
热门关键字: WAN 插头 MP4 SSI 



座谈主题:使用嵌入式 Intel® 结构模块设计能升级的嵌入式解决方案
[问:dairlom] 请问在嵌入式的系统设计中,有没有一种C语言编译器能够支持全系列的微处理器?且如何获得? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Basically you can download our compiler from  Our C compiler support all IA32 processor, including IA-64 too.  [2002-11-14 10:31:48]
[答:单词翻译] compiler :编译器 processor:处理器  
[问:coolkiller] can i ask that whether Intel E7500 MCH can support only one DDR channel?now i can design a project using Intel E7500 chipset! Moreover i am drawing its schemetic. 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Yes. it can be done. We have a design guide explaning on this single channel DDR design, and it"s not a public document, it is confidental yellow document. Please contact disti/Intel field representative for more information.  [2002-11-14 10:37:08]
[答:单词翻译] design guide :设计指南  
[问: lihuajun] 我刚涉足嵌入式领域,现在要做一个嵌入式系统。正在调研阶段。 请问在intel处理器上能够跑那些操作系统,这些系统有什么优缺点。
[答: James-Liu] 这和您所涉及的领域有关. 一般来说, Intel产品会支持大部分的OS. 而在嵌入式应用领域,更多的会用到实时系统,例如Linux,VxWorks等. 在这方面,EID产品都有很好的支持.  [2002-11-14 10:37:59]
[问:renjian] 根据我们以前在Pentium、PII、PIII作嵌入开发情况,这些芯片同时 又作为桌面产品的处理器,产品的lifecircle不能使通信设备开发工 程师满意。现在的嵌入PIV和845 chipset这方面情况如何。功耗\热设计情况如何 
[答: James-Liu] 在嵌入式产品部门的处理器对客户的供货保障为至少五年. 在功耗方面,本次的讲座中已经有所涉及.  [2002-11-14 10:40:19]
[问:jontao] intel有否考虑进入DSP这块市场 
[答: Alex-Tsui] No solid plan  [2002-11-14 10:40:38]
[问: chs3559] P4功耗很高,在嵌入式应用中,空间有限,如何解决散热问题? 
[答: James-Liu] 请参考讲座内容  [2002-11-14 10:41:14]
[问:TI] 请问贵公司的产品于其它公司的产品在性能上有哪些区别? 最大优点是什么?谢谢! 
[答:James-Liu] Maximize re-use of Intel technology;Address communicatino market needs through EID custom silicon,focused on chipsets;Provid stable  platforms; Provid embedded-focused support; for detail  information please refer to the seminar  [2002-11-14 10:41:29]
[答:单词翻译] Maximize:最大化 re-use:重利用  stable platforms 稳定的平台  embedded:嵌入式  
[问:lqj66] 嵌入式包括硬件部分和软件部分,请介绍一下硬件部分主流CPU 和软件部分操作系统 
[答:James-Liu] 在INTEL EID部门,由于有长达五年以上的产品寿命,因此我们的用户会 根据其所开发产品的不同会有不同的选择. 在我们的roadmap上,我们 的主流产品有Xeon, P4, P3和Celeron. 对于OS方面,请参考前面的回答.  [2002-11-14 10:41:47]
[问:winning] 主要的应用对象是什么?操作系统是什么? 
[答: James-Liu] 应用对象请参考讲座; 操作系统涵盖Windows,Linux,VxWorks等嵌入 式应用领域的大部分OS  [2002-11-14 10:41:49]
[问:mxu] 请问intel 公司能够提供 PXA250 的DATASHEET 吗?网上只有  REFERENCE DESIGN.另,该芯片量产了吗?可以提供样片吗? 
[答:Alex-Tsui] on Please contact Intel distributor for samples  [2002-11-14 10:41:50]
[答:单词翻译] distributor:分销商   samples:样品  
[问: ericsnake] Intel的主要要嵌入式产品有哪些?主要的软件包有以及支持工具有哪些? 关于开发方面的资源有哪些?在未来数年中,Intel关于嵌入式系统的发展规划是怎样的呢?在已经商业化的产品中有对Linux提供完整支持的解决方案吗?关于开发用的工具及相关的资源使用,是否要付费呢? 如果付费,则收费的标准是什么呢?
[答: James-Liu] 问题一,问题二请参考讲座; 问题三,在嵌入式产品部门的解决方案中,会有 针对性的提供Linux解决方案,但是有关的应用软件一般不会提供; 问题四, 有关开发工具的收费问题,请向INTEL及其代理咨询  [2002-11-14 10:41:56]
[问:gimyjin] 1.PXA250和StrongARM_1110的GPIO驱动能力一样吗?哪个更强? 2.SA_1110最先开始执行程序的时候,是使用32.768KHZ的晶振 还是3.6864MHZ的晶振,我怎么计算它的软件延时?
