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座谈主题:Analog Devices Blackfin处理器的全面剖析
[问: apple163] I will use the Crosscore development product for Blackfin. I know ADI's Blackfin is excellent. But at the time of study BF532 and BF535, I fell the datasheet is very few about 532 or 535. Could you supply the full books about 532 and 535? 
[问:samire] 说Blackfin是创新的处理器,它有什么新的特性?市场价格竞争力如何? 
[答: Jack_Xue] I think BLackfin has a new arhcitecture called SMA, developed by ADI and Intel. It has DSP/CPU and Video element. It can be used in DSP, CPU and video consumer market.  Its price is from 5 to 20$. Its competitive advatage gives customer low price and high performance choice.  [2003-6-19 10:43:12]
[问:libintuff] 另外请具体讲述一下Blackfin周边器件,如Flash等 
[答:David] Blackfin的周边器件可以是通用器件,比如FLASH,SDRAM等,都没有特别的时序要求。  [2003-6-19 10:47:32]
[问:li_ yanqiang] blackfin 是否只支持两层循环,如果多了,效果是不是会降低? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 这是Blackfin 硬件支持的,你可以用软件实现多层循环,效率不会降低。  [2003-6-19 10:48:21]
[问: apple163] I am designing a circuit with the Blackfin processor ADSP-21532, but I cannot find its data sheet on the website. Is it the same as the ADSP-BF532? If I want to find the schematic diagram of ADSP-BF532 EZ-Kit, where can I get it? 
[答: Craig_Wu] Yeah, you are right. The ADSP-BF532 is same as the original ADSP-21532. Please refer to ADSP-BF532"s datasheet. As you know, ADSP-BF533, ADSP-BF532 and ADSP-BF531 are code and pin completely compatible. So please use the schematic at the end of the BF533 EZ-KIT manual as reference for your design.  [2003-6-19 10:48:36]
[问:93116] 您好, 我是衛盟的軟件工程師, 目前我們正在做MPEG2 VIDEO DECODER, 我們在MOTION COMPENSATION遇到了困難, 您能不能向我們詳細的介紹這一方面的內容? 
[答: Jack_Xue] I know you. i will call you and provide professional guys help to solve this algorithm.Also some books can be bought in to introduce this knowledge.  [2003-6-19 10:48:41]
[问:ljp] 那种型号的DSP具有 4 个McBSP想用一块DSP实现4路E1的采集,请推荐一款DSP!
[答: Li_Chuan] We call it SPORT(serial Port) on ADI DSP.and for the Blackfin platform, we have two Sports and each sports have two channel, so that platform can implement 4 channel E1.we have BF535, BF531, BF532 and BF533 now on the platform of Blackfin. it is easy for you to select one from this platform according to you specific demand. [2003-6-19 10:50:45]
[问:wups] I want to develop a Video Phone product, what"s the secheme with ADI"s DSP you can recommend to me? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Hi,Guy:I have diagram of Video Phone Product,using BF532, it includes CMOS Sensor, LCD Panel, and ethernet controller. So you can write email to  [2003-6-19 10:51:02]
[问: apple163] How to use the Blackfin"s scratchpad SRAM?
[答:David] Typical applications use the scratchpad data memory where speed is critical. For example, stacks should be mapped to the scratchpad memory for the fastest context-switching during interrupt handling. Similarly, heaps can also be implemented in scratch pad memory. Note that scratch pad memory is accessable only by the DSP CORE and NOT by the DMA controller. [2003-6-19 10:51:27]
[问: wgjdp88] 我们已经购买了adi的BlackFin系列开发工具。请问若用c编写主程序时,在中断向量表中的复位跳转指令如何写?ti下是bd _c_int00。 
[答: Tonny] We have bought ADI"s BF development tools. Please advice how to write reset jump instruction in interrupt vector table when you are programming in C. under ti is bd_c_int00.  [2003-6-19 10:51:40]
[问:qin] Blackfin处理器应在图像处理时,它的分辨率能达到多大?处理的象素呢? 
[答: Craig_Wu] 针对静态图像处理,无所谓分辨率,内存够就可以了。对于动态图像处理,我们有一个Benchmark. 在进行MPEG4 CIF(352x288) 25帧/秒 的图像编码事,要消耗ADSP-21535 60%的资源  [2003-6-19 10:52:14]
[问:mina] When using ADSP21535 for system design, how to use general purpose timer forwave generation. The operating mode is PWM.
[答:Tom] "To use the general purpose timer in PWM mode, please refer to the attached example code. I have tested it in my VDSP++ simulator. It works well.Besides, please note:1. You can read timer status from any TIMERx_STATUS register, but must write to the appropriate register only.2. Don"t alter TIMERx_CONFIG register while timer is enabled.3. For 32 Bit timer register, High/Low word coherency is not protected  on read operations, so please check whether the value is correct in software. [2003-6-19 10:52:23]
[问: globalclk] 1.开发系统大约的费用,所支持的型号,相应升级的费用,2.软件支持的操作系统,3.多CPU的支持情况4.与FPGA/CPLD连接支持情况(rbf/bin文件格式转换) 
[答: Rocky] 1,整个开发包,包括VDSP开发环境,PCI-ICE和一个评估板,1200美金,免费升级。2。WINDOWS, LINUX。 [2003-6-19 10:52:28]
[问: ynzeng] 就ADI的DSP在马达控制应用中的特点及其ADI都有那些设计支持给予介绍。 
[答:Singer _Zhang] ADI有一个专用的电机控制系列DSP,它们是ADMC系列产品,它的特点是结构清晰、算法丰富、系统成本低等特点。目前ADI有完整的交流感应电机的方案及在家电及工业市场许多成功的应用实例。  [2003-6-19 10:52:40]
[问: engineer] I know BF support 32bits ALU. Can I say that BF can do ALU same as SHARC? 
[答: David] Yes. Blackfin 32-bit ALU operations are very similar to the ALU operations of SHARC. But SHARC also supports 32-bit floating point operations that Blackfin does NOT support. Also, this is just comparing the ALU operations and NOT the MAC [2003-6-19 10:53:21]
[问: panqun] Blackfin系列应用在自动测试系统及数字信号处理方面的突出特点是什么?它的哪些设计特别适合于这些方面的应用? 
[答:James] Blackfin has the MSA(Micro signal architecture).You can call Blackfin a 16-bit fixed DSP or a MCU.As a DSP,it has two MAC up to 1200MMacs.Also as a MCU,it has the RISC instruction set.  [2003-6-19 10:53:33]
[问: engineer] How can I use 8-bit video ALU in ADSP-21535? 
[答: Li_Chuan] there are some special instructions for the video which will use the video ALU on Blackfin platform, which includ BF535(former 21535) and BF531/2/3. you can reference the instruction set of the Blackfin for the use of the video ALU. such as SAA, BYTEOP16P etc. [2003-6-19 10:53:49]
[问:le-xf] 该处理器与DSP、ARM有那些相同和不同之处,他的特点在那里?希望能够从开发和应用的角度给予详细的介绍?谢谢! 
