, refer to DVB and MPEG2 specification and other digital modulation technology  [2003-7-29 11:22:39]
[问:xiaosdas] 请问是数字解决方案还是模拟解决方案?通过什么技术来实现高清晰? 
[答:Jimmy] 1. All HDTV or DTV we have discussed use full digital technology including transmission.2. Compression of original video is the key.  [2003-7-29 11:24:58]
[问:jerlinmail] ST目前的HDTV解决方案有哪些?与其它公司相比有何优点? 
[答:Jimmy] Answered  [2003-7-29 11:25:27]
[问:yxlxw] 请问目前机顶盒主要芯片有哪些?STi5518与STi5517有何不同?能否提供STi5518芯片内部结构框图及引脚功能?谢谢! 
[答:Jimmy] Contact our marketing engineer for the chips used for SDTV  [2003-7-29 11:26:20]
[问:susanluo] DTV和HDTV有什么区别?是否都是数字电视? 
[答:Jimmy] DTV is a digital TV which means full digital signal processing, compression/decompression, transmission/reception.  [2003-7-29 11:27:55]
[问:susanluo] 意法半导体DTV和HDTV解决方案的优势在哪里? 
[答:Jimmy] answered  [2003-7-29 11:28:08]
[问:haierdzkys] 诸位好!我司目前对以下三个问题非常感兴趣:1.机顶盒开发方面:ST是否计划如何与国内的厂家合作,合作的产品针对的意向市场2.100Hz方面:ST的方案与其他公司的方案比较,在速度、成本方面如何确保竞争力?3.数字电视:ST曾经提到过在2003可以推出能够同时接收数字电视模拟电视的方案,不知该方案是否已经完成,何时正式推广? 
[答:Jimmy] 1. ST has many STB customers and partners in Chinathe end market is up to customer"s choice.2. Contact with our marketing engineer for more information3. ST will have the soltion.  [2003-7-29 11:31:24]
[问:ctiercyu] 数字电视的图像处理一般在频域还是在时域做?为什么? 
[答:Jimmy] The HDTV image compression follows MPEG2 standard deal with both time domain and frequency domain.  [2003-7-29 11:31:57]
[问:qin] 请介绍DVB-C,DVB-S和DVB-T的区别和优点。 
[答:Jimmy] DVB-C is used for less noisy environment, usually using QAM-64 and above, the moduation efficiency is high.DVB-S signal is weak, usually using QPSK modulation.DVB-T is used for terrestial, it must overcome the problem of multiple reflection  [2003-7-29 11:35:51]
[问:ljp] STB中的存储器有何要求?如种类和容量,存取时间等。 
[答:Jimmy] The requirement for video and audio is more or less fixed, however the memory for graphics is very flexible. it depends on your application complexity.  [2003-7-29 11:38:13]
[问:samire] 有线电视传输HDTV,在传输速率和系统要作什么样的改进?有什么好的方案? 
[答:Jimmy] This question is dealing with Cable itself, I suggest you to talk to your network provider for the requirement and solution  [2003-7-29 11:40:56]
[问:romanteck] ST公司如何看待中国的高清数字电视前景?并打算以何种方式投入到中国的高清数字电视产业中,提出高清数字电视的解决方案? 
[答:Jimmy] Digital TV has great prospect,  There are many TV stations transmitting DVB-C signal over cable.ST has worked with many partners and manufacturers for both demestic and export market.We can discuss on the cooperation  [2003-7-29 11:44:12]
[问:qin] 请问DTV和HDTV有何区别? 
[答:Jimmy] answered  [2003-7-29 11:44:25]
[问:ljp] STB有什么功能?能提供视频点播功能吗? 
[答:Jimmy] STB function is to receive Digital TV, HDTV program and other information through the broadcast channel.Yes. if you like to add the function  [2003-7-29 11:47:14]
[问:luojun] 请问1:sti5514和sti7020,大概价格? 