[答: Alex-Tsui] 1. GPIO is similar in SA1110 & PXA250 2. SA1110 starts up from 3.6MHz crystal  [2002-11-14 10:42:25]
[答:单词翻译] crystal:晶振  
[问:lihuajun] 请问在嵌入式中,一般使用的存贮介质是什么?有没有内置flahs的 存贮器。如果是外接flash,一般使用什么样的接口, 使用什么样的文件系统? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Please kindly let me know if I misunderstand your question. I think you asking for  standard storage used in embedded application. As far as I know, standard ultra ATA HDD (desktop, laptop type), compact flash are most commonly used in Embedded IA design. On our embedded IA platform, we have IDE, PCI,  LPC interface. If your storage directly support those interface then it is great. If not, then you may need a chip converter to convert PCI to flash interface or IDE to flash interface to support your storage system.  [2002-11-14 10:43:10]
[答:单词翻译] standard storage:标准存储  laptop:膝上型电脑 converter转换器  
[问: rejoicewang] 我正要购买中国研祥公司的嵌入式设备,它支持windows 2000 操作 系统和red hat linux .请问Intel的嵌入式设备与研祥的比起来有 什么联系与区别。 
[答:James-Liu] 我们的嵌入式产品广泛用于不同的领域,您说提到的IPC厂家也 是我们的客户之一. INTEL对他们的支持会包括硬件和软件的开发.  [2002-11-14 10:43:59]
[问:周庭松] 在桌面系统应用中,intel与microsoft的软硬结合模式使桌面系统的应用 开发有了丰富的可用资源和方便的开发环境或方法。嵌入式系统及其 应用开发更困难,请问intel公司在这方面今后有何良策或长远设想? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Even though Intel & Microsoft works closely on desktop application. Embedded IA Division focused a lot in embedded OS too, such as LInux, VXwork, QNX etc. WE do have driver support on those OS from Intel and also from those OS vendor as well. Therefore you can use those OS, if not using Windows. Please feel free to contact Intel rep or OS vendor to get the driver.  [2002-11-14 10:44:43]
[答:单词翻译] desktop application:桌面应用  
[问:zminghui] 早期的嵌入式应用程序都是在没有操作系统支持的裸机上用汇编语言和 C语言来开发,这也正是目前我国大多数嵌入式开发的工作模式。为了 能够有效利用高档单片机的处理能力,现代的嵌入式产品开发大多选 用RTOS作为软件的核心。这样,不仅能够把系统软件和应用软件分 开处理,还可以极大地简化系统的开发过程,提高可靠性,并缩短 产品上市的时间。请问嵌入式 Intel? 结构模块设计可提供哪些 软件开发环境? 
[答:James-Liu] Linux, Vxworks等RTOS  [2002-11-14 10:46:23]
[答:单词翻译] RTOS:实时操作系统  
[问: haokwangqi] 请问对嵌入式Linux的支持的如何,该结构的Linux资源丰富么?谢谢 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Embedded IA provides strong support on linux, including red hat linux, Monta Vista etc. The information is available under search at EID do a lot of effort enabling Carrier Grade Linux for CPCI/ATCA  (communication infrastructure) [2002-11-14 10:46:53]
[答:单词翻译] communication infrastructure:通信基础构造  
[问: huawei001] 在工控上,这种芯片有它自身的那些优势/ 
[答: James-Liu] Maximize re-use of Intel technology;Provid stable platforms; Provid embedded-focused support; for detail information please refer to the seminar  [2002-11-14 10:47:21]
[问:yu_riyue] 我是一个目前从事单片机设计者.请问嵌入式系统主要有那几部份构成? 有的嵌入式CPU内本身有TCP/IP协议吗?最简单的嵌入式CPU的价格和 现在的51系列相比如何?目前最流行的嵌入式CPU是什么?  如何学好嵌入式系统的开发? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] For Embedded IA, it also consist of processor and chipset potions. Other embeddded product may have all computing and I/O integrated into one chip, example network processor, xscale etc. In embedded IA, we don"t have cpu contains tcp/ip, but it may avaible from our other division. We have cheap pricing for entry level processor, such as Pentium Pro, Pentium II <$50.  Nowadays, celeron and low power celeron is one of our most popular embedded proesor. To understand platform design (embedded IA only), x86 design experience, signal quality analysis skill, software skill is sufficient.  [2002-11-14 10:51:20]
[答:单词翻译] network processor:网络处理器, xscale:可比例缩小 entry level :入门级 software :软件  
[问:lingyu] 怎样能以最简短的架构处理USB接口? 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] From Embedded IA perspective, our chipset has direct connection to USB port. The information is available inside our chipset design guide, which you can download from  [2002-11-14 10:52:05]
[答:单词翻译] USB port:USB端口  
[问:lihuajun] 请问在intel处理器上可以安装那些嵌入式操作系统,这些操作系统有 什么区别?性能如何,也就是速度,稳定度以及资源的损耗情况如何?
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] You can use Linux, VxWork, QNX, embedded XP, WinCE and others on our processors. Our processor perform good in those operating system, but we have best performance under embedded XP, windows, LInux, WinCE etc. Our processor behave very stable under embedded OS environment.  [2002-11-14 10:54:14]
[问:TI] 嵌入式设计的主流应用及编程语言是什么 
[答:James-Liu] INTEL EID产品能支持的操作系统涵盖Windows,Linux,VxWorks等嵌入式 应用领域的大部分OS. 对于编程语言及其开发工具,会根据不同的产品 和应用有不同的选择.  [2002-11-14 10:54:56]
[问:eroticisimman] 我想弄明白在嵌入式系统中如何连接IDE接口设备。能告诉我一些关 于PC机实现IDE设备的技术细节一些规范吗?谢谢! 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] It will be harder to explain this inside the online Q&A, but I would love to answer that offline. PLease kindly contact our Intel field representative and we would like to provide detail advise to you. However, you can download our chipset design, eg. 845E chipset design guide and look at IDE part as well.  [2002-11-14 10:56:14]
[答:单词翻译] field representative:区域代表  
[问:qin] 请详细介绍EIA的嵌入式结构。给人的形象好像是低档次的PC机,对吗? 