[答: Jack_Xue] This core is both DSP and ARM. It has all apsects of DSP and ARM features except that BF has no logical addrees to physical address translation.So BF can run Linux because BF has MMU, Cache and semaphore.Because BF is video processor, so BF is used in MPEG4. Because BF is DSP, so it can be used in handset baseband channel decoder.Because Bf is CPU/DSP, so it can be used in Finger Print. [2003-6-19 10:55:59]
[问:mina] ADI may search many more the third partner and offer many more solution used adsp. May ADI offer the list about the contact and price of the third partner solution? So that customers have more confidence and fast to market. 
[答: Li_Chuan] Thank you for the good suggestion to us. and we have the list on our website for all the 3rd parties. the URL is thirdparty/index.html  [2003-6-19 10:57:06]
[问:sting] "它将32位类似RISC的指令集中加入如通用微处理器一般简单易用的属性"是什么属性?难道RISC指令集不易用? 
[答: Jack_Xue] BF is 32bit RISC CPU. Your word is right, so BF is easy to use.  [2003-6-19 10:57:19]
[问: zhangxjl] 请问BlackFin系列应用在浮点运算场合是否合适,能否挂SDRAM,内部SRAM有多大,在控制应用上比一般DSP是否有优势。 
[答:Singer _Zhang] BlackFin系列应用在浮点运算场合是合适的,我们已经提供了较完整的Blackfin浮点运算库,你可以从我们的网站上找到。Blackfin可以无逢连接SDRAM。其内部的SRAM从84K到306KByte不等。因为它集成了RISC CPU内核功能,比一般的DSP有优势。  [2003-6-19 10:57:31]
[问:bioce nturyceo] 1)ADI如何向中小企业提供开发Blackfin处理器所需的软硬件条件,从而保证快速收回投资,减小开发风险?2)Blackfin处理器从性能和结构上比较FPGA芯片有何优势?3)未来两年中Blackfin处理器的开发规划是什么?4)整套开发工具和评估板的价格? 
[答: Craig_Wu] 1. ADI向客户提供完整的开发系统软硬件,同时也可以提供第三方的一些算法和参考设计.如果需要快速收回投资的话,可以考虑一些方案2. 价格肯定比FPGA便宜,同时由于Blackfin是通用处理器,可以完成不同的应用,在硬件重用性方面有更大的优势3. Blackfin会陆续开发速度高至1G的处理器,同时外设也会增加,像全双工的PPI接口,LCD控制器,Ethernet控制器等4. 整套开发工具价格为1200 美金  [2003-6-19 10:57:32]
[问:brian zheng] Blackfin的工作频率时多少?可以接多少个外设?外设的memory对用户来说是群不可见的吗?有visual DSP 3.0 这个开发环境的详细使用说明吗?
[答:Tom] 工作频率从200MHz-600MHz,具体请参考选型手册。所接的外设由具体应用决定Memory是统一编址的,Blackfin可以直接访问4G Byte的地址空间。可以从ADI的主页上下载VisualDSP++的开发手册。  [2003-6-19 10:58:07]
[问: apple163] Can ADI provide the free code for MPEG4?
[答:David] ADI’s third party provides the MPEG4 processing on Blackfin processors, so?it is not?the free?resource but the price is not very high.   [2003-6-19 10:58:33]
[问:lilixue] 请问Blackfin处理器针对的应用领域和性价比? 
[答: Craig_Wu] 针对视频音频应用领域和低功耗的手持式设备,具有较高的性价比  [2003-6-19 10:59:17]
[问:Larky] 与TI的C55系列DSP相比他有哪些有点,和缺点?与摩托罗拉的MSC8101相比又如何?相同的运算例如FIR、FFT、DCT、维特比译码等这些处理器的瓶颈都在哪方面?例如乘加器、内存访问、等等 
[答:Ksri] lBlackfin has higher speed over the C55x DSP_. Both have 2 MACS, but BF is at 600 MHz today and running while C55x is only at 200 MHz and 300 MHz will come laterr. BF also has video instructions and ALUs.MSC8101 has 4 ALUs but Blackfin has higher speed. MSC8101 has only 300 MHZ MIPS. Hence, there will be issues with reference to speed upgrades in the future.Blackfin has special instuctions for viterbi like VIT_MAX etc that can help do viterbi very fast. A combination of MAC and these communications instructions will make BF very powerful  [2003-6-19 10:59:47]
[问: Philips] 此系列的dsp, 特别适用于什么方面,有什么优势。 随着dsp的速度越来越快,我想知道定点dsp是不是越来越没有市场。谢谢
[答:Singer _Zhang] 该系列的dsp特别适合与多媒体与视频应用市场,它的优势在我们的演讲中已经多次提到了。随着dsp的速度越来越快,其应用领域将越来越广,定点dsp应该是市场越来越宽广。  [2003-6-19 11:00:34]
[问: zhangxjl] 请问,在没有仿真器的情况下,有什么其他手段可以方便地在板调试程序,如程序加载,观察程序运行状态和变量等。 
[答:Tom] YOU CAN USE A COMPUTER TO DO IT, BUT IT IS VERY difficult, you better buy a ICE, only $1200. pls call 0755-83781459  [2003-6-19 11:01:09]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] visual dsp++中的库函数rfft_fr16,输入为16位时结果好像不对,输入为14位时结果正确!请问输入只能是14位吗,如果要处理16位数据该怎么办? 
[答:Ksri] The rfft_fr16 should work properly and is expected to give correct results. Please check all the conditions as specified in the manual. If problem still exists, please send email to and we will fix this problem and get back to you.  [2003-6-19 11:01:27]
[问:libintuff] 在Blackfin上做MPEG4的encoding需要做哪些具体的工作,请讲述一下具体的在Blackfin上开发的流程 
[答: Li_Chuan] first you should already have the hardware(either design by yourself or buy from others) and the C source code, then you can optimize the program on Blackfin platform. you should design the architecture of the program on Blackfin first, such as how to use the Memory, how to use the interface for the video in and out.or you can buy library from our 3rd party, that will speed up your time to market. [2003-6-19 11:02:34]
[问:apple163] How about the speed?at which Blackfin DSP exchanges the data with?off-chip Memory, such as SDRAM? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] The speed of Blackfin from 300MHz to 600MHz, And in future, We will provide the more 1GHz Blackfin processor. Blackfin provide the glueless connection with off-chip SDRAM, SRAM, Flash and so on.  [2003-6-19 11:03:20]
[问: apple163] I know BF is a?fixed-point DSP, and BF535 has 32bits data bus. So?does?BF532 have 32bits data bus too? 
[答:David] BF532"s internal data bus is 2 32 bit bus, and the instruction bus is 64 bit. It could access 2 32 bit data & 1 64 bit instruction at the same time.The only difference is BF532 external data bus is 16 bit, but BF535 is 32 bit external data bus.  [2003-6-19 11:04:15]
[问: apple163] At what rate can Blackfin processor process the Video DATA ? Especially the video ALUs 
[答: Jack_Xue] The maximum Video input rate to PPI is 66.5M*16Bit. So CCIR656 27M*8 can be directly through this PPI.Blackfin core can process four 8Bit ALU in one cycle. So 600Mips can process 600M * 4 8Bit ALU one second.Blackfin also provide detailed video intruction to customer, such as Motion estimation instruction, average instruction, clipping instruction. [2003-6-19 11:04:58]
[问: apple163] Can you offer the benchmark with Ti related DSP, such as?C5x etc 
[答:Ksri] Blackfin has 600 MHz - 2 ALUs. C55x has only 200 MHz today with 2 ALUsNaturally more channels can be accomodated in single Blackfin.Even for a given algorithm, Blackfin can do a better job because of the specific instructions it has that optimize for DSP applications. BF also has video instructions that greatly enhance the performance of the processor for video applications. For detailed benchmarks of Blackfin, please visit our website at processors/blackfin/index.html  [2003-6-19 11:05:21]
[问:Larky] 如何评价DSP和CPU的主要区别,为什么说Blackfin融合他们的两者优点,我是否可以认为它就是在CPU中加入了DSP的主要运算单元? 
