
热门关键字: 嵌入式控制器 智能家居解决方案 随机存取存储器 流媒体 



[问:dukerom] 目前IC芯片的功耗在逐步降低,供电电压已降至1.5V,而传统5V供电芯片也在大量使用,这样在进行系统设计时,电源设计就是一个很大的问题,一个系统中,不同的芯片需要不同的工作电压,由此造成系统设计复杂化,各芯片接口部分产生诸多不确定错误,比如3V在5V芯片中会误认为低电平,如果加转换器件,又增加成本,请问如何解决系统设计中的此类问题? 
[答:Manson_Chan] In fact, our IC"s can handle multiple outputs. For example, one of our DVD player power supply board has 6 outputs.  Each of them can be regulated.  It also contains low voltages and high voltages together.  The most important is to design the power supply as a system, not individual output.  [2002-11-12 10:33:48]
[答:单词翻译] multiple outputs:多输出DVD player:DVD播放机 power supply board:供电电路板 regulated:调节??low voltages :低压individual output:单输出.  
[问:YOUWEN818] 对于TV类产品(大约250W),待机功耗小于1W的方案有吗? 
[答:Hector_Ng] Yes, we have a new device NCP1209 that is designed for TV application.  Stanby power can meet less than 1W.  [2002-11-12 10:36:17]
[答:单词翻译] Stanby Power:待机功耗  
[问:tjung] 开关变压器的参数设计,安森美有提供什么样的计算方式? 
[答:T_K_Man] Right now we do have some tools, Excel, simulation models, etc. to help customer to calculate the transformers. We will keep on develope more and more to help around.  In case you have any needs, please send us a email see whether we can do something for you.  [2002-11-12 10:37:18]
[答:单词翻译] simulation models:仿真模型transformers:变压器  
[问:gaoxin2988] 贵公司的芯片待机1W以下,正符合“降低待机能耗、促进节能环5保”。 但是,请问你们这一设计技术是否成熟,是否比原先的高功耗设计稳定? 
[答:Manson_Chan] The technology is very mature and very stable.  [2002-11-12 10:37:44]
[问:tjung] 采用安森美芯片的产品,在电磁兼容性方面应该做什么样的处理? 
[答:Tony_Chen] Basicly, it should according to the normal EMC process to consider whole of circuit.e.g.  PCB lay out, Transformer structure, line Input filtering SMPS working mode, sheilding...Some of ours chip could secure the working mode under critical stage, that also could remove many of EMC problem.  [2002-11-12 10:38:50]
[答:单词翻译] EMC process :电磁兼容处理PCB lay out:PCB布线Transformer structure:变压器结构line Input :线路输入filtering :滤波SMPS working mode:开关电源工作模式sheilding:屏蔽  
[问:leleg] 你们的节电王IC产品,如NCP1200 、NCP1203、NCP1205、 MC44608等可以提供样片吗?如可以,怎么联系? 
[答:Manson_Chan] Of course, we can provide samples. You may contact our local distributors.  If you have difficulties, please email to  [2002-11-12 10:38:51]
[答:单词翻译] samples:样品local distributors:本地分销商  
[问:tjung] 我看了推荐的方案,在AC输入端有有并接一个1M的电阻, 不知道对输入端的高压试验或雷击有什么样的影响? 
[答:Hector_Ng] Instantanously, the 1MEG resistor will help to leak away some current during surge test.  However, it will increase standby power. [2002-11-12 10:40:08]
[答:单词翻译] resistor :电阻leak:漏泄 surge test:浪涌检测  
[问:汪顺留] 1:采用变压器次级绕组提供60V高压降低至5V时,待机功耗约多少?使用安森美1200P40,变压器次级绕组电压能否升高至80V?2:使用安森美1200P40能否配用4N60系列MOS管? 
[答:Tony_Chen] Yes, NCP1200 at least has two method to power it, one is by DSS, and another method is to use auxiliary winding, it could drive 4N60 no problem, and it safe under power by axiliary winding.  [2002-11-12 10:41:06]
[答:单词翻译] auxiliary winding:辅助绕组  
[问:zyq558] 请问:安森美开发了一系列用于开关电源的节电王IC产品具体在中国普及的时间是多长。 
[答:Manson_Chan] The IC"s are becoming popular now.  A lot of big companies, e.g. TCL, is using our parts.  [2002-11-12 10:41:17]
[问:tjung] 光电耦合器的参数选择是什么样的?要求的参数范围是怎么样的? 
[答:Hector_Ng] Most important parameter of a opto-coupler is the CTR (Current Transfer Ratio).  As a rule of thumb, select CTR in the range of 60% to 300%.  [2002-11-12 10:41:51]
[答:单词翻译] parameter 参数of a opto-coupler 光电耦合器CTR (Current Transfer Ratio):电流传输比??range:范围  
[问:sunjc] 一个系统要降低功耗,一般应该从哪几方面来入手解决呢? 
[答:T_K_Man] From the system point of view, not only talking about standby, efficiency is number one.  The first thing we need to do is making the system efficiency as high as possible. In order to do that, we need to identify where are the power loss gone, i.e. heat generated with current flowing through the power MOSFET, Rds(on) of the FET determine the loss in this case.  This kind of exercise need to be applied to every power elements in the system.  [2002-11-12 10:42:36]
[答:单词翻译] system :系统efficiency :效率??identify :识别power loss:功率损耗 current flowing:电流流动 power MOSFET:功率MOS管 FET :场效应晶体管  
[问:amchk] 對DVD電源待機功率最小可以做到多少? 