[答:Teik-Yean-Kuan] EIA is Embedded Intel Architecture. In general, it consists of CPU, GMCH  (or North Bridge), ICH (South Bridge) and other components.EIA offers various embedded solutions to meet the needs of high performance/scaleble requirements as well as low power and small form factor solutions. EIA has very strong  & stable ecosystems for both hardware & software developers. EIA also supports a wide variety of OS from PC based OS to embedded & real time OS. Moreover EIA offers long life product support of 5-7 years.As explained in the seminar, embedded market segment covers a group of embedded applications from setup-box, to TT/POS, gaming solutions, appliances and communications infrastructure products. Embedded applications is not equal to a low end PC.  [2002-11-14 10:56:27]
[答:单词翻译] Embedded Intel Architecture:嵌入式Intel架构North Bridge:北桥 South Bridge:南桥performance/scaleble:性能/可升级 low power:低功耗
[问:jenson] 你们的那颗低功耗celeron和VIA 的eden CPU 相比有什么不同? 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] We have better performance through our benchmark even compared to higher frequency of EDEN. Our price is cheap too. PLs feel free to contact our INtel rep or distis for more detail information.  [2002-11-14 10:59:08]
[答:单词翻译] benchmark:基准  
[问:coscoco] 请问在845G芯片组的平台下开发ADD(AGP DIGITAL DISPLAY)接口卡的资料,VIDEO BIOS等等.在那里可以找到 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] for ADD connetor information, you can find it inside 845G design guide, available inside For video bios, you can search 845G driver inside web site too, and the zip file contain the video bios file.  [2002-11-14 11:00:21]
[问:yuchen9228] 使用嵌入式Intel?结构模块设计能升级的嵌入式解决方案 是否会提升成本支出? 
[答:James-Liu] 这将取决于您对成本及性能的评估标准以及您原来的平台的成本.  [2002-11-14 11:00:52]
[问:HERO_KAI] 请问贵公司芯片的结构是什么样子的?是像DSP一样的哈佛结构, 还是冯氏结构?有流水线么?几条? 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] The processor used by Embedded IA is x86 architecture, pentium, celeron part. It contains the hyperpipe line technology with 20 stages for Pentium 4 class, 10 stages for P6 architecture. Our processor is CISC/x86 architecuture (complex instruction system chip) which has advantage in complex application computing, multimedia etc. Therefore it is not only can perform DSP function, but other function too.  [2002-11-14 11:02:56]
[答:单词翻译] hyperpipe line technology:超管线技术  
[问:安然] 某些机器人控制方案讲究控制器的低功耗、同时强调计算能力强。 嵌入式Intel架构是如何满足这些需求的? 
[答:James-Liu] 在INTEL EID产品系列中,有专为低功耗及小型架构而准备的控制器. 详情请见, index.htm?iid=devnav_btn1+hw_embcomp&  [2002-11-14 11:06:11]
[问:wesley] ARM已经是很耗电了,新的嵌入式CPU因频率的升高而更加耗电,对于 手持设备的单颗锂电来说可能已经承受不了,请问INTEL是否考虑到 这一点而采取的什么措施? 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] For handheld small device, Embedded IA is not that suitable, as thermal is higher but performance is much better. I think you are referring to xscale and arm processor. Our Xscale processor from WCCG group provide high performance and lower power, and we think it is a better scalable and low power products in future. Please contact Intel representative for more information.  [2002-11-14 11:06:44]
[答:单词翻译] handheld:手持  
[问:creesec] intel系统与POWERPC系统有何区别 
[答:James-Liu] INTEL EID产品为CISC架构, 而不是RISC架构  [2002-11-14 11:08:13]
[问:ccx] INTEL的处理器向来以功耗大著称,如何解决功耗问题,以便于 嵌入式应用,有没有具体的roadmap? 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] Yes. Embedded IA Division focusing on low power roadmap to enhance scalability. The roadmap can be obtained from distis or Intel representative. If you refer to recent news, we have provided Ultra Low Voltage Celeron Processor has 3-7W TDP. Besides that, we are going to sell Banias procesor, which has even higher frequency and lower power architecture. Please refer to disti/Intel rep for more detail information  [2002-11-14 11:08:55]
[问:liuqiwu] 在设计和确定可升级的嵌入式方案时,最关键和预先考虑的问题 是什么?约束可升级能力的关键一般在什么方面? 
[答:Teik-Yean-Kuan] Here are the common key considerations for embedded designs :- Scalability & performance- Long life CPU/Chipset support- Rich ecosystems for both hardware & software- Form factor requirements- BOM costUpgradility- CPU/Chipsets offerings (scalability, packaging, speeds)- I/O performance (GbE, FE ...)- Support OS upgrades [2002-11-14 11:09:48]
[答:单词翻译] Scalability:可量测型 BOM cost:总的元器件成本  
[问:coolkiller] does Intel E7500 support only one DDR channel? 