[答:Jimmy] Contack with ST marketing engineer for quotation  [2003-7-29 11:47:50]
[问:samire] HDTV是否会和网络电视产生冲突? 
[答:Jimmy] Network TV is future concept, there may have some regulation by government, I don"t know at the moment. maybe co-existance is possible.  [2003-7-29 11:50:48]
[问:huangjp] Can ST provide MPEG2 decoder silicon proven IP? 
[答:Jimmy] COntact with our marketing engineer  [2003-7-29 11:51:09]
[问:xcfu] 请问:API提供给用户的是原代码还是一个已经包装了的接口函数? 
[答:Jimmy] Source code with full specification  [2003-7-29 11:51:43]
[问:Hehai] 购买API SW费用是多少? 
[答:Jimmy] Contact with our marketing engineer   
[问:] HDTV的分辨率很高,有1920x1080P,如何增加图像的立体画面和层次感?
[答:] Sorry, I don't understand your question
[问:] STB是否只适用于有线电视?
[答:] Yes
[问:] STB中的COY有何独特的性能和要求?是否是专用的CPU?
[答:] May I know what is COY ?
[问:] ST公司的STB应用软件价格如何?有无许可证费用?
[答:] There is SW licese fee, Contact with our marketing engineer for the quotation
[问:] ST公司的产品是集中在发送还是在接收端?两者都有吗
[答:] ST products focus in the reception terminal, that is STB
[问:] 据我所知,目前显像管的扫描点很粗,要实现真正的数字电视,显像管要不做那些改进?
[答:] CRT for HDTV display should not be the same as the one for analog TV because of fine pixel required, but there are many new technology such as LCD,DLP,LCOS are being used for the HDTV display
[问:] 普通PAL电视采用STB后分辨率有何提高?
[答:] In normal signal reception, there will be no distortion, no noise added in the transmission channel, better resolution
[问:] 请讲一下有关高清晰度的发展趋势?
[答:] HDTV will be a center for the multimedia application at home
[问:] ST DTV和HDTV解决方案的优势在哪里?
[答:] Refer to my presentation
[问:] ST公司北京的代理商有那几家?
[答:] Contact with our marketing engineer
[问:] 与其他的器件生产商相比,ST公司在LCD器件的研究上面有那些优势??
[答:] We have LCD control device, but I am not in charge of that device, I suggest you contact our sales for details
[问:] ST对中国标准有何支持?
[答:] We will definitely support china standard, we are also open to work with our chinese partner and support them.
[问:] 我是作计量测试的,ST有没有提供解决中国SDTV和HDTV测试方面的解决方案。例如提供信号发生器和CS及TS流发生器的套片或解决方案?
[答:] We don't have solution for the testing equipment
[问:] 中国的地面数字会与DVB有区别,ST重新设计芯片吗?
[答:] ST will have the product for China market as long as the standard is announced
[问:] 在DTV,中国是一个庞大的市场,意法如何加强与中国厂商之间的合作,有什么比较好的政策?
[答:] ST is not only selling the Ics to our customers for manufacturing existing products , but also support their R&D for new product development
[问:] 如果电视台发送的是数字信号,那将来的电视不是可以直接接收数字信号吗?那还需要stb有什么用呢?
[答:] STB is used for the transitional period when analog TV still have the large market share, it could be many years
[问:] 请问本次座谈的题目是:中国高清晰度电视的现状与意法半导体解决方案。那么是否该方案能有利解决这种技术的覆盖率到达某个水平。让每个角落都能有机会看到高清晰度的电视呢!?或者是有经济上的原因而不能实现?
[答:] Satellite TV is the best answer to your question
[问:] CPU的带宽太小了吧,MEMORY也太小,我估计不用到什么2005年可能就被淘汰了,我个人认为将来的HDTV应和PC有很好的兼容。
[答:] It is possible in future, but definitely later than 2005
[问:] 我想了解HDTV与用户的交互性如何?