[答:Tom] 一般来讲CPU侧重控制的功能, DSP 侧重在实时信号处理,BLACKFIN是ADI与INTEL联合开发的产品,融合了CPU和DSP的优点。 [2003-6-19 11:06:08]
[问: apple163] Can BF-53x family of processors do 32 bit multiplication 
[答: Li_Chuan] BF only has two units for two 16bit multiplication in one cycle, so it can"t do 32bits multiplication in one cycle. However,BF-53x supports a multi-cycle 32-bit MAC instruction, that is,Dreg *=Dreg. Pls refer to EE-186. If you need 32-bit multiplies, you should consider either SHARC or TigerSHARC processors because they are designed for 32-bit multiplies and accumulates in 1 cycle.  [2003-6-19 11:08:53]
[问: engineer] The Blackfin Processor is a high-speed unit, does ADI provide hardware design guideline to customer? 
[答:Ksri] A.????? We provide some such book on our website, such as the <Mixed Signal and DSP design Techniques> on the following URL: /mainSectionContent/0,2132,level4%253D %25252D1%2526ContentID%253D16766 %2526level1%253D205%2526level2%253D %25252D1%2526level3%253D%25252D1,00.html [2003-6-19 11:09:03]
[问:asean] Blackfin DSP(如ADSP-BF532)是内部含有MPEG4压缩编码的硬件,还是它在MPEG4压缩编码的算法上有很大的优势? 
[答:David] Blackfin是一个通用的软件可编程器件,它在实现视频处理上具有专门的硬件部分和专门指令,可以实时实现类似MPEG4的视频处理算法。因为现在MPEG4都没有统一标准,所以用通用可编程器件来实现是很好的选择。  [2003-6-19 11:11:21]
[问:mina] It is said "No 16-bit (or 8-bit) reads/writes of CORE MMRs allowed on the 21532" How about the the System MMRs? The access to System MMRs must be 32-bit or not? Can the external L2 memory (SDRAM) can be accessd by 8-bit or 16-bit read/write? 
[答: Jack_Xue] I think some register is 16bit and some register is 32bit. If access is not right, exception will be caused.SDRAM can be accessed by 32bit, 16bit and 8bit using BF P resiger and 32bit and 16bit by I register. [2003-6-19 11:11:59]
[问: chuankou] 如果用BlackFin Dsp 进行Mpeg4解码工作,纯软件实现, 是否能胜任? 
[答: Li_Chuan] the Blackfin can finish the encoder work, so the decoder work is easy, for CIF, you can finish the decoder on our BF531 which is only 5$.Blackfin processors have good performance in multimedia. MPEG4 CIF (352*288) format encoder can be finished under Blackfin BF532 and BF535. It takes 180 MIPS to implement the above algorithm on Blackfin. This means that out of 350 MIPS available in BF535, you still have another 170 MIPS available for other tasks. In case of BF532 executing at 400MHz, you still have 220 MIPS available. Ofcourse in a real system with external memory etc., additional latencies have to be considered  [2003-6-19 11:12:01]
[问:mina] It is said "I2S signaling support added" The I2S has the clock, word select, and data signals, so does I2S mode use the existed pins or use newly added pins? The I2S spec defines the Master and Slave mode, so what mode will be supported by this I2S module? 
[答:Rocky] Just use the SPORTs. Slave mode supported.  [2003-6-19 11:13:29]
[问:asean] 我准备开发“移动物体的光电自动跟踪系统”,该如何选择贵公司的产品和开发平台?我使用过贵公司的ADSP2181开发过产品。 
[答:Tom] 您可以选择ADSP-BF533/1,BLACKFIN也是16位的定点DSP,但比ADSP-2181速度更快,外设更多。这些产品的开发工具都是1200美金,包括 VDSP-BLKFN-PC-FULL, ADDS-21533-EZLITE,ADDS-HPPCI-ICE。请联系代理商  [2003-6-19 11:13:47]
[问:mina] In the ADSP-BF535 EZ-KIT, the BF535 connected with PSD Flash. We want to use common Flash instead of PSD Flash, how to implement the interface? 
[答:Rocky] "For example, to connect 39vf160 to ADSP-BF533, you can still use the EZ-KIT as reference, although PSD flash is more complicated. Here is my suggestion. Please note it"s only suggestion. It"s not practical design. Please just use it as reference.ADSP-BF533 39vf160 flashDATA[15:0] DQ[15:0]ABE0  A0ADDR[19:1] A[19:1]AMS0  CEAWE  WEAOE or ARE OEPlease read ADSP-BF533 EBIU chapter for detail of asynchronous memory operation." [2003-6-19 11:13:48]
[问:mina] In the SPI module, the 21535 only has one DMA trannel to support both transmit and receive, and at any time the DMA can only be served for one type of transfer. Does the new SPI module add a new DMA channel in order to support using the transmit DMA and receive DMA simultaneously? 
[答: Craig_Wu] Yes, there is only one DMA. Actually when SPI is working, the transmit and receive works at same time, means when you send one bit you will got one bit. So one DMA is enough  [2003-6-19 11:14:08]
[问:mina] It is said "Added secondary data RX/TX pins to each SOPRT" Does the newly added channel require the new FIFO register, or shared the original FIFO register? Does the newly added channel share the same configuration with original receive/transmit channel? and use the common bit clock, frame signal? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Yes. It need more FIFO. But it shares the master r/t clk and frame signal. Increase the secondary pin is to increase the throughput of dataput. D1 data can br transmitted through two SPORTS port. [2003-6-19 11:14:39]
[问:qin] Blackfin的高速SRAM存储取时间?能把多大的高速SRAM转换成L1缓存?能举个这样的指令例子吗? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] Blackfin的高速SRAM与core具有同样的速度。它可以设定成SRAM或L1缓存,具体的设定和指令例子你可参考Blackfin HardWare Refernece Manual 有关memory的章节。  [2003-6-19 11:14:48]
[问:apple163] Does the RTC module support Year, Month or only support days updates? The current RTC module does not directly provide 'Year', 'Month' information, and the software has to calculate those information from the 'Day'. So does the new RTC module in the 21532 can provide such information directly? 
[答: Craig_Wu] In BF533, there is a 32768 days counter. You can use this counter to get the "Year", "Month" information.  [2003-6-19 11:15:00]
[问:03106] 对不起,我折腾好久才近来,能否介绍ADSP-BF532EM 10? 
[答:Tonny] Sorry, could you introduce ADSP-BF532 EM10?  [2003-6-19 11:16:05]
[问:wups] I think Blackfin is very strong processor, but I want to know can I complete Mpeg-4 encoder and decoder on one ADSP-BF532? 