[答:James-Liu] Intel E7500 Memory FeaturesDirect connect DDR memory (up to 16GB)ECC, scrubbing, and chip disable [2002-11-14 11:12:30]
[答:单词翻译] ECC:误码校正, scrubbing:可擦写  
[问:samire] EIA在防“黑客”,有何高招? 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] This very much depends on software too. Sorry as we are not expert at those area.  [2002-11-14 11:12:34]
[问:qin] PC更新周期很快,持久生命周期5-7年如何得知? 
[答:Jackson-Chan] The CPU+Chipsets selling into Embedded Market are supported by a seperated Division (EID, Embedded Intel Architecture Division) which is different from the PC market. We guarantee the at least 5 years life cycles of the CPU+Chipset from EID. This is also one of the key selling point very important to our Embedded customers.  [2002-11-14 11:12:37]
[问:wangmouse] 在显示器中目前最高端的嵌入式解决方案有哪些? 
[答:Teik-Yean-Kuan] For the current EIA offering, 845G chipset offers the highest intgrated graphics display capability.  [2002-11-14 11:12:54]
[问:zheng _su_xian] 1)嵌入式模块是现在发展的方向,那么intel@结构模块用什么软件工 具开发。是否支持Linux(特别是红旗Linux),java平台在上面怎么用?2』升级主要在哪几方面体现出来 
[答:James-Liu] 1. 支持.2. 处理器和芯片组的选择将随着INTEL芯片的发展而不断增加.  [2002-11-14 11:21:40]
[问:erotici simman] 请问怎样获得相关的嵌入式系统开发的环境,相关的硬体上哪里购买, 是否有相关的示例,是否用到LINUX操作系统?谢谢! 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] The development tool information can found on If you look at that web site left column, those information available under "hardware design", "software development" etc. If you are interested to purchase our processor/chipset, we have distis such as Avnet, Synnex, Dragon etc to purchase the processor/chipset. All our processor and chipset can support Linux without any issue. Thanks.  [2002-11-14 11:22:44]
[问:gzg_ 197707155] 报告中提到赛扬低功耗处理器可以用在工业控制中,除已谈到的应用 外,是否可以用在,数控机床等高精度应用场合?该产品何时面世? 
[答:James-Liu] 可以. 我们有一些工业控制的合作厂家正在利用此产品研发相关的硬件 平台. 台湾已经有产品面世, 国内的厂家也会在近期内推出.  [2002-11-14 11:24:43]
[问: david_huge] 在最新公布的关于3.6G的CPU中,对于嵌入式系统的应用是如何应用的, 对于一般的普通用户来讲有什么新体验恩 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] If your system are doing high performance application, such as highspeed media processor, media streaming, network attached storage, SAN, firewall/security etc., You can make use of that high frequency and it"s Netburst architecutre. You can also use it inside high performance terminal/client requires good graphics or multimedia performance too. You would be able to experience the fast frequency and speed at those areas.  [2002-11-14 11:25:16]
[答:单词翻译] media streaming:流媒体,  SAN:局部存储网Netburst architecutre:网络突发结构  
[问:gencomm] 在工控机中celeron是否要和845的芯片组一起使用? 
[答:James-Liu] 不是. P4和845一起.  [2002-11-14 11:28:07]
[问:samire] 据我所知,赛扬是通用性处理器,能否满足特殊领域的特定应用? 比如在通信领域大都喜欢用Power PC而不是586。 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Yes, even though it"s general purpose processor, it still has high performance in integer calculation and other performance compared to other vendors. We do have commuincation infrastructure uses celeron processor for its lower price and software compatibility. Besides, we have higher frequency processor which is not available by other vendors.  [2002-11-14 11:28:59]
[答:单词翻译] integer calculation:整数运算  
[问:samire] P4在交互式终端有具体的应用方案吗?请举例说明。谢谢 
[答:James-Liu] iaclinet/refconfig/845e/845e.htm [2002-11-14 11:29:35]
[问:cherish21] 除了对WinCE、Linux、Vxworks等操作的系统的支持,intel是否还准备 对其他嵌入式操作系统提供支持? 
[答:Ping-Chuin-Ooi] Embedded XP, QNX is also included. Those are few major OSs that we targeting. However, we will also look at customer feedback on what is the OS important too.ThanksPC  [2002-11-14 11:30:08]
[问:gkx1120] 请问SEVEN PINES是什么意思? 
[答:James-Liu] 是INTEL利用P4和845E所提出交互终端的参考设计. iaclient/refconfig/845e/845e.htm  [2002-11-14 11:32:30]
[问:chiez] 1。请问你是否能提供一些比较成功的嵌入式在通信系统中的应用的案例?2。嵌入式应用于通信系统的前景及发展方向?
[答:Teik- Yean-Kuan] 1. EIA is suitable for 3G/2.5G Application/Control Plane designs like RNC/BSC as well as NGN elements like media gateway/server2. Telecom infrastructure industry is currently starting to move towards modularization and standardization for faster time-to-market and cost savings over the long period of time. cPCI 2.16 & aTCA will have bright future. Intel is leading in this effort with key Intel technology leadership through IA processors & Intel Network Processors.  [2002-11-14 11:32:54]
[答:单词翻译] modularization:模块化  standardization:标准化  
[问:ximonyu] 购买你们的芯片是否要收取LICENCE费用? 
