
热门关键字: 智能卡 比特 HMI H.264 



主题:TigerSHARC® 处理器:多处理器应用的首选器件
[问:97669] 1.TigerSHARC 中浮点数运算速度大于时钟频率,是否是SIMD 的原因?
[答:Eric] 在一个运算块中同一个周期可以执行两条指令,同时有两个运算块  [2003-7-24 10:39:20]
[问:asaa] 我在做雷达信号处理系统(信号增强、处理、成像),该需要几个处理器,在设计时,按你们的经验,需多长时间,与TI的C6X系列相比较如何? 
[答:Phil] TigerSHARC can handle twice the number of 16-bit MAC operations as C64x and can TigerSHARC can support IEEE floating point directly while TI C64x cannot.TigerSHARC supports glueless multiprocessor connectivity whereas TI cannot.  [2003-7-24 10:45:18]
[问:bjwwj] 1.我用18片ADSP21062做了一个系统,现在想升级到TS101是否方便、可行;2.我有ADI的ADSP21062开发工具(VisualDSP2.0,ICE)。请问:怎样才能升级到TS101的系统仿真、开发。 
[答:Ksri] 1. It is technically feasible to upgrade your system with TigerSHARC. However you should note that TigerSHARC and 21062 are NOT assembly language compatible. Also, there are differences in the hardware interfaces between 21062 and TigerSHARC viz the link ports and external memory interfaces. One has to take care to redesign the same. However the approach of design is the same in both the processors.2. You can use the ICE that you used in 21062 for TigerSHARC as well. For VDSP 2.0, you need to buy one for TigerSHARC separately. However the user interface and other features of VDSP in TigerSHARC are very similar to the VDSP of 21062.  [2003-7-24 10:45:45]
[问:asaa] 因为开始时选择了TI的产品,后来感觉他们的技术支持不能令人满意,你们在中国的相关产品的技术支持力量如何 
[答:Steve] China is has a team of dedicated DSP FAEs. In addition, there is a China Application Support which supports customers thru email and phone.  [2003-7-24 10:46:16]
[问:wdhe] 是否适合用于汽车自主导航系统的主机?或者AD公司有其他芯片可以用于这个方面?是否有应用案例? 
[答:Phil] Yes, TigerSHARC can be used in this application. Other ADI DSPs can also be used as well such as Blackfin.  [2003-7-24 10:46:48]
[问:brent _dong] TigerSHARC DSP与TI的64系列DSP相比, 有什么优势和劣势?开发工具和服务支持如何? 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC has all the advantages over the TI C64x. C64x is only at 600MHz and 720Mhz. It has only 4 MACs. TigerSHARC is also at 600 Mhz but has 8 MACs. Hence, C64x can do atmost 720 x 4 MMACs while TigerSHARC can do 600 x 8 MMACs. This means that TigerSHARC is much more powerful than C64x.Also TS201 has 24Mbit of memory while the maximum memory of TI DSP is only 8 Mbit. ADI has technical support in China and can be contacted at the following :Toll-free number: 800-810-1742Toll-free fax:  800-810-1747China.dsp@analog.comADI has VDSP tools and emulators that work well with all TigerSHARC processors. We also supply EZ-kits that coule be used for evaluation.  [2003-7-24 10:49:10]
[问:donot know] 如何来判断dsp的快与慢仅仅是时钟频率吗? 
[答:Phil] Clock rate is only one factor. Efficiency of the architecture contributes a great deal to this as well as bandwidth of data fetch, level of parallelism.Comparing actual benchmarks for same algorithm will tell you more than just looking at clock rate.  [2003-7-24 10:50:11]
[问: shb9691] TigerSHARC与TI的C6000系列DSP相比有什么优势?其开发的技术支持和应用普及面如何,因为这涉及到自主开发时的技术交流问题。 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC has a lot of advantages over the C6000 DSP. TigerSHARC at 600 MHz can do 1200 32-bit MMACs, while the Maximum 32-bit MMACs of C6000 is around 450 MMAcs. Also, TigerSHARC has 24 Mbit of memory while the C6000 has max. memory of 8 Mbit.We also offer technical support at Toll-free number: 800-810-1742Toll-free fax:  800-810-1747China.dsp@analog.comApplications of TigerSHARC include 3G base station, medical imaging and radar and sonar applications etc.  [2003-7-24 10:51:24]
[问:lwg910] The latest TigerSHARC 201S/202/203 is the most powerful float point DSP. Are they optimized for video and computer vision operations? And when can we get this exciting product? 
[答:Steve] The TS20x processors are equally adept at 32-bit floating point and 16-bit, and 8-bit fixed point applications. The 16-bit fixed point format as well as the 8-bit fixed can be used for video and vision applications. ADI also offers the Blackfin family for cost and power sensitive video applications. TS201/TS202/TS203 is sampling now.  [2003-7-24 10:51:41]
[问: qingshui] VDSP3.0中对写syscon寄存器设了保护,写syscon寄存器在编译时会报错。请问如何对syscon写才是合法的? 
[答:Ksri] You can write to SYSCON only once on powerup and in supervisor mode. If you are not in supervisor mode, it will not work. If you still has problems, please contact at  [2003-7-24 10:52:33]
[问: linr2003] 和SHARC相比,TigerSHARC有哪些明显的优点? 
[答:Phil] TigerSHARC has more on-chip memory, higher degree of parallelism, higher bandwidth, higher clock rate and greater flexibility in host and multiprocessing systems.  [2003-7-24 10:52:55]
[问:qin] 什么是EDRAM?它和DRAM有何不同?存储器单元是什么样结构? 
[答:Phil] EDRAM is embedded DRAM. Structure is one transistor per cell.  [2003-7-24 10:53:38]
[问:zgw] TigerSHARC处理器的结构和特点,能否提供灵活的人机界面设计(键盘接口、640×480以上图形显示),存储器的管理能力如何? 
[答:Eric] TS有强大的浮点/定点处理能力,支持SIMD,有大量的片上内存和IO带宽。可以支持人机界面。TS101可以在一个时钟周期内访问128bit×3的数据/指令。TS201支持Cache和prefetch机制,提高EDRAM的访问效率  [2003-7-24 10:53:40]
[问:ljp] EZ-DSP库函数的价格多少?是否要许可证费用? 
[答:Phil] Please contact the EZ-DSP vendor directly for full details of pricing and availability. ADI does not sell this product directly. EZ-DSP is a third party vendor.  [2003-7-24 10:54:43]
[问:feng haihong] 请比较G4、Ti的C6000和TigerSHARC。开发TigerSHARC板极产品,应注意什么?ADI为什么没有公开 EZ-KIT Lite 的evaluation board 软硬件文档? 
[答:Gerry] TigerSHARC的16位乘法能力是TIC64的两倍,内存是C64的3倍。ADI提供足够的板极支持,包括原理图,EE Notes,文档,手册等等。ADI有公开的EZ-KIT的Evaluation board文档,在EZ-KIT的手册中。  [2003-7-24 10:54:51]
[问:zgw] 我现在正在研究设计一分布式采集系统,其中想设计一管理主机:具有显示(640×480图形显示)、大容量存储(128M位以上)、通讯及数据处理功能,请问选用那种微处理器比较合适? 
[答:Ksri] You have a few options. 1. You can go for TS201 processor that has 24Mbit of memory and 600Mhz processor speed to do your display processing. However you might still want to add external SDRAM using the onchip SDRAM controller of TigerSHARC processor.2. If price is a major concern for this application, you can go for Blackfin processor that is good for video display processing, but you need to add a lot of external memory.If you can share more information about your application and system, we can certainly help you. Our email is  [2003-7-24 10:54:53]
[问:mtdmti] 将来TigerSHARC处理器中能够和fpga结合起来吗?在TigerSHARC处理器中也能进行数据打包,进行数据传输!!! 