[答: Li_Chuan] for the core capacity, you can implement the MPEG4 encoder and decoder(CIF) at the same time on only one BF532, but you should also consider the channel for Video in and video out, for there is only one PPI on BF53x. so if you do not need them run at the same time, it is quite easy. [2003-6-19 11:16:16]
[问:48496] PCI/PCI-X & AGP bus will be replaceed by PCI-express,can blackfin DSP will be compatiable with PCI-express  bus?   
[答: Jack_Xue] Can not. BF is PCI2.2.  [2003-6-19 11:16:20]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 请教关于ADI的除法问题!若是想用一个1.15格式的小数除以一个16.0格式的整数,商为1.15格式该怎么办 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 只要移位就可以。  [2003-6-19 11:16:29]
[问:samire] Blackfin的最适合用在什么地方? 
[答:Tom] BLACKFIN非常适合于视频,通信,医疗,工控, 数据加密等应用,ADSP-BF531则适合与消费类的应用。  [2003-6-19 11:17:17]
[问:li_yan qiang] 图像处理和DSP是不是占用相同的资源呢? 
[答:David] 应该说是用DSP来实现图象处理,图象处理也就是进行信号处理,和其他如音频,语音,协议等处理是共享资源的。  [2003-6-19 11:17:33]
[问:li_yan qiang] 2-DMA的原理能不能多介绍一下,谢谢 
[答: Jack_Xue] 2-DMA means that you can load rectangle data in a linear data buffer.Because BF provides x,y and Delta_x,Delta_y point to realize the rectangle data access.  [2003-6-19 11:18:48]
[问: libintuff] Blackfin上能跑Linux吗? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Yes. It is Embeded Linux [2003-6-19 11:20:56]
[问:smart guo] 能否具体介绍BLACKFIN内置的firmware在VIDEO DECODER方面的具备的功能 
[答: Craig_Wu] Blackfin 没有内置算法Firmware, 内置ROM是Boot时使用的. 片内空白的ROM可以根据用户要求写入相应的程序,但不是固定的Firmware.  [2003-6-19 11:21:02]
[问: masterw] what is the difference between the blackfin and sharc?I used to apply the sharc DSP into video field.Is there something superior for blackfin to sharc? 
[答: Li_Chuan] Sharc is a 32 bits floating point DSP and Blackfin is a two MAC 16 bits fixed point processor, you can use Sharc for video, but video is a large concept. for the radar and navigation video processing, the Sharc DSP is proper, but for video compression such as MPEG, the Blackfin is good at this kind of processing. for blackfin has PPI interface and some special instruction.  [2003-6-19 11:21:21]
[问:48496] In memory,can Blackfin support DDR? In wireless, can it support 802.11d?   
[答:Rocky] It can’t support DDR,support SDRA。Yes and it can support 802。11d  [2003-6-19 11:22:05]
[问:li_ yanqiang] 当内部电压进行调整时,外部电压是不是也需要有一定的变化?同时控制的原理是怎样进行的? 
[答: Li_Chuan] it do not can only adjust the innner voltage. [2003-6-19 11:22:45]
[问:dsq42 327118] 可以给出关于motion compensation方面书籍的名称吗?比较经典的? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Pls go to to get this book:Video Processing and communications.Write to email to me:, I will send some material to you.  [2003-6-19 11:22:54]
[问:sunya guang] whether does AD support soft core for DSP?  
[答:Tom] yes, ADI provide some DSP code source code.  you can find it in  [2003-6-19 11:23:08]
[问:ljp] 我想选一款32位浮点DSP,基本要求是要有HPI口,定时器最好3个且带捕获功能!请赐教!谢谢! 
[答:Rocky] ADI has the cost DSP, ADSP-21065L, and other foat DSP。  [2003-6-19 11:23:12]
[问:sunya guang] now,some FPGA chips could provide DSP function,and have much soft core and windows programmable environment,then what advantage does AD productd have than xilinx or altera FPGA DSP function? 
[答:David] The main difference between FPGA and DSP processor is FPGA is hardware programmable, but DSP is all software programmable, it"s more flexible, more easy to modify/upgrade. And you can using high level language like C to program DSP processor, with will shorten your develop period.  [2003-6-19 11:23:47]
[问:li_ yanqiang] blackfin 中除了这种2维结构的DMA外,是否还有其他的DMA,共有多少DMA?同时DMA是否可以支持所有外设?谢谢 
[答: Jack_Xue] 2D DMA can also be configed to be 1D DMA. Every periphral is DMA access. So One PPI, Two SPORT In/Out , UART In/Out, SPI In/Out are all DMA capable. [2003-6-19 11:25:17]
[问: ao_xiang] blackfin是否带有操作系统和是否支持tcp/ip,谢谢 
[答: Li_Chuan] You can use RtOS in blackfin. and it can support applilcation of TCP/ip. and many of ADI" 3rd parnter has those application of tcp/ip and RTOS.  [2003-6-19 11:27:36]
[问: samire] 能否再详细一点介绍MSA结构?如何融合DSP和CPU在一起的? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] MSA是一个崭新的内核,该体系结构的核心有两个16位乘加器(MAC),两个40位算术逻辑单元(ALU),四个8位专用视频ALU和一个40位单桶形移位器,具有两个数据地址产生器(DAG),这是基于DSP的。MSA体系结构支持多种长度指令。它能将16位控制指令与32位DSP 指令一起混合并链接进64位的长指令组中,使内存分组最大。采用这种体系结构,可以最大效率地处理8位、16位和32位字长的数据。它可以支持8位、16位、32位整数和16位、32位小数数据类型,支持任意的位和位域操作、插入和抽取;它可以同时读取一条指令和两个单独的数据单元;循环计数器允许嵌套零开销循环;它具有统一的4GB内存空间,混合的 16位和32位指令编码,具有最佳的代码密度,这是基于CPU的。更详细的介绍,你可参考ADI Blackfin的硬件手册。  [2003-6-19 11:28:04]
[问:qin] Blackfin处理器应在图像处理时,它的帧速率有多快? 
[答:David] 在进行优化后,处理CIF格式的MPEG4编码,30帧大约需要180MHz的内核处理资源,因此Blackfin完全可以实时进行图象压缩处理。  [2003-6-19 11:29:03]
[问: qyzhao] ADI的DSP在驱动步进电机方面有什么优势没有?
[答:Tom] ADI have a seris product used for motor control, ADMCF328,340/ AND ADSP-2199*.  [2003-6-19 11:29:07]
[问:jeric] 您好!我现在在熟悉BF535的评估板,在音频处理的时候遇到了问题,看提供的例子也没能实现,请问这个音频接口跟普通的MICROPHONE接口一样吗? 
[答:James] BF535评估板上用AD1885进行音频处理,你可以参看具体的数据手册.同时AD1885有相应的DRIVER针对BF535的评估板,你可以拨打8008101742索取.  [2003-6-19 11:30:31]
[问:david _king] I found the MPEG4 code on the web site, Is it available?  Does ir mean that I don"t need any help? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] They are a some examples for your reference. You can use these code to build your algorithm basic. We also provide other codes for you. Such as, DCT, IDCT, JPEG and so on.  [2003-6-19 11:31:22]
[问:03106] Where Could I get the information about BF532em10? 