[答: Jackson-Chan] No licence fee is requireed for Intel EIA CPU or Chipsets.  [2002-11-14 11:33:03]
[问: shuangcong] 在抗干扰方面,intel的系统有什么优势 
[答:James-Liu] INTEL在网站上有针对抗电磁干扰的参考资料.  [2002-11-14 11:33:52]
[问:meacon] 我们很想在高校教学中引入嵌入式解决方案的内容,请问能否提供免费 资料CD.另外有无最新的教学参考资料?(网址,下载地址) 
[答:Teik- Yean-Kuan] We could arrange to send you a CD for curriculum developent.Pls contact and  [2002-11-14 11:34:40]
[问:zyonghui] INTEL目前有好多芯片组都是支持双CPU的,我不知道双CPU时,是如 何工作的,任务怎么平均分配?两个CPU间如何通信?如何你们不能给 于详细回答,请你给我一些参考资料的网址, 因为我们正在考虑双CPU构架的嵌入式系统。 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Our processor task is either distributed evenly or it may not distribute evenly depending on operating system. Windows, LInux we can have distributed even task. For more information, you can look at this URL: and  [2002-11-14 11:35:10]
[问:qin] Intel的嵌入式结构支持何种操作系统?如何获得第三方的开发工具? 
[答:James-Liu] 操作系统涵盖Windows,Linux,VxWorks等嵌入式应用领域的大部分OS开发工具的建议选择和有关资料可以在INTEL的网站上获得.  [2002-11-14 11:35:57]
[问:asialyz@] intel cpu 设计对热沉有什么特殊要求,是否是采用氮化铝? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Those information are available inside thermal design guide for respective processor/cpu. The thermal design guide is available under Some specific requirement available inside that document.  [2002-11-14 11:38:58]
[答:单词翻译] thermal design:热设计  
[问:huang@] Intel提供Linux下的开发包吗? 
[答:Teik- Yean-Kuan] Intel could provide development kits for Linux vendors  [2002-11-14 11:40:19]
[问:gkx1120] 现在高端嵌入式CPU与低端CPU如51系列区别很大,如何掌握 INTELCPU的芯片功能并能进行设计编程绘图? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] We have a comprehensive software development tool inside developer web site. You can look more information inside by clicking on "software development" part. You can also search for "IA32 software developer manual" for clear programming detail on our cpus.  [2002-11-14 11:41:25]
[问:zlhaii] 请问,我作开发时是否可以在基于相同类型的PC机上开发,然后移植到 嵌入式系统中?另外,要做一个嵌入式系统,除了CPU外,还要用一些芯片 组,他不像单片机那样,集成了基本的I/O,A/D,COUNTER等,我的理解对吗? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Yes, you can use PC board to start develop, may need to change I/O part based on your requirement. Our processor is same as x86 architecuture, therefore you are right that you need a chipset to provide counter, I/O and other miscellaeneous function.  [2002-11-14 11:45:53]
[问:ljp] 一般的嵌入式结构,大都采用MCU/微控制器来实现,与之相比, EIA有何优点? 
[答:Teik- Yean-Kuan] EIA is suitable for wide arrays of applications- performance/scalable- optimized low voltage & small form factors- rich & stable ecosystems both hardware & software platform- long life support of 5-7 years [2002-11-14 11:47:13]
[问:wlwhs] INTEL有嵌入式网络芯片吗? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Yes, we have embedded LAN. Due to I"m not from LAN division, through what I can remember, 82559, gigabit LAN (82544, ANVIK etc.) has embedded life cycle. You can refer to Intel rep for more detail from LAN division.  [2002-11-14 11:48:40]
[答:单词翻译] LAN:局域网  
[问:wlwhs] 目前的P4架构有几级Cache?支持几条pipeline,还有burst吗? 是write through or write back? 
[答:James-Liu] 两级Cache, 20pipeline. 有burst.  [2002-11-14 11:50:19]
[答:单词翻译] Cache:高速缓存 pipeline:管线 burst:突发  
[问:linto] 请问对于安全性应用中的 ssl加速 是如何实现的 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] SSL is a program layer use for data transfer security. INtel CPU has execute SSL functions well by performing encryption/decription. If you need very higher SSL performance and offload cpu loading, you use other co-processor connecting to PCI-PCIX bridge to achieve that.  [2002-11-14 11:51:41]
[答:单词翻译] encryption/decription:加密/解密 co-processor:协处理器  
[问:qin] EIA结构中采用P4和845E芯片组,和一般的PC和笔记本有何区别? Intel是否以此来进入PC以外的领域? 
[答:Teik- Yean-Kuan] EIA focuses on embedded requirements. To quote a few examples : embedded farm factor thermal design, embedded OS compatibilities, BIOS requirements and offers long life support of 5-7 years. [2002-11-14 11:53:11]
[答:单词翻译] compatibilities:兼容性  
[问:zphui] SEVEN PINES是否是英特尔下一个主攻方向? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Yes, it is one of our main focus, because it is first platform uses embedded ATX form factor and very suitable for embedded application. INformation downloadable from  [2002-11-14 11:53:41]
[答:单词翻译] form factor:形状因素  
[问:任兴业] Can we design a module ,which can process multiple formate video signals and realize the conversion between multiple formate video signals,especially for anlog video and multiple digital video. 