[答:Eric] TS可以和Altera/Xilinx FPGA方便的接口,包括总线和Linkport。Linkport输出的数据可以通过FPGA进行格式转换和打包  [2003-7-24 10:55:49]
[问:97669] 2.在DSP比较时,BBENCHMARK的具体含义,为什么说 The smaller the benchmark number, the quick the algotithm execution?在BENCHMARK 中提到了 ON-CHIP SRAM SIZE,DAM CHANNELS,DATA REGISTER,CIRCULAR BUFFERS,难道这些指标也要小吗? 
[答:Steve] We agree, "ON-CHIP SRAM SIZE,DMA CHANNELS,DATA REGISTER,CIRCULAR BUFFERS," are not benchmarks but processor attributes or features. A smaller benchmark is better only if the benchmark represents TIME to execute.  [2003-7-24 10:56:20]
[问:samire] TigerSHARC克以用于智能天线阵列控制吗?有无参考设计资料? 
[答:Gerry] TigerSHARC可以用于智能天线阵列处理。ADI及其第三方有相应的参考设计和文档。  [2003-7-24 10:56:26]
[问:cguo dong] 在视频应用中,Blackfin 与TigerSHARC哪个更适合?有没有adi第三方已经在TigerSHARC或blackfin的平台上实现MPEG-4?如果有,是那家?做到了什么样的程度?
[答:LiChuan] for comsumer application, Blackfin is suitable, but for the high end, such as H.264 D1 encoder or HDTV encoder, TigerSHARC is more proper.we have several 3rd party who have successful get the MPEG4 on Blackfin platform. the effect is very good. you can contact with us for the info about the 3rd party. 800-810-1742  [2003-7-24 10:56:57]
[问:68395] 为何TigerSHARC处理器的功耗比Blackfin要大的多? 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC power consumption will be more than Blackfin because it has more processing power. TigerSHARC can do 4800 MMAcs while Blackfin can do 1200 MMACs. TigerSHARC has more memory 24-Mbit while Blackfin has around 1 Mbit of memory. TigerSHARC has more pins and is a bigger package compared to Blackfin. hence TigerSHARC has more power consumption.Please note that TS is designed for infrastructure applications that involve continous power source and hence power is not a concern. Blackfin is designed for power sensitive hand held applications. [2003-7-24 10:57:02]
[问:mtdmti] TigerSHARC处理器的上电顺序解决了吗?上电顺序还有特殊要求吗? 
[答:Steve] See the datasheets for specific recommendations on the ADSP-TS101 or ADSP-TS20x power sequencing requirements.  [2003-7-24 10:57:23]
[问:99427] MFLOPS/W的性能比较有什么实际意义?和P4比较有什么意义? 
[答:Phil] MFLOPS/W is a measure of performance per power drawn. Often a board has a power budget and this will define how many MFLOPS you can design to this budget. Pentium draws far more power than TigerSHARC (roughly 30 times as much)  [2003-7-24 10:57:42]
[问:melonpy] ADI公司的ADSP系列能不能处理24位的定点运算? 
[答:Gerry] ADSP系列主要分为16位和32位两个系列。你可以用32位的ADSP处理24位的定点运算,比如TigerSHARC。  [2003-7-24 10:59:34]
[问:jia xueqin] 69个tap的数字滤波器,要求采样频率为40mhz,数据宽度为24bit,要是选用tigerSHARC DSP应具体选用哪种型号呢? 
[答:Phil] Any of the TigerSHARCs will be suitable for this application. You can use 16-bit MACs on TigerSHARC if your coefficients are 16-bits or you can use 32-bit MACs if your coefficients are actually 24-bits. All TigerSHARCs will support this.  [2003-7-24 11:00:05]
[问:wei shuigen] 1、该器件的使用特点;2、该器件编程特点;3、该期间在图象边缘检测中的应用 
[答:Phil] I don"t understand what is being asked in questions 1 and 2 - sorry.Question 3 can be addressed by using 2D filtering and this is supported on TigerSHARC.  [2003-7-24 11:01:22]
[问:samire] TigerSHARC的性能特点除了片内存储器容量大外,还有什么突出的优点? 
[答:Eric] 强大的浮点/定点处理能力和IO带宽,支持3G应用的特殊指令集  [2003-7-24 11:01:45]
[问:wwh0810] AD与TI在数字信号处理方面的优劣(TMS3206000级别),谢谢。 
[答:Gerry] TigerSHARC与TIC6000相比:TigerSHARC的互连能力远远大于C6000,TigerSHARC的内存也是C6000的三倍,并行运算能力两者相当。  [2003-7-24 11:02:11]
[问:86222] TigerSHARC 处理器是为满足业界要求最严格的信号处理和图像处理应用推荐的唯一处理器。请问在3G的语音和图像编解码方面,贵公司有何针对TigerSHARC的解决方案/库函数/合作伙伴。 
[答:Phil] Delphi is an ADI third party that supports 3G applications/libraries. ADI also provides 3G libraries.  [2003-7-24 11:02:32]
[问:weng st0428] 请问与blackfin有什么区别吗 
[答:Ksri] Blackfin is a processor that is used for handheld applications. This is designed for low battery application.TigerSHARC is used for infrastructure applications where power is not a constraint. Given the above, Blackfin has around 1200 MMACs, while the TigerSHARC has around 4800 MMACs in 16-bit mode.TigerSHARC can also process 32-bit data and 8-bit data that makes it very versatile. It can process around 1200 32-bit MMACs. TigerSHARC also has more memory than Blackfin and is used for multiprocessing applications.  [2003-7-24 11:02:32]
[问:science Mode] TigerSHARC的标准的开发设备多少钱?学习用的开发设备? 
[答:Tonny] $1200 for VisualDSP++ software, EZ-ICE and TigerSHARC EZ-KIT.  [2003-7-24 11:02:37]
[问:donot know] 如何来比较dsp处理器的快慢,仅仅是时钟频率吗? 
[答:Gerry] 当然不是仅仅看时钟频率。指令的并行度是另一个指标。指令与指令之间是否存在等待周期,也会影响DSP处理速度。  [2003-7-24 11:03:43]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 请问:为什么TS101在RESET时需要两个负电平,用一个负电平行不行?core和I/O的加电有没有严格的顺序要求? 
[答:Eric] TS101要求复位信号的特殊波形,否则不能保证100%正确复位。Core要求比IO先上电,这是大多数双电源芯片的要求  [2003-7-24 11:04:08]
[问:chenrx] TigerSHARC和传统的处理器的不同点在什么地方?内部处理速度能达到多少MHZ?内部结构是否为流水线结构,如果是的话?为几级流水线结构呢?谢谢!! 
[答:Steve] The TigerSHARC is a VLIW architecture with RISC and DSP features to support real-time applications. VLIW means that up to 4 instructions can be executed in parallel that can control operation of two compute blocks (which include MAC/ALU/SHIfter/CLU), two IAU (integer ALUs) and the sequencer. The pipeline structure detail can be seen in the Programmers Reference from dspManuals/tigersharc/ts201pgr.htmlIt basically TS20x has a 4 Fetch, 2 compute, plus 4 others.  [2003-7-24 11:04:54]
[问:zgw] TigerSHARC处理器的结构和特点,能否提供灵活的人机界面设计(键盘接口、640×480以上图形显示),存储器的管理能力如何? 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC is a DSP infact a very powerful DSP. It has all the features a DSP ought to have. It does not have a MMI or display interface. However one can always interface some of the standard chips to interface to TigerSHARC and implement display and MMI.TigerSHARC does not have memory management capability. You can just connect external memory and directly access the entire memory space  [2003-7-24 11:05:01]
[问:fzz118] 用TigerSharc能代替像PowerPc这样的嵌入式微处理器而应用在嵌入式领域吗? 
