
热门关键字: ATX电源 DisplayPort AGC DisplayPort接口 



[问:lzyamy] 干扰控制如何? 
[答:Hector] Sorry, I don"t understand your question.  Would you please elaborate more.  Thanks. [2003-6-24 10:26:09]
[问:xcsheng] 我已多次和贵公司联系申请ucx84x的库模型,但从未收到任何反馈,不知您可否答复?, 
[答:Tkman] By the way, we don"t have the exact device model in our website, however this part is already an industrial standard and is widely included in most simulator"s model library.  [2003-6-24 10:26:47]
[问:xcsheng] 能否提供pwm控制芯片如uc38x3的库模型? 
[答:Tkman] Orcad package already have the model included in standard library (SWIT_REG SG184X).  [2003-6-24 10:40:08]
[问:xcsheng] 能否介绍一下变压器的建模? 
[答:Tak] If you want to simulation the transformer , you must know the primary inductor value and secondary inductor and using the K factor connect the two wire. you can change the coupling factor K .e.g 0.99 for simulation it. Detail you can  see the presentation files page 12.  [2003-6-24 10:40:43]
[问:dra gon39] pspice模板都不能下载,为什么? 
[答:Hector] I don"t understand why.  Please try to download again in our website.  If you still have problem.  Please send a email to me by  I will email the template to you.  [2003-6-24 10:43:46]
[问:longjie] 开关电源的最优化的仿真主要有那些内容 
[答:Tak] It is include the average simulation and switched simulation, Average simulation is used to measure the phase and gain margin and the switched simulation  is using to simulated the detail switch waveform.  [2003-6-24 10:43:49]
[问:domino] PSPICE与Saber比较,您感觉谁更适合电源仿真? 
[答:Tkman] PSpice is a general purpose simulator and the Saber is a system level simulator only. PSpice can help you to investigate the circuit performance down to details.  [2003-6-24 10:45:09]
[问:fengling] 在设计电源电路时,我感到最难的是变压器的技术指标和测试,请这方面有用的资料。 
[答:Kelvin] Please contact, I can give you more details for the transformer design.  [2003-6-24 10:45:14]
[问:derry .zhu] UC x84X 模型在其它通用的仿真程序中元件名有的是SG184x 
[答:Hector] Sorry, I don"t understand your question.  Please elaborate.  [2003-6-24 10:45:19]
[问:qin] 做Pspice仿真,如何输入元件的模型和参数?是自动链接吗?请举例说明。 
[答:Tak] The Pspice simulation can not automatic fill the parameter. If you want to change the parameter you can double kit the compound and change the value.  [2003-6-24 10:48:10]
[问:fxzzs] 用MOS晶体管与双极晶体管设计开关电源,在SPICE有何不同? 
[答:Kelvin] The consideration is the driving source. voltage source is used on MOS while current will use on bipolar.  [2003-6-24 10:48:39]
[问:hit wangyukui] 能否解释一下为什么平均模型不能分析电流环的原因,谢谢 
[答:Hector] This is related to the internal structure of model.  Dr. Ridley has provided an average model that work for both voltage and current loop.  However, this is a AC small signal model that cannot calculate bias point and predict transient performance.  [2003-6-24 10:48:58]
[问:gland] 在采用开关模型仿真的时候经常会遇到不收敛的情况,请问吴先生怎样才能很好的解决这个问题? 
[答:Whlei] The convergence problems usually happen in SMPS simulations. There are several methods for solving this problem. The transient simulation time step can increase. The large number of simulation steps in each time step can avoid in some difficult point. The GMIN optin in the option can be used for DC bias point to solve the convergence problem.Some other option (i.e. ITL4=1000) will affect the tolerance of the simulation. This should be carefully considered in your design.  [2003-6-24 10:49:01]
[问:liuzhong dong] 吴老师:  您好!!!!!!我用top223y做了一个四路15v一路5v的单端反激30w电源,但是5v电压纹波0.2v,请教您解决方法。 
[答:Kelvin] What is your main controlled output? Normally, if main output voltage is 5V, the ripple should be low. Is the 0.2V ripple a low frequency or high frequency (switching freq.. Please send your circuit to us for suggestion.  [2003-6-24 10:54:03]
[问:dragon39] 贵公司提供的MC系列的SPICE模型在哪儿能下载?