[答:James-Liu] Yes, you can. But you need some special video chips. Like encode/decode chip and video in/out chips.  [2002-11-14 11:54:08]
[答:单词翻译] encode/decode:编码/解码  
[问:jiang xiaoguang] INTEL CPU 速度越来越快,散热问题也越来越突出,这方面的研究 有什么进展?以后,是否考虑使用超导材料? 
[答:Ping- Chuin-Ooi] Yes, we are exploring and developing new thermal technology, such as liquid cooling, refrigenerator cooling, high CFM ducted cooling etc. Besides, we are also developing low power roadmap, such as Banias processor to provide low power and high performance cpu still.  [2002-11-14 11:55:25]
[答:单词翻译] liquid cooling:液态冷却 refrigenerator cooling:制冷剂冷却  ducted cooling :管道式冷却  
[问:gencomm] 请问INTEL产品与MOTOLORA的POWERPC有什么优越之处 
[答:Teik- Yean-Kuan] EIA has superior performance/scalability with optimised thermal requirement  [2002-11-14 11:55:39]
[问:ljp] 如何处理赛扬和P4 M处理器字手提设备中的散热问题? 
[答:James-Liu] 可以参考INTEL网站上关于笔记本电脑的散热设计资料.  [2002-11-14 11:55:45]
[问:zyonghui] INTEL处理器作强大的嵌入式系统并不合适,但事实上很多单板都 是基于INTEL的PENTIUM处理器,难道就是因为他们是主流处理器 吗,我认为IBM的POWERPC系列作嵌入式系统更为合适。 
[答:Teik- Yean-Kuan] Intel offers both Embedded IA & Xscale processors to meet different processing needs.  [2002-11-14 11:57:13]
[问:linto] 请问在NAS应用方面的应用 有什么特点? 
[答:James-Liu] NAS在大量数据处理能力中,CPU及硬件平台的性能是关键因素. 因此在此应用中往往会选用较为高端的处理器.  [2002-11-14 11:58:32]
[问: ecnanjing _EBY7E] 对于交互式用户,如DVB-C的中间件INTEL的嵌入式系统有什么解决方案。 
[答:James-Liu] eiacomm/entry4/entry4.htm [2002-11-14 12:00:48]
[问:] 嵌入式系统中如何使用 linux
[答:] Any application can use Linux for lower cost consideration, such as IPC, NAS, communication infrastructure, interactive client, terminal etc.
[问:] 在单片机方面,如何更好的利用INTEL的嵌入式系统呢
[答:] By utilizing our embedded design guide available through You can get maximum performance.
[问:] 请简要介绍几种基于Intel@嵌入式系统的开发工具?thanks!
[答:] Cadence simulation tool, ITP emulator from American Arium, C++ compiler, Vtune performance etc. List available in
[问:] can you give a simple comparison between your EIA and ARM/MIPS embedded SoC scheme?
[答:] EIA has floating point. ARM/MIPS is very low-power
[问:] INTEL和IBM的CPU同样采用0.13um技术,同频下IBM的性能还高于INTEL的,为什么INTEL的功耗远大于IBM的,在嵌入式系统我想进行多CPU设计,但因其功率,我简直无法设计。
[答:] I may need to understand more on your issue, such as the application you are using, benchmark that are used etc. We have thermal design guide to assist designing in DP. The reference design available inside We have thermal design guideline helping you to design inside embedded application too.
[问:] 请问这些能支持我WINDOWS CE么?
[答:] If you are asking WinCE support on Intel chipset, yes, we do have WinCE driver support for Intel chipset.
[问:] 嵌入式系统用于单片机对系统资源有何要求?
[答:] Industrial PC need complex instruction process that can make use of EIA embedded architecture. Therefore EIA with CISC can be fully utilized for IPC without issue.
[问:] 1. Do you support IDE for embeded design 2. We are concerned over Cost.
[答:] Intel chipsets support IDE
[问:] 贵公司能否提供免费的操作系统
[答:] Intel does not own any OS.
[问:] 有没有更低价位、用于消费类产品的系统或芯片?
[答:] Intel has many types of embedded CPU. 8/16-bit CPUs are the most cost efficient
[问:] Intel的处理器未来会突破10G大关吗?贵司有没有研发新的架构?
[答:] Intel is heading towards that direction.
[问:] INTEL处理器和其它处理器相比为什么都不提供相应的可对比的指标,如Dhrystone2.1的MIPS能力,这让人相当不解。
[答:] Intel processor (Xscale & EIA) has the highest MIPS benchmark in the market
[问:] 贵司的嵌入系统应用于什么环境
[答:] Interactive client, terminal, Industrial PC, 3G/2.5G platform, communication appliance etc. digital printer etc.
[问:] 这么高档的CPU,对于目前我们的嵌入式系统设计是否有必要?采用ARM系列和DSP系列这样的高档CPU应该完全可以做到我们想做的,性能应该也不差。
[答:] It is very difficult to program DSP, and DSP is not flexible enough to upgrade features.
[问:] 这么高档的CPU,对于目前我们的嵌入式系统设计是否有必要?采用ARM系列和DSP系列这样的高档CPU应该完全可以做到我们想做的,性能应该也不差。
[答:] It is very difficult to program DSP, and DSP is not flexible enough to upgrade features.
[问:] 不好意思,请各位专家指点:通常PDA,手机等嵌入式系统使用什么OS?UC/OS-II和LINUX典型地应用在那些产品中?比较小型的系统应该选 用那一种OS最好?无限感激!
[答:] It typically uses Proprietary O/S or Nucleus.
[问:] Intel的strongARM对Linux的支持很好,但是,在Intel网站上没有非常详细的Linux开发的技术文档。请问,能在Intel网站上找到Linux驱动开发的相关技术支持吗?
[答:] Linux is not developed by Intel. Please refrer to Linux 3rd parties
[问:] 我想知道intel的嵌入式系统的集成开发环境有什么新的产品,谢谢
[答:] Many 3rd parties have products help the product development
[问:] EIA的指令结构和MCU/DSP有何不同?
[答:] not compatible
[问:] I want know:compare with other embedded MPU,such as Mot&quot;s ColdFire 52XX series,Intel&quot;s embeeded MPU is advantage in which direction
[答:] Our CPU is based on CISC architecture, and others based on RISC architecture. Different application has different advantage on different CPU. If you are doing computing intensive application or multimedia centric application. EIA is a good choice.
[问:] how to use Linux operating system on it?
[答:] Pentium family CPU supports Linux very well.
[问:] 贵司的嵌入系统的主要特点是什么
[答:] Performance and long life support (at least 5 years)
[问:] 请讲解一下intel架构的嵌入式方案。 谢谢!
[答:] Please check the presentation, if you have further question on specific area, please feel free to contact us.
[问:] The Intel construction model design concerning single chip computer or microcomputer?
[答:] Please consult Intel Representatives
[问:] 请问嵌入式开发领域主要有那些厂商在做,Intel和其他的厂家相比有什么优势?
[答:] Please consult Intel Representatives
[问:] 我们购买了PXA250的开发板,为什么我们不能将一个大于28MB的NK。NB0文件灌入FLASH?
[答:] Please consult Intel Representatives
[问:] 当我们采用EBT的方式让开发板运行WINCE。NET,它的启动很慢是不是开发板的原因,并不是XSCALE芯片的效率问题?
[答:] Please consult Intel Representatives
[问:] 有没有用于桥接不同系统或网络之间的嵌入式芯片?比如:有线宽带系统和无线宽带系统的桥接,主要问题是价格要比较低,更新换代方便的。
[答:] Please consult Intel Representatives
[问:] 有什么新的技术和产品?
[答:] Please consult Intel Representatives
[问:] Intel 的结构模块设计有什么特点?我是新手,学会的话要多长的时间?
[答:] Please consult Intel Representatives
[问:] How can I design a embedded product within USB host controller which can connect many kinds of the slave style USB product?
[答:] Please consult Intel Representatives
[答:] Please refer to to search for the platform driver (eg. 845, 815 or others). Download the driver and the video bios with AIM/AIMless contained inside the zipped file.
[问:] 请问我用CPLD/FPGA作为ADD(AGP DIGITAL DISPLAY)的主控芯片该如何生成AIM BIOS文件,在INTEL网站找不到相关资料,
[答:] Please refer to to search for the platform driver (eg. 845, 815 or others). Download the driver and the video bios with AIM/AIMless contained inside the zipped file.. If you cannot find it, pls contact Intel rep or disti and they can help you.
[问:] 会不会影响速度?
[答:] Please re-submit question
[问:] would pentium&quot;s &quot;micro operation&quot; continues or intel&quot;s general purpose processors absolutely become&quot;RISC&quot;
[答:] Please re-submit question
[问:] 我想知道Intel有那些嵌入式的芯片呢?
[答:] processors for PDA, network (SOHO & high-end)
[问:] 请问是否支持psos,所提的vxworks包括psos吗?
[答:] PSOS is not included.
[问:] 'i&quot;ve read PXA250 processor family&quot;s document,i found its lcd display model is not powerful enough to support AGP,so is there any solution?
[答:] PXA250 is not intended to support AGP. In stead, it supports LCD panel directly.
[问:] 那么intel在将来会把这种芯片应用到掌上电脑上面吗?
[答:] PXA250 is the latest product for handheld devices.
[问:] 请问: INTEL公司有没有关于8或16比特微处理器总线到PCI总线转换芯片的产品?
[答:] Sorry No
[问:] 请问,ULV celeron 还是使用speedstep技术吗?intel 有新的解决方案吗?
[答:] Speedstep is not enabled in ULV Celeron.
[问:] 为什么不使用你们的strongARM,而是新的EIA架构?
[答:] StrongARM & EIA are targeting different market.
[问:] Why P4 and celeron must work company with chipset but xscale and strongARM don&quot;t?
[答:] StrongARM is SoC (System on Chip) where P4 is CPU only
[问:] 请问StrongARM的指令系统与86指令是否相同,如果用它作嵌入设计,比起8051,X86有何好处,另外,它是否支持LINUX开发?
[答:] StrongARM use ARM instruction which is not compatible with x86. 8051 uses another instruction set.
[问:] 我是一个目前从事单片机设计者.请问嵌入式系统主要有那几部份构成?有的嵌入式CPU内本身有TCP/IP协议吗?最简单的嵌入式CPU的价格和现在的51系列相比如何?目前最流行的嵌入式CPU是什么? 如何学好嵌入式系统的开发?
[答:] TCP/IP is supported in software
[问:] 基于PENTIUM是系统,都是采用南北桥的构架,由于两个大规模的芯片,因此非常不适合于嵌入式系统。其实在嵌入式系统中,南北桥提供的很多资源都是没有用的。INTEL当务之急应该是开发单片的适合于嵌入式系统桥芯片
[答:] Thanks for the feedback. The multi chip options is to provide validation scalability in the future to paired together differently for different I/O use. Appreciate your feedback.
[问:] 1、嵌入式系统与台式机的开发环境相差多大?
[答:] There is no big difference, as standard tool can be used. Embedded will need more complex environment as need special thermal design or software/bios unique development.
[问:] 请问:嵌入式系统的协议?它是如何工作的?
[答:] There is no standard for embedded CPU
[问:] 目前是否有小封装和无风扇设计的低电压Intel Pentium?处理器?
[答:] ULV Pentium III 400MHz, ULV Celeron 400MHz
[问:] 刚才的讲座说你们的功耗很低,电压只有0.9V,我很想知道你们的高电平电压是0.9,低电平是多少,又怎么能提高抗干扰能力呢?
[答:] Voltage supply is 0.95V. It is a voltage supply, not data signal, thus does not has logic "1" or "0".
[问:] 能否提供超小体积适合工控的评估板吗?
[答:] We do have, depending on your platform requirement. Please feel free to raise the request through Intel rep or our distis.
[问:] 1、 采用Intel Pentium?4 处理器进行芯片级开发主板的主要技术难点在那里? 2、 可以提前下载本次在线座谈的各种播放资料,何时可下载?
[答:] We don't see any difficulty. Basic X86 design experience and debug skill is sufficient. The tougher part may be thermal design if you have a very small form factor and chassis, but we also has thermal design guide teaching on how to design pentium 4 inside 1U chassis too. If you are designing CPCI form factor, you can use P4P-mobile as we used in our ZT5515 board.
[问:] 1、在处理能力和功耗方面,Intel的处理器与同类其他厂家的处理器有哪些优势?
[答:] We have big L2 cache and Netburst architecture (P4P) in enhancing processing capability. We have strong integer calculation performance too ( We have ultra low power part such as 400MHz and 650 MHz as in our roadmap. We also have high performance low power such as LV Tualatin 800/933mHz provides 512k cache but low TDP too with <13W (TDPmax). Typical will be even lower.
[问:] 关于多CPU如何设计,工作的问题,你刚才没有给我详细的信息资料。
[答:] We have DP design guide for each processor type, example
[问:] 能简单介绍一下用贵公司的芯片是如何和操作系统结合吗?
[答:] We work with major OS vendor, including Windows, Monta Vista etc. to port their OS on our processor/chipset. OS vendor has information to enable OS on processing all registers, manupulating data etc with our support.
[问:] is it X-scale chip module? what kind of architeture it applies? ARM-9 or ARM-11? comparied with Ti&quot;s OMAP platform, what is the advantage?
[答:] Xscale is ARM V5.TE compatible.
[问:] 我想问的问题是:Intel公司生产的两种嵌入式处理器:SA-1100和这种Pentium? 4处理器作为嵌入式处理器相比,主要的设计上的考虑有什么差别?为什么要这么设计?
[答:] Xscale is targeted low-power embedded market. Pentium is targeted for x86 compatible market.
[问:] 是否有嵌入式工业以太网的解决方案?
[答:] Yes Intel has Embedded Ethernet solution for both 10/100M and GbE. For detail information, please contact our sales force
[问:] 在千兆以太网方面,INTEL是否有自己的芯片组
[答:] Yes Intel has Embedded Ethernet solution for both 10/100M and GbE. For detail information, please contact our sales force
[问:] OK! How to design only one PCI-X interface using Intel P64H2?
[答:] Yes, it can be done. Please refer to Xeon/E7500 design guide available inside
[问:] HI,how do you do? can i ask that whether Intel E7500 MCH can support only one DDR channel?
[答:] Yes, it can. Please feel free to contact Intel rep or distis to get the document.
[问:] 两个问题:1,ULV celeron 的参考设计,datasheet 的最终版有出吗? ball out 是否确定?2,Intel 是否已在深圳设立应用设计中心,目前提供技术支援吗?有无EMAIL?谢谢!
[答:] Yes, it has been published on web site, campaigns/eia2002-13.htm. Pls contact for further information.
[问:] 是否有开发模板提供?可以用通用计算机主板改进后进行开发吗?
[答:] Yes, please consult Intel Representitives
[问:] 请问,我作开发时是否可以在基于相同类型的PC机上开发,然后移植到嵌入式系统中?另外,要做一个嵌入式系统,除了CPU外,还要用一些芯片组,他不像单片机那样,集成了基本的I/O,A/D,COUNTER等,我的理解对吗?
[答:] Yes, that's valid for EIA. Our whole platform requires cpu and chipsets. You can migrate from PC board and make modification to suit for embedded need based on your requirement.
[问:] 是xscale 系列吗?
[答:] Yes, Xscale has many versions: for PDA, network processors
[问:] 请问在什么方案下,xcale能替代DSP(有数据处理)?
[答:] Yes, Xscale is fast enough to replace many functions in DSP
[问:] 介绍中的赛扬和P4 M处理器功耗能否降低到用在以电池为能源的手提设备?
[答:] Yes. ULV ICP 400MHz and P4P-M can be used in battery-powered application. P4P-M is used in laptop design too.