[答:Gerry] 可以,TigerSHARC上有相应的操作系统,通过TigerSHARC的接口可以控制外围设备。  [2003-7-24 11:05:05]
[问:luna930] TigerSHARC系列芯片是否具有电源管理模块,能否作为嵌入式平台的核心处理器? 
[答:Eric] TS没有内嵌的电源处理模块,可以作为嵌入式平台的核心处理器  [2003-7-24 11:05:08]
[问:qin] TigerSHARC中有双处理器,它们是并行工作的还是可以同时完成不同的任务? 
[答:Gerry] 两个运算块并行工作,可以完成相同的任务,也可以完成不同的任务。  [2003-7-24 11:06:08]
[问:mtdmti] TigerSHARC系列dsp有没有免费的软件和仿真器,我们已经买了adsp2106x的软件和仿真器,不可能马上再买? 
[答:Phil] Software Developments tools (VisualDSP++) is available for a free time limited trial for TigerSHARC and all of the ADI DSPs. ICE is a separate hardware tool and must be purchased.  [2003-7-24 11:06:12]
[问:zqm-2000] 请问 你们现在主要是讲 dsp 系列 它主要是适用于图像处理,我可以提一些16位定点dsp的问题吗?哪里有有关ADMC401的中文资料吗? 
[答: LiChuan] of course you can!you can contact with our support center for the ADMC401 material.800-810-1742  [2003-7-24 11:07:23]
[问:samire] TigerSHARC称作处理器,它和数字信号处理器(DSP)有何不同?和CPU呢? 
[答:Phil] A DSP is a special kind of processor that performs arithmetic operations very fast and efficiently and responds to interrupts very quickly. The TigerSHARC is a DSP and it is also considered an embedded processor.  [2003-7-24 11:07:27]
[问:97669] 在DSP比较时,BBENCHMARK的具体含义,为什么说 The smaller the benchmark number, the quick the algotithm execution?在BENCHMARK 中提到了 ON-CHIP SRAM SIZE,DAM CHANNELS,DATA REGISTER,CIRCULAR BUFFERS,难道这些指标也要小吗? 
[答:Ksri] When comparing the DSPs, a common benchmark that is used is MIPS. So, the definition of benchmark comes up now :Benchmark is a figure that gives details of the processor performance.So, when talking about MIPS, the figure should always be low because the lower the MIPS of an algorithm on the processor, the better it is. hence the lower the better. Similarly, the onchip SRAM size , DMA channels registers are also important, but for example if registers are more, it is better because the registers are very important for performance. Also, more memory is better. Hence, we need to understand the feature and decide whether smaller is better or larger is better  [2003-7-24 11:07:52]
[问:qin] TigerSHARC可以用汇编语言和C语言编程,是指的同一程序还是可以同时执行? 
[答:Gerry] 是指同一个程序,部分可以用C,部分可以汇编,二者可以互相调用。  [2003-7-24 11:07:56]
[问:allheart] 其支持几种编码格式。 
[答:Phil] TigerSHARC can be programmed using assembly language, C and C++.  [2003-7-24 11:08:02]
[问:szg_szg] 请谈谈TigerSHARC 处理器的体系结构 ,它能简单的级连应用么?TigerSHARC 处理器的独特特点?谢谢!
[答:Eric] TS支持最多8片通过总线相连,同时可以通过Linkport扩展成阵列方式,具体的数量没有限制。特点:定点/浮点结合的DSP,支持多处理器结构,SIMD,3G特殊指令,大量片上内存  [2003-7-24 11:08:20]
[问:de feng_y] 带A/D、D/A吗 
[答:Eric] No  [2003-7-24 11:08:26]
[问: timorthy] 我想进行图象处理的运算,需要大量的存储空间,这款芯片最大支持的存储量是多少? 
[答:Phil] The TS201 has 24 Mbits of on-chip memory. External memory (SDRAM and SRAM) is also supported and can be used with TigerSHARC. TigerSHARC has an on-chip SDRAM controller as well.  [2003-7-24 11:09:10]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 请问:能否提供一些关于TS101的多片紧耦合设计的原理图及设计时的注意事项。 
[答:Eric] 可以提供EZkit板的原理图,该板上有两片TS通过总线和Linkport相连  [2003-7-24 11:09:33]
[问:samire] TigerSHARC内部总线的工作速率能达到多高?带宽呢? 
[答:Gerry] TS20x的内部总线是500MHz,600MHz;四条128比特内部总线,带宽为500×4×128比特/秒或600×4×128比特/秒。  [2003-7-24 11:09:58]
[问:samire] 当用TigerSHARC用作系统设计时,如何产生PWM模式波形? 
[答:Ksri] In TigerSHARC, the timers are very simple. You cannot generate PWM output. But, one can always use the flag pins and generate the PWM output under software control.The only catch in this case that the frequency of such a PWM will be very low since it will be under software control.Essentially it is good to use an external PWM chipset.  [2003-7-24 11:10:21]
[问:qin] TigerSHARC能否用在3G手机内?能处理多媒体图像吗? 
[答:Phil] No. TigerSHARC is not well suited to handheld devices. TigerSHARC can process multimedia images.  [2003-7-24 11:10:46]
[问:ljp] 演示中的专门指令是什么意思?有何用途?.演示中的专门指令是什么意思?有何用途? 
[答:Gerry] 专用指令是指通信加速指令,主要用于3G无线通信。  [2003-7-24 11:10:58]
[问:ken23] VisualDSP++支持C++编程吗? 
[答:Gerry] 支持。  [2003-7-24 11:11:06]
[问:bigmt] 请问在使用多处理器系统时,应该考虑的最关键因素是什么? 
[答:Steve] The key factors when considering a multi-processing system are:Interprocessor communication bandwidth, (TigerSHARC supports high bandwidth thru two communication paths - the link ports and the parallel bus, both do not require any external logic)Minimal Glue logic required between processors, (TigerSHARC requires none!)Software complexity for controlling multi-processor communication. TigerSHARC family supports a unified multiprocessor memory space so processors can directly address each others internal memory and registers and can access a shared external memory.  [2003-7-24 11:11:12]
[问:ljp] .演示中的专门指令是什么意思?有何用途? 
[答:Gerry] 3G通信加速指令。  [2003-7-24 11:11:40]
[问:yjbs] TigerSHARC处理器的开发环境支持C++吗?我用来做视频的编解码够用吗? 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC is supported by VDSP++ 3.0 toolset. VDSP supports a subset of embedded C++ standard that involves class derivations and operator overloading etc.Regarding the video encoder and decoder on TS, ADI has not implemented on TS. However, given the high MIPS of TigerSHARC, one can certainly impelement video encoder and decoder. However one has to take care of the size of the image because the MIPS will limit the size of the image.  [2003-7-24 11:12:45]
[问:75047] 在 TS上使用RTOS:OSE, 其具体是怎样一个操作系统啊? 
[答:Phil] OSE can be used on TigerSHARC. Please contact the OSE vendor directly for full details of this RTOS and its application to TigerSHARC. The RTOS (Real Time Operating System) vendor is ENEA.  [2003-7-24 11:13:52]
[问:doit] TigerSHARC处理器最大的特点是什么? 