[答:James] You can find the brief in ADI website.  [2003-6-19 11:31:32]
[问:02490] BF532的功耗有多大?包括运行时和待机状态。 
[答:David] BF532可以通过改变频率和电压来实现节省功耗,它的典型功耗为100mw @300MHz (全速运行)它支持多种休眠模式,待机状态下,可以把所有内核和几乎所有外设关闭,通过RTC时钟等进行中断激活。  [2003-6-19 11:32:25]
[问:ljp] 能详细介绍Blackfin在无线连接方面的性能和应用。 
[答:Ksri] Blackfin is a processor designed for wireless applications as well. It has 600 MHz and has microcontroller features. This means that customers can replace 2 chip solutions of DSP and microcontroller with single Blackfin processor. Also, Blackfin has dedicated instructions like VIT_MAX that will help[ in communications applications. Also, Blackfin has features to perform multimedia applications etc very optimally.     We also have a number of speech codecs implemented on the Blackfin by ADI and can be provided to customers with different pricing.     For more details, please contact [2003-6-19 11:33:41]
[问:mfx] 如果用BF做能够完成MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4的CODEC,用那个型号? 
[答: Li_Chuan] it is related to the size;(25fps NTSC or 30fps PAL)for QCIF use BF531.for CIF use BF532.for VGA use BF533.for D1 please use next generation product that we will release next month.  [2003-6-19 11:34:17]
[问: cdma18] How to get Blackfin hardcopy developing guidlines from ADI? 
[答:Tom] You could fill the following form, and then apply the hardcopy books: dspManuals/harte-hanks.html [2003-6-19 11:34:36]
[问:y9s8] Jack Xue, 你好: Blackfin的DSP芯片了解不多,刚才听了你的全面的技术演讲,能说说它的主要优点吗?相对与其它厂家在技术上的独特之处。 
[答: Craig_Wu] Blackfin的主要特点是有很高的性价比和较低的功耗.Blackfin在执行DSP程序和控制程序是都能有很高的效率,所以说Blackfin是DSP和CPU相结合的产物.此外Blackfin的动态电源管理可以调节电压和频率,也是比较出众的特性  [2003-6-19 11:34:43]
[问:mina] We get to know eMedia platform from your website. We are doing Video Compression Card. We want to know what’s the price and when can we order it? Especially is there any optimization for Microsoft’s WM9 on eMedia platform? How to get the license to use WM9? Is it bundled with eMedia platform? 
[答: Li_Chuan] ADI works closely with Microsoft to have WM9 running on eM10 platform. eM10 is priced at $11.95 at 100k volume. This price includes to the WM9 license.  However, customer/end-user will need to sign WM9 licencing agreement with Microsoft before ADI can ship to customer.  [2003-6-19 11:35:14]
[问: deon_woo] 是不是意味着BF可以取代ARM+DSP的架构?而把RTOS直接放在BF中? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 这是一种说法。但Blackfin的确有许多ARM+DSP的架构所不具有的优势。你可以把RTOS直接放在BF中,你需要从ADI了解哪些RTOS支持Blackfin。  [2003-6-19 11:35:28]
[问:ljp] 关于AD9852我的时序都对,为何无输出?可能原因是什么,是不是我的控制字不对,我用的是并行模式,控制字应是多少?谢谢!!!
[答:James] 你可以检查相应的寄存器,同时检查环路滤波和vco的负载与滤波.  [2003-6-19 11:37:09]
[问:samire] 讲演中说,SIMD可进行32bit加法和乘法,能否可看成是32位的DSP处理器? 
[答: Craig_Wu] Blackfin的乘法器是16位的,32位乘法不是单周期完成的,所以不能认为它是32位DSP.否则凡是可以做32位乘法的处理器都是32位机了  [2003-6-19 11:37:38]
[问: deon_woo] Blackfin对wavelet transform和基于内容的ME、MC有哪些有特色的支持? 
[答: Jack_Xue] YOu acn see in this seminar, it provide motion estimation instruction to calcaulte your ME in one cycle four pixels ME.  [2003-6-19 11:38:14]
[问:mfx] BF(531)可以用在非图像领域吗?当作普通高速CPU应用时,可以完成FIFO功能吗? 
[答: Li_Chuan] of course you can use that in non-video field. for it is a general processor, the video is only one application of Blackfin platform.when it works as an general CPU, the PPI interface can work as a fast data channel so that you can input or output at very large bandwith for the applications.  [2003-6-19 11:39:09]
[问: zdongtao] 以太网,显示接口等芯片怎么和BF533接口? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Ethernet Controller can be connected to extrernal SRAM bus.LCD controller can connected to SRAM bus and PPI bus. Like MQ2100, it can work in both condition.  [2003-6-19 11:39:26]
[问:hanxin] 使用普通的MCU单片机来设计系统时可以使用74xx系列的片子来设计控制逻辑等,而在BLACKFIN中是不是要使用CPLD类的可编程片子来设计逻辑?还有其他的方法吗?(好像没有见到有3v的74xx的片子) 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 对于输出信号,3V系统可以兼容TTL电平,可以直接与74XX的片子连接。但输入信号,需要有一些控制逻辑支持,如CPLD、FPEG或电平转换器件。你可登陆www.percom.com去找一些电平转换器件。  [2003-6-19 11:40:25]
[问:ljp] 我想用DSP控制pci网卡rtl8029,并且要外扩两片64kram,其中控制网卡需要5位地址线,我如何进行硬件连接,才能保证程序能正确区分我要访问的不同存储器和i/o口? 
[答: Jack_Xue] ZBF has four bank sram interface, you can use the second, third or fourth bank to exand SRAM and PCI bus.  [2003-6-19 11:40:38]
[问: ao_xiang] Does blackfin series provide operating system?does it support tcp/ip? 
[答:Rocky] Yes,VDk。Our thirt parts can provide TCP/IP。their websits, you can find from ADI website。  [2003-6-19 11:40:40]
[问:jeric] 请问BF在长时间视频处理时的稳定性如何? 
[答: Craig_Wu] Blackfin在硬件稳定性方面没有什么问题,同时由于功耗较低,散热也不会有问题. 软件稳定性还有待时间检验  [2003-6-19 11:40:48]
[问:qin] 除了CMOS 图像传感器,Blackfin如何和CCD传感器接口?是无缝吗? 
[答: Jack_Xue] PPI can be used to connect to ADC interface, so CCD must be connected to Analog to Digital convertor. Then connect to PPI.  [2003-6-19 11:42:15]
[问:hanxin] VISUAL DSP++3.0开发软件系统现在是否还不能兼容WINDOWS XP系统? 
[答:Tom] 完全可以运行。  [2003-6-19 11:44:30]
[问: qyzhao] 据我所知,嵌入式ARM处理器也集成了DSP的功能,这样的结构似乎和Blackfin很相象,请问他们两者谁的功能更好呢? 
[答: Craig_Wu] Blackfin只有一个内核,所以和嵌入DSP的ARM没有任何相似之处.Blackfin的处理内核可以很好地处理DSP算法和CPU的控制指令,所以说是DSP和CPU相结合.性能方面目前还没有可见的Benchmark,但在DSP处理方面Blackfin肯定要强一些,毕竟是个DSP嘛  [2003-6-19 11:44:43]
[问:bai yi chen] ADSP21535 kb300x 1.0这款片子是否支持中断嵌套,是否具有通过编程PLL改变系统时钟的功能 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 支持中断嵌套。你可以通过编程PLL改变系统时钟,在一些手持式设备中,需要节省能源,你可以通过改变电源和系统时钟来降低功耗。  [2003-6-19 11:45:27]
[问:jackton] 能不能通过DSP的程序控制,使数据线上的数据维持时间较长(比如200ns),就像单片机那样。多谢. 