[答:Tkman] Please check it out from our website  [2003-6-24 10:54:30]
[问:qin] Pspice能否对电源的保护功能如过流过压过热保护等进行仿真模拟?效果如何? 
[答:Whlei] Pspice simulation can also include the over current proctection, over voltage protection. These functions is similar to soft-start functions and other functions of the controller and SMPS. But the thermal effect usually does not be contained in the this level simulation. Except this thermal effect. Other protection functions can be simulated effectively.  [2003-6-24 10:54:38]
[问: trinityIns] 开关电源中最难设计、又最难调试的是高频变压器,Pspice在这方面能发挥多大作用?这套软件是否只能对安森美器件有用?软件哪里有提供? 
[答:Patrick] Yes, you are right. If there is no pspice circuit to help you doing simulation. You will waste a lot of time to build a breadboard for testing. PSpice is a kind of circuit simulation that you can use computer to simulate your circuit. And it nevers blows out your circuit whether you put any component value on it. For designing the high switching frequency converter. You can refer to page 12 of the slide. First, you add a ideal transformer on it. And then choose the primary magnetizing inductance of the transformer with its" leakage. Then combine with the pwm model and other components. Then you can simulate your circuit. After finished the simulation, you can click on the probe icon to add some probe on the node to see the voltage, current. By looking the waveform, so you can modify the components value to make your design as your expection.Pspice is not the only software for Onsemi Parts. You can click on the link choose the student evaluation. This is free version. Of course, there are limitation of this version. Also you can buy a full version of PSpice.  [2003-6-24 10:55:05]
[问:sqhmail] 你好,有没有ncp1200a的电流环控制的平均模型? 
[答:Hector] Sorry, we don"t have it for NCP1200.  [2003-6-24 10:56:39]
[问:sqhmail] 能不能详细讲解一下平均模型得到伯特图的方法,测量点在那里?实际线路德伯特图是如何测量的?谢谢
[答:Tak] Average module is using to test the gain margin adn phase margin. find out the phase margin is when the gain is zero you can see the phase margin must more than 60 deg else the system will be unstable. and the phase is zero you can see the gain margin in the system. detail you can refer the presentation slide page 25  [2003-6-24 10:57:21]
[问:trinityIns] 请问如何能够有效解决高开关频率的响应分析和电源输出低频响应分析对仿真速度,仿真精度的要求? 
[答:Tkman] Can you help to make your question more precisely. It seems you are asking a combination of questionsss.  Basically smaller Tstep, the better the precision and slower the simulation speed.  [2003-6-24 10:59:34]
[问:yfy21cn] 开关频率对元件参数的影响(ESR,ESL)能否仿真? 
[答:Hector] Yes.  As long as you add the ESR and ESL value into the circuit. The result can be simulated.  [2003-6-24 11:01:17]
[问:samire] 模型的建立在那里可找到它的物理模式或数学模式?是公认的模型吗? 
[答:Tak] Every module is not public. The module equation is according to topology e.g. buck and boost , discontinue and continue mode operation. More text book can find . e.g. see the presentation files page 31.  [2003-6-24 11:03:24]
[问:zhangj73] 设计变频器时ipm的驱动电源需要四路隔离的15v直流,用什么器件,如何仿真 
[答:Tkman] I don"t think you can get exact model from standard libraries, the most common way to do that is build you own model with discrete components.  [2003-6-24 11:03:28]
[问:eMan] 你好,请问如何缩短模拟时间和在运算过程成不收敛的情况一般有那些?谢谢 
[答:Whlei] The simulation time can be shorten by many methods. If the model is a switching model, the soft-start can be omitted. So, the simulation time can be shorten for simulating the steady state. The averaging model is developed for shorten the simulation. The convergence problems also can be solve setting ITL4, ITL5 and etc option.  [2003-6-24 11:03:34]
[问:kenny panpan] 請問pspice中可不可以電路參數和變壓器一起仿真 
[答:Patrick] If I don"t misunderstand for what you are asking. You would like to ask for the existing pwm controller model combing with some external components and then build a new one, right.Simply speaking, you can open a new schematic to add a pwm model on the page first and then add the external components on it. After doing that, you can add the ports (on the right hand side bar), this are the pins that you would like to appear on your "new" model. Then go to the project window (not the shematic window), choose Tools and select a create netlist. After finished this, you can go to the model editor to open it. Then create a capture parts. Your "new" model finished. If you have further questions, you can consult our local FAE.   [2003-6-24 11:04:46]
[问:flt ang007] 我在做Pspice时,经常出现无法继续,WHY? 