[答:Eric] 主要包括:SIMD并行处理能力,多处理器系统支持能力,3G特殊指令集,大量片上内存,极高的IO带宽  [2003-7-24 11:14:21]
[问: cguodong] 作为技术人员,更关心产品开发的工作量.好的开发环境,对高级语言的支持,代码的优化,请专家谈谈这方面的问题. 
[答:Ksri] ADI supports the customer to reduce the cost and time. In that context, we have very good development tools in VDSP++ 3.0 tools. The tools come with optimizing C/C++ compiler, assembler, linker, VDK operating system, debugger, emulator etc. They will help certainly in reducing your development and debugging time.On the hardware design perspective, we have a number of application notes that describe interfaceing the TS processor with a number of external devices. For 3G applications, we have solutions and reference sw and hw implementations with ADI and 3rd parties  [2003-7-24 11:15:00]
[问:blackffan] 在并行处理时具备什么优势? 
[答:Gerry] 很高的DSP间通信能力。包括LinkPort和Cluster bus。每个LinkPort提供1Gbyte的吞吐能力,Cluster bus也是1G的总线。所以DSP间通信的速度非常块。  [2003-7-24 11:15:45]
[问:blackffan] Tiger的总线驱动能力如何?
[答:Eric] TS总线支持8片DSP互连,另外可以通过外部配置管脚的上下拉状态调整总线的驱动电流和阻抗  [2003-7-24 11:15:55]
[问:ljp] ADI公司能否提供参考设计和电路图? 
[答:Tonny] Yes, you can find many reference design in our web site. or contact with ADI china support  [2003-7-24 11:15:58]
[问:cheng m1982] 模拟器件的市场现在怎样?你觉得这个行业的前景如何? 
[答:Ksri] ADI has very good products in the DSP and Analog signal chains. In the DSP we have SHARC, TigerSHARC and Blackfin products that offer a good cost / performance figures.Hence the future for ADI in this market is good.  [2003-7-24 11:16:11]
[问:ljp] 演示中的专门指令是什么意思?有何用途? 
[答:Steve] The "special instructions" are the CLU or Communications Logic Unit based instructions like:ACS - supports Viterbi and Turbo decodeXCORR - fast cross correlation for path search algorithms.DESPREAD - supports implementing spreading and despreading.PERMUTE - supports byte reordering.  [2003-7-24 11:17:03]
[问:science Mode] 该芯片是否用样品赠送?另外是否由相关的开发资料提供?对于语音识别方面大概能做到从20个字的语音样本中查寻一个需要多长时间? 
[答:Phil] Please contact your local Sales office for details of TigerSHARC samples. ADI also offers evaluation boards and code examples to help customers.ADI does not have an implementation of this algorithm for TigerSHARC. You can examine this algorighm for SHARC.  [2003-7-24 11:17:33]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 请问:TS101的地址线、数据线、LINK口输出的阻抗是多少,在设计时怎么考虑? 
[答:Eric] 阻抗可以通过外部管脚上下拉进行调整,在PCB设计时需要通过仿真确定实际配置  [2003-7-24 11:17:45]
[问:samire] 如何使用TigerSHARC的Scratchpad SRAM? 
[答:Gerry] TS101有SRAM,TS201是SDRAM。内部内存的使用可以用相应的指令,请参考软件手册。  [2003-7-24 11:17:48]
[问: defeng_y] 指令周期是多少 
[答:Eric] TS101:250MHz-4ns300MHz-3.3nsTS201:500MHz-2ns600MHz-1.67ns  [2003-7-24 11:18:53]
[问:zsc] 为什么称此款处理器为“老虎”?请问该处理器在工业控制实际使用中与TI的同类产品相比有哪些优势? 
[答:Phil] The name follows the pattern for other ADI DSP products - it sounds nice, doesn"t it?TigerSHARC is extremely powerful, has high data bandwidth, flexible fixed point and floating point support as well as glueless multiprocessing support.  [2003-7-24 11:19:31]
[问:jia xueqin] 要想多了解一些TigerSHARC的资料,怎样获取? 
[答:Tonny] Please visit our website or contact ADI China Support  [2003-7-24 11:19:42]
[问:liuyiyun1726] tigersharc 与TI 的6000相比,初了速度提高以后,有没有它自己独特的功能
[答:Gerry] 具有专用的3G通信加速指令,支持Chip速率和Symbol速率的处理;TigerSHARC的DSP互连能力很强,可以轻松的构造DSP阵列。  [2003-7-24 11:19:43]
[问:qin] TigerSHARC能否直接外接闪存?容量有多大? 
[答:Eric] 可以支持Flash连接,具体容量没有限制视应用而定  [2003-7-24 11:19:51]
[问:zmeng] 我们也想知道你们产品劣于对手的方面,请叙述一下。 
[答:Phil] There are none! Try it. You will like it!  [2003-7-24 11:20:06]
[问:ljp] TigerSHARC可以进行多个级联使用吗? 
[答:Eric] 可以通过Linkport和总线实现多片TS互连  [2003-7-24 11:20:26]
[问:jia xueqin] TigerSHARC的最快运算速度是多大? 
[答:Gerry] 12G操作/秒  [2003-7-24 11:20:30]
[问:willam _gann1] 请介绍以下tiger sharc 的体系结构和工艺. 
[答:Phil] The presentation addresses this introduction.  [2003-7-24 11:20:33]
[问: joandong] tigersharc和blackfin的主要区别及其应用的差别。 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC is a processor that is designed for multiprocessing applications. Hence it has 4800 16-bit MMACs at 600Mhz. Blackfin on the other hand is designed for power sensitive cost sensitive applications and hence offers 1200 MMAcs at 600MHz. TigerSHARC is also a processor that can process 32-bit data and is also designed for multiprocessing applications.Applications for TS include 3G base stations, sonar, radar, medical imaging, while Blackfin is used for cell phones, video, MPEG, Audio, modem applications  [2003-7-24 11:20:52]
[问:ljp] 请介绍TS201开发工具的价格.单个评估板呢? 
[答:Steve] ADSP-TS201, $299 in 10K unitsADSP-TS201 EZ-Kit is not available yet. However, you may want to consider the TigerSHARC toolkitwhich consists of a EZ-kit, VDSP development suit and a high-performance ICE. The expected price is US$1200.  [2003-7-24 11:21:00]
[问:qin] 多个TS201克以并行运作吗? 
[答:Eric] 最多支持8片TS201通过总线互连,Linkport连接的数量没有限制  [2003-7-24 11:21:10]
[问:danhill] 贵公司合作伙伴提供的应用有那些?联系方式?  
[答: LiChuan] You can find detail information of 3rd partner in our website. or contact with ADI china support center. 800-810-1742 or mail to  [2003-7-24 11:21:14]
[问:ken23] 感觉上,TI在走高度并行策略,而AD在走高时钟频率策略,请问AD有没有想过更多的提高自己芯片的单周期执行指令数? 
[答:Phil] ADI is the multiprocessing leader. SHARC and TigerSHARC support glueless multiprocessing while TI DSPs do not!  [2003-7-24 11:21:41]
[问:zhouq0725] 请举一个TigerSHARC在机器视觉方面的例子? 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC can be used for doing video encoding and decoding especially in multimedia streaming etc. Similarly, TigerSHARC is also used for radar and sonar imaging. Apart from this, TigerSHARC is a great DSP with lots of compute power and hence it can be used for video image processing applications  [2003-7-24 11:22:34]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 能不能提供一些TS101编程指令使用注意事项的详细资料。 
[答:Gerry] 可以,你可以,打800-810-1742或寻求ADI当地办事处寻求相应资料。  [2003-7-24 11:22:50]
[问:wdhe] 怎样才能得到Blackfin的详细技术资料?样片?还有售前技术支持? 