[答:] True interactive need a return channel such as phone line modem, cable modem, ADSL, …, it is depends on service provider, there is no problem to provide the interactivity service in term of technology now
[问:] ST 提供 Milddleware的解决方案吗?
[答:] ST works closely with middleware company, ST doesn't have middleware product
[问:] ST的 HDTV,STB等方面宣传,总是说ST有完整的解决方案。可到真正选用了ST的方案后,就会出现各种问题。技术支持和方案实用性支持,ST的服务如何跟上。
[答:] STB is not a simple product to develop, it involves multitasking OS, many drivers, we try our best to provide the reliable solution to customers, but due to the testing environment different, we can't simulate every problem, therefore it might have some problems when customers receive the solution from us, but our professional engineers will follow up and solve the problems quickly
[问:] 关于DVB-C STi5518在国内实用方案,ST有无实际的合作伙伴。
[答:] ST has many customers using 5518
[问:] 1。中国市场最流行的是哪种机顶盒标准?国外呢?st能否提供全面的技术支持(从软件到硬件)?
[答:] Cable STB will be popular in China, Satellite is more popular in Europe and US. ST has Ics for both STB
[问:] ST在中国的授权销售/市场支持具体安排在哪几个城市?ST技术支持的侧重点是哪里?谢谢!
[答:] Contact our marketing engineer
[问:] what is about the prospect of HDTV? and what is the priority over traditional TV?
[答:] HDTV will replace SDTV in the end because of the attractive picture quality, but today HDTV is still expensive and few TV program available
[问:] 据我所知,NEC公司生产的芯片速度、功能都比ST芯片优越很多,请问ST芯片如何做到比NEC优秀?
[答:] ST has ICs for high end and low end STB, you can contact our marketing engineer to understand our high end solution
[问:] 目前ST最先进、功能最强的芯片是什么型号的芯片,有投入市场吗?相对于目前被普遍使用的5518系列功能方面有哪些大的不同?
[答:] One of them is STi5528
[问:] ST公司的DVB-T进程如何?HDTV的市场定位目标怎样?
[答:] ST has IC ready for DVB-T, ST HDTV IC targets for mass market
[问:] ST的最新HDTV接收机主芯片是什么型号?其它公司说你们的芯片过时了,成本高,是这样的吗?
[答:] Refer to my presentation, the next generation is single chip HDTV decoder available soon. The sw is compatible with current solution
[问:] 你们的最新HDTV芯片是什么?还是多主芯片组合吗?有没有即将推出的单主芯片的方案?
[答:] Refer to my presentation, the next generation is single chip HDTV decoder available soon.
[问:] sti5514能做HDTV?你们不是有款SDTV的sti5514芯片吗?两者有什么不同?
[答:] 5514 is for SDTV, 7020 is for HDTV A/V decoding and graphics, 5514 is used for TP processing and other functions in 5514+7020 solution
[问:] '诸位好: 数字电视图象处理经过数字采集、图象压缩等技术后,如何达到高仿真度以及高清晰度要求?
[答:] Source picture digitized with more pixels
[问:] 是否数字电视需要你们的芯片,并且你们的芯片具有领先地位?
[答:] Yes
[问:] 中国数字电视有标准吗?
[答:] Refer to my presentation
[问:] 目前高清晰电视已经问世,只是其价格难以让老百姓接受,什么时候其价格可以大众化,这是我们期待的
[答:] Difficult to predict
[问:] ST的back end 解决方案中的数字信号处理方面是采用DSP硬件还是采用DSP processor? 要是后者请问是哪种processor?
[答:] Both HW and DSP are used for back end signal processing
[问:] 1:HDTV7710芯片是否已推向市场?2:是否有基于HDTV7710平台的样机?
[答:] Contact our marketing engineer for the schedule
[问:] Does not satellite support transmitting HDTV signal, Why?
[答:] Whether or not supporting HDTV depends on what bit rate it can support, usually HDTV signal encoded to 19.3 Mb/S
[问:] Does ST plan to integrate front-end and back-end DTV solution for Chinese DTV market ?
[答:] Contact our marketing engineer
[问:] HDTV发送部分ST有何解决方案?其它公司有吗?
[答:] No
[问:] HDTV信號和設備在國內比較少, 請問ST在HDTV機頂盒測試上有什么建議呢>f
[答:] We use packet injector and QAM/QPSK modulator to test
[问:] SDTV與HDTV在軟件的開發上主要有哪些不同?
[答:] No much difference, but HDTV has more parameters to control
[问:] ST解决方案与其他的方案相比较,优势主要在哪方面?
[答:] ST provide the total solution with many ST devices in it
[问:] 按数字化电视的要求,摄像制作,发送,接收和显示都要数字化,这是否有点遥远?
[答:] It happens now
[问:] 高清晰度电视与汽车电子的关系
[答:] you may like to watch HDTV while sitting in the moving car
[问:] 高清晰度電視未來的發展目標和趨勢是什麽?
[答:] Market will decide
[问:] 贵公司目前在中国的HDTV解决方案所采用的标准是什麽?
[答:] Our solution is flexible for the different standard
[问:] 就目前来讲,STB的一般价格如何?
[答:] Contact marketing engineer
[问:] 流媒体应用的发展能否取代广播
[答:] I don't think so, it may coexist.
[问:] 请告知贵公司的联系方法
[答:] Beijing 010-8809-7398, Peter Fang
[问:] 请问,在设计过程中,需要用到哪些数字、视频、射频的测试仪表。
[答:] There are many, you can contact equipment vendor for help
[问:] 请问:近一两年我国的数字电视的发展前景如何。发送数字节目的电视台有几家。是DVB-T、DVB—C还是DVB—S?谢谢!
[答:] Refer to my presentation
[问:] 请问7020有出货吗?多少?
[答:] Contact marketing engineer
[问:] 请问市场上还有sti7000的机顶盒吗?您知道的最低售价是多少?(美国)
[答:] Contact marketing engineer
[问:] 请问现在正做HDTV的厂家有哪些?谢谢.
[答:] Contact marketing engineer
[问:] 数字电视将来会发展成一种具有双向通信的消费产品。请问ST公司有这样的产品和解决方案嘛?
[答:] ST has ready product for that application now
[问:] 现在中国的数字电视标准还未定出,现在做STB是否风险很大
[答:] You can build the knowledge and experience ready just before market need the product, you can also produce STB for export market
[问:] 現在NEC公司開發的EMMA系列芯片,從性能上看似乎高於已發佈的ST的各級芯片,ST公司準備開發下一款更高性能的芯片來與之對抗嗎?
[答:] ST has competitive products to win the market.
[问:] 現在在中國關于使用ST方案進行HDTV開發的宣傳和培訓有哪些?
[答:] Contact marketing engineer
[问:] 芯片是ST5518。 1:当同时过滤多个SECTION时(指相同的PID,不同的TABLEID和或SECTION NO),为何经常接不到所需的SECTION数据,程序正常运转,只有通过断电复位后才可重新过滤SECTION,软件进行重新过滤SECTION请求无任何作用,请指教!
[答:] I suggest you contact ST FAE
[问:] 芯片是ST5518。 1:仿真时,当打开指令缓存(ICACHEENABLED = TRUE)功能时,为何经常出错,当关闭时,就正常了,请指教!
[答:] I suggest you contact ST FAE
[问:] 意法半导在高清晰度电视的角色, 与其竟争的有那些厂商?
[答:] There are some
[问:] 中国高清标准尚未定,请问现在贵公司在中国推行的高清解决方案所依据的标准是什麽?如何向未来的中国高清标准移植和转变?谢谢!
[答:] ST provide HDTV solutions for the HDTV trial run in different cities in China, Manufacturers will also produce HDTV for US market