[答:Tak] It is because the input parpameter is not correct. you can try to set some init condition e.g in  capactor and inductor value for improve the converage problem.  [2003-6-24 11:05:34]
[问:strea mdhh] ORCAD中可仿真的555模型和变压器模型在那个库中。 
[答:Hector] 555 timer can be found in anl_misc library.There are many methods to represent transformer.  The simplest one is introduced in the seminar material.  The model is included in our simulation template.  [2003-6-24 11:05:44]
[问:chen weixi] pspice仿真高频变压器时磁性参数变化时仿真有变化吗? 
[答:Whlei] I think your questions is changing the inductance of the your transformer. The inductance can affect your design, like the hardware design.  [2003-6-24 11:05:52]
[问:domino] 一般的电路设计,其相位裕度只要40-60即可,开关电源的相位裕度要求是否要更高一些? 
[答:Hector] It is enough.  [2003-6-24 11:08:23]
[问:bg7kh] 请问可以对半桥模型,推挽模型,及全桥模型进行仿真吗?贵公司推出的以上常用芯片有哪些? 
[答:Kelvin] Yes, we have many controllers to serve such application, please go to our web-site to see products.  [2003-6-24 11:09:51]
[问:gland] 在采用开关模型进行仿真的时候,经常会遇到不收敛的情况,请问怎样才能很好的解决这个问题? 
[答:Whlei] The convergence problem is a great problem. The convergence of transient simulations can be solved by increasing the time step of the simulation. In the bias point simulation, GMIN optin can be used. The the ITL4, ITL5 tolerance optins can be used. But the tolerance should be considered carefully.  [2003-6-24 11:10:59]
[问:wolver] 变压器温度导致电源系统性能的差异是否也可以仿真? 
[答:Hector] In simulation profile, you can include temperature information for simulation.  [2003-6-24 11:12:00]
[问:zhou_jh87] 如何改善开关电源的负载性能? 
[答:Kelvin] What is your loading capability, please advise.  [2003-6-24 11:12:27]
[问:dra gon39] 1,你推荐的几个pspice模型都不能下载2,变压器初级电感,漏感参数是否能改变3,是否有应用到protel99se的spice模型4,过流保护是否能模拟出? 
[答:Patrick] 1. Just click on the like below and the choose save to file. /list/0,4456,models_0,00.html2. You need to fix the switching frequency, and then measure the leakage inductance by shorting the secondary winding. Then you can extract the parameter.3. Each simulator may have some syntax different. But I am not familiar with protel99se. I cannot give you a exact answer on it.4. Yes, our spice model have put on this current protection features. [2003-6-24 11:13:14]
[问:jun zheng] 如何构造2路或多路输出的变压器? 
[答:Tkman] 1.  Standard way to do it by adding windings with individual K-factor ;2.  Within ON, we have another way to do it, that can give more precise simulation result and also easier to handle, for full details, please refer to Christophe P.Basso"s  Switching-Mode Power Supply SPICE Cookbook.  [2003-6-24 11:14:19]
[问:eMan] 请问吴先生:你在讲稿中提供的实际的电路的频率响应图是采用什么方法测得的,可否提供测试频率响应的仪器的资料。谢谢 
[答:Hector] The actual bode plot is obtained by network analyzer.  I don"t have the equipment model number now.  If you are really interested, please email to me ( and I will reply you.  [2003-6-24 11:14:22]
[问:haozy] 我是一个Pspice的新手,我经常遇到的问题是电路中的电感、电阻和电容值的如何设定,你能给我一个好的建议吗? 
[答:Whlei] Pspice is common circuit simulator. It is used for circuit design in your circuit. The parameter values of the resistor, capacitor, and inductor can be adjusted to meet your design specification after going through the output results.  [2003-6-24 11:15:19]
[问:samire] 能否进行优化?如何进行? 
[答:Tkman] Please re-post your question in more precise manner.  I have no idea how to answer such "BIG" question.  [2003-6-24 11:15:20]
[问:qq_hans] 关于各种修正参数如漏感等的设置,是否对预防针结果具有决定作用? 