[答:Tonny] Please visit our website for document.Please apply sample online.Please contact China DSP Support Center for techinical  [2003-7-24 11:23:11]
[问: xiaoli169] 我们如果用TigerSharc在便携设备上,其电源管理有什么特点? 
[答:Steve] The ADSP-TS101 and ADSP-20x processors are not designed for portable devices. We suggest the BlackFin family for low power applications.  [2003-7-24 11:23:17]
[问:samire] 请详细介绍TigerSHARC的外部总线总线,它有几个DMA控制器? 
[答:Eric] 总线支持最多8片TS无缝连接,有内建的SDRAM控制器,支持pipeline方式和slow方式的外部存储器访问。TS包含14个专用DMA通道-4个外部DMA,8个Linkport DMA和2个AutoDMA。  [2003-7-24 11:23:21]
[问:jia yongli78] I am now do a project about singal check in train"s control systerm ,which kind dsp will be  the first select? 
[答:Ksri] In your application, it looks like cost is a critical item. Hence, you should choose the Blackfin processor. Blackfin has around 400 to 600 MHz that implies 800 to 1200 MMAcs. You can also interface Blackfin to a variety of external devices that would help you in this application ideally.Please contact or your local china sales rep. for more information  [2003-7-24 11:24:00]
[问:ken23] 我知道AD的BLACKFIN有大量的有用的外设接口,例如USB接口,请问这款TS20X为什么没有? 
[答:Phil] TigerSHARC is targeted at different applications than Blackfin. The peripheral set on TigerSHARC is therefore different. Future TigerSHARCs may offer more peripherals to fit into more and more applications in the future.TigerSHARC peripherals are designed mainly for high speed data throughput at present.  [2003-7-24 11:24:32]
[问:xuenet] What’s the functionality of SDA10 pin? 
[答:Eric] This is a dedicated pin for SDRAM initialization, in normal time, it is Address 10 for SDRAM  [2003-7-24 11:24:37]
[问: pensking] 能否介绍一下开发板的情况? 
[答:Ksri] ADI has development boards called the EZ-kits for evaluation for all DSP processors. For TigerSHARC processor we have an EZ-kit that works with our emulators. The EZ-kit has 2 TigerSHARC processors, onboard codec, flash, 128 MByte SDRAM and 2 link ports.Please visit and select tigersharc for more information  [2003-7-24 11:25:30]
[问: gadflyreal] tigersharc上的操作系统的价格是怎样的?
[答:Phil] Please contact the operating system vendors directly for pricing of their products as ADI does not offer these products directly. They are offered by our third party vendors.ADI provides VDK for free with VisualDSP++.  [2003-7-24 11:25:41]
[问:zhang zhenghong] ts101的datasheet中建议很多信号上拉或下拉,悬空行不行? 
[答:Eric] 最好是按照DS处理不用的管脚,防止外部干扰导致输入状态的变化  [2003-7-24 11:25:48]
[问:ken23] TS20X有没有建议的电源解决方案? 
[答:Phil] No. TS201 does not go into low power applications.  [2003-7-24 11:26:11]
[问:xiaoli169] 很抱歉问一下,我们公司想购买eMedia开发平台,可是很长时间都没有回应(给你们服务部门打多电话),是不是购买贵公司的产品有门槛? 
[答:Ksri] For eMedia related information, please contact Toll-free number: 800-810-1742Toll-free fax:  800-810-1747China.dsp@analog.comand they will get back to you with relevant information  [2003-7-24 11:26:18]
[问:fzz118] 用于嵌入式系统中,TS和桥芯片的耦合度如何?耦合度最好的是那些桥芯片?谢谢 
[答:Eric] ADI的第三方Transtech公司可以提供Cluster Bus到PCI的总线桥  [2003-7-24 11:27:00]
[问:ken23] TS20X不适合便携式设备,是不是就是说它的功耗很大? 
[答:Ksri] For portable devices the power consumption should be in lower milli watts. This will be much lower than the power dissipated by TS. TS consumes around 2.4 W of power.For portable devices, we offer Blackfin processors with power as low as around 60 mw. This is suitable for portable applications  [2003-7-24 11:27:51]
[问:x030724] TS101S的相关问题:1.复位的功能如何通过电平的高低变化实现;2.核心供电电压为1.25V,是否需要专门的,或者还只需电压电流达到标准即可 
[答:Gerry] 1.Data Sheet上有复位电平的时序,可以用EPLD实现。2.核心供电电压为1.2V,可以用不同的方法实现。  [2003-7-24 11:29:08]
[问:ken23] TS20X的功耗大概是多少?与TI C55系列相比如何? 
[答:Phil] TS201 power consumption is typically 2.5W core power.The TigerSHARC data sheet has complete details on electrical and timing specifications and is available on our web site  [2003-7-24 11:29:45]
[问:brent_dong] Any Special on Muti-media procession? 
[答:Ksri] I presume your question is about multimedia applications. For such applications, ADI has Blackfin processors. Blackfin has video ALUs that could be used very efficiently for video processing. Blackfin also has IIS interfaces for some devices for audio applications. Hence, one can always use Blackifn for Multimedia applications and processing.TigerSHARC on the other hand is used for multiprocessing. TigerSHARC also has 8-bit MACS for video applications. With 32-bit MACS you can use it for audio applications as well.Please note that the DSPs are general purpose processors that enable you to program a wide range of applications  [2003-7-24 11:30:49]
[问:nev erend] 这个芯片如何应用到无功补偿方面? 
[答:Phil] TigerSHARC can be applied to this application but this question is too vague to be answered in this forum.  [2003-7-24 11:31:19]
[问:engineer] TS101S 300MHz的片子核心(1.2V)和IO(3.3V)采用哪种型号的电源模块供电较好?是不是只要满足电压电流条件就可以了?还是用ADI公司专门的电源芯片较好?请推荐一下型号。 
[答:Eric] 建议使用目前市场上现成的电源模块,这样性能有所保证。当然如果使用自己设计的电源也可以,只要符合Datasheet要求的电压,电流,纹波,响应速度等等条件即可。具体型号可以参考相关电源模块厂家的网站  [2003-7-24 11:31:45]
[问:jin songtang] Compare Tiger-SHARC with C67 of TI including performance, software supporting, affordablity please! 
[答:Gerry] TigerSHARC是目前浮点运算能力最高的DSP,提供3600 MFLOPs 的处理能力,是C67 的2.6倍。TigerSHARC 提供相应的库函数,ADI的第三方也提供相应的Software。  [2003-7-24 11:32:11]
[问:kun lunhuang] 请问你们的blackfin ,在应用于3G方面与TI的64xx相比有什么有点,有什么不足? 
[答:Ksri] A major advantage of Blackfin over c64x is a) Power b) Price.Blackfin consumes far less power than the TI part and is very very cheaper than the C64x. The only disadvantage I see with Blackfin is in terms of the MIPS. TI C64x at 600 MHz offers 2400 MMACs while Blackfin at 600 MHz offers 1200 MMAcs. However in terms of price performance, Blackfin again wins over the TI C64x.  [2003-7-24 11:32:13]
[问:zdj] 提供RTOS支持吗?请列举。 
[答:Phil] RTOS such as OSE, WindRiver are supported as well as the VDK kernel provided by ADI free with VisualDSP++  [2003-7-24 11:32:13]
[问:rib bitweb] 我用ti的5402作音频信号处理,能否推荐一款adsp替代?有什么优势? 
[答:LiChuan] ADSP-BF531.low cost, low power consumption, high processing ability(600MMACs), and video interface, audio codec interface(I2S). for detail you can contact with our support center 800-810-1742  [2003-7-24 11:32:24]
[问: defeng_y] 指令周期是多少 
[答:Gerry] 500MHz--2ns请参考前面的回答。  [2003-7-24 11:32:53]
[问:huang xiaocheng] 可以将多个TigerSHARC做成对称多处理器结构的服务器吗? 