[答:Manson_Chan] It can achieve 0.4W.  [2002-11-12 10:42:57]
[问:davidwei] 请介绍一下安森美公司的产品大致分类,和致力于降低待机功耗的产品优势。 
[答:Manson_Chan] I"ll suggest customers to visit our websites,English : www.onsemi.comChinese :  [2002-11-12 10:44:03]
[问:ljp] NCP系列好像对变压器特殊要求?如何设计辅助绕组? 
[答:Tony_Chen] All of the switch mode power supply is same on the axiliary winding design, but NCP series is more easilier than before, that mostly comes from it DSS self power function, while the load is very light, or the transient from heavy to light, the duty decreased, and then axiliary winding voltage drops, some of normal pwm IC would power down, but NCP series e.g. NCP1200, could change to DSS mode and powered directly from power line.Becareful not to over the max.  voltage on the datasheet e.g. 16V  and also take care on coupling on winding of transformer  [2002-11-12 10:45:31]
[答:单词翻译] switch mode :开关模式datasheet:数据表  
[问:xue7711] 在计算机,特别是笔记本电脑中的解决方案是否成熟?特别是在原有的节能模块比较成熟的情况下,有何优势? 
[答:Manson_Chan] Our solutions are very popular and a lot of customers use our NCP1200,03,05 in adaptors (notebook, LCD monitor, game machine...).Our solutions achieve high efficiency, at the same time have very low standby power.  The technology is very mature.  [2002-11-12 10:47:13]
[答:单词翻译] adaptors:适配器  
[问] 我们公司正在开发的手持设备中用到了GSM模块,请问贵公司有没有相关GSM模块的电源管理芯片,可以尽量降低其功耗?可否提供相关的解决方案,谢谢! 
[答:Manson_Chan] Please send your requirement to have other products to fit for hand-held products.  [2002-11-12 10:49:03]
[问:andesgao] 请问onsemi的节能产品有哪些适合在手机中的应用? 
[答:Manson_Chan] Yes, we do.  Please send your detail requirement to me,  [2002-11-12 10:50:40]
[问:yanghour@] 请问您公司提供的节能芯片能能在军品中使用不?主要是温度要求? 
[答: Manson_Chan] I am afraid ON does not make MIL grade products.  [2002-11-12 10:51:20]
[答:单词翻译] MIL grade products:军工产品  
[问:l5678n] 能否提供仿真软件 
[答:T_K_Man] Some of our products already have the models and avaliable for free download in our website and we are trying our best to provide that for all our coming up products as well. Our websit address is :  [2002-11-12 10:51:21]
[答:单词翻译] free download :免费下载  
[问:wangzhu1] 可否提供贵司应用于开关电源的器件的应用电路 
[答:Hector_Ng] Yes, there are a number of application circuits available in our datasheet and website.  If you want more specific application diagrams, please contact our sales offices or distributors.  [2002-11-12 10:52:06]
[答:单词翻译] application diagrams:应用图  
[问:szdicke] 测量待机功耗是输入电压最大值还是最小值? 
[答:Hector_Ng] The standby power is tested at 220V typ.  [2002-11-12 10:52:32]
[问:amchk] 針對DVD可以提供何種芯片做到0.4W。我們的輸出功率260瓦? 
[答: Manson_Chan] NCP1200 fits for DVD players (20-30W) and achieved 0.4W.Your application is not simply DVD player.  It should be DVD+AMP.  We have solutions with NCP1203 (140W) and other devices.  Let me know your details by email to  [2002-11-12 10:55:34]
[答:单词翻译] DVD+AMP:DVD+放大器  
[问: yuchen9228] 通过高电压技求降低待机能耗,在成本方面是否过高? 
[答: Manson_Chan] The cost is very competitive.  [2002-11-12 10:57:00]
[问:gaoxin2988] 我们是致力于DVD开发的企业,现在,我们开发PD-100,也就是便携式DVD,请问贵公司的产品是否可以应用于此产品? 
[答:Manson_Chan] We can support the ac-dc adaptor with the NCP120x series.  Inside the DVD players, we have other dc-dc converters.  [2002-11-12 10:57:59]
[答:单词翻译] ac-dc adaptor:ac-dc 适配器 dc-dc converters:dc-dc 转换器  
[问:Roboy] 安森美提供的应用示例是否可以直接用于产品设计? 
[答: Manson_Chan] Yes of course.  [2002-11-12 10:58:50]
[问:杨厚荣] 先生您好:我一直从事油田井下电子压力计和流量计的设计工作,存储式井下仪器的功耗问题是我们关注的热点。我想请问在150度高温下单片机和其他器件的待机功耗应怎样考虑?能否提供这方面的采购信息? 
[答: Manson_Chan] I am afraid ON does not produce MCU.  For other IC"s, 150 deg. environment is too harsh.  [2002-11-12 11:02:55]
[问:ljp] 可变频率模式的频率如何变化?随负载的大小而变化吗?什么时候开始变化? 
[答:Hector_Ng] Switching frequency is dependent on load and line condition for Quasi-resonant or valley switching mode.  Load increases, switching frequency decreases.  Line voltage increases, switching frequency increases.  ON devices has special techniques to interrupt this phenomenon to reduce switching frequency under light light condition.  [2002-11-12 11:02:56]
[答:单词翻译] Switching frequency :开关频率valley switching mode:低谷开关模式  
[问:ljp] Vds零电压开关如何实现?是否需要在外电路加检测电路? 
[答:Tony_Chen] We use Quasi-Resonant method to detect this, for ours QR mode controller, it don"t need to add addtional circuit for it.  [2002-11-12 11:03:31]
[答:单词翻译] We use Quasi-Resonant :准谐振  
[问:luoshn] 关于待机功耗,1。在设计时应当注意那些方面的问题?2。在测试时又应当注意什么样的问题? 