[答: Craig_Wu] Blackfin的外部总线可以设置等待周期,所以外部总线的速度可以做到很慢,200ns肯定没问题 [2003-6-19 11:46:17]
[问:jackton] 现在只是想把数据线上送一个数(16bit),最好不要影响地址线,最好的解决办法是什么?用C语言的哪条指令?在线等候,多谢! 
[答:Ksri] Blackfin has onchip data buses that are 32-bits - 2 of them. When you write a 16-bits on the data bus, one of the buses will have that value transmitting it. But the other bus will not get affected in the sense, the other bus will not be used at all.If the address corresponds to external memory, then the external address bus will be affected.The best case to handle them in C is as follows :volatile int *address ;address = (int)0x20000 ;where 20000 is the addressThen to write a value there, just say (*address) = val; The above C code can work fine. [2003-6-19 11:46:24]
[问:48496] how about the external frequency can BF535 reach?  
[答:James] The MAX core clk is 300M and the MAX system clk is 133M.BF535 has 1x to 31x PLL.  [2003-6-19 11:46:43]
[问:mina] It is said 32K L1 SRAM have been added Can it be used as cache? Or can be used only for instruction. If it can be used as cache, how many WAY and SET supported by the overall instruction cache? 
[答: Jack_Xue] No, only 16K Sram can be set to cache. 32K can only be used for instruction. THe caceh is 4 four way cahe, one set is 4 * 64Bit content.  [2003-6-19 11:49:39]
[问:bai yi chen] ADSP21535kb300x1.0片内程序存储区最大可以存储多少程序
[答:Tom] 308K Bytes of On-Chip Memory:16K Bytes of Instruction SRAM/Cache32K Bytes of Data SRAM/Cache4K Bytes of Scratchpad SRAMPLS REFER TO PAGE 4 OF ADSP-BF535 DATASHEET  [2003-6-19 11:50:34]
[问:song caijun] Can Blackfin process data coming form vga cmos sensor directly?How to get em10 license,is it free?  
[答: Li_Chuan] yes, the CMOS sensor is digital interface which can connect to Blackfin PPI interface directly. of course the EM10 license is not free, it is from Microsoft. you need to get license from Microsoft and we license fee will includ to the price of the chip.  [2003-6-19 11:50:40]
[问:sinhwa] 是否可以这样说:在VISUAL DSP++中,VDK 就是RTOS,而VCSE 相当于COM,另外还可以从哪里找到更多的VCSE。 
[答: Craig_Wu] 对的,目前只有ADI网站上有一些VCSE,客户也可以自己生成VCSE库  [2003-6-19 11:51:02]
[问: engineer] How to implement PPI function on BF-535 
[答: Jack_Xue] PPI can be set CCIR656, adn general purpose PPI.So video encoder can be connected directly using ccir656 mode without using Hsynsc and Vsync.You can also use GP mode to use threee sync pins.PPI data can be transmitted directly to SDRAM and internal sram.  [2003-6-19 11:52:11]
[问: wgjdp88] 我问的那个问题,您只是翻译了一下,没有回答,请问您是忘了吗?我的问题是:在中断向量表中,怎样写跳转到用c写的主程序中。TI的tms320c54x下是bd _c_int00。 
[答:Ksri] There are a number of ways to handle these cases.1. For example if you want to install your own interrupt handler in C, you can use functions like interrupt, interruptf, interrupts provided by Visual DSP. These are explained in detail in our manual. In this case you can define your own interrupt service routine in C or assembly and use the above functions.2. If you already have your own assembly interrupt routine and want to make a C function call, we define a set of C calling conventions where you can initiaze a few registers for the C run time library and then just issue a call _CProgr_function and the C program executes from there.3. If you need to just need to return from a interrupt subroutine, you can use a rti instruction to come out of interrupt service routine. [2003-6-19 11:52:38]
[问:xmkarlen] I am a fresh man in this fieldcan you give me some advise about the refer book and hardware? 
[答:Rocky] Yes。 ADI websit provide total material about DSP,it face to all of desigers, fres man and expert。  [2003-6-19 11:52:57]
[问: lineare] we want to develop mpeg-4 encoder,if we use bf532, buy all the necessary tools and mpeg-4 library, pls tell us how much we can get it 
[答: Li_Chuan] Please contact our local sale office for Price and cooperation issue. you can contact our support center 800-8101742 to get the phone number of our sales office.for the tools price, it is $1200 for all the tools necessary.  [2003-6-19 11:53:25]
[问:hanxin] 1。如果想在电力系统保护中使用,是否有足够的抗干扰性能;2。需要AD转换,是不是必须外扩;3。扩展了FLASH ROM ,是不是一定还要扩SRAM,他的内部RAM有多大?4。blackfin有多少个可编程的IO引脚? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 1、Blackfin具有工业档的芯片,完全可以满足工业现场的抗干扰要求。2、Blackfin片上没有AD转换,必须外扩。3、扩展了FLASH ROM ,不一定还要扩SRAM, Blackifn内部有多达306KByte(ADSP-BF535)的RAM。4、BF535有16个可编程的IO引脚。  [2003-6-19 11:53:33]
[问:hanxin] BF532是否内部集成软件看门狗,复位系统如何? 
[问:y9s8] 我们以前用过其它厂家DSP芯片,没有找到带有内置的FLASH程序存储器,BlackFin 产品中带有内置的FLASH程序存储器以简化芯片外部的硬件电路。 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 目前的BlackFin 产品中不带有内置的FLASH程序存储器。  [2003-6-19 11:54:22]
[问:ljp] 请介绍Blackfin中的时钟性能。它如何进行动态管理?需要软件设置吗? 
[答:James] You can define PLL.You can set the system clk ratio(sclk)/core clk(cclk) as 133/266;110/275;100/300 and 75/300.Also you can refer to the datasheet.  [2003-6-19 11:55:08]
[问:qin] Blackfin允许外接多大外存?那种类型? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] Blackfin可以寻址多达4G的外部存储空间。它允许外接SDRAM、SRAM、EPROM、FLASH。  [2003-6-19 11:56:04]
[问: liugexing] Blackfin 将普通处理器和DSP结合在一起,应适合掌上行应用,但是该处理器没有LCD等显示接口,因此使用上有限制,是这样吗?不知以后的产品是否会增加显示驱动接口。 
[答: Li_Chuan] Yes, you are right. it is proper for the portable applications such as the PDA etc.for LCD interface, you can use our PPI interface or EBIU to connect with the LCD. and we will add the LCD interface in our future products. [2003-6-19 11:56:16]
[问:bai yi chen] 相比较于blackfin系列的其他型号DSP,BF535的优点在什么地方 
[答:Tom] BF535 have PCI bridge, others no.  [2003-6-19 11:56:17]
[问:qin] 请介绍一下多线程技术?它和超线程技术(HTT)有何区别? 
[答: Craig_Wu] Blackfin using semaphore instruction like test set instruction tio use multi thread  [2003-6-19 11:56:40]
[问:ljp] 我想请教一下关于flush函数的意义及用法。 
[答:Ksri] Blackfin processor has a cache on the chip. For data cache, typically you might want to flush some data value already in the cache and restore it with new value. Typically if you want to read from a peripheral where the peripheral is memory mapped you need to do these operations.The above are supported using the FLUSH instruction in Blackfin processor where you specify the address in the cache that you wish to flush. [2003-6-19 11:56:44]
[问:comm_6] 介绍一下多片处理器级联使用的功能   
[答: Jack_Xue] ADI DSP like Sharc and TS can share external sdram, sram and host port in the same system.DSP has arbitrater mechanics to let one DSP use the shared bus.DSP and DSP can use link port to transmit data also.  [2003-6-19 11:56:56]
[问:samire] Blackfin有没有USB控制器?是主还是从?速率有多高? 
[答: Craig_Wu] ADSP-BF535上有USB1.1从控制器,其他的芯片上没有  [2003-6-19 11:57:15]
[问: david_king] PPI可以做Video in and Out嗎? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Half duplex.  [2003-6-19 11:57:23]
[问:qin] 请问eM10处理器系统的媒体功能都包括那些? 
[答: Jack_Xue] YOu can see the seminar slide. It list the funtions about em10.  [2003-6-19 11:57:59]
[问:03106] 请问BF532EM10对MEADIA PLAYER 9支持和专利费问题? 
[答: Li_Chuan] ADI works closely with Microsoft to have WM9 running on eM10 platform. eM10 is priced at $11.95 at 100k volume. This price includes to the WM9 license.  However, customer/end-user will need to sign WM9 licencing agreement with Microsoft before ADI can ship to customer.  [2003-6-19 11:58:01]
[问:mfx] ADSP-21531构成最小系统需要多少外围器件(数量/价格)? 
[答: Jack_Xue] One BF531, one Serial Boot Plash. One Oscillator. [2003-6-19 11:58:45]
[问:ljp] Blackfin内部存储器有多大容量?有没有闪存类型? 
[答: Rocky] BF535,308k。BF532/1/3, 116kb/84kb/148kbnot flash blackfin DSP。  [2003-6-19 11:58:57]
[问:hanxin] 能不能提供一种BF扩展键盘显示(液晶模块)驱动的方案。 
[答: Jack_Xue] Add LCD Controller(MQ2100), and 89c2051 to do the key function.  [2003-6-19 12:00:46]
[问:samire] 请问它的I/O电平是多少伏?和那几种格式兼容? 
[答:Tom] 3.3V.  [2003-6-19 12:01:52]
[问: ao_xiang] blackfin系列dsp有没有免费的操作系统,是否支持tcp/ip? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 你可以用ADI提供的VisualDSP开发环境中的VDK来实现你自己的RTOS,如果你已经购买了VisualDSP开发环境,你就可以免费使用VDK。ADI的第三方具有完整的TCP/IP解决方案。  [2003-6-19 12:02:25]
[问:samire] 二组地址产生器的制令有何区别? 
[答:James] In ADSP-218x,the DAGS have some difference and in BF the two DAGs are the same.  [2003-6-19 12:02:44]
[问:david _king] How can I porting an OS in the DSP?  Where can I found the knowledge? 
[答:Ksri] There are already a good  number of operating systems already ported on Blackfin. Here are the details of a few of them here ...1. Visual DSP Kernel - This is not a full fledged OS, but a small kernel that can do switching of threads, give shared memories, events and queues etc. This is available free with VDSP++ 3.0 tools.2. Embedded Linux - Available from Metro Werks3. CMX operating system4. Thread X5. Fusion6. Nucleas etc.    For details please contact us at [2003-6-19 12:02:45]
[问:mina] My application does not require an operating system. Should I still use the supervisor mode and user mode of Blackfin processor 
[答: Craig_Wu] Just use Supervisor mode is OK  [2003-6-19 12:05:51]
[问:guo69] How about it"s developing environment"? Is it easy to use? 
[答:James] The development tools includs VDSP++,ICE and EZ-kit that is easy to use.You can download the testdrive of VDSP++ from the website.  [2003-6-19 12:06:25]
[问:apple163] Can I capture a CIF uncompressed image without uisng the PPI
[答: Jack_Xue] You must use a fifo connect to your external bus.But you had better to use PPI.  [2003-6-19 12:06:33]
[问:comm_6] BF在支持流媒体上比Moto的MPU有什么优势? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] BF具有四个8位专用视频ALU、高速的外设通道与专用的视频处理指令,它具有极低的功耗。另外它可以无逢的与ADI的其他芯片连接。  [2003-6-19 12:06:45]
[问:mfx] FB的代码能防COPY吗? 
[答:Ksri] Blackfin code is executing from the internal memory. Internal memory is an SRAM. One can always read from the internal SRAM by just doing a DMA of the instructions from internal memory to external memory. Hence there is no code security per say.At the same time, if you have multiple threads running, if some threads keep overwriting the contents of the other threads, then there is protection inherently in Blackfin to handle this  [2003-6-19 12:06:47]
[问:mina] When using ADSP21535 for system design, how to change CCLK and SCLK by  setting  PLL_CTL? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] You can configure the CCLK and SCLK using the SSEL0-3 and CSEL1-0 pins of the Blackfin processor。  [2003-6-19 12:07:27]
[问:ljp] Blackfin支持那几种视频格式或标准? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Now BF support CIF MEPG4, H.263, D1 MEPG2 Decoder.  [2003-6-19 12:07:35]
[问: huoliqun] 请问能否提供BLACKFIN上用的谐波分析算法?谢谢! 
[答:Ksri] We did not implement a system that does harmonic analysis on BF as it is.But harmonic analysis requires doing FFT and further processing the FFT output in Blackfin to determine how many harmonics are there and their strength. We provide FFT libraries that are fully optimized on Blackfin processor. Customers can take this FFT and implement harmonic analysis themselves.  [2003-6-19 12:08:15]
[问:huang xiaocheng] 有没有适合于工业控制用的DSP与单片机组合类型的处理器? 
[答:Li_Chuan] Blackfin processor is a combination of tranditional DSP and MCU, you can use that on inductrial control. you can implement both control instuction and compute instruction on the same core of Blackfin, the BF has some advantage for inducstril control, for example, you can implement the PWM by using the Timer on Blackfin processor. [2003-6-19 12:08:26]
[问:smart guo] Blackfin提供那些封装 
[答:Singer _Zhang] BGA(BF535、BF533、BF532、BF531)、LQFP(BF532、BF531)  [2003-6-19 12:08:42]
[问:03106] ADI是否考虑对DivX的支持? 
[答: Craig_Wu] 目前ADI的MPEG4编码和Divx兼容  [2003-6-19 12:09:35]
[问:mina] How can I select DSP mode or Micro-controller mode in Blackfin DSP? 
[答: Li_Chuan] you need not to do that, for the DSP function and MCU function are been processed on the same core, using the same instruction sets. you can use a control insturction just after a compute instruction.  [2003-6-19 12:10:17]
[问: engineer] Is the newly added 2D transfer capability to DMA only for memory DMA? Or also to peripheral DMA? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Both Peripheral and Memory.  [2003-6-19 12:11:50]
[问:ctz_ml] 我现在用的是TI的芯片及开发系统,但我想知道ADI的DSP开发工具在国内的提供情况及价格,以便考虑购买。 
[答:Tom] ADI公司在中国区内进行DSP开发工具的优惠促销活动,将最新的SHARC ,BLACKFIN系列的全套开发工具包统一售价$1200,包括3个组件VDSP-SHARC-PC-FULL;ADDS-SUMMIT-ICE;和一个评估板。请CALL 0755-83781459 [2003-6-19 12:12:13]
[问:jeanwe lly2002] 请问ADdsp在中国的代理有哪些,谢谢 
[答:David] CHI9NATRONIC. EXELPOINT  [2003-6-19 12:13:12]
[问:hanxin] AD 公司在中国的主要代理有那些?联系方式是什么?网址是什么? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] AD 公司在中国的主要代理有五家:1、Excelpoint (世健系统)2、Chinatronic (华创)3、Arrow (艾锐)4、Future (富昌)5、WPG (世平国际)关于联系方式和网址,你可以看ADI的广告。  [2003-6-19 12:14:08]
[问:bai yi chen] 采用BF535能否构成并向系统,如果能如何进行程序加载,加载过程与ADSP21062有什么区别 
[答: Jack_Xue] You can use PCI bus to realize your parellel system. One is host PCI bus, other is slave bus.You can use the 8bit flash boot load same as 21062. [2003-6-19 12:14:21]
[问: engineer] Does the RTC module support Year, Month or only support days updates? 
[答:Craig_Wu] In BF533, there is a 32768 days counter. You can use this counter to get the "Year", "Month" information.  [2003-6-19 12:15:33]
[问:samire] Blackfin内部的系统总线速度能达到多少?宽度多少? 
[答: Jack_Xue] Internal bus 600MHz, if BF runs at 600MHz, the data bus is 64bit.  [2003-6-19 12:15:35]
[问:qin] Blackfin能处理VGA的视频吗? 
[答: Jack_Xue] BF533 can.  [2003-6-19 12:15:53]
[问:mina] What type of USB interface does the ADSP-21535 have? 
[答: Li_Chuan] The ADSP-BF535 has a USB Device interface(ver 1.1). A USB device is a physical system. For example, a printer and scanner would both be USB devices. When we say ADSP-BF535 has a "Device" USB port, this is to differentiate it from a Host USB port.  [2003-6-19 12:15:55]
[问:02490] BF532是否合适用于手机,作为应用处理器,完成视频输入,MPEG4的编解码和TFT LCD显示驱动? 
[答: Jack_Xue] You can try. But BF has been used in handset baseband controller embedded in ARM plus BF core.  [2003-6-19 12:17:01]
[问: ao_xiang] bf535是否支持视频处理的加速指令? 
[答:Craig_Wu] 当然支持  [2003-6-19 12:17:05]
[问:qin] 请问eM10处理器系统的价格如何?要许可费证吗? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] The chip price is $11.95/10K. no need license.  [2003-6-19 12:17:19]
[问:ledig] BLACKFIN532 的价格是多少? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] $9.95/10K  [2003-6-19 12:17:39]
[问:bai yi chen] 我将BF535的复位信号连接于CPLD,但上电复位后无法从ROM内读出程序,必须手动复位才行,请问是什么原因。 
[答:Ksri] From your problem it looks like there is an issue with reset timing of your system. Please refer to Pg 26 of the data sheet and confirm that you are meeting the reset timings as specified by the CPLD. If you are not meeting those requiremenets then there will be a problem and it requires manual reset. If you still have problem, please feel free to get in touch with us at  [2003-6-19 12:18:31]
[问:bai yi chen] 请问贵公司网站上是否提供BF535的SDRAM配置程序? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] Yes, You can find them from VisualDSP development platform.  [2003-6-19 12:19:14]
[问:libintuff] Blackfin里的ARM是哪个版本的?在上面跑Linux需要做那些修改,有已发布的patch吗? 
[答:James] Blackfin has no ARM.If you want to realize Linux on BF,pls modify the corresponding hardware and software.  [2003-6-19 12:19:32]
[问: apple163] Is there any additional software programming needed on the PC when a Blackfin is placed on the PCI slot of the PC
[答: Li_Chuan] PCI interface of BF535 is 32bit,33MHZ 2.2verison. It is glueless with PCI of PC. But to be a device in PC it need a drive also.  [2003-6-19 12:20:25]
[问:samire] 同一运行周期同时运行两条指令是指的程序和数据吗? 
[答:Singer _Zhang] 不是。同一运行周期同时运行两条指令都可以包含指令字和数据。这是VLIW方式。  [2003-6-19 12:23:28]
[问:hugeant] 请问开发包内是否包含一些audio和video 的encode和decode的算法库? 
[答:Li_Chuan] we have some examples on our website, you can download it free if you want the total library You can contact our 3rd partner to get that, you can get the contact way of our 3rd party either from our website or our support center 800-8101742  [2003-6-19 12:24:03]
[问:13266] I used BF535,but the PCI port not be used. Can I tie all data pin of pci to VCC? 
[答:Jack_Xue] YOu do not need it. You only connect Interrupt pin to VCC.  [2003-6-19 12:24:12]
[问:ljp] 我想扩展数字I/O,如果使用8255,怎样匹配DSP和8255的时序? 
[答:Craig_Wu] Blackfin的外部总线可以设置等待周期,配置号等待周期后就可以像操作普通外设一样操作8255了  [2003-6-19 12:25:24]
[问:nickwx] blackfin 如何同arm cpu相连 
[答:Jack_Xue] Through SPI and Uart port. [2003-6-19 12:25:27]
[问:yezhou2003] 请问,Blackfin21535这块芯片。我现在利用这块芯片的DMA技术对数据进行传输,存储区与外设空间的数据能够正确传输,但是存储区与PCI空间的数据在进行传输时会丢字节,请问这是什么原因? 
[答:Li_Chuan] it must be some mistake you make. for we have customers who use the PCI successfully. you can contact with our support center to get the detail.800-8101742 [2003-6-19 12:25:58]
[问:03106] Can you give us data sheet or book about em10? 
[答:Tom] PLS CALL 800-810-1742  [2003-6-19 12:28:03]
[问:david_king] 我要怎樣才能把linux放到DSP上? 
[答:Ksri] You do NOT need to port Linux yourself on the DSP. One of the ADI 3rd parties Metro Werks has ported Linux on Blackfin already and is already available from them.If you want to port Linux yourself, you can the C version from some one like Redhat and build the code using the ADI DSP C compiler. In such a case ofcourse you have to handle the low level interfaces yourself like the device drivers etc.  [2003-6-19 12:29:12]
[问:hanxin] 在系统设计中,如果在驱动键盘显示模块时,使用SPI通讯数据的话(键盘显示使用ADUC812 MCU,通讯使用其spi接口),那么SPI的通讯速率一般最大可以达到多少,保证数据正确传送。还有,CPHA=0和CPHA=1,是不是在设计时可以随便定,只要主从一致就可以拉! 
[答:Jack_Xue] Yes. SPI can reach 30MBPS. And it can be set to either condition.You must in BF design. So you can write email to me we can discuss and share experience. [2003-6-19 12:32:33]
[问:hanxin] 考虑到软件编程的可移植性,在ADSP219X上编好的c程序是否可以移植到BF上来,需要那些改动? 
[答:Li_Chuan] if you use the ansi C, you can move it to everywhere, but if you have used some embedded C on ADSP, you will need to change a bit.  [2003-6-19 12:35:14]
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