[答:Steve] A TigerSHARC as a node in a multiprocessor system offers a balance between computational thruput and interprocessor communication bandwidth. This balance means that bottlenecks will not tend to reduce overall system performance.  [2003-7-24 11:33:06]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 能否提供flash烧写的TS101的程序代码。 
[答:Phil] Contact ADI Technical support to request one example of such a program which you can adapt for use with your own flash. Technical support email:  [2003-7-24 11:33:50]
[问:ly 721115] I/O带宽最大能做到多少? 
[答:Gerry] 一个TS201的I/O最大可以达到5GBytes/s  [2003-7-24 11:34:08]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 能不能推荐几个TS101的电源芯片(1.2v输出),最好体积小,输出电流尽可能大。 
[答:Eric] 请参考Ericsson,lucent,Avansys等电源厂家的网站,具体型号需要根据你的应用而定,比如板上DSP的数量等要求  [2003-7-24 11:34:15]
[问:bjwwj] TS201、TS202、TS203与TS101指令兼容吗? 
[答:Phil] All of the members of the TigerSHARC family are assembly code compatible. The TS20x contain some instructions which TS101 do not have. These processors are not object code compatible so you will have to reassemble/recompile your source.  [2003-7-24 11:35:24]
[问:ren hongliang] TigerSHARC处理器主要应用的范围是什么,有哪些优点 
[答:Ksri] The target market for TigerSHARC is much wider. You can use it for 3G base stations, medical imaging, RADAR, SOnar applications. You can also use it for high performance audio, multimedia streaming and other applications that need multiprocessing  [2003-7-24 11:35:56]
[问: engineer] ADSP-TS201 offer 24 Mbits on-chip memory-DRAM,not SRAM. So performance on it affect? 
[答:Phil] In most applications, performance is not affected due to cache and prefetch mechanisms used with embedded DRAM.  [2003-7-24 11:36:17]
[问:simppy 0307] Can ADSP-TS101S directly interface with most of SDRAM without any FPGA or CPLD  to control? 
[答:Eric] yes, TS has a built-in SDRAM controller, there is no need to add logic devices  [2003-7-24 11:36:59]
[问:ken23] 请问这款TS20X是不是AD现有最高性能的DSP芯片? 
[答:Ksri] Yes. TS201 is the highest performance DSP in ADI family. TS201 is at 600 MHz with a communications Logic unit that greatly improves the performance of applications in CDMA base station turbo coding and viterbi applications processing. This also has around 24Mbit of onchip memory with 64-bit external memory interface to offer the maximum performance  [2003-7-24 11:37:06]
[问:xuenet] I want to know whether the SDRAM Controller of TS101S could be used to interface with the DDR SDRAM? Thank you 
[答:Ksri] No. DDR SDRAM offers data at double the data rate than the SDRAM controller can handle. Hence, it is just not possible  [2003-7-24 11:37:56]
[问:simppy 0307] When i want to use the IBIS model of TS101SAB2, I do not know what the description that impedance control set to 100%(11%or others) is 
[答:Phil] 0 through 7 in the IBIS filenames refer to impedance control of 0 through 7 (11% to 100%) of the TigerSHARC  [2003-7-24 11:37:59]
[问:liusix] TigerSHARC 处理器于国内同类型的处理器相比较,具有哪些方面的独特优势?具体体现在那些指标上? 
[答:Steve] The TigerSHARC excells at large signal processing tasks and supports scaleable multiprocessing, more processors can be easily be added to the system to increase performance. The TigerSHARC supports both 32-bit floating point data format and 16-bit fixed point formats. This allows a tradeoff of performance versus data precision.A benchmark list is available at: tigersharc/benchmarks.htmlExample code is available at: mainSectionContent/0,2132,level4%253D%25252D1% 2526ContentID%253D14541%2526level1%253D205% 2526level2%253D%25252D1%2526level3%253D% 25252D1,00.html  [2003-7-24 11:38:10]
[问:sales] I always find this error in TIGERSHARC TS101, The VisualDSP provide this information:"  Internal Error: Please notify product technical support". What caused this difficulty? 
[答:Gerry] You can contact our technical support in or when you met this problem again. [2003-7-24 11:38:13]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 能否提供TS101详细的总线读写,linkports读写时序,dmar与总线读写信号的时序,DS中的不是很详细。 
[答:Eric] 请参考TS的hardware specification,里面有相信的说明。请到www.analog.com上下载  [2003-7-24 11:38:21]
[问:zhang zhenghong] ts101的总线能否不经过隔离而直接连接到FPGA中。 
[答:Eric] 可以  [2003-7-24 11:38:55]
[问:jiaxueqin] TigerSHARC可以支持浮点运算嘛? 
[答:Gerry] 是,可以支持IEEE标准的32位浮点运算,也可以支持40位的扩展精度浮点运算。  [2003-7-24 11:39:25]
[问:ken23] 请问TS20X系列的DMA方式具体与TI的C6000的EDMA有什么区别,谢谢! 
[答:Ksri] The basic job of a DMA be it on TS20x or TI DSP is the same - to transfer data from memory to another device without the core getting affected.But the TS DMA implementation is very efficient. In the case of TS, when the DMA is happening, there will be no impact on the core, that is the core will not lose any performance. It has separate buses to transfer data from peripherals to memory.On the ohter hand in TI DSP, when there is a DMA happening, there will be impact on the core to A certain extent that will definitely make the core idle in some cycles and hence the DMA will reduce the applications performance.Hence, I would say that the DMA on TS is more efficient  [2003-7-24 11:39:56]
[问:sales] I found the material about TS was not too many. Much less than SHARC. How to find further material? 
[答:Phil] A great deal of resources such as manuals, code examples, application notes can be found on the ADI web site via More application notes and code examples are being created every day so please check the web often.  [2003-7-24 11:40:10]
[问:x030724] TS1011.读写控制信号,读信号不分高低,那么地址线如何连,2.参考电压,是否提供一个参考源即可,3.阻抗控制,是否有使能 
[答:Steve] The Read and Write signals are both active low.See the ADSP-TS101 datasheet and Hardware Reference manual"s System Design Chapter for details on the impdance control and reference voltage.  [2003-7-24 11:40:52]
[问:sales] In EE-176,I found the timing requirement RESET PIN.(Power-up reset: after power-up of the system, and strap options are stable, the RESET pin must beasserted (low) for a minimum of 2 ms followed by a de-asserted (high) pulse of a minimum of 50 SCLK cycles and a maximum of 100 SCLK cycles and asserted (low) for a minimum of 100 SCLK cycles.) I want to ask how to realize it. 
[答:Ksri] You need a programmable logic to implement the timing you need. Hence the problem. You can realize using a programmable timer, but a PLD is the best option  [2003-7-24 11:41:00]
[问:68395] When I can get the TS202? for production? 
[答:Steve] The ADSP-TS202 will be released to production in summer 2004.  [2003-7-24 11:41:28]
[问:jiancezhan] 能否详细介绍一下该器件的后续研发情况及市场预测。 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC is a new product and has a long road map. We started with 180Mhz a couple of years back and moved to 300 MHz last year and now 600 MHz. In the future expect more TigerSHARC processors with more speed, better peripheral sets and more integration.The market for TS is great and more applications find TS a suitable processor  [2003-7-24 11:42:17]
[问:xuenet] Could you compare TS101 with TI"s TMS320C6416? 