[答:Tak] Change the parameter of the simulation can predict the result and avoid the problems when using the compund has a difference torlance. e.g transformer. MOSFET ..etc  [2003-6-24 11:15:44]
[问:xcsheng] ncp1200的芯片为什磨没有第7pin,他的参考电压如何获取? 
[答:Hector] Pin 7 is left empty so as to provide creepage distance between HV (High voltage pin) and other low voltage pin.Inside NCP1200, there is a 5.2V voltage reference.  Please refer to datasheet.  [2003-6-24 11:16:12]
[问:samire] 电压探测器如何进行工作或进行模拟? 
[答:Tkman] Voltmeter in PSPICE is actually a mathematic calculation of node voltages in between.  [2003-6-24 11:17:08]
[问:qin] Pspice的价格是多少?能提供什么样的服务? 
[答:Tkman] Please contact the simulator supplier.  [2003-6-24 11:17:28]
[问:jatho] 如果模擬軟體無法開啟零件庫時,請問該問題應該如何解決? 
[答:Tak] You can try to check out the library is PSPICE or Protect, ICAP library correct? it is because difference library is not same in difference simulator.  [2003-6-24 11:17:54]
[问:samire] Pspice能否考虑寄生参数?元件参数的误差能进行模拟仿真吗? 
[答:Whlei] The parameters setting can be set as variable. The component tolerance can be set in each component model. Please refering to the manual of PSPICE of each component.  [2003-6-24 11:18:30]
[问:11m] 对于不同的频率,变压器的漏感有差异,仿真时如何确定精确值?谢谢 
[答:Hector] You can measure the leakage inductance of the transformer by a LRC meter at the switching frequency selected.  Then input the data into the circuit for simulation.  [2003-6-24 11:19:04]
[问:eMan] 请问吴先生,贵公司提供的模型是否可以应用在SABER软件上。谢谢! 
[答:Tkman] We have only limited SABER models upto now. You can check it out from our website for avaliability.  [2003-6-24 11:19:18]
[问:lindong] Dear Mr NGthe average model of NCP1200 is CCM model or DCM model 
[答:Hector] It can be applied for both CCM and DCM.  [2003-6-24 11:19:34]
[问:ljp] 平均模型的仿真效果如何?可信度有多高? 
[答:Whlei] The averaging model is fast way to simulate the system level. It is a good tool to simulate the AC small signal. The accuracy of the model is good at certain condition. But in other conditon is not suitable.  [2003-6-24 11:20:39]
[问:OIK] ocp功能如何实现?漏感存在以及耦合不紧密都会造成ocp无法实现 
[答:Patrick] Normally, when ocp happen, the voltage on the winding drops, then it cannot maintain above the UVLO, then the current protection works.Yes, i agree with you in some extent. When the transformer is not coupled well, due to the leakage spike, the aux. winding voltage will keep very high. Simply, you filter the leakage spike. then when the secondary voltage drops, the aux. winding will not affected by the leakage and the voltage follows to drop below the UVLO, the OCP will work. [2003-6-24 11:20:51]
[问:yuwen tao888] 如何建立一个集成芯片的模型? 
[答:Tak] If you want to build up a module file. The first you must know the base operation first. You can try to see presentation file the page 31. book are detail to introduce how to build up a module files.  [2003-6-24 11:21:47]
[问:yfy21cn] 温度对电解电容的影响能在仿真例子中反映出来吗? 
[答:Hector] It cannot be done directly.  However, you can measure the capacitance at different tempaerature and input into the circuit for simulation.  Spice can simulate temperature performance of semiconductor device.  [2003-6-24 11:22:15]
[问:shj_shj] 如何用Spice 去模拟器件的温度特性 
[答:Whlei] The thermal effect usually not includes in the controll IC simulation and SMPS.  [2003-6-24 11:23:05]
[问:zhu qyijun] 怎样解决开关电源的纹波和纹波噪声比较大的问题 
[答:Kelvin] Add snubber on the all switching elements (mosfet and diodes) and then to consider to add LC filters.  [2003-6-24 11:24:04]
[问:xcsheng] np1200和原来的uc384x有什磨区别,?能否兼容仿真?如何获取该库模型?能否提供? 