[答:Manson_Chan] You may refer to page 3 of the presentation to see the source of loss and cure it one by one.Testing technique is covered on page 24.  [2002-11-12 11:04:55]
[答:单词翻译] .  
[问:szdicke] 有些解决方案辅助绕组供电时需加稳压管,这样是不是过压保护功能实现不了? 
[答:Hector_Ng] A zener diode is added at the Vcc pin to protect the IC from damaged.  If over voltage protection is needed, some more external components have to be added.  Please refer to our ap. notes. AND8069.  [2002-11-12 11:06:20]
[答:单词翻译] zener diode:稳压管 ap. notes:应用指南  
[问:howtouse] 高电压待机激活,是否对电路寿命是否有很大影响! 
[答: Manson_Chan] No, our IC can stand high voltage.  [2002-11-12 11:06:25]
[问:amchk] 你理解非常正確。DVD+AMP+RADIO, output power require 260w, and 對EMC有要求,有這樣的ic,電路簡單,可靠性高,板面小。請將相關file發到   或,thks.  
[答:Manson_Chan] OK, I"ll contact you later.  [2002-11-12 11:08:51]
[问:tjung] 在AC输入端串接的共膜滤波器电感的参数选择是怎么样的? 
[答:Hector_Ng] Generally speaking, higher wattage power supply needs higher inductance common mode choke.  Its value should be in the range of 10mH to 47mH.  Higher inductance will affect the characteristic of the choke.  Therefore, some times two stages of EMI filter is needed.  [2002-11-12 11:09:01]
[答:单词翻译] common mode choke:共模扼流圈  
[问:steve] 有无用于复印机电源的成熟电路.通常情况下在定影时的输出功率达一千瓦以上,但整机设计又须符合ENGERGY STAR 
[答:Hector_Ng] With such high power, it is difficult to achieve low standby by one power supply.  You have to consider using two power supplies approach.  During standby, the main power should be switched off.  [2002-11-12 11:11:34]
[问:zlhaii] 请问你们的节能产品哪些可以在打印机中使用? 
[答:T_K_Man] In foreseeable future, standby power will be a key to all office equipments. We are able to support printer and actually our products are already used in many famous printer brand names.  [2002-11-12 11:12:13]
[问:qin] 准谐振的频率如何确定?介绍说,它能降低EMI,它的原理是什么? 
[答: Manson_Chan] There is an application notes on web about determining QR frequency.  Please type NCP1205 in our web to search it.QR reduces EMI because it switches on MOSFET at lowest Vds (see page 13).  The current spike at switch-on is one of the main source of EMI issues.  QR reduces the spike effectively.  [2002-11-12 11:12:47]
[答:单词翻译] current spike :电流尖峰  
[问:simonrush] 在待机状态,能耗的降低会不会将系统稳定性降低? 
[答:Tony_Chen] For two method under standby:1.hight voltage winding down to MCU low voltage power, the system would into burst mode, the output voltage has more ripple, but it still under feedback loop, so for some of critical application, a linear regulator e.g. 7805 is suitable for this.  e.g. NCP1209 or MC44608.2.for NCP1200, that would be a very small ripple, e.g. 2.5% of output, that"s quite safe to directly drive MCU.Either of method is sure they are still in control loop under standby  [2002-11-12 11:12:55]
[答:单词翻译] burst mode:触发模式ripple:波纹feedback loop:反馈回路critical application:主要应用linear regulator:线性调整器  
[问:ljp] 变压器的质量如漏磁,对待机功耗有何影响? 
[答:Tony_Chen] Yes, they are the key issue for both of standby and normal power efficiency.Decrease leackage inductance as possible as you can, and that could also increase the system reliability  [2002-11-12 11:14:37]
[答:单词翻译] leackage inductance:漏磁 system reliability:系统稳定性  
[问:qin] 降低待机功耗,IC起到很重要作用。除此之外,它还和什么因素有关?比如变压器,阻容元件? 
[答:T_K_Man] A good control IC is the key to the solution, however you can"t realise it without good quality transformer, and capacitors.  [2002-11-12 11:17:00]
[答:单词翻译] capacitors:电容  
[问:szdicke] 贵司产品所采用的高压源技术.降频技术等,似乎别的电源IC也有采用,请问贵司产品的特点在哪里? 
[答:Hector_Ng] ONsemi devices have very few pins, very few external components and yet very flexible in programming standby power level.  [2002-11-12 11:18:10]
[问:gliang2] Q1:待机功耗与电源功率以及频率有何关系?Q2:目前国际标准要求待机功耗是多少?现在实用电源的最低待机功耗是多少?Q3:国际上有那几种方法实现待机?哪种最先进? 
[答:Manson_Chan] Q1. In SMPS, switching loss plays an important role, lowering the switching freq. can reduce switching loss.Q2. It depends on what products and where to ship to.  For adaptors, IEA recommends 0.75W for adaptors, US President Bush request 1W.  ON"s products can meet all these requirements.Q3.  There are various methods, ON"s solutions have been proven to be cost effective.  [2002-11-12 11:19:50]
[答:单词翻译] switching loss :开关损耗
[问:yokexu] 除了芯片以外,被动元件的选择对待机功耗的影响有多大?ON对选择被动元件有何建议? 
[答:Tony_Chen] That"s quite depends on different application and working mode.Normally, under standby mode, the high voltage side has bigimpact on standby power, that not only need controller to decrease working current and leackage , but also need some of pass parts to further decrease it on start up circuit.Switching loss is another issue, you have to select a low gate charge MOSFET in this kind of usage.From secondary side, the secondary reconfigeration mode could save more power under multy-output situation, but some of parts working speed is quite important, e.g. MC44608 using this method, the swithc (SCR) is important.  [2002-11-12 11:20:55]
[答:单词翻译] bigimpact :大的影响working current :工作电流.  
[问:amchk] 我們DVD電源有11組輸出,變壓器如何設計最佳,才能保証輸出的電壓在空栽和滿栽時變動小?如何提高效率,降低噪聲? 
[答: Manson_Chan] There is no simple answer.  Please contact me by sending your contact info. to me.  [2002-11-12 11:22:06]
[问:szdicke] in order to reduce the standby power cost,i think it is important that how to select a discrete component,could you tell me how to do that?thank you. 
[答:Tony_Chen] Do you mean the MOSFET?Low gate charge and Cds would be helpful.  [2002-11-12 11:22:56]
[答:单词翻译] gate charge :栅电荷  
[问:ljp] 待机功耗与电源的转换效率有什么联系? 
[答:Hector_Ng] Generally speaking, an efficient power supply at full load will be easier to meet standby power requirement at light load or low load.  However, standby power regulation is get tighter and tighter.  One need special scheme to achieve standby power within regulation such as ONsemi"s switching controllers.  [2002-11-12 11:25:15]
[问:xuyonglu] 曾经有报道说家庭待机能耗水平平均占用耗电总量的8%,其中视听产品的待机功耗占总待机功耗的68.6%,炊具占13.2%,电话占7.8%,制冷设备占7.7%,其他占2.7%,请问这个数据准确吗? 
[答:Manson_Chan] It depends on country to country.  We have some statitics to compare.  For sure, audio/visual products are key sources.  [2002-11-12 11:27:19]
[问:qin] 采用准谐振,对电源的参数有何影响比如波纹系数等? 
[答:Tony_Chen] QR mode is a kind of critical mode, the response of loading is very quick , that would be best one in SMPS (to comare with Continunous mode), if the loading change from the lowest (even to zero) and step to highest of power rating, that system would be ideally to use.From other side, some of switching noise is to be high, that because of in this mode, the peak current would much higher, take care on PCB routing and rectifier ... selection...  [2002-11-12 11:28:13]
[答:单词翻译] switching noise :开关噪声peak current :峰值电流PCB routing PCB布板  
[问:lby] 1。NCP系列能做到70W以上的开关电源吗?2、有没有比较典型的应用,电路参数如何计算?都是入门的问题。但我们现在需要了解!谢谢 
[答:T_K_Man] 1. We have various devices to provide solution for different level of power output levels, please visit our websit for more informations.2. Its a long question, may need few days to cover, I suggest you can visit our website and download some application notes as a starting point.  [2002-11-12 11:29:05]
[问:hnstar] 能否将供电分组,只是提供给控制芯片电压,将其他的回路休眠? 
[答:Manson_Chan] There are various ways to implement.  We have such circuit to supply MCU only in TV at standby. Please check our MC44608 datasheet.  [2002-11-12 11:29:33]
[问: yanghour@] 请问:安森美产品在解决了待机功耗问题后,其可靠性有没有提高,能提高多少倍? 
[答: Manson_Chan] There is no direct relationship.  [2002-11-12 11:31:17]
[问: sky_walking] On Sami 是否有较新颖的适用于测试仪表方面的节能方案?After all say thank you to Manson_Chan & say hello to everybody! 
[答:T_K_Man] Can you provide more specific requirements on the end applications you are talking about.  [2002-11-12 11:32:16]
[问:wlywy] 降低待机能耗的技术的关键是什么?能降低到什么程度? 
[答:Hector_Ng] To reduce standby power, one has to reduce number of switching cycle and yet has to maintain output in regulation.  At the present moment, we can achieve less than 0.1W under load condition for a 70W universal power supply.  [2002-11-12 11:33:13]
[答:单词翻译] switching cycle :开关周期  
[问:wlywy] 陈先生,您好,请问使用NCP1200做AC/DC时,其最大的输入范围(86~260ACV???)和输出最大功率是多少;做FCC/UL需注意些什么,谢谢! 
[答:Manson_Chan] NCP1200 can handle 86-260Vac.  The max. output quite depends on your MOSFET and transformer size.  We have circuit tested to drive 70W.  EMI should be consider at system level, not IC alone.  [2002-11-12 11:35:32]
[问:hchci] 请问 电源输入电压对待机功能耗有多大的影响 
[答:Tony_Chen] Yes, Again Primary is very important for standby power consumption, the higher the input voltage, the more difficult to decrease standby power, that means for a contry using 110VAC, and 220VAC, the first one would comes lower standby power under same ours SMPS.That major comes from working current, snubber circuit and all of primary side components leakage...  [2002-11-12 11:35:47]
[答:单词翻译] snubber circuit: 阻尼电路  
[问:amchk] 能否為我們DVD+AMP+RADIO提供更佳,更完善的解決方案和技朮支持。0755-84825511-228 liu. 
[答:Manson_Chan] I"ll contact you later to further discuss.  [2002-11-12 11:36:31]
[问:YOUWEN818] MC44608做成单端反激式电路能最大做成多大的输出? 
[答:Tony_Chen] The only limitation is the Flyback mode itself.MC44608 could delivery over 200W to load. and if the input voltage range is smaller, it could be higher (e.g. using a kind PFC before it)  [2002-11-12 11:40:31]
[答:单词翻译] Flyback mode:反激式  
[问:hchci] 请问 电源输入电压波动对待机功能耗有多大的影响 
[答:Hector_Ng] Usually, higher standby power is needed for higher AC input voltage.  [2002-11-12 11:40:39]
[问:xuyonglu] 在推进降低待机能耗的过程中,电源管理技术是重中之重,贵公司生产的电源管理芯片能将待机功耗从8W降到多少?在电源管理芯片的线路上做了哪些多优化,在待机状态采用了哪些技术, 
[答: Manson_Chan] The technology was covered in the presentation, e.g., HV start up, pulse-skipping, etc. We have examples showed in the slides that ON"s part can achieve <0.1W.  Of course, it depends on applications.  [2002-11-12 11:42:15]
[问:ekylin] 我初次来,请问NCP12xx主要针对哪些产品的电源设计呢? 
[答: Manson_Chan] NCP120x are general purpose IC"s and they can be used everywhere in flyback topology.  Key applications include adaptors, DVD players, PC power supplies, TV, etc.  [2002-11-12 11:44:06]
[问:alerm] 想请教在使用电池供电的便携式产品中,如何做到较低的待机功耗? 
[答:Manson_Chan] Please consider NCP14xx series from ON, e.g., NCP1400, 1402, 1410, 1411, 1450 and more.  [2002-11-12 11:45:18]
[问:yxm123] 安森美的这些节能芯片有没有其他公司对应芯片? 
[答: Manson_Chan] I am afraid not.  [2002-11-12 11:46:13]
[问:xuyonglu] 降低待机能耗需要多方面的努力,你能具体说说吗? 
[答:Manson_Chan] ON"s products provide very effective solution.  Please refer to our portfolio and application notes.  [2002-11-12 11:47:51]
[问:sir7] 如何将低压控振荡器的功率,安森美又5v电源供电,0-50MHz的产品吗? 
[答:T_K_Man] I have problem to understand your question.Are you looking for high switching frequency converters ?Can you ask your question again ?  [2002-11-12 11:50:45]
[问:lich97] 请问怎样降低液晶屏幕的能耗? 
[答:Manson_Chan] This relates to LCD driver IC and the supply DC-DC controllers (if any).  ON does not have LCD driver, but we have high efficiency DC-DC converters, e.g., NCP1410 (92% efficiency).  [2002-11-12 11:51:51]
[答:单词翻译] LCD driver:LCD驱动器  
[问:ybzh] 请问安森美有50~240V输入的产品吗? 
[答:Manson_Chan] It depends on system design.  [2002-11-12 11:54:24]
[问:hchci] 如果有遥控电路要工作 你们的IC提供多大的电流 5V的 还有现在功耗还能降到多个,对于电源自身工耗 谢谢! 
[答:Tony_Chen] That depend on your 5V current under standby, usually, if IR remote system, the current of MCU and IR sensor would use from 10mA to 30mA, any of ours IC could provide this.But if yours circuit is RF remotor and many of other processor could not entry standby e.g. 300mA, that would be impossible to entering 1W standby power.A reasonable assumption is output power divided by 3 or 2 is the limitation of your SMPS standby power.  [2002-11-12 11:56:56]
[答:单词翻译] IR remote system:红外遥控系统 MCU :微处理器IR sensor :红外传感器RF remotor :射频遥控器  
[问: YOUWEN818] 你们的电源管理IC为什么没有过电压保护,同时过流保护和短路保护时会哒哒的响,建议STAND-BT进入NORMAL时,分段开启!有这方面的IC吗? 
[答:Hector_Ng] Some of the devices have over voltage protection, eg. NCP1209.  Users can add some external components to achieve OVP for those ICs that do not have such built-in function.  During overload or short circuit, it is already under fault condition, we think it is OK to have some audible noise.  We are going to have some devices that goes into latched mode if overload is triggered.  Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.  [2002-11-12 11:57:41]
[答:单词翻译] over voltage protection(OVP):过电流保护built-in:内建 functionoverload :过载short circuit:短路fault condition:故障状态audible noise:听得见的噪声latched mode :闭锁模式  
[问:yudi] 开关频率对降低损耗有多大影响?除降低开关频率外,可有其它措施? 
[答:Manson_Chan] Refer to page 3.  You can see frequency plays a role.  There are still other means to reduce power, even the current flowing through opto coupler can affect standby power.  [2002-11-12 11:57:52]
[问:qin] 采用准谐振,对电源的参数有何影响比如波纹系数等? 
[答: Hector_Ng] No.  Except that start up capability for quasi-resonant is not as good as fixed frequency mode.  In addition, during short circuit, power under controlled will be different at high line and low line condition.  [2002-11-12 12:00:10]
[答:单词翻译] fixed frequency mode:固定频率模式  
[问:] 目前有哪些品牌产品是使用了您公司节能芯片的?
[答:] 如索尼、HP 惠普、微软 、海尔、TCL…
[问:] 在芯片设计中,如何将台式设备的芯片能耗降低?<br> 芯片的能耗由什么来主导?
[答:] There is no general answer. However we squeeze every single uA of consumption in the IC to achieve such a low overall consumption.
[问:] 贵司在深圳有代理商吗?怎样和你们联系
[答:] Yes, we do. Follow this link to see the full list,,1180,sales2-1,00.html
[问:] 绛低待机能耗需注意哪几方面?
[答:] Please refer to page 3 of the seminar. Key losses come from 电容损耗,偏压网络,控制器电流,栅极电荷,启动网络
[问:] In the same output power, which disspation is more input 100 Vdc or 360 Vdc? thanks.
[答:] Normally,higher dissipation at 360Vdc.
[问:] 贵公司提供应用于半导体激光电源上的器件和应用电路吗?
[答:] Not available
[问:] 电源设计中,DC\DC,LDO及开关电源等一般分别用在什么场合。选择的原则是什么呢?
[答:] Generally speaking switching power supply and dc/dc converters are used in applications require high efficiency, while LDO can be used when low output ripple and noise are required.
[问:] 怎样降你DSP的功耗?
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 我想了解该方面最新的理论和技术
[答:] The key theory and technique were discussed in the seminar.
[问:] 请问安森美有一路电压输入,两路电压输出的吗?
[答:] Multiple output converters can be implemented easily with flyback converters using NCP1200 or NCP1203. You can add addition windings on the secondary side to achieve this.
[问:] 待机能耗降到多少为最佳状态
[答:] There is no general answer. Currently most people are talking about <=1W, but some countries are talking about even lower power particularly for ac-dc adaptors.
[问:] 能否举一个实施例
[答:] Example in page 10 ahcieves well below 0.1W standby.
[问:] 请述待机能耗的基本定义;看机械开关和电子开关的耗电区别。
[答:] As disussed on page 2 of the seminar, standby is defined as the consumption at no-load or at sleep mode. If an appliance is switched off by a mechanical switch, then no loss. Electronic switch will consume very little power even at off state from leakage.
[问:] 你能介紹一下節電原理及其控制方式?
[答:] As discussed in the seminar, power saving at standby can be achieved either by lowering switching frequency or pulse-skipping.
[问:] 坐谈信息可否下载保存.若可以,如何保存?
[答:] I am afraid not, but you can access the presentation any time you prefer, at home or at work.
[问:] 安森美产品的报价在哪个网站上可以找到?
[答:] Please contact our distributors in your nearest city. Address and phone number can be found in the link below,,1180,sales2-1,00.html
[问:] 有没有电源控制,WATCHDOG,复位电路集成在一起的产品?
[答:] There is no such IC available.
[问:] 在那里可以得到产品报价?
[答:] Please contact our distributors in your nearest city. Address and phone number can be found in the link below,,1180,sales2-1,00.html
[问:] 在那里可以零售购买安森美的器件?
[答:] Please contact our distributors in your nearest city. Address and phone number can be found in the link below,,1180,sales2-1,00.html
[问:] 对于手机来说能否解决待机耗电问题?
[答:] The topic discussed limits to ac-dc converters. Other techniques are required for cell phones.
[问:] 请问有在手机中使用的节能产品么?是什么?
[答:] We have products for cellphone applications. Please go to,1684,power,00.html and click "ASSP Wireless & Portable ICs"
[问:] 有没有关于电子镇流器的?
[答:] I am sorry we don't have products for ballast.
[问:] NCP1200和NCP1050电源管理器件的特点有哪些?
[答:] Both devices use the VHV process. NCP1200 is a PWM controller and NCP1050 is an integrated IC with MOSFET built into it.
[问:] 待机能耗已占民用电力消耗的多少,约占总发电量的多少?
[答:] Standby power accounts for 3%-13% of OECD civilian electricity consumption
[问:] 贵公司在降低待机能耗的方法和取得的成果有哪些?及其在什么行业产品上使用?
[答:] The key achievement is to lower the standby consumption using our special IC process and technique with a comparable cost to traditional higher consumption solution at a system level. The IC's can be used in a wide range of applicaitons such as ac-dc adaptors, DVD power supplies, TV's, and many more...
[问:] 随着家用电器视听产品和自动化办公设备的广泛应用,具有待机功能的产品社会保有量也是在日益剧增,那么待机能耗的迅速增长和我们的生活有什么关系呢?
[答:] Standby power is a main source of energy waste, in turn, creates more CO2 polution. CO2 gas causes the green house effect and raises global temperature.
[问:] 我们应该怎样对待待机能耗呢?
[答:] To lower it as much as possible. It is everybody's responsibitlity.
[问:] 在国际上,待机能耗已经引起世界各国的广泛关注,许多国家和国际组织纷纷开展行动以降低待机能耗,请问我国都有什么行动?
[答:] CECP in China already started a campagin to lower TV standby. More will come soon.
[问:] 安森美的芯片是采用什么方式来降低待机功耗?
[答:] Various measures are implemented, more details can be found in the seminar.
[问:] 贵公司的解决方案成本如何?可有相关DEMO介绍?希望能在座谈时听到
[答:] We have demo circuit for adaptor, DVD players, TV, cellphone chargers, VF airconditioners
[问:] 我想知道,对手持的使用电池的电子设备,可有相关的节能待机解决方案介绍? 如果可以请邮寄给我相关资料,谢谢!
[答:] We have products for cellphone applications. Please go to,1684,power,00.html and click "ASSP Wireless & Portable ICs"
[问:] 使用待机变压器的情况下,一般的电视均可以达到待机能耗 3W 以下, 这是否满足低能耗和环保要求呢?
[答:] It can meet CECP's requirement for the moment. However European countries are pressing for 1W already.
[问:] 请问你们的产品都适应于多大功率的产品
[答:] For the products mentioned in the seminar, they can handled up to a few hundred watts. And ON Semi. has other products which can handle >1000 watts.
[问:] 低功耗(电池供电,uA级)器件问题;电磁兼容问题;价格及供货问题
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 贵司产品市场所站分额大概多少?
[答:] We don't have the statistic.
[问:] 如何能得到蕊片和技术支持?
[答:] Please contact our distributors in your nearest city. Address and phone number can be found in the link below,,1180,sales2-1,00.html
[问:] 有适用输入60Vac蕊片?30-50W
[答:] In fact, most of our IC's can handle that. It is a matter of system design.
[问:] SDRAM的powerdown状态下是否具有三态功能?
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 现在总线器件一般都具有三态功能,但是这种技术是如何实现的?有的芯片声称可以实现三态,但是实际上在某些情况下是不行的,为什么? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SDRAM是否有这种问题?
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 利用市电网络进行通讯(深圳市第四届高交会已有公司展出),但目前为止,具我所知没有任何标准,请问该项目发展前景、以及如何看待此产品?
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 请问你们的节能产品哪些可以在打印机中使用?
[答:] Yes, of course.
[问:] 在单片机应用产品中,微能耗软关机如何实现?软开机的稳定性如何实现?
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 如何考虑热插拔因素
[答:] It is a rather complex consideration. Not relevent to the topic discussed.
[问:] 我考虑的功耗问题:1、降低负载;2、降低工作电压(3.3V);3、解决电池的容量问题;4、软件的待机功耗优化设计
[答:] Not fully understand the need. More details required.
[问:] NCP1200有几种封装形式?
[答:] There are 2 packages, PDIP 8 and SOIC 8.
[问:] 请问:国际上对待机功耗芯片的标准是否出台?若出台是什么?
[答:] There is no standards/recommedations for IC, but for end products, e.g., computer monitor, TV, ac-dc adaptors, etc. These standards/recommendations come from IEA, US President's Executive Order, CECP, etc.
[问:] 请问:我昨天提出关于高温仪器的待机功耗问题,不知安森美怎样解决?
[答:] Currently our products focus at consumer products and general industrial applications. But we don't have millitary grade IC.
[问:] 在含有热敏打印机的手持设备中(瞬间5-8A),请问应选择如何容量的电池,并推荐相关参数
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 我们公司正在开发的手持设备中用到了GSM模块,请问贵公司有没有相关GSM模块的电源管理芯片,可以尽量降低其功耗?可否提供相关的解决方案,谢谢!
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 降低待机能耗,目前国外的主要方法是什么呢,它的主要着眼点是那方面呢??谢谢您给我这个机会提问。
[答:] ON Semiconductor is a key supplier for low standby products and a lot of companies use our products directly or indirectly to achieve low standby. Alternative solution include using 2 separate power supplies, i.e., a smaller one for standby and shut down the big one, but it incurs much higher cost and it may not be implemented in some applications, e.g., in adaptors.
[问:] LED驱动器NLSF595,待机状态下,NLSF595功耗情况如何?工作温度范围多大?
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 一般现在的PDA的“关机”过程是怎么样的?是彻底切断主电源靠后备电源维持RAM中的信息,还是其他方式?其过程能否讲得具体一点,多谢!
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 考虑降低待机功耗,应该要怎么样设计我们的电源?
[答:] Please refer to page 3 of the seminar. Key losses come from 电容损耗,偏压网络,控制器电流,栅极电荷,启动网络, so power supply designer should pay attention to each of the items carefully to minimize the standby losses.
[问:] 如何整体考虑降低变频控制器的损耗?即设计控制器时应首先考虑哪些因素?谢谢
[答:] A key proportion of losses come from switching loss. The switching frequency in a variable freq. design increases when load decreases which causes higher switching loss. It is not easy to lower down switching frequency in a simple circuit like RCC or traditional QR circuit. However NCP1205 implements a specail design which can lower switching frequency when load becomes small to lower switching loss.
[问:] 这种技术能否用到手机上,从而大大提高待机时间呢?
[答:] Cellphone handset uses different approach.
[问:] 贵公司的产品目前应用的范围?
[答:] ON Semiconductor's IC's are being used in a wide range of applications, e.g., TV, DVD players, ac-dc adaptors for LCD monitor, notebook computer, game console, printer, and many more...
[问:] 目前的技术是否成熟?有认证吗?
[答:] It is a mature technology and being used in a wide range of products. The end products can be qualified in all relevant agencies at a system level.
[问:] 请解释一下待机能耗技术?
[答:] Please refer to the seminar.
[问:] 安森美公司对这个产品有什么优势所在?主要竞争对手是谁?
[答:] ON Semiconductor has the advantage of achieving high conversion efficiency and very low standby power at the same time. There is no direct compatible parts in the market yet.
[问:] 请问具体的能降低多少待机能耗,有没有一个定量的比例值
[答:] There is no clear ratio. Generally speaking, the higher the output power, the higher the standby consumption.
[问:] 对于不同国家的电网,您们的产品都能稳定运行吗?
[答:] Not problem at all.
[问:] 贵公司芯片的抗干扰措施如何?例如,对于高频电磁场的激励源,是否会影响贵公司芯片的工作稳定性?
[答:] We have not heard any incident related to this kind of issue.
[问:] 请问:对于心脏起搏器的起搏脉冲发生器内的电池功耗减小问题,您们有相应的产品吗?
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 在测量待机能耗方面,请推荐有较高电流精度的功率表产品
[答:] We are not at the right position to recommend wattmeter. The most important is the have a high resolution and best with a KWH function. Standby can be calculated by measuring KWH in one hour.
[问:] 请问一下什么是待机能耗呢?
[答:] As disussed on page 2 of the seminar, standby is defined as the consumption at no-load or at sleep mode.
[问:] 请问新的器件的成本方面有什么讲究。
[答:] Other than ON's IC, the other components are just the same as the traditional approach.
[问:] 通过高电压技术降低待机能耗对人体是否有危害,是否环保?
[答:] The high voltage exists naturally in switch-mode power supply and not generated by ON's IC. ON's high voltage process can withstand high voltage in the application and become more efficient, thus saving power and environmental friendly.
[问:] 目前贵公司的产品主要用于哪些产品? 是否应用于消费类家电?
[答:] ON Semiconductor's IC's are being used in a wide range of applications, e.g., TV, DVD players, ac-dc adaptors for LCD monitor, notebook computer, game console, printer, and many more... Of course, it can be used in home appliances. For example, the NCP1200 is being used in VF airconditioners.
[问:] 1.是否可以解决300公里范围内(包括空中)的移动载体上的无线数据传递问题? 2.国内有GPS-ONE芯片供应吗? 3.寻找GPS+BEACON二合一天线?以及GPS数据存储解决方案? 4.我们隶属于泰雷兹集团,即原汤姆逊-CSF,我们公司为其全资子公司,主要研究开发生产和销售GPS/GNSS卫星定位产品和技术。希望与会人可以提出您的相关问题,我可以予以解答!
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] 你好,NCP1205采用何种封装,如何才能得到样片?谢谢!
[答:] There are 3 packages available, PDIP 8, PDIP 14 and SOIC 16. Please contact our distributors nearest to you.
[问:] 安森美半导体是否会赞助中国举办的2008年北京奥运会?
[答:] 因为我们不是消费类产品的厂商,故不打算赞助2008奥运会
[问:] 安森美是否准备以服务赢得顾客??又如何以服务赢得顾客?
[答:] Customer service is a key focus to win customers' decision to use our IC's. We have a good coverage by our sales force, plus good technical support through our own FAE's and distributors' support.
[问:] 如何降低空载省耗?
[答:] Please refer to the seminar.
[问:] 待机能耗有国际标准吗?
[答:] Common standards/recommendations come from China's CECP, IEA, IEC, EU, US President's Executive Order, EPA's Energy Star, etc.
[问:] 待机时,功耗主要是消耗在哪里
[答:] Please refer to page 3 of the seminar. Key losses come from 电容损耗,偏压网络,控制器电流,栅极电荷,启动网络
[问:] 贵公司的产品价格如何?
[答:] Please contact our distributors in your nearest city. Address and phone number can be found in the link below,,1180,sales2-1,00.html
[问:] 单片机的待机功耗问题怎么解决?还有就是一般单片机的电源输入都是很成规的样子 您有什么方式可以改变么?减少它的功耗呢? 如果谁有好的方法希望能给我提供. 我的邮箱是
[答:] Not relevent to the topic discussed
[问:] hecto能否把ON的电源设计资料刻一个光盘给我!谢谢!TCL朱佑文
[答:] We will continuously send you information about our SMPS solutions.
[问:] 待机能耗小于0。75W,小于1W或小于3W的执行标准是什么?绿色电源的定义是什么,同时有没有特定的要求?
[答:] Different standard has different definition of green power supply. Examples are : IEA recommendes that all 50-70W adapter should consume less than 0.75W at no load; Energy star recommendes that all TV should consume less than 3W at standby mode.
[问:] 电源在启动时电流突然上升很快,造成变压器保和,请问可能引起的原因有哪些?
[答:] The cause and result of the senstence should be reversed. Due to transformer saturation, primary peak current rise rapidly. In many cases, this is caused by improper transformer design.
[问:] 降低待机能耗的基本方法有哪几个方向?
[答:] There are many different working schemes to reduce standby power such as pulse skipping, reducing switching frequency, burst mode etc. All of them has one common goal in mind, that is to reduce the number of switching cycles to save power.
[问:] 在AC输入端串接的一个10欧姆电阻是起什么作用的?
[答:] This is to reduce in rush current during power up.
[问:] 使用IGBT时如何注意功耗问题
[答:] Using IGBT does not help in efficiency unless your application is very high wattage.
[问:] 该芯片与同步整流电路如何配合?
[答:] You have to add external circuit to realize syn rect circuit.
[问:] 在开关电源电路中,高频变压器的作用是怎样的?为了降低待机能耗,在选用变压器方面应注意哪些问题?多层印刷工艺(Multilayer)制作的表装变压器有无用武之地?
[答:] For AC to DC, the major function of transformer is isolation for safty and transfer high voltage to lower one which you want. The coupling of windings is important for either of Normal mode and standby mode. Some of SMT transformer is expensive for AC to DC, and the max. height of whole SMPS might comes from bulk capacitor , heatsink...
[问:] 何谓硬开关和软开关?是否指开关电源中时钟的上升沿和下降沿的长短?我们一般都用准方波。
[答:] Soft and hard switching are the condition at which the power device is turned on. In fix freq. PWM, the power device is turned on regardless of the voltage across the power device, i.e., hard-switching, and the waveform is a square-wave. In soft-switching control scheme, the PWM IC chooses the best condition to turn on the IC, usually at the lowest voltage across the device to make loss minimum, thus lowest switching loss and less EMI.
[问:] 请详细介绍准谐振的含义。如何才能获得准谐振?
[答:] Quasi-resonant mode operation is to generate a voltage across the power device (e.g. MOSFET) through a LC resonant circuit, and switch on the device at the minimum voltage, best at zero volt. The controller must has the ability to detect the energy has been completely transferred to secondary side of transformer and the voltage across power device is a minimum. The minimum voltage condition can be achieved by the tuned LC components (both parasitic and artificial) to form a resonant circuit across the power device.
[问:] 设计电路,最主要的待机考虑是什么
[答:] Loading under standby, input voltage range, single or multi-output under standby, signal to SMPS, cost…
安森美 (onsemi, 纳斯达克股票代码: ON)一直在推动颠覆性创新的路上孜孜以求,努力打造更美好的未来。公司专注于汽车和工业终端市场,目前正加速变革,拥抱大趋势的转变,包括汽车电汽化和汽车安全、可持续能源网、工业自动化以及5G和云基础设施等。安森美的智能电源和感知技术,以高度差异化的创新产品组合,解决世界上最复杂的挑战和难题,引领创建一个更加安全、清洁、智能的世界。安森美拥有灵敏、可靠的供应链和品质项目,及强大的环境、社会、治理(ESG)计划。公司总部位于美国亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔,其全球业务网络包括覆盖各大主要市场的制造厂、 销售办事处及设计中心。