[答:Gerry] TS101 is 250MHz, TS201 is 500/600MHz. And provide twice 16MACs in one cycle compared with C6416.TigerSHARC provide 3G communication instruction which support both chip rate processing and symbol rate processing, while C6416 only support symbol rate processing.  [2003-7-24 11:43:02]
[问:x030724] Tigersharc并行处理的情况,开发系统的价格 
[答:Phil] TigerSHARC supports multiprocessing gluelessly and a high degree of parallelism. Applications can be spread across multiple processors.$1200 includes VisualDSP++, EZ-Kit, and HP PCI ICE. Contact your local sales representative for complete details.  [2003-7-24 11:43:26]
[问:ken23] ADSP的接口速度确实要比TI的高很多,请问除了因为主频更快的原因之外,AD还采取了什么样的特殊设计实现了这一优异性能? 
[答:Ksri] Yes. Our designs are customized to give high data rates and give higher performance. We belive that todays applications need a very high data rates and hence we have designed our link ports to run at 125Mhz giving a total of 1G bytes throughput per second.  [2003-7-24 11:43:40]
[问:zqm-2000] ADMC401的开发软件是VisualDSP 6.1版本吗?这种软件是免费的吗? 
[答:LiChuan] yes. and it is free. but you must use together with the EZKit. actually, it use the instruction of ADSP217x, so in the Visual DSP++, you can also simulate most of the program. also, we have now new product after ADMC401, it is ADSP-2199x, you can contact with our support center for more detail 800-810-1742  [2003-7-24 11:43:58]
[问:timorthy] 是否可以申请样片,如何申请? 
[答:Ksri] You can apply for samples of ADI DSPs by contacting your local ADI Sales and distributors - Chinatronic and / or GE-HK  [2003-7-24 11:44:10]
[问:jiaxueqin] TigerSHARC更适用于控制还是计算? 
[答:Phil] TigerSHARC is very well suited to high performance multiprocessing applications with intense computational requirements.Blackfin is better suited to control-type applications.  [2003-7-24 11:44:24]
[问:asaa] TI的DSP产品中,有没有与TigerSHARC处理器相类似的产品,可用于通用信号处理系统中? 
[答:Eric] 对不起,请向TI咨询类似问题。  [2003-7-24 11:44:44]
[问:wxk] 提供数据处理子程序包?例如fft 
[答:Gerry] 对,提供。请联系ADI技术支持。  [2003-7-24 11:44:56]
[问:ken23] TI提供所谓的RDTX实时调试系统,AD的有吗? 
[答:Phil] The ADI HP PCI ICE will provide you with real-time debug functionality.  [2003-7-24 11:45:27]
[问:sales] On ADSP-TS101S data sheet,Rev.A p.14,Tab.6,about the handing method of CPA and DPA signals,it said:'The CPA pin has an internal 500 ohm pull-up resistor,which is only enabled on the DSP with ID2-0=0. If ID0 is not used,terminate this pin as either epu or nc.if ID7-1 is not used, terminate this pin as epu'. I feel very confused when reading this explaination. Since 500 ohm pull-up will come into being when ID2-0=0,why shall we have to terminate this pin as epu or nc when ID=0 is not used as Tab.6 explained? I think it might be 'If ID0 is used,terminate this pin as epu or nc' ,is it right? Then I found EE-176,p8,table on how to handing CPA & DPA, it said, PU for ID7-1,Pu or NC for ID0, which is not accord with data sheet Rev.A 
[答:Phil] Every system must include a TigerSHARC with ID set to zero (0).  [2003-7-24 11:46:04]
[问:qin] 如何识别定点和浮点运算,在指令上有何区别? 
[答:Ksri] The TS supports fixed and floating point operations. It is very simple. If you use a register in the instruction as R0 it is fixed point operation. If you prefix the instructions with an "f" it becoems floating point.No mode swithces. It is all part of the instructions.  [2003-7-24 11:46:19]
[问:jiaxueqin] 汇编指令的详细资料怎么获得? 
[答:LiChuan] contact our support center 800-810-1742  [2003-7-24 11:46:25]
[问:ly721115] 每瓦最高性能和每平方英寸电路板最高性能的含义是什么? 
[答:Steve] Given the system"s power budget performance per Watt will define the total multiprocessor system performance. Given a system"s area limits performance per PCB inch^2 defines the maximum performance.  [2003-7-24 11:46:41]
[问:zdj] 在国内,目前有哪些技术支持措施? 
[答:Tonny] Please contact ADI DSP Support  [2003-7-24 11:46:45]
[问:zdj] 采购途径如何? 
[答:Ksri] I presume you are asking about how to order for samples. If you need to order for samples, you can contact the local ADI or distributors.  [2003-7-24 11:46:50]
[问:mintea] 2181可以作MP3? 
[答:LiChuan] of course!both encoder and decoder!  [2003-7-24 11:46:59]
[问:sales] 请问哪里可以找到一些成功的 TigerSHARC C源程序,和相应的ldf文档 
[答:Ksri] Please visit the ADI website at mainSectionResource/0,2131,level4%253D%25252D1% 2526level1%253D205%2526level2%253D209%2526 level3%253D%25252D1%2526resourceWebLawID%253D31,00.htmlApplication Notes Listto get our application notes.  [2003-7-24 11:47:35]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 在哪能得到有关多片TS101总线互联(紧耦合)的应用实例,是ADI的第三方吗,若是请提供他们的联系方式。 
[答:Eric] ADI的EZkit板提供2片DSP的总线互连的设计参考,如果你们的应用需要更多的DSP互连,可以向我们的第三方咨询,联系方式请参考我们的网站  [2003-7-24 11:47:43]
[问:scienceMode] TigerSHARC的开发技术培训是否由贵公司承担? 
[答:LiChuan] we will organize the training, and we will hold the training in the training center that we established together with the universities around all China!  [2003-7-24 11:48:29]
[问:defeng_y] ad694的基准电压脚是输入还是输出 
[答:Tonny] For your question, please contact ADI China Support Center ASC  [2003-7-24 11:48:29]
[问:engineer] TS101S要求上电时核心(1.2V)比IO(3.3V)先上电,这个时序是如何控制实现的?有没有专门实现此功能的电源模块? 
[答:Steve] ADP3170 power regulator is recommended for ADSP-TS101 designs. Refer to the schematics in the ADSP-TS101 EZ-Kit user"s manuals for an example of power sequencing.  [2003-7-24 11:48:37]
[问:ribbitweb] I"m a TI dsp user,how can i become a Adsp user? 
[答:Ksri] We are glad that you would want to consider ADI DSP. All you need to do is get an EZ-kit, VSDSP tools and start developing the application. For support use you can share your application to us, we can help you suggest a good DSP for your appliciation  [2003-7-24 11:48:50]
[问:ribbitweb] 有没有跳扩频通信方面的应用,比如调制解调、数字锁相环等?是否需要多处理器结构? 
[答:Eric] 可以支持,是否需要多处理器结果要视处理量而定。  [2003-7-24 11:48:51]
[问:songshijie] 能否告知TigerSHARC处理器的流程框图和设计指南?? 
[答:Phil] Detailed information can be found in the TigerSHARC Programming Reference as well as various application notes such as EE-179 for design guidelines. All of this documentation is available on the ADI web site  [2003-7-24 11:48:57]
[问:jiaxueqin] 现在TI的dsp已经为大家所熟知,因为TI在中国许多大学都推广他们的产品,不知道贵公司会不会有推广的活动? 
[答:LiChuan] we have promoted already, and we will go on.we have establish many join lab and training centers in the university of China  [2003-7-24 11:49:45]
[问:alphashao] 请问TIGERSHARK在图象识别方面,比如车牌识别,请问一般需要几个芯片? 