[答:Patrick] ncp1200 is different with uc384x. Because our NCP1200 is dedicated to achieve low standby and integrate more function inside the IC. And uc384x cannot do and necessary to add more external components to implement it. You can find our model on our webpage. /list/0,4456,models_0,00.html [2003-6-24 11:24:12]
[问:dubear xiong] I want to ask how to model the control IC such as Onsemi"s? 
[答:Tak] You can try to see the presentation files page 31 book are introduce how to build up a control IC.  [2003-6-24 11:24:12]
[问:mj_lin] how to make a modle of power MOSFET with 700v breakdown voltage ?? 
[答:Hector] I don"t advise you to make it yourself.  You can download from vendor"s website.  [2003-6-24 11:24:47]
[问:cyyq14] 能否在PROTEL软件中使用你们的仿真软件? 
[答:Whlei] Protel software also contains the SPICE engine simulation. But our simulation model is for PSPICE and Ispsice. Some cirucit paramters are different from these version.  [2003-6-24 11:26:33]
[问:lgsdt5] 在性能方面,请问用电子负载得出的数据和此仿真模型出来的数据有可比性吗? 
[答:Tkman] Absolutely, measured data give you the exact performance and simulation only provide you an estimation of the performance.  [2003-6-24 11:26:48]
[问:qin] Pspice 能模拟开关电源的转换效率吗?其它参数如波纹噪音也能仿真吗? 
[答:Tak] The efficiency and ripple voltage can simulate using PSPICE  [2003-6-24 11:26:51]
[问:ljiancn] 贵公司的PISPICE模型是否分了等级 
[答:Hector] No.  [2003-6-24 11:28:31]
[问:shj_shj] 如何用Spice去模拟器件的温度特性对开关电源的影响 
[答:Whlei] The thermal effect usually is not contained in the Controll IC and SMPS model simulation.  [2003-6-24 11:29:11]
[问:JJ1875] 请介绍一下全桥软开关拓扑的工作原理? 
[答:Hector] Please refer to switch mode power supply text book.  [2003-6-24 11:29:14]
[问:jun zheng] 有SABER 的仿真模型吗?您认为对开关电源仿真时,那个软件的精度、速度好一些。 
[答:Tkman] We have limited SABER models and SABER is good for system level simulation with speed, PSpice give you more precise results.  [2003-6-24 11:31:02]
[问:ljp] 开关模型的仿真效率有多高?我的意思是模拟一个开关电源设计需要多长时间? 
[答:Patrick] What you have the more accurate result of the simulation, what you need is to add how precise on your simulation circuit, like esr, esl...etc. The simulation time much depends on your computer processing speed. And it is very short comparably for you building a breadboard to test.  [2003-6-24 11:31:07]
[问:qian jiafa] 仿真的意义有多大?很多工程师并没有用到仿真,在实际工作中,仿真并不实用,而对拓扑结构的研究倒是很有帮助。请问专家仿真软件是否可以仿真出一个可以量产的电路? 
[答:Hector] Definitely one cannot built a manufacturable circuit by pure simulation.  It can only help in the early stage of design.  [2003-6-24 11:32:00]
[问:samire] Pspice中有多少应用案例? 
[答:Tkman] Only too many.  [2003-6-24 11:32:11]
[问:OIK] 对ncp1200的ocp功能,在工作的时候,由于漏感存在而且耦合的并非理想,所以vcc并不能下降,起到ocp作用。请问还有什么办法能改进ocp功能? 
[答:Patrick] You can add a series inductor on the aux. winding path. Then you can filter the leakage spike on it and the vcc drops ==> ocp works.  [2003-6-24 11:32:11]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 请问如何得到Pspice仿真软件包? 
[答:Patrick] list/0,4456,models_0,00.html  [2003-6-24 11:32:26]
[问:wolver] 我用的是ORCAD9.2.3,内含Pspice,你们提供的模版支持ORCAD9.2.3的版本吗? 
[答:Hector] It can be used.  [2003-6-24 11:32:33]
[问] 哪些情况下必须做spice,哪些可做可不做,哪些可以不做?谢谢! 
[答:Tak] SPICE simulater is using only for reference. If you want to see the phase and gain margin. Simultion is a good choice to analysis the statbility of the system.  [2003-6-24 11:32:55]
[问:samire] 元件库是否都是安森美的元器件?要用其它公司的元器件如何处理? 
[答:Patrick] If this can be read by pspice, you just need to include its" library through the simulation profile window.  [2003-6-24 11:33:52]
[问:tanglidi] 请问:NCP1200可以用于DVD内吗?怎样才能让它进入低功耗? 
[答:Hector] Yes.  Please contact our sales office or distributor for detail.  [2003-6-24 11:34:18]
[问:domino] 在仿真收敛问题上,据说Saber比PSPICE要强,能否做个比较? 
[答:Whlei] Saber is used for system level simulation. It is easier to converge the simulation for behaviour model. Pspice is design for circuit level simulation. It is used for simulating the circuit. The accurate circuit simulation should use the PSPICE is more suitable.  [2003-6-24 11:34:32]
[问:jiangyou] 在那里去下载纺真库 
[答:Whlei]  [2003-6-24 11:35:07]
[问:ljp] Pspice 可运行在什么环境?对系统的要求呢? 
[答:Tak] You can try to see the cadence home page.  [2003-6-24 11:35:15]
[问:domino] 变压器的高频涡流损耗是否能够仿真? 
[答:Patrick] This kind of simulation can be done by ANSOFT 2d field simulator. You can draw the geometry and then add the components parameter like conductivity...etc. to help you. But this is not done by pspice...  [2003-6-24 11:35:36]
[问:yfy21cn] 变压器漏感的影响如何在仿真过程体现? 
[答:Hector] If you use the transformer model in our website.  Just represent the leakage inductance by a series inductance.  [2003-6-24 11:35:45]
[问:xingyihu] 能不能对开关电源的频率和效率仿真? 
[答:Tak] Yes, the simulater can simulate the frequency and efficiency.  [2003-6-24 11:36:10]
[问:huang de815] 能否利用网络分析仪来绘制伯特图?具体如何做? 
[答:Kelvin] Yes, definitely. There are testing source and testing probe on the network analyser. Normally, we will break the loop and then connect a 50ohm resistor in between, then injecting a sweeping frequency signal into the loop. THen connect the testing probe on the other end.  [2003-6-24 11:36:42]
[问:qin] PWM控制器如何模拟? 
[答:Tak] You can try to reference the PSPICE cook book  [2003-6-24 11:37:12]
[问:domino] PSPICE中是否包含有非线形负载,如直流电机,它在启动时的冲击相应如何模拟? 
[答:Tkman] Not exactly, you need to creat that by yourself.  [2003-6-24 11:37:50]
[问:samire] Pspice能设计多大功率的开关电源?所使用的开关频率能有多高? 
[答:Tkman] Unlimited, no bound as far as its realistic.  [2003-6-24 11:38:29]
[问:qianjiafa] 您好,我很想用Pspice帮助我的设计,请问哪里可以买到您推荐的关于仿真的参考书? 
[答:Whlei] Book, "Switch -Mode Power Supply SPICE Cookbook" by Christophe P. Basso.  [2003-6-24 11:39:07]
[问:wbquan] 开关电源的Pspice仿真能够提高多少效率? 
[答:Tak] Simulation tools can prove a solution not need build up a black block to analysis the solution.  [2003-6-24 11:39:35]
[问:stream dhh] 请介绍些PSICE仿真方面的参考书籍、网站或资料 
[答:Whlei] Please refer to the presentation of Page 29.  [2003-6-24 11:40:06]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 我系统输出频率为:40KHz-500KHz,FSK调制,开关电源的PWM或PM频率为非作50KHz-150KHz;这样一来电源对系统的干扰好象很难排除,请专家指点。 
[答:Kelvin] I believe the quasi-resonant mode controller, 1207 series can minimise the overall noise level.  [2003-6-24 11:40:57]
[问:ljp] 模拟要得到正确的结果,模拟的建立和参数的选取很重要。如何选取元件的参数?由各个工厂提供还是通过测量? 
[答:Tkman] For all cases, using models supplied by supplier is the best way to do and in case its not avaliable, may be you need to characterize that by hand measurements.  [2003-6-24 11:41:03]
[问:bailb] 我们需要做辅助电源的IC,不知能否提供一些有用的资料。 
[答:Hector] Would you please contact our local sales office or distributor.  [2003-6-24 11:41:28]
[问:ljp] Pspice侧重于开关电源的设计,还是评估? 
[答:Tkman] Its good for both design and evaluation.  [2003-6-24 11:41:36]
[问:xiao qianwww] Pspice仿真是否需要用指定的器件,因为各个厂家生产的东西特性是不同的? 
[答:Patrick] No, it is not necessary to use the dedicated components. Mostly, the syntax of the model statement may make some trouble on including it. You can refer to some books that talking about SPICE to help you.  [2003-6-24 11:41:36]
[问:flt ang007] 模型可以在PSPICE8.0 上用吗? 
[答:Hector] Yes.  [2003-6-24 11:42:01]
[问:刘杰文] PSPICE 里面,怎么样能找到LED器件? 
[答:Whlei] I think you can model your LED as a diode, if not company LED model is installed in your simulator.  [2003-6-24 11:42:36]
[问:eMan] 你好,吴先生,很高兴你回答我的问题,能否介绍一下关于低压大电流开关电源纹波和噪声的测试方法 
[答:Patrick] On practical measurement, for those low voltage, high current, you can use the low voltage impedance probe. This is more accurate. There are some tests like no loading, full loading testing and also the transient test.  [2003-6-24 11:44:03]
[问:Philips] 请问目前主要应用在多少瓦的开关电源? 
[答:Tkman] For most commerical applications, its well below 1kW.  Such as PC power supplies, it around 200W t0 350W range.  [2003-6-24 11:44:15]
[问:yuwen tao888] 能否详细谈谈在设计开关电源PCB板时,如何防止干扰? 
[答:Kelvin] 1. Make sure small copper trace of high voltage switching area is used;2. make sure small switching current loop is used;3. make sure there should be large copper for low voltage or 0V on the bottom side of PCB to cover the switching components.  [2003-6-24 11:44:35]
[问:ljp] Pspice的电源库有多大?购买要付许可证费吗?多少钱? 
[答:Tkman] No, its included in the standard PSpice package. For details, please refer to simulator supplier"s website.  [2003-6-24 11:45:09]
[问:yuli7803] 请问通常给出的集成ICQ器件是否已考虑内部寄生效应。 
[答:Hector] No.  [2003-6-24 11:45:16]
[问:gland] 仿真的过程类似于实验的调试过程,但又是不同的,闭环的仿真往往很难一下子成功,请提供一个step by step仿真的建议。谢谢 
[答:Kelvin] Please refer to a good book written by Christophe Basso. The name of book is switch-mode power supply SPICE cookbook. THis book will lead you to have a systematic way to step by step doing the simulation.  [2003-6-24 11:46:26]
[问:lgsdt5] 本仿真模型里面有老化/可靠性设计方面的模块吗? 
[答:Tkman] Most models not cater for aging and reliability factors.  Advanced features in the simulator can provide you some way to do that.  [2003-6-24 11:47:26]
[问:yuli7803] 请问您是否能提供在PSPICE中,常见开关元件的特性参数定义? 
[答:Patrick] Different devices have its" parameters. You better to find a SPICE book to see for the device parameters definition.  [2003-6-24 11:47:37]
[问:y718] 请问,在仿真时通常使用那些方法对器件模型进行优化?谢谢! 
[答:Whlei] The simulation can be used as the analysis of different circuit design and parameter value selection. The simulation analysis can be done with a set of different value parameter of compoent. After collect all the results, you can choose the most suitable one.  [2003-6-24 11:47:39]
[问:major] Can I use Pspice model in Multisim? 
[答:Whlei] PSPSICE model can only simulated in the PSPICE. It cannot be simulated in Multisim.  [2003-6-24 11:48:41]
[问:KLSO NGSONG] 请问在哪里可以得到最新的元器件库?如何升级? 
[答:Tak] the new model files you can download from our home page. You can try to see the presentation files page 6.If you want to upgrate the model files. you can run the simulation choice the upgrate libary location for simulate.  [2003-6-24 11:49:19]
[问:igbt] 你们提供的PSPICE是否是演示版,是否有功能上的限制?如果有,正式版要多少钱? 
[答:Hector] As long as you purchased Orcad, our template can be used without limitation.On the other hand, you can download intusoft demo version from our website.  The demo version is limited in function.  [2003-6-24 11:49:37]
[问:zxl2004] 在设计电源的过程中用pspic仿真电路,需要注意哪些基本问题 
[答:Patrick] Like selection of gnd, and those source.For pspice, you need to use the gnd with a "0" symbol. This is for pspice.And for the source, for ac analysis, you need to use the Vac source...  [2003-6-24 11:51:05]
[问:kenny panpan] 請問元件庫的元件參數都是固定的嗎,怎樣改變? 
[答:Whlei] The parameter value of component are not fixed. You can change the parameter value with selection of the particular component.  [2003-6-24 11:51:36]
[问:tanglidi] 请问:NCP1200可以用于DVD内吗?怎样才能让它进入低功耗? 
[答:Hector] Yes.  Please contact our local sales office or distributor.  [2003-6-24 11:52:14]
[问:02490] ncp1200的仿真模型可以在CADENCE环境下使用吗? 
[答:Whlei] Yes, ncp1200 has the Cadence PSPICE version.  [2003-6-24 11:53:13]
[问:yfy21cn] 假如输入电压很低(3.3V-12V),又需要隔离时,可使用贵公司哪类元件? 
[答:Patrick] e.g. mc34063...  [2003-6-24 11:53:35]
[问:stream dhh] 有没有关于变压器模型方面(建模、仿真)以及555芯片建模、仿真的详细资料,谢谢! 
[答:Hector] 555 timer model can be found in Orcad"s anl_misc library.There are many methods to represent transformer.  The one introduced in the seminar is the simplest.  You can get the model in our simulation template.  [2003-6-24 11:54:13]
[问:gland] 你多次提到“Switch-mode Power Supply Spice cookbook”这本书,那个网页根本不存在。请问在国内能买到么? 
[答:Tkman] You can try to get one and the website is active.  [2003-6-24 11:54:20]
[问:power _peng] pspic是否可以模拟高频系统!例如315MHz的无线电路 
[答:Whlei] I think it is not very suitable for simulating the high frequency wirless circuit.  [2003-6-24 11:54:34]
[问:bailb] 请问能否提供输入:300DC,输出:+5V,+12V的模型 
[答:Patrick] The information is little..But you can use ncp1200 to implement this. /list/0,4456,models_0,00.html  [2003-6-24 11:55:16]
[问:power_peng] 我的用的是单片机系统,各种单片机可以在上面找到原型吗? 
[答:Tkman] Which device you are talking about ? Please let us know and some single chip regulator have model in our website.  [2003-6-24 11:55:38]
[问:wz623] 请教关于在PSPICE中变压器的描述方法?我在应用中感到变压器的设置很困难!变压器在PSPICE中有哪些重要的参数,以及这些参数的描述方法!(特别是在开关电源的设计中) 
[答:Kelvin] Please refer to a good book, switch-mode power supply SPICE cookbook by Basso.  [2003-6-24 11:56:11]
[问:willam   如何比较准确地构建功率开关管和控制IC的模型。 
[答:Tak] The simulation only provide a referance solution.  [2003-6-24 11:56:43]
[问:qin] Pspice具有电路布局(layout)的功能吗? 
[答:Kelvin] Orcad or protel will have layout simulation.  [2003-6-24 11:56:46]
[问:ljp] NCP1200D能否用来设计90-260VAC IN,-48VDC/2A OUT 的电源? 
[答:Patrick] I prefer you to use NCP1203 to do this application. Because the driving power of the NCP1200 is smaller compared with ncp1203  [2003-6-24 11:57:02]
[问:jun zheng] 在pspice中怎样使用你们提供的模型?请详述。 
[答:Patrick] You can open the model editor and the create a capture part for it. Then open the schematic, and include the library of our pwm controller to add on your schematic drawing.  [2003-6-24 11:58:29]
[问:zxl2004] pspice 对于仿真不同负载,与应用到实际中之间的差异存在一定的出入,请问如何减小两者之间的差异? 
[答:Tak] Decrease the difference about the real circuit and simulation result. The main problems is setting the parameter is not same as the real system.  [2003-6-24 11:58:50]
[问:qianjiafa 请问效率是否可以做精确仿真?也就是说各个零件的功耗是否可以仿真出来? 
[答:Tak] Yes , the PSPICE simulater can simulate the power loss.  [2003-6-24 11:59:51]
[问:xiao qianwww] 能详细谈谈PsPice对开关电源设计有哪些具体的帮助吗? 
[答:Patrick] Pspice is using computer to do circuit simulation design. It is waste of time to build a breadboard to test your circuit. But PSpice can save you a lot of time here.Also, it is accurate on doing simulation.  [2003-6-24 12:00:11]
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