[答:Ksri] It all depends on what resolution and what exactly you want to do with the application. Unfortunatley, we dont have any benchmark to do it. But my guess is that one TS should be able to do this application because it is a simple imaging application.  [2003-7-24 11:50:03]
[问:allheart] 请先谈谈现行处理器的品种与分类。 
[答:Gerry] 嵌入式处理器可以分为DSP和MCU两大类。传统上MCU主要侧重于控制,DSP主要侧重于数字信号处理。目前,两个方面有互相影响和融合的趋势。  [2003-7-24 11:50:19]
[问:zdj] 请问,目前能支持此类多处理器系统的RTOS有哪些? 
[答:Phil] OSE and WindRiver RTOS are supported. ADI also provides VDK kernel free with VisualDSP++.  [2003-7-24 11:50:23]
[问:ken23] TI公司提供了ftp.ti.com这样的FTP站点供使用者下载资料,同时民间的类似站点也很多,请问ADSP有没有类似的提供大量资料与例程的FTP站点,方便用户的开发工作? 
[答:Tonny] We have also for download. Please contact ADI China Support Center for more  [2003-7-24 11:52:07]
[问:szg_szg] TigerSHARC 处理器有成本优势么?谢谢! 
[答:Ksri] Yes ofcourse. You can consider TS203 that is availble for just USD34.95. For this price you get 500 MHz, 4Mbit RAM onchip. This gives you a performance of around 1000 32-bit MMACs or 4000 16-bit MMACs or even 1000 floating point MMACs.Hence, you can see that TigerSHARC has a tremendous price performance advantage.For multichannel applications, this is still excellent because the cost per channel will come down.  [2003-7-24 11:52:52]
[问:engineer] TigerSharc have very high-performance signal processing ability in base stations. Is there any other application can TS used? 
[答:Steve] See slide 32 in the presentation. The TigerSHARC family excells at high performance "large" signal processing tasks and require scaleable performance and 16-bit fixed point to 32-bit floating point data formats. The TigerSHARC family is sucessfull at:Medical Imaging- Ultrasound- CT Scanners- MRIAerospace- Radar- CommunicationsIndustrial- imaging and controlInstrumentation- test and measurementProsumer Audio  [2003-7-24 11:53:30]
[问:zhang zhenghong] 板间TS101 linkport互联时用不用接匹配电阻,用不用上拉。 
[答:Eric] 不用,但是在输入端悬空时要保证状态的稳定  [2003-7-24 11:53:46]
[问:songshijie] TigerSHARC处理器与传统DSP的优缺点 
[答:Ksri] TigerSHARC processor is a DSP. A traditional DSP has MACs, TS has MAC. Tradition DSP has Circular buffer, TS has Circular buffer. Traditional DSP has bit reverse, TS has bit reverse. Traditional DSP has hardware loops, TigerSHARC also has hardware loops. Traditional DSP has parallel loads and store, TS has the same.TigerSHARC on the other hand also has SIMD mode and is a super scalar architecture where there is a lot of scope for parallelism.  [2003-7-24 11:54:35]
[问:peng-kai] 请问:我们如果选用了该设计方案,AD公司的技术支持能够提供哪些支持与服务,在我们开发过程中,是否能实时提供服务,谢谢! 
[答:Tonny] ADI China DSP Support Team will provide email and telephone support for our customer. That"s real time support, of course. Please contact  [2003-7-24 11:54:49]
[问:engineer] I found that TS203 processor’s external port can’t support 64-bit operation,only can is configured for 32-bit operation.. Why reduce the width of external port? 
[答:Steve] The ADSP-TS203 has a reduced memory and peripheral support because it is a low cost device.  [2003-7-24 11:54:57]
[问:neverend] 这个芯片如何应用到无功补偿方面? 
[答:LiChuan] for the power factor correction, you should use our ADSP-2199x which has PWM generation block and on Chip ADC.if you still want to use this chip, you need run the algorithm on this DSP and use external components for ADC and PWM.for detail you can call our support center 800-810-1752  [2003-7-24 11:57:19]
[问:ken23] TI公司每年都有针对于大学生的TI设计大赛,请问ADSP有没有类似的大赛? 
[答:Ksri] Yes. ADI has a forum on SHARC processors in Boston every year. Please check our website regularly for more information.  [2003-7-24 11:57:24]
[问:sales] 我的电路板上有一个周期性的输入信号,是外板一上电就传给我的,通过PLD的处理作为TIGERSHARC(TS101)DSP外部中断IRQ0输入。可是一上电,DSP就开始缓慢升温到不正常的高温状态。或者一运行包含IRQ0中断响应程序立即升温到非正常状态并且不响应中断。当我不接这个信号时(仅仅翘起输入驱动芯片管脚),工作正常。所以我怀疑在DSP复位状态中就将该信号处理后输入DSP引起故障,故用DSP的FLAG信号作为对该信号的控制信号,结合DSP的复位信号,使得该信号产生的中断在DSP复位完成后,必须由DSP控制才可进入。经示波器观察确实实现。芯片不热了,但中断依然不响应。(程序经测试是正确的)而且如果在带电状态退出VISUALDSP++的EMULATOR状态,(即关闭VISUALDSP++)芯片开始运行储留在其内部的包含IRQ0中断响应的程序,芯片立即升温。但运行不涉及中断IRQ0的程序,芯片状态仍然挺好。对于该输入信号的控制,我觉得已经不会再对DSP复位有什么影响了吧?为什么会有以上的现象呢?(中断响应程序及其短小,仅仅对某一FLAG的TOGGLE)。 
[答:Eric] 对不起,这个问题在短时间内难以依据你描述的现象定位,能否在会后联系我们的技术支持?  [2003-7-24 11:58:22]
[问:simppy0307] Now,I"am developing a system based CPCI and use four TS101s.I expand the four linkports(one for each ts101),but i can"t find a suitable interface (13 pins and for high speed transportation) 
[答:Steve] Further research needs to be done to find a high speed low profile connector and cable to fit the CPCI for factor. We do not have a specific recommendation.  [2003-7-24 11:58:37]
[问:blackffan] TigerSHARC 是否提供免费样片? 
[答:Steve] Contact you local sales office for sample infomation.  [2003-7-24 11:59:15]
[问:李 江] i am new comer for DSP application,can u tell me the price of development tools ,egEZ-KIT,vsdsp 
[答:Tonny] Now we provide one set of Tools with $1200, including VDSP, EZ-ICE and EZ-KITFor detail, please contact ADI China DSP Support  [2003-7-24 12:03:13]
[问:peng-kai] 请问:我们如果选用了该设计方案,AD公司的技术支持能够提供哪些支持与服务,在我们开发过程中,是否能实时提供服务,谢谢! 
[答:LiChuan] we can try our best to support you, we have support center in China and free toll call is 800-810-1742 and mail is  [2003-7-24 12:04:00]
[问:68395] 用ad6634与TS101可以直接用LINK口对接。当DSP改为TS201后,如何与AD6634的LINK口对接呢? 
[答:Phil] The AD6634 is compatible with the TS101 link ports but is not compatible with the TS20x link ports. The TS20x link ports changed substantially to support higher throughput.Please check back with us later for new product announcements.  [2003-7-24 12:05:08]
  关于Analog Devices  
Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI)在现代数字经济的中心发挥重要作用,凭借其种类丰富的模拟与混合信号、电源管理、RF、数字与传感技术,将现实世界的现象转化成有行动意义的洞察。ADI服务于全球12.5万家客户,在工业、通信、汽车与消费市场提供超过7.5万种产品。公司总部位于马萨诸塞州威明顿市。更多信